Effezel acne cream

The description is valid on 20.11.2014

  1. Latin name: Effezel
  2. ATX code: D10AD53
  3. Active substance: Adapalene + Benzoyl perox >


1 gram of gel contains 1 mg adapalene, 25 mg benzoyl peroxide and auxiliary components: poloxamer, glycerol, polysorbate, isohexadecane, simulgel, water, sodium docusate, sorbitan oleate, disodium edetate.

Release form

Effezel is available as an opaque gel with a faint yellow tint in laminated plastic tubes. Capacity: 2, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 g. Each tube is packed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Medicine for treatment blackheads. The components of the drug potentiate each other's action.

Adapalene – a stable derivative of naphthoic acid with a retinoid-like effect. The active component has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and modulates the processes of cellular keratinization and differentiation. The principle of action is based on the combination of adapalene and specific nuclear receptors of retinoic acid. Modern medicine suggests that, when applied locally, adapalene is able to normalize the differentiation of cellular epithelial follicles, which leads to a decrease in the formation of microcomedones. In vitro, the substance inhibits the process metabolism arachidonic acid and all inflammatory mediators. Thus, adapalene is able to reduce the severity of the inflammatory component of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide has antimicrobial effect and acts directly on the pilosebaceous follicle for acne. The component has a keratolytic, sebostatic and exfoliating effect. Benzoyl limits the production of sebum, which plays an active role in the formation of acne.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Adapalene has no systemic effect. Benzoyl penetrates the skin poorly and is quickly transformed to benzoic acid.

Indications for use

Effezel gel is prescribed for acne accompanied by pustules, comedones And papules.


The safety of the drug has not been studied in children under 12 years of age. The drug is not prescribed for allergic responses And individual hypersensitivity.

Side effects

  1. contact dermatitis
  2. dry skin
  3. allergic dermatitis
  4. sunburn
  5. itching
  6. burning.

The above negative symptoms disappear on their own after 7 days.

Instructions for Effezel (Method and dosage)

It is recommended to apply the ointment before bedtime to dry, clean skin in a thin layer, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the lips and eyes. A noticeable therapeutic effect is recorded after 1-4 weeks of regular use. If there is no effect and severe negative reactions develop, it is recommended to discontinue Effezel gel yourself. The instructions for use indicate the possibility of additional application of moisturizers that do not have a comedogenic effect.


If swallowed, syndromic therapy is carried out.


It is recommended to limit the use of drying, exfoliating and irritating agents for the entire treatment period. Simultaneous treatment with other retinoids is unacceptable. Adapalene is not able to be absorbed into the systemic circulation and come into contact with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Dispensed upon presentation of a doctor's prescription form.

Storage conditions

Restrict admission of small children. Temperature range – up to 30 degrees.

Best before date

An opened tube can be stored for no more than six months. The shelf life of a sealed tube is 2 years.

special instructions

Application to eczematous skin is unacceptable. Avoid prolonged contact with mucous membranes, nostrils, mouth and eyes. It is not recommended to apply the medication if there are abrasions and cuts on the skin. The gel contains propylene glycol, which in itself can be irritating. If an allergic response develops, the medication is discontinued.

It is recommended to limit exposure ultraviolet And sunlight on the skin. The gel can discolor dyed fabrics and hair, which is important to consider when using the drug.


Analogues of Effezel gel with a similar effect:

During pregnancy and lactation

Reliable information about the safety of benzoyl peroxide and adapalene in women with pregnancy No. The toxic effects of adapalene and benzoyl on the reproductive system have been recorded when the above components are fed to animals orally.

If pregnancy occurs during therapy with Effezel, it is recommended to discontinue the gel on your own. The medication can be applied when breastfeeding, avoiding direct contact of the drug and the newborn baby.

Reviews for Effezel

Reviews about Effezel gel found on the Internet are mostly positive. Participants in thematic forums report that the drug is actively used for acne. Reviews of Effezel indicate the high effectiveness of the medication in the treatment of acne and acne in people of different age groups. Negative reactions such as irritation and peeling rarely occur.

Effezel price, where to buy

The price of Effezel gel 30 g in Russia is 950 rubles. You can buy medicine in Ukraine for 460 UAH.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Effezel gel: instructions for use,
  2. Effezel - reviews from a dermatologist about the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against acne and pimples,
  3. price of the drug for 2019.


