Depth vision

Vision is the ability to see and recognize objects in the environment. However, there is a special type of vision called “depth vision”. It is characterized by the ability to distinguish between the relative and absolute distance of observed objects, which allows us to perceive the three-dimensional space around us.

Depth vision is an essential skill for many jobs that involve working at a distance or using tools. For example, pilots and machine operators must be able to accurately judge the distance to objects to avoid collisions or damage to equipment. Also, depth vision is important for artists, architects and designers who use it to create three-dimensional images and model three-dimensional objects.

One of the main factors influencing depth vision is experience. The more a person uses their eyes to observe the world, the better they can discern distances between objects. Additionally, training and exercises can help improve depth vision. For example, you can use special exercises to train your eyes to focus on objects at different distances.

It is also important to consider the environment and lighting conditions when working with depth vision. Bright light or lack of lighting can make it difficult to judge distances between objects. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right lighting and use glasses or contact lenses to correct vision if necessary.

In conclusion, depth vision is an important skill that helps us perceive and work with the world around us. Training and experience can help improve this ability, and proper lighting and vision correction can help with depth vision in a variety of professions and fields.

Introduction Depth vision - Z., in the context of human perception of the depth of space. The object of cognition is a person’s ability to discern depth in the spaces surrounding him. The subject of cognition is visual mechanisms, due to which a person can perceive the depth around him (image formula: Thing/Object - World"). As a target setting in the article, we will define: to describe how the deep vision mechanism works to distinguish between the true and imaginary depth values. Research methods - theoretical analysis of literature on this topic. The purpose of the article is to identify visual phenomena that influence the perception of depth in space and to be able to recognize them. The work will also reveal the features and constitutive features of such observation mechanisms in psychology.

Contents Horizontal movement is usually not hampered by the fact that there may be some objects there. However, moving around space, a person notices that he divides the surrounding space into two “worlds”: to the right and left of him there is a closer space, in front and behind him there is a more distant space. This discovery describes the first level of formation of deep vision - kinesthetic. It is very interesting that here at the deep level of vision there are no simple reactions to the visible plane. For example,