Milk Ionic

Ionite milk is a milk mixture that is made by treating cow's milk with ion exchange resins. In this case, part of the calcium ions is replaced by potassium ions. This improves the absorption of calcium and other nutrients, and reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Ionic milk is widely used as an alternative to breast milk for artificial feeding of infants. It can also be used to supplement feeding of children who suffer from malnutrition or dyspepsia.

One of the main advantages of Ionite milk is its high nutritional value. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals required for the growth and development of the child. In addition, Ionite milk does not contain lactose, which makes it ideal for children with lactose intolerance.

However, like any other food, Ionite milk has its drawbacks. Some children may experience allergic reactions to the ion exchange resins used to process milk. In addition, Ionite milk can be more expensive than other types of milk formulas.

In general, Ionite milk is a useful product for artificial feeding of children. It helps provide the child with all the necessary nutrients and reduces the risk of developing various diseases. However, before using Ionite milk, you should consult your pediatrician to make sure it is suitable for your baby.

Ion milk is a milk mixture produced by ion-exchange processing of cow's dairy products. This technology is based on replacing part of the calcium carbonate cations from cow's raw milk with potassium albuminate (potassium dihydrogen phosphate). Then calcium carbonate cation is added, which eliminates side effects, such as taste disturbances. This formula is intended for infant nutrition, but it is also used as a bottle-feeding product for adults as a primary source of nutrition for people undergoing treatment or therapy to prevent kidney disease. This mixture can also be used to feed the sick and elderly. In Europe, lysine ionite milk is already actively used to treat kidneys and remove toxins from the human body, and in Ukraine and Russia it is just beginning to be used for medicinal purposes. Below we will look at how ionite-lysinized milk works with the human body. The process of using ionitinolysine milk is very simple. It is simply poured into a container (preferably a polypropylene bottle or small bottle) and given to the person to drink according to the schedule within