Effezel gel is a combination drug intended for the treatment of acne and acne. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Galderma (France). The drug is recommended for use in adults and children over 12 years of age Sold in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

This review was written by a practicing dermatologist, and it will allow you to evaluate how effective this drug will be in your situation. After all, pharmacies today sell a very large number of medications for acne and pimples, and not all of them are effective. In addition, even the best drugs help some people, but may be completely ineffective in others. And this article will help you understand why this happens.

Indications for use

  1. For acne -
    the drug is equally effective for both forms of acne: both closed acne in the form of white tubercles and open acne in the form of black dots in the pores of the skin (Fig. 2-3).



For acne -
pimples can be either in the form of pustules (these are classic pimples with pus inside) or in the form of papules. Papules are inflammatory red bumps on the surface of the skin, occurring without the formation of pus inside (Fig. 4-5).



Effezel gel: instructions for use

Composition and release form –

Effezel is available in the form of a gel for external use, which has a white or slightly yellowish color. This drug is a combination drug, i.e. it contains 2 active components with different effects at once - the retinoid “adapalene” and the antimicrobial component “benzoyl peroxide”. In pharmacies the drug is sold mainly only in 30 g tubes.

  1. Active components (content in 1 g) –
    adapalene – 1 mg, benzoyl peroxide – 25 mg.
  1. Auxiliary components –
    simulgel 600 RHA, sodium docusate, disodium edetate, poloxamer, glycerol, propylene glycol, purified water.

Pharmacological action of active substances –

The pharmacological effect consists of the effects exerted by the active components that make up the drug. Effezel gel - the drug received good reviews from dermatologists precisely because it contains two extremely highly effective components for acne and pimples:

belongs to the retinoid class of substances, which are very effective in the treatment of acne. Adapalene affects the processes of differentiation and keratinization of the epithelium of hair follicles. Simply put, adapalene reduces the number of desquamated epithelial cells in the lumen of the hair follicles (the latter are located in the pores of the skin), and thereby prevents the clogging of the pores by desquamated epithelial cells and the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Those. adapalene prevents the formation of acne, and given that pimples are festered hair follicles (which occurs as a result of blockage of pores by acne), it also helps prevent acne.

Benzoyl peroxide
It is a very good antimicrobial ingredient and is the gold standard for acne treatment worldwide. It is very effective against pathogenic bacteria on which suppuration of hair follicles depends (Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis).

These bacteria are always present inside the hair follicle, but cause suppuration only when the skin pore in which the follicle is located is blocked by a blackhead (fat plug). As a result of blockage, a closed space is formed inside the follicle, which is the stimulus for the active reproduction of these bacteria.

Benzoyl peroxide also has other effects. In particular, it helps exfoliate the dead surface layer of the skin, and also helps reduce the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, which prevents the formation of acne.

Effezel gel: price for 2019

Effezel gel price for a 30 g pack of gel will range from 1100 to 1300 rubles.

Effezel gel: analogues
A 100% analogue is the French drug Epiduo (a 30 g tube costs 1,200 rubles).



Effezel gel: dermatologist reviews

Medicines for acne and pimples sold in pharmacies act differently in the presence of only acne, in the presence of only acne, and also in case of combined lesions (i.e. when there are both acne and pimples on the skin at the same time).

  1. Use for combined lesions –


    in this case, Effezel will be the best treatment option, because it combines the most effective ingredients: the retinoid Adapalene is the best acne treatment, and the antimicrobial component benzoyl peroxide is the best acne treatment. In total you get an excellent result.
  1. Using Effezel-gel for acne -
    if you only have acne, but no pimples, using the drug is possible, but it is not a very good choice. This is due to the fact that the benzoyl peroxide contained in the composition will not “work”, but at the same time it will stimulate addiction and the appearance of more aggressive bacteria that are not sensitive to drug therapy.

The optimal treatment option for acne is the use of monocomponent retinoids based on adapalene, tretinoin or tazarotene.

  1. Use for acne –
    Effezel will be effective for acne, both in the form of papules and pustules. Papules mean that there is inflammation in the hair follicle, but without the formation of pus. Pustules are classic pimples with a bubble of pus inside the follicle.

As we said: the drug will be effective. However, if you only have acne (without blackheads), then we still recommended starting treatment with monocomponent benzoyl peroxide preparations.

