Supragingival Calculus

Tartar above the gum

Description Tartar is a common problem in dentistry, and supragingival calculus (or calculus) is one of the most common types. This tartar forms on the inner surface of the gums, behind the upper or lower teeth line, and can lead to a variety of oral and dental health problems. Dental plaque is not only a cosmetic defect, but can also lead to bacterial infection, tooth decay, gum inflammation, and also affect oral hygiene. In this article we will look at the causes of plaque formation, their impact on the health of teeth and gums, as well as methods for the prevention and treatment of supragingival tartar.

Causes of Tartar Formation There are many factors that contribute to the formation of tartar, such as improper use of a toothbrush, poor oral hygiene, insufficient frequency of dental hygiene appointments at the dentist, smoking, etc. Supragingival deposits are made up of food debris, saliva debris, plaque and bacteria that adhere together and harden onto the surface of the tooth. Because of these reasons, tartar can form even when using a good toothbrush and the right brush.