Cerebellar Tent Nucleus

The cerebellar tent nucleus is one of the important structures of the human brain. This term comes from the name of one of the cerebellar hemispheres (the left hemisphere), which is surrounded by a nucleus, so the name sounds as if the hemispheres form a tent in the median plane.


The cerebellar hemisphere nucleus is a relatively small area of ​​cerebellar tissue located in the medial part of the hemisphere. The function of the hemispheric nucleus is to regulate the functions of the cerebellum and integrate information received from all parts of the brain. This part of the organ is responsible for the coordination of movements, that is, it communicates with each other by the brain and skin sensations. When we move, we feel the weight on one leg, and plan to lower ourselves under the second. This is necessary in order to adjust in time to the uneven surfaces on which your feet will step, that is, to regulate the space.

It is worth noting that the cerebellum controls coordination through