Application scheme –

Effezel gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer using your fingertips. The drug should be used only 1 time per day. It is preferable to carry out treatment in the evening (before bedtime). First you need to thoroughly clean the skin with a mild detergent and dry it well.

The duration of treatment depends on the specific situation and is determined by the doctor individually. The visible effect of use develops within 1 to 4 weeks. But to consolidate the effect, treatment is usually carried out longer.

Side effects -

Symptoms of skin irritation, such as dryness and flaking, may occur. Usually such symptoms disappear after 1-1.5 weeks. If such symptoms appear, you can either reduce the number of gel applications (apply it every other day, not every day). Another option is to start parallel use of moisturizers, for example, Curiosin gel based on hyaluronic acid and zinc (Fig. 8).

To prevent the development of side effects, you should not, in parallel with the use of Effezel, use other products containing retinoids, benzoyl peroxide or drugs with a similar effect, as well as cosmetics with an irritating and drying effect, peelings.

Contraindications –

Allergic reactions to any of the components of the drug. The propylene glycol (E1520) contained in this product may cause skin irritation. If an allergy is suspected, use of the drug should be discontinued.

Special instructions for use –

  1. Effezel should not be applied to skin that has abrasions and scratches,
  2. Effezel should not be applied to mucous membranes (eyes, mouth),
  3. Effezel, when in contact with dyed hair or clothes, causes discoloration, so apply the drug only to the skin,
  4. adapalene and benzoyl peroxide increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, if you use the drug during periods of high solar activity, you must use sunscreens, Panama hats, etc.

Pregnancy and lactation –

Effezel should not be used in pregnant women. But in nursing women, the drug can be used without harm to the baby.

Storage conditions and periods –

Store at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.
The shelf life is 2 years, however, after opening the package, it is recommended to use the drug within six months.

We hope you found our article useful!

Effezel gel is a new product in the field of dermatology. More recently, this remedy has been used to treat acne. And after some time it proved its effectiveness.

Let's look at the drug in detail and answer the main questions - when can you use the gel, are there any contraindications and how much does this medicine cost?

Total information

Before you buy Effezel Gel, you should familiarize yourself with this drug. This is a combination remedy that is prescribed for the treatment of acne and acne at different ages. Including adolescents over 12 years of age.

The medicine is produced in France by the famous company Galderma. You can purchase the gel in all pharmacies, but only with a prescription from a dermatologist.

Gel effezel. Photo


The instructions that come with each package of Efezel gel state that the main indication for use is acne. The medicine can be used:

  1. For closed type acne.
  2. Comedonakh.
  3. Whiteheads.
  4. For blackheads.

As for acne, it is recommended to apply the gel to the skin if there are pustules (classic pimples with pus inside). So it is with papules - tubercles that have redness, but there is no pus inside them.


We have considered the scope of application of the drug. Now let's find out what the composition of effezel gel is and why today, according to reviews, it is considered one of the best drugs for the treatment of acne.

Effezel is a gel, not an ointment. And these concepts cannot be confused. Color – white or with a yellowish tint.

It contains two active components at once, which is why it is called combined. The first one will be a retinoid adapalene. The second is an antimicrobial agent benzene peroxide.

Effezel gel can be bought at any pharmacy. It is packaged in 30 gram tubes.

If we talk about the composition in more detail, then in the instructions for use it will look like this:

  1. Adapalene – 1 mg per gram of gel.
  2. Benzene peroxide – 25 mg per gram of gel.

Other components that are present in the gel are additional and do not have any therapeutic effect and are additional.

In foreign countries, Effezel is called Epiduo gel.

Description of main components

Effezel acne gel is a medicine consisting of two active ingredients. Their effectiveness has been proven by many years of use in patients diagnosed with acne. The instructions say that both adapalene and benzene peroxide are used in the treatment of acne not only in Russia, but throughout Europe and the USA.

Adapalene – a retinoid, which is intended for the treatment of acne of the third and fourth severity. Helps get rid of clogged pores where fat accumulates. And clean skin pores and sebaceous glands cannot cause acne.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, adapalene in the effezel acne gel helps prevent their recurrence.

