Activated charcoal helps with acne

Activated carbon is one of the most proven and popular drugs used for intoxication. Acting as a sorbent, it absorbs toxic substances that poison the body. It is this property that has made this product indispensable not only in medicine, but also in the cosmetology field. Activated charcoal for acne is used for external application (in the form of masks) and oral consumption.

Benefits of activated carbon

Oily skin is almost always accompanied by acne, and regular clogged pores lead to inflammation. Treatment with activated carbon will be optimal for this type of epidermis. Regular use of products based on it leads to the following positive results:

  1. there are fewer sebaceous plugs;
  2. deep contaminants are removed;
  3. black dots disappear;
  4. the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  5. pimples dry out and disappear in a short time;
  6. small wrinkles disappear;
  7. acne marks disappear;
  8. pores are cleaned and narrowed;
  9. dead particles of the surface layer of the epidermis are exfoliated;
  10. inflammatory foci decrease;
  11. the skin looks healthier and more well-groomed, takes on a fresh appearance.

Since the sorbent is of natural origin (consists of burnt wood), it is well suited for use by people with sensitive skin. The components of the drug do not cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Indications for use

There are various causes of acne. To understand how to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to identify the source of the disease. In case of hormonal imbalance or the presence of chronic pathologies leading to the formation of acne, drug treatment prescribed by a doctor is necessary. In such cases, taking the sorbent externally or internally will not be effective.

Activated charcoal can help against acne on the face if the following factors influence their occurrence:

  1. poor nutrition associated with excessive consumption of sweet, fatty foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  2. presence of infection in the body;
  3. poor environmental conditions, increased gas and air pollution. In this case, toxins settle not only on the surface, but also inside the body;
  4. low-quality decorative cosmetics that clog pores and cause irritation.

Before you start taking activated charcoal, you should consult a dermatologist. He will examine the affected areas and prescribe a biochemical blood test to identify the cause of acne.

Features of internal use

Before you start taking this drug, you need to consider the following rules:

  1. the sorbent is prohibited for pregnant women and people suffering from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Use it with caution for constipation.
  3. In addition to toxins, the product is also capable of removing beneficial components (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) necessary for the body. To prevent dehydration, you must use the drug in strict accordance with the indicated course. It is recommended to drink enough fluids and take multivitamin complexes.

Admission courses

Activated charcoal only helps against acne if you follow a certain regimen. Let's look at the two most common ones.

Weekly course:

  1. calculate the dosage rate at a time - one tablet per ten kilograms of weight;
  2. drink the calculated dosage in the morning on an empty stomach, combined with plenty of liquid.

Ten-day course:

  1. a couple of hours before meals, take two tablets;
  2. the required regularity is three times a day.

The doctor decides how to take the drug in each specific case. Having familiarized himself with the problem, he selects the most optimal scheme and gives additional recommendations.

There must be breaks between courses, otherwise side effects of the medication may occur.

Features of external use

An acne mask with activated carbon can lead to good results if you follow all the rules for its preparation and application. The following features must also be taken into account:

  1. All components of the mask must be fresh, so you must initially pay attention to the expiration date of the tablets. If it is no longer relevant, the drug cannot be used;
  2. Before applying the finished product, the skin is pre-steamed so that the sorbent penetrates as deeply as possible into the pores. This procedure is needed to cleanse the deep layers of the skin;
  3. The tablet is thoroughly crushed until smooth. It is important that there are no lumps left, the quality of the prepared product depends on this;
  4. the instructions for the drug should be studied for contraindications and possible side effects;
  5. To prevent your face from acquiring a grayish tint, the product must be removed no later than twenty minutes;
  6. Despite the fact that the sorbent itself does not cause allergies, other components included in the mask can cause irritation. Therefore, before applying it to your face, it is better to try its effect on your wrist;
  7. on areas with open wounds, ulcers, scratches and other similar damage, the use of sorbent is prohibited;
  8. At the end of the procedure, the skin needs replenishment, for this it is covered with cream. It is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

Charcoal masks

Activated carbon masks are easy to prepare yourself at home. It won't take much time and will save your budget.

