
Zoopsia is a visual hallucination associated with the appearance of images of animals. Zoopsia can be observed in any disease accompanied by the development of hallucinations, but it is most typical for delirium tremens.

With zoopsy, a person sees various animals that are not actually nearby. These can be both realistic and fantastic images. For example, the patient may see cats, dogs, snakes, spiders or other animals in the room or near him. Sometimes hallucinations are more unusual in nature - a person may see winged horses, dragons and other imaginary creatures.

The causes of zoopsy can be very different. Most often, zoopsia occurs with alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens), schizophrenia, epilepsy, and febrile conditions. Less common causes are brain tumors, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and infections. Zoopsia can also develop when taking certain psychoactive substances.

Hallucinations of animals usually cause great fear and anxiety in a person. To get rid of zoopsy, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused this symptom.

Zoopsia is a condition where a person experiences visual hallucinations of animals or human-like creatures. This phenomenon can occur both in mental illness and in certain physiological conditions. In this article we will look at what zoopsia is, what diseases it can cause, and how to deal with this condition.

Zoopsia: definition and symptoms

Zoopsia is the ability to perceive images of animals in hallucinations. It can manifest itself both visually and tactile-vibrator. A person experiences zoopsy with the following diseases: - Delirium tremens; - Oncological diseases;

Characteristic signs of hallucinatory images: - Accumulate in a person’s peripheral vision; - Appear to him for a short time, quickly disappearing; - Often replace each other (one object is replaced by another); - The images are varied in shape and texture, against the background of the prevailing