Benzene peroxide is a well-known antimicrobial drug that is used to treat acne throughout the world. This substance is especially good at helping to cope with the causative agents of acne - Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

And although these bacteria are always present on the skin, the inflammatory process begins only after the pores are completely clogged. In this case, oxygen does not enter the follicle, and in a closed space inflammation develops very actively.

In addition, benzene peroxide helps get rid of dead upper skin cells, and also regulates the production of sebaceous secretion by the glands.

Together, both components of the effezel gel solve such a serious problem as acne and acne not only in adolescents, but also in adults.

Price effezel gel

In terms of price, Effezel gel is an expensive product. The price in a pharmacy for the drug (30 gram tube) for 2018 will be from 1,100 to 1,400 rubles, depending on the region and pharmacy.

Of course, not everyone can afford this medicine. Therefore, having learned how much effezel gel costs, many will want to purchase a cheaper analogue. But do they exist?


The instructions for effezel gel do not contain information about analogues. Therefore, you should ask the pharmacy for a cheaper drug with a similar composition and at a lower price.

There is a complete analogue of effezel in composition. This is again the French drug Epiduo. The cost of a 30 gram tube is approximately 1,200 rubles. Its main components duplicate those active substances that are included in effezel, an acne gel.

Other analogues include retinoids. Many contain only adapalene:

For acne, medications such as baziron and setafil are often prescribed. However, you can replace one medicine with another only after consulting a specialist.

Reviews from dermatologists

Effezel acne gel has received a lot of reviews from experts. And in most cases they are positive. Just remember that the drug acts differently in different cases.

If you have pimples and blackheads on your face

If you have both pimples and blackheads on your face, Effezel gel will be one of the most effective drugs. After all, the combination of adapalene and benzene peroxide not only helps remove purulent inflammation, but also cleanses the face of all existing impurities. With regular and correct use, you can achieve complete cleansing of your face.

If you have acne on your face

Using effezel gel only for acne is a good choice. But it cannot be called the best. Adapalene will work great, but benzene peroxide will be completely useless and will be addictive. This will provoke the appearance of bacteria of a more aggressive type, and then it will not be so easy to overcome them.

If you only have acne on your face

The drug effezel will be effective in the treatment of acne, especially since they are all divided into two groups - papules (inflammation in the hair follicle, but without pus) and pustules (inflammation with the formation of pus inside a small vesicle).

But if you only have acne, it is better to choose a drug without adapalene and one that contains only benzene peroxide.

How to use

The instructions for use contain complete information on how to use effezel gel for better effectiveness. Apply the product to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer. It is most convenient to do this with your fingers.

The medicine is applied once a day. It is best to apply the treatment at night before going to bed. Before applying the gel, be sure to cleanse your face with foam or gel and dry it.

The duration of treatment will be individual. In some cases, a couple of months is enough. But sometimes you have to use the gel for up to six months. It all depends on the condition of the skin, the severity of the acne and what the doctor decides.

But a noticeable improvement occurs within the first 4 weeks of use. That is, acne will go away after regular application of effezel gel only after a few weeks.


Effezel gel is generally well tolerated. This is exactly what is said in the instructions for use. And the price of this drug is too high to cause severe side effects.

However, in some cases, patients may complain of dry and flaky skin. Here you can do this - either apply the gel every other day, or use moisturizers selected by your doctor. This is most often curiosin gel.

To reduce side effects to a minimum, it is not recommended to use other retinoids during treatment, as well as benzene peroxide. You should also not use cosmetic products with a drying effect.


Effezel gel, like its analogues, cannot be used in the presence of an allergic reaction. Also, stop using the medicine if redness, itching, or severe peeling occurs.

The gel should not be used during pregnancy, since the adapalene contained in it, which is a retinoid, will negatively affect the development of the fetus.

It is also not recommended to use Effezel when feeding a baby with breast milk. If use is necessary, consult a doctor.

special instructions

Effezel gel is one of the effective remedies for acne and acne. However, before applying the product to your face, you need to remember some rules.

  1. Do not apply the gel to damaged skin, or to wounds or scratches.
  2. Do not allow the gel to get into your eyes or mouth.
  3. Do not apply the medicine to clothing - this will cause discoloration of the fabric.
  4. In the summer, you should try not to go out in the sun and also use sunscreen.

Before you start treating pimples and blackheads with Effezel gel, you should consult a dermatologist.