The main task of this sorbent is to absorb toxins and remove impurities from the deep layers of the epidermis. For better effect and additional nutrition, masks are supplemented with other ingredients. These can be herbal decoctions, milk, lemon juice, honey and others. Let's look at some of the most popular and effective recipes.

Coal and water mask

The skin is cleansed and disinfected.

For three sorbent tablets, take a tablespoon of water. The drug is dissolved in liquid, and the resulting slurry is spread directly onto the rash. If they are extensive, then they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the affected integument. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Clay mask

Effective in the fight against blackheads, used for deep cleaning.

You need to purchase white clay at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. One teaspoon of this powder is mixed with a crushed charcoal tablet. Ten milliliters of milk is slightly heated, combined with gelatin (1 tsp) and the resulting powder. Leave for a quarter of an hour until the mixture swells. Then keep on low heat until the components are completely dissolved.

Using a brush, apply to clean facial skin in three layers. After hardening, the mask is removed with your fingers, and the residue is removed with warm water.

Yogurt mask

Treats clogged pores and inflammation without drying out the skin.

Take half a standard jar of natural yogurt (without flavorings). A tablet of activated carbon crushed to a powder form and a teaspoon of lemon juice are added to it. Mix everything well and leave on your face for twenty minutes.

Aloe mask

Helps against acne, blackheads, enlarged pores, removes excess fat.

It is necessary to crush the tablet and add a little aloe juice so that the charcoal is completely saturated with it. Then pour in a couple of tablespoons of water mixed with a pinch of sea salt. The mixture is brought to homogeneity and spread on problem areas, left for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, wash with chamomile decoction.


Suitable for very oily skin, dries well and fights enlarged pores.

Aspirin and activated carbon are ground and combined in equal proportions. Add 1 tsp. gelatin, heat. The warm mixture is spread on the face and held until a film forms. Then it is removed and the skin is treated with lotion and nourishing cream.

If you don’t want or have the opportunity to make masks yourself, you can purchase ready-made cosmetic products in stores or pharmacies.


Svetlana 19 years old:

More than once I have seen reviews about the positive effect of a mask - a film with gelatin and charcoal. I decided to try it for myself. I prepared the mixture according to the recipe, and pre-steamed the skin. It was a little difficult to apply as the product was distributed unevenly. The film formed only in places with a sufficient amount of mask. After removal, the small stains disappeared, but the deep blackheads remained in place.

Irina 20 years old:

Since the age of fourteen, I have been bothered by acne. Facial cleansing and treatment with external products produced results, but not for long. Over time, new ones immediately appeared in place of the old ones in the pustules. The dermatologist prescribed me to drink sorbents and recommended activated charcoal for acne. While taking the drug, the skin noticeably cleared up, but the rashes returned between courses.

Anastasia 19 years old:

Disturbances in the digestive tract have a very negative impact on the skin of the face. The gastroenterologist prescribed complex treatment. Among the designated medications, activated carbon was used as a sorbent. Despite the fact that the therapy was aimed at treating intestinal disease, I also got rid of acne.

Activated charcoal for acne is effective as an additional remedy. Its benefit is to remove toxins and pathogens from the body, as well as to combat toxins and impurities accumulated on the surface of the skin. To ensure that the results from taking the drug or using masks do not disappear, you should switch to proper nutrition and give up bad habits.

Activated carbon is a well-known drug that everyone has taken at least once. This is a sorbent that is often prescribed for foodborne illnesses, intoxications, and poisoning with pesticides. Women have found another area of ​​application for this drug and are actively using activated charcoal for acne.

The benefits of activated carbon for the body

Now there are many new enterosorbents, against which activated carbon looks outdated, but many still prefer this medicine, familiar from childhood. In fact, “black tablets” have high surface activity, are non-toxic, and do not injure mucous membranes. In view of this, the drug is not much inferior to modern analogues in terms of pharmacological effectiveness. The only drawback is the need for high dosage.

