Making whey at home

Irina05/29/2017Milk serum for hair

Dear readers, how do you feel about dairy products? I love them very much, including cottage cheese, especially homemade, rustic cottage cheese. For breakfast with tea or coffee - this is such a delight! The main thing is not to overuse high-fat dairy products.

What about whey? Unnecessary product, waste? Don't tell me. This inconspicuous yellowish liquid contains enough useful and medicinal substances that provide benefits not only for health, but are also widely used for rejuvenation and care of facial skin and hair.

What are the benefits of whey for hair, how to prepare it at home and use it in hair care, as well as recipes, let's talk today.

Benefits for hair

Whey contains a number of vitamins, microelements and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the health of our hair. Namely:

  1. nourishes roots and hair;
  2. moisturizes;
  3. promotes renewal and restoration of hair structure;
  4. increases the strength of hair shafts;
  5. strengthens hair roots;
  6. prevents hair loss;
  7. according to some information, it helps to stimulate hair growth;
  8. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  9. fights fungal diseases of the scalp;
  10. normalizes metabolic processes;
  11. restores weakened and damaged hair after dyeing, perm, frequent styling and other harmful influences;
  12. protect hair from external harmful influences;
  13. allows hair to stay clean and fresh longer.

The serum has also proven itself well as a gentle cleanser (shampoo). The substances in its composition penetrate deeply into the skin and hair, dissolve impurities well and remove dead cells.

After several procedures with milk whey, the hair becomes strong, acquires elasticity, silkiness, volume, healthy shine, looks healthy and well-groomed, and becomes much easier to comb.

Milk whey is suitable for the care and health of all hair types, but primarily it has proven its effectiveness for:

  1. dry hair;
  2. oily hair;
  3. weakened and damaged hair;
  4. preventing hair loss;
  5. eliminating dandruff;
  6. treatment of split ends.

How to make whey at home

The serum can be purchased in a store, at the market, or made at home. If you compare these three options, store-bought whey is the least effective. The fact is that it is unknown what kind of milk was used in its production, what food additives were included in it. In addition, industrial whey is designed for a long shelf life, which, naturally, does not add any beneficial properties to it.

If you don’t have time to make the serum yourself, then a product purchased on the market is a completely worthy option. It is made from natural homemade milk without any food additives and, we can say with confidence, that it was not boiled (the yogurt was heated only to the temperature needed to get cottage cheese).

And finally, the most reliable and proven way to get natural milk whey for hair is to prepare it yourself at home. How to do it?

Place the package of fresh kefir in the freezer and wait until it is completely frozen. Then place a colander or sieve on the pan, place gauze in several layers and place frozen kefir. When it is completely defrosted, a delicate curd will remain in the gauze, and healthy and healing whey will remain in the pan.

With this method, whey, without being exposed to high temperatures, completely retains all the beneficial and medicinal substances in its composition. For those who make kefir at home, this is the best option.

Heating sour milk

Pour homemade whole milk into a saucepan and leave in a warm place to sour. To speed up the process, you can add a slice of rye bread. When the milk turns sour, remove the bread and place the pan on low heat until the milk curdles. Be careful not to heat the curdled milk too much, otherwise the curd will turn out tough.

Remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents and strain through several layers of gauze. The gauze will contain high-quality homemade cottage cheese, and the liquid will be healthy and medicinal whey.

Adding lemon juice

This method is designed for quick preparation of whey. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a liter of homemade whole milk, mix well and put on low heat. The milk will curdle as it heats up. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the liquid and strain as already described.

With this method, the whey obtained is still not quite “correct”, since during its production there is no process of ripening (fermentation) of milk and, therefore, the resulting product does not contain beneficial bacteria and other beneficial substances accompanying this process.

How to store whey

Whey should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the shelf life of the product should not exceed three days.

Now let's look at how to use hair serum to get the maximum benefit from this product.

Natural serum-based shampoo

Whey contains components that gently and effectively cleanse the scalp and hair of dirt and sebum. This product is less aggressive and has a gentler effect than industrial shampoos. In addition, it has a healing and caring effect on the hair and scalp.

If for some reason you do not want to wash your hair with whey, then add a little of it to your shampoo, thereby enriching it with the beneficial components of the product. You can also add serum to other industrial hair care products.

Shampooing with whey

Warm the whey until warm and first apply a small amount to your scalp, massage for a couple of minutes and then wet your entire hair. Exposure time is 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To enhance the effect, rinse clean hair with a decoction of burdock root.

You can wash your hair with whey as needed.

Rinsing hair with whey

One of the easiest ways to use whey for hair is as a rinse. For this procedure, the product is used both on its own and in combination with other components.

The serum or composition containing it must be preheated to a pleasant, comfortable temperature. To enhance the effect, you can add half an ampoule of vitamin A or E.

We wash our hair as usual, wring it out (you can lightly blot it with a towel). Then we use the prepared rinse with whey. We wring out the hair, dry it with a towel and let it dry naturally. Additionally, there is no need to rinse your hair with water. Apply as needed.

After this procedure, the hair looks well-groomed, beautiful, easier to style, and stays clean and fresh longer.