Acne is unpleasant, but not at all fatal. Today there are many medications that can help you:

How to store

Effezel gel, the price of which is quite high, and analogues may not help cure acne, should be stored at a temperature no higher than +30 degrees. Shelf life when unopened is 2 years. After opening - no more than six months.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

Effezel gel. Reviews

Elena: “I’m 18 years old. What have I not used to treat my acne! But not a single medicine helped me. And using only retinoids was scary. The doctor recommended that I use effezel. And he helped me! Literally after 3 months there were no more abscesses on my face. I am very pleased!".

Maria: “I learned what acne is at the age of 14. It was scary. My entire face was covered in pimples. But I couldn’t really buy good medicine because I didn’t go to the doctor. And then one day I found the time and visited a dermatologist. And he advised me effezel - a gel for acne and acne. I just jumped with happiness when I realized that he helped me. I recommend to everyone".

Nikolay: “Effezel gel helped my friend. But when I started using it, my skin became very red and began to peel. I had to stop using it."

Our readers write

My experience with acne treatment

My name is Mikhail and I want to share with you a unique drug for treating acne. Not so long ago I myself suffered from acne - and I must say, neither I nor my girlfriend liked it.

She persistently tried to cure me with a variety of ointments and gels, tablets and traditional medicine. but nothing worked. It seemed that there would always be more than love between us. We will also be connected by acne. It was very, very unpleasant.

And then somehow my beloved girl, in search of another acne remedy, came across this amazing article on the Internet. Here we talked in detail about such an acne remedy as Acnelocin.

We decided to try it right away - maybe we’d be lucky too. We ordered the drug, received it by mail and began to act.

Surprisingly, I was able to notice the first results within a week! The pimples not only began to decrease in size, they stopped being red, stopped itching and began to literally go away.

My beloved liked it so much that she decided that the course of treatment should be completed completely. And we were right! Only a month has passed and now I have clear skin - not a single pimple, not a single scar or other trouble!

I am very grateful to my girlfriend for literally saving me from acne. It’s so great to look in the mirror and see your face, not acne!

How I got rid of age spots on my face

Age spots are very unpleasant. But until I was 23 years old, I didn’t even know what it was. It all started with hormonal changes in the body, which happens to every woman during pregnancy and after childbirth.

My face looked terrible - the pigment spots were large, occupying almost the entire forehead and cheeks. I simply could not look at myself in the mirror.

Caring for a small child somehow brightened up my days. But when my daughter grew up a little, I finally decided to regain my previous appearance. And I realized that the first thing I needed to do was get rid of age spots.

And then, quite by chance, I came across an interesting article on the Internet about a product called Inblanc. This whitening milk could be ordered right here, which is what I did.

I received my purchase quickly and started working on the same day. I used whitening milk 3 to 5 times a day and was able to see the first results in just a week. The pigment spots on the forehead became lighter, but on the cheeks did not respond to treatment.

But I didn’t give up and used Inblanc whitening milk for the full course of treatment. And you know - everything passed! Literally after 3 weeks from the start of use, the spots began to simply disappear. And then one fine moment in the evening there was still the last speck. And in the morning he was no longer there!

Whitening milk literally brought me back to life. Now I like my face, and today I recommended Inblanc whitening milk to my pregnant friend - an ugly pigment spot appeared on her face, which greatly spoiled her beauty.

Inblank against hyperpigmentation

Hello! Not long ago I went to the dermatologist because a dark spot appeared on my cheek. The doctor told me that this was increased pigmentation and advised me not to get too upset.

The beach season is starting soon, and you really want to be beautiful! And here is such a misfortune! I didn’t believe that nothing could be done about this spot and went to read about what hyperpigmentation is on the Internet. More precisely, I wanted to know only one thing - how to get rid of this scourge.

And quite by accident, I read this article, which described in detail and with reviews an amazing product - Inblank cosmetic whitening milk.

I had never used this drug before, but decided to try it. I ordered one bottle to try. And I was right!

I started smearing my unattractive spot 5 times a day, each time after washing my face. I approached the treatment according to all the rules, because I really wanted to get the desired result.

And you know, my efforts were crowned with success! After a week, the spot began to lighten. After three weeks it decreased in size. and then it was time to order a second bottle of milk for age spots Inblanc, which I did.

As a result, now my skin is completely clear, and only a small reminder of the stain remains. But I continue to use this product and would never trade it for anything else!