The fact that some girls take activated charcoal against acne is explained by the ability of this medication, made from natural carbonaceous raw materials, to absorb and bind various compounds harmful to the body: toxic substances of bacterial and other origin, poisons, heavy metal salts, gases, etc. The ability to remove the listed components, reducing their concentration and preventing them from entering the bloodstream, is determined by its finely porous structure.

Does activated charcoal help with acne?

They take it, but whether activated charcoal really helps with acne is another question. The fact is that the causes of skin rashes are varied, therefore, to get rid of them, various methods and means are used. For example, if the problem is related to hormonal imbalance, then in this case, first of all, it is necessary to prescribe medications to normalize hormone levels.

The skin performs excretory functions, and a large number of toxins and harmful substances found in the body and partially released through the pores cause skin inflammation. In addition, inflammation appears due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts with residues of cosmetics and various impurities mixed with sebum. Therefore, acne disappears after activated carbon, which removes all these substances harmful to the skin. Activated charcoal against acne on the face can help in cases where the appearance of acne is associated with the following factors:

  1. diseases of the digestive system;
  2. the presence of a chronic source of infection in the body;
  3. constant exposure to dusty and polluted air due to living in an environmentally unfavorable area or harmful working conditions;
  4. using a large amount of cosmetics for the skin, low-quality products.

Cleansing the body from acne with activated charcoal

If internal cleansing of the body with activated carbon for acne is carried out, then the drug should be taken in a certain course. It should be remembered that, despite the apparent “harmlessness” of this medicine, its improper use can cause adverse consequences. In view of this, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the course.

Activated charcoal for acne is contraindicated for:

  1. internal bleeding;
  2. ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. hemorrhoids;
  4. tendency to constipation (only in combination with cleansing enemas);
  5. pregnancy.

How to take activated charcoal for acne?

Internally activated carbon for acne should be used wisely for another reason that this drug is able to influence important processes, removing from the body not only harmful substances, but also proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, while taking the drug, eat rationally and maintain a drinking regime. There are two schemes for drinking activated charcoal for acne:

  1. Ten-day course: take two tablets three times a day, 1-2 hours before or after a meal, with a sufficient amount of water.
  2. Seven-day course: take the tablets in the morning on an empty stomach, with plenty of water, at a dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Activated charcoal for face against acne - masks

Activated charcoal can be used for acne by directly applying it to problem skin on the face as part of multi-component masks. The recipes are very simple, do not require a lot of time, are based on available ingredients, so they are suitable for everyone. Any acne mask with activated carbon cleanses the skin of all impurities, preventing inflammatory processes or helping to eliminate them.

Mask – gelatin and activated carbon

If activated charcoal for acne on the face in the form of masks is used for preventive purposes, and there are no acute inflammations on the skin, or to eliminate closed, non-inflamed comedones, it is advisable to steam the skin before the procedure. This can be done over steam or by applying a warm, damp towel to the skin. Here is a recipe for the most effective homemade film mask, which is in no way inferior to expensive store-bought products.

  1. activated carbon – 2 tablets;
  2. gelatin - 1 table. spoon;
  3. water - 1 table. spoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Crush the tablets into powder.
  2. Add dry gelatin.
  3. Dilute the mixture with hot water and mix well.
  4. Apply to problem areas of the face using a cosmetic brush.
  5. Remove the mask after drying (after 10-15 minutes).

Mask – activated carbon and water

The following suggested anti-acne mask with activated carbon is simple in composition and preparation, but gives excellent results. This recipe can be called a “travel version” of a mask, which is convenient to use for cleansing your face while traveling, without the need to search for other components. It is advisable to take mineral water for this mask.

