Invaginated tooth (Dens Mvaginalus)

An invaginated tooth, also called a folded tooth, is a typical abnormal dental condition that occurs when the bone layer of a tooth forms abnormally. This causes the tooth to become irregularly shaped and may appear misshapen. This change in tooth shape is caused by the presence of an extra top layer in the crown of the tooth or tooth

An invaginated tooth (dentes mvaginalis; Latin “invaginatus” - folded) is a kind of congenital change in the shape of a tooth that occurs during human development. This condition is considered one of the most serious defects in dental development.

Usually, for some reason, a process such as hyperplasia of primary teeth begins to develop. The consequence of this process is that the tooth is not positioned correctly within the jaw, resulting in a “creased” appearance. Sometimes intussusception occurs so severely that it is accompanied by impaired movement of the lower jaw. If a tooth is formed incorrectly, this can cause serious problems in the formation of the jaw and speech in general.

Hyperplasia is also chronic, which means it does not develop on its own. It is influenced by various factors, such as abnormalities of teeth and bite in adults or heredity. The teeth that are most affected are those that begin to form in the fetus. Also, it should be noted that intussusception can be provoked by injuries to the oral cavity. All this shapes