Itching of the Vulva

Itching of the vulva: causes, symptoms and treatments

Vulvar itching, or vulvar pruritus, is a common problem that can affect women of any age. However, research shows that it most often occurs in women during pre- and postmenopausal periods. Symptoms of vulvar itching can be unbearable and can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. In this article we will look at the causes of vulvar itching, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of vulvar itching

Itching of the vulva can be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from allergic reactions to infections. Essential vulvar itching, which is mentioned in the description, may be associated with leukoplakia, changes in the tissues of the vulva that may precede the development of vulvar cancer. However, this is not the only cause of vulvar itching. Here are some other possible reasons:

  1. Excessive dryness of the vulva, which can be caused by a decrease in estrogen levels in the body, as well as the use of soap or other hygiene products that can irritate the skin.
  2. Infections such as fungal, bacterial or viral infections that can cause itching, irritation and discomfort in the vulva area.
  3. Allergic reactions to clothing fabrics, soap or other hygiene products used in the vulva area.
  4. Nervous disorders such as anxiety and depression, which can affect skin health and cause itching in various parts of the body, including the vulva.

Symptoms of vulvar itching

The main symptom of vulvar itching is an unpleasant sensation of itching and burning in the vulva area. However, women may also have other symptoms, such as:

  1. Irritation and redness of the skin in the vulva area.
  2. Pain or discomfort during intercourse or urination.
  3. Vaginal discharge, which may be accompanied by odor and itching.

Methods for treating vulvar itching

Treatment for vulvar itching depends on the cause. If the itching is caused by an infection, the woman may be prescribed antibiotics or antifungal medications. If the cause of the itching is an allergic reaction, then the woman may be referred to an allergist for additional examination and treatment.

Additionally, there are several methods that can be used to relieve vulvar symptoms:

  1. Hygiene measures such as using mild, unscented soaps and avoiding the use of intimate deodorants and sprays.
  2. The use of ointments with novocaine or glucocorticosteroids to reduce itching and inflammation.
  3. The use of ointments and emulsions with estrogens to reduce dryness of the vulva, especially with ovarian hypofunction.
  4. Psychotherapy to treat nervous disorders that may affect skin health and cause vulvar itching.
  5. Using anti-anxiety and sedative medications to reduce stress and anxiety, which may increase vulvar itching.
  6. Novocaine blockade of the pudendal nerves to reduce persistent itching of the vulva.
  7. Ultrasound therapy, acupuncture and exposure to helium-neon laser to improve the trophism of vulvar tissue.

It is important to note that women suffering from vulvar itching should be systematically monitored by a gynecologist and oncologist. It is necessary to conduct an examination using a colposcope and, if indicated, a biopsy. This will allow you to identify and promptly treat problems that may be associated with essential vulvar itch.

In conclusion, vulvar itching can have many causes and can significantly impact a woman's quality of life. If you encounter this problem, contact your gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. There are many treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of vulvar itching and improve your well-being.