Itching Skin

Often itchy skin becomes the first symptom of a pathological process in the human body. This is one of the common reasons why patients who complain of severe and unbearable skin itching go to the skin and venous dispensary. Itchy skin is a symptom of various diseases of the body, but in 60% of cases its appearance is not a sign of a specific disease. At the initial visit, the doctor conducts an examination, collects the patient’s medical history, for which he finds out when the symptoms began to appear, whether they are rapidly intensifying (if so, under what conditions), whether any treatment has affected the body, whether there are similar symptoms in the family other people, how their eating habits have changed, etc.

The following are the causes of cutaneous itching. Usually the skin disease is quite serious. It usually appears along with a rash, a violation of the integrity of the skin

**Itchy skin** This is a pathological condition of the skin, manifested in the form of a strong desire to scratch due to itchy skin, which is the result of irritation of the nerve endings in the epidermis. Itching does not cause pain, but due to scratching and friction, the skin at the site of irritation begins to ache, bruises and dilated capillaries appear due to the increased fragility of small vessels. Urticaria-type rashes may be accompanied by general malaise, headache, fever, or the presence of a local painful node under the skin. Any skin irritation can cause a skin rash; itching can be a manifestation of a variety of skin diseases, most often infectious. It happens: 1. Permanent