Recipes for rinses with whey

Now let's look at how to prepare a rinse composition with whey.

Rinse with lemon juice

We prepare whey according to the third option with the addition of lemon juice and use it as a rinse aid. Use 1-2 times a week.

After use, the hair becomes smooth and shiny. In addition, this composition slightly brightens.

A good result is obtained by combining hair whey with decoctions/infusions of medicinal plants.

Whey and nettle rinse

1.5 tbsp. l. nettle, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover, wrap and leave until cool. Strain, bring the resulting liquid to the original volume and mix with 500 ml of whey (1:1).

Rinse made from whey and burdock root

1.5 tbsp. l. burdock root pour 750 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and insulate. When the broth has cooled, strain and bring the liquid to its original volume. Mix the resulting broth with hair whey in a 1:1 ratio.

Whey Spray

A variation of whey rinsing is the use of a spray. This procedure has proven itself well for restoring hair structure after coloring, perm, frequent styling, etc.

Pour the whey into an empty spray bottle and apply to the entire length of the hair. If there are split ends, we treat only them. If desired, you can add 1 tsp to the composition. burdock oil. Frequency of use: several times a day.

Hair masks with whey

Such masks provide a particularly intense healing and caring effect. For these purposes, you can use only serum or combine it with other components.

Before applying the mask, you should wash your hair as usual and dry it with a terry towel. Apply the prepared composition first to the scalp with massage movements, and then distribute along the entire length of the hair. Cover your hair with polyethylene and insulate it on top with a terry towel. After the required time has passed, rinse the mask with warm water. If desired, you can use shampoo. Allow hair to dry naturally.

The duration of the procedure depends on the recipe, but is usually 30-60 minutes.

How often to apply

Masks give a good effect when the procedure is carried out twice a week. Course – 10 masks. For preventive purposes, these masks can be done once a week.

Hair mask recipes

There is nothing complicated in preparing hair masks with whey. Let's look at a few options.

Whey mask

Whey, preheated to a comfortable temperature, is applied to the scalp and unwashed hair. The duration of the procedure is an hour.

Mask with whey in combination with other hair masks

Mix a store-bought hair mask with whey in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to scalp and clean, damp hair.

Nourishing mask with honey and yolks

2 tbsp. l. Melt natural honey in a water bath (heat only until warm!), grind well with 2 yolks, preferably homemade eggs, gradually diluting the mixture with 250 ml of warm whey. Exposure time is at least half an hour.

The mask is suitable for all hair types. It perfectly nourishes and activates the roots, restores the structure of the hair shafts, gives the hair radiance and shine.

Mask for oily hair

15 g of white clay (buy at a pharmacy), mix well with 5 g of potato starch. Dilute the resulting powder with 45 ml of warm whey to the consistency of sour cream. When applying, pay special attention to the roots. The exposure time is half an hour.

The mask is great for oily, quickly dirty hair. It nourishes the roots and normalizes the fat balance of the skin. If, after an unsuccessful blonde dyeing, your hair has acquired a yellowish tint, then this mask will help remove it.

Mask for dry hair

2 tbsp. l. combine olive oil (peach, coconut) with 2 tbsp. l. whey. When applying, pay special attention to the hair, thoroughly rubbing the composition into it. Exposure time is 1-2 hours.

The mask actively moisturizes and has a restorative effect on damaged, dry hair. After several procedures, the hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

Hair strengthening mask

Melt 18-20 g of cocoa butter in a water bath, add 25 ml of warm whey and 6 drops of patchouli essential oil. The exposure time is half an hour.

The mask strengthens the hair roots and effectively restores the structure of the hair shafts.

Hair growth mask

Grind 1 medium onion to a puree, grind well with 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil, gradually diluting the mixture with 250 ml of whey.

Apply the composition to the hair roots and insulate with a terry towel. If your scalp is not too sensitive, you can additionally cover your hair with polyethylene to enhance the effect. Exposure time 15 min.

Since onions can cause irritation, if any discomfort occurs, immediately wash off the mask.

The mask improves blood circulation, activates the metabolic processes of the roots, stimulates hair growth, and improves its appearance.

Mask with rye bread for nutrition and hydration

Cut off the crusts from three pieces of rye bread, crumble the pulp, pour in 250 ml of warm whey. After 15 minutes, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, add 2 tbsp. l. colorless henna and 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil. Exposure time – hour.

Hair whey is usually well tolerated and rarely causes allergic reactions. However, before using both the serum itself and formulations containing it, be sure to conduct a tolerance test.

Today we got acquainted with such an affordable and effective method of hair care. And let whey now benefit us not only in cooking, but also as a cosmetic product for hair. It’s so nice and joyful to be not only healthy, but also beautiful.

And for the soul we will listen today NIKOS IGNATIADIS — In Classic Mood.

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Serum is a yellow-green liquid with a specific odor. It is obtained by folding and expressing milk. It would seem that whey is nothing more than industrial waste, but what is it for?

In fact, this is a healing by-product, the properties of which were known in ancient times and were used in the treatment of various ailments. Today it is used in cooking, cosmetology and dietetics. This universal remedy has a beneficial effect on human health due to its