  1. activated carbon – 3 tablets;
  2. water - 1 table. spoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind the preparation to a dusty state.
  2. Dilute with cool water to obtain a paste.
  3. Apply to skin.
  4. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Mask – activated carbon and clay

Another recipe is a mask that combines activated charcoal for acne with another remedy that is effective for this problem - cosmetic clay. You can use any type, but the best option would be kaolin, blue or green. It is better to purchase clay at a pharmacy, which will guarantee the absence of unwanted impurities in it.

  1. activated carbon – 2 tablets;
  2. clay - 1 table. spoon;
  3. water - 1 table. spoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Crush the tablets finely.
  2. Combine with clay.
  3. Dilute the mixture with cool water to a pasty consistency.
  4. Apply to skin.
  5. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Why are intestinal sorbents prescribed, including activated charcoal for acne? There are several reasons for this, and the main one is the direct effect of the drug. But charcoal can be used not only internally, but also in the form of masks.

The benefits of activated carbon for the body

Activated carbon is the most common intestinal sorbent. Its direct function is to collect toxic substances and excess gases in the intestines on its surface, bind them and accelerate elimination from the intestines. A side effect is that not only harmful but also useful substances, for example, medications, are associated, so an interval must be observed between taking them and treatment with charcoal.

Charcoal is an emergency remedy for combating toxins. It helps with food poisoning, flatulence, diarrhea, and to some extent with intestinal infections and irritable bowel syndrome. By adsorbing harmful substances on its surface, it reduces the reaction of the intestinal wall to them. As a result, diarrhea and gas formation stop.

Intestinal sorbent is a symptomatic remedy - it makes you feel better in various pathologies, but is not always able to eliminate their cause (for example, dysbacteriosis or infection). However, it can be taken in courses to alleviate the condition of the intestines, improve its motility, and remove all pathogenic substances.

Does activated charcoal help with acne?

The occurrence of causes is always a complex problem in which a number of causes are involved. One of them is unhealthy diet, toxic products in food, food poisoning. Many unhealthy eating habits cause increased gas formation, putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines. The resulting substances are absorbed into the blood and circulate, causing various negative consequences, including acne on the face.

Toxic substances formed in the intestines disrupt the production of sebum and reduce local immunity, due to which acne forms. To effectively eliminate such phenomena, you need to reconsider your diet and think about treating intestinal diseases, if any. Coal in this scheme is necessary to quickly cope with the consequences of an unhealthy diet, to increase the effectiveness of treatment and topical medications.

Cleansing the body from acne with activated charcoal

Activated charcoal for acne is effective only with an integrated approach, since there are usually many reasons for the formation of acne. You should not expect an immediate effect - the absence of harmful effects does not mean normalization of the skin microflora. The main purpose of charcoal is to quickly eliminate the consequences of poor nutrition, reduce abdominal discomfort and skin problems associated with malnutrition.

How to take activated charcoal for acne?

Against acne, you need not a one-time, but a course of use of the drug. The duration of the course is 6 days, the frequency of administration is 3 times a day, 2 tablets. You should observe an interval of 1.5 hours between meals and other medications and coal. That is, if the patient had breakfast in the morning, then the first charcoal intake should be an hour and a half after breakfast, and you can have lunch 1.5 hours after taking the medicine. The intake of various medications also has to be adjusted to the course of charcoal treatment. If the patient is forced to take pills with a complex schedule, it is advisable for him to postpone cleansing the body to a more convenient time so that the effect of the medications does not decrease due to charcoal intake.

Activated charcoal for face against acne - masks

Coal can be used not only internally, but also in the form masks on the skin. The task of such masks is to cleanse the skin of bacterial toxins and excess secretion of the sebaceous glands. In addition, mechanical cleansing of the skin from exfoliated epidermal cells and removal of dead cells that clog pores and gland ducts are achieved. The effect of such procedures is cleaner and healthier skin with less acne. It is possible to combine external use and oral administration, but in some situations it is necessary.

