Visual Line

The visual line is an imaginary line passing through the center of the eyeball and the center of the retina. It is the starting point for focusing vision and determines where we see objects.

The visual line plays an important role in the process of vision. When we look at an object, our eye automatically adjusts its focus to this line. This allows us to see crisp and clear images.

However, if the visual line is disrupted, it can lead to vision problems. For example, if it deviates from the center of the eye, it can cause nearsightedness or farsightedness.

To maintain the correct visual line, you need to monitor your posture and head position while working at the computer or reading a book. It is also important to take regular breaks and exercises for your eyes to keep them healthy and your vision clear.

The visual line is the straight vertical line that we see in front of us while we read a text. It is located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from the eyes and connects the visual centers of both eyes. The visual line is characterized by the fact that it allows us to keep our gaze on one point in the text without losing orientation in space and without losing concentration.

To maintain normal vision, it is necessary that the visual line passes through the center of the image and remains within the reader's head. Otherwise, overstrain of the eye muscles and visual system occurs, and visual impairment may occur. If a defect is visible on the book, then this automatically affects the visual line. In addition, a correctly directed visual line develops the brain, since thinking is assigned to the direction of gaze.

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