Vertebral torsion

Spinal torsion is a medical term used to describe the abnormal rotation of a vertebra around its axis. This condition can be caused by a variety of reasons, including injury, tumors, infections, and other diseases.

Symptoms of vertebral torsion may include back, neck or sternum pain, limited mobility, numbness or tingling in the arms and legs, and headaches. Treatment depends on the cause of the torsion and may include conservative methods such as physical therapy, massage, positioning and stretching, or surgery. If you have an acute injury or severe damage to your back muscles, it is recommended to avoid activities that may lead to repeated pain, such as sports.

Spinal torsion can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common is careless movement (such as turning on soft ground). This can also be caused by severe fright, a strong blow, or a fall from a height. In some cases, the cause is disc destruction and a change in the position of the vertebra. An inflammatory process of bone tissue may begin, the vertebra is deformed so that its surfaces begin to block blood vessels. Stagnation of blood in the vessels feeding it causes a malnutrition of the vertebra, muscle weakness develops, the nerve begins to experience tension, and shooting pains appear. Sometimes a milder pain syndrome is observed, but this in any case leads to limitation of movements in the lumbar region.

At the end of the 20th century, Dr. Schneider and the Exo company developed an experimental treatment method, the goal of which was to rid people of this problem. Later, the technique was refined by specialists from the Canadian doctor Van Creveld. He added a modern implant, which he called EMBRYO. This endoprosthesis is made of special ceramics, to which a steel shell is attached, which gives strength. The implant itself is similar in structure to a fetus - all parts are connected using bone glue. The results of the application were quite successful, that is, patients got rid of their disease, pain and painful symptoms. But many noted that when changing their physical position (laying down, etc.), they experienced difficulties in movement, and orthopedic problems arose with curvature of the spine. And recently there was a message about the need to return with medical titanium, powered by magnets.

Contraindications to this treatment are possible if there are various diseases (hypocollagenelgia, various forms of arthritis, injuries), as well as with the development of a cancerous tumor. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before undergoing surgery.

Today, an orthopedist-traumatologist is one of the most sought-after specialists in the world. This is due to the fact that almost everyone suffers from problems with the spine, and even among very young people such problems are no longer rare, but rather inevitable. Spinal diseases can appear for various reasons, but it is very important to know all the symptoms of these diseases and take timely measures. One of the most common diseases of the spine is torsion, or scoliosis. This disease, which begins only at a young age, progresses quickly and inexorably. If it progresses, urgent treatment is necessary.

Torsion is also characterized by a curvature of the spine, which is why it is commonly called scoliosis. Adolescents are often diagnosed with an idiopathic form of the disease, in which the cause of the disease cannot be determined. However, with a detailed examination of the skeleton, it will not be possible to find deviations as such. It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and find the cause of the curvature in the spinal cord. In any case, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Symptoms of torsion Curvature of the spine can appear at any age; boys are most often affected, especially physically developed ones, who strive to follow fashion trends, constantly changing their hairstyles. Curvature is a deformation of the spine that occurs in approximately 3% of adolescents. If the problem is not resolved in a timely manner, this figure will triple. With torsion, the spine gradually becomes deformed due to the weakness of the muscles that hold it. The deformity is accompanied by pain, numbness of the limbs, pain in the arms and legs, migraines, but more often problems arise with the child’s psychological state due to dissatisfaction with appearance and dissatisfaction with oneself. Symptoms of torsion:

- back pain; - weakness in the limbs; - nervous disorders; - diffidence. Untimely treatment can lead to loss of sensation in the legs and complete paralysis of the body. Unbearable pain intensifies when coughing, sneezing, laughing. With severe curvature, the appearance also changes, and the person’s appearance suffers. As scoliosis progresses, it begins to compress the blood vessels, causing considerable damage to the health of the person experiencing discomfort. The disease is incurable, but with timely prevention, the deterioration of the patient’s condition can be prevented. And to correct the treatment, adjustments and regular monitoring by medical professionals are necessary.

Torsion of the spinal column is a change in the direction of each individual diametrical physiological bend of the human spine. The spine is one of the most important organs of the human body as it plays a major role in the functioning of almost all other systems. Torsion, which is the twisting of the spine, is characterized as an anomaly in its functioning, that is, a person is unable to maintain his upright posture without assistance.

Types of spinal torsion

Torsion can have several varieties, namely:

- Torsion to the right or left along the axis; - Rotation in the posterior semicircle on the right or left shoulder; - Rotations of the body around the main axis on the right or left side; - Twisting on both sides of the hips. In some cases, one type of curvature is observed, but sometimes several types are combined at once. Typically, right turns can