Mask – gelatin and activated carbon

The effect of this mask is double - it cleanses pores, eliminates pathogenic substances and restores the normal fat layer that covers the skin of the face. This layer performs a number of functions, first of all, it provides hydration to the skin and protects it from harmful effects - peroxidation, excess solar radiation, etc. It is constantly disrupted by water and cleansers, even the mildest, which creates conditions for constant skin damage and the penetration of bacteria.

The mask is prepared as follows:

  1. The coal tablet needs to be crushed, mixed with gelatin (1-2 teaspoons, diluted with milk to a paste;
  2. Place the mixture in the microwave and heat for 15 seconds on maximum;
  3. Cool to such a temperature that it is comfortable to apply to the face;
  4. The finished mask is applied to the face in a thin, even layer;
  5. The product should be washed off after 15-20 minutes with warm water without detergents.

You need to make such a mask every 2-3 days - this will restore the protective layer, reduce the likelihood of acne and speed up the healing of existing ones.

Mask – activated carbon and water

This mask is a homemade scrub for deep cleansing the face. The process of preparing it is extremely simple - you need to crush a charcoal tablet and dissolve it in a glass of warm water. The product is applied to the face after washing and rinsed off with warm water. It is advisable to use a moisturizer after the procedure. The effect is cleansing of pores, removal of desquamated epithelium, elimination of blackheads.

Mask with activated carbon and milk

There are several such masks, their purpose is to cleanse and nourish the skin. The recipe with milk and gelatin has already been given above. Instead of gelatin, you can use a small amount of starch. This mask forms a film on the skin and cleanses it of blackheads and pathogenic influences. Unlike the previous mask with water, after the mask with milk you do not need to use cream - it does an excellent job of nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Mask with activated carbon and spirulina

Spirulina is an algae that has a number of beneficial properties for humans. It can be used as a source of nutrients and a natural antioxidant. Spirulina ointment is mixed with a crushed charcoal tablet and applied to the face. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. The effect of this product is the rapid restoration of the skin, reducing the activity of bacteria and eliminating their toxins.

The product should not get into the eyes or on the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth - this is the most important thing to consider before how to use such a mask. Spirulina has a fairly strong irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes, and if it gets into the nose it causes severe sneezing.

Mask with activated carbon and honey

Honey is a natural cleanser that fights blackheads, excess oiliness or, conversely, dry skin. This mask can only be used to prevent acne - if there is an active inflammatory process on the skin, then honey will become a source of nutrients for bacteria.

To prepare, you will need a charcoal tablet and a tablespoon of honey. The coal is crushed and mixed with honey. Then the mixture is applied to the face and left for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply moisturizer after use to maintain the results of use.

Mask with activated carbon and aspirin

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug. It is usually taken inside, but can also be used externally. A mask of charcoal and aspirin is used to quickly cleanse and relieve inflammation of acne. This combination will allow you to get your skin in order in 2-3 days, but most often it does not eliminate the cause of acne.

To prepare the mask, you need to grind an aspirin tablet and two charcoal tablets into powder and mix them with the base. As a base, it is best to take cosmetic oils - pomegranate seeds, jojoba and others. The product is warmed to room temperature and applied to the face. Wash off with water without soap; no need to use cream after it.

Mask with activated carbon and egg

Eggs are a source of nutrients for skin restoration. In combination with charcoal, they create an effective means of combating inflammatory processes on the skin. To prepare the mask, a crushed charcoal tablet is mixed with the yolk of an egg, and a pinch of starch is added to thicken it. Sometimes cosmetic oils are used to enhance the effect. You need to wash off the mask with warm water. No need to use cream.


Taking activated carbon is considered the safest treatment. But, nevertheless, even it has contraindications. Ingestion of charcoal is prohibited in case of intestinal obstruction, intestinal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions. You should not drink charcoal if you have abdominal injuries.

Hypersensitivity to coal does not develop, so coal is also hypoallergenic. This medicine can be used even by patients prone to allergic diseases. One of the side effects should be taken into account that if you take charcoal orally, the color of the stool will change - it will turn black. External use does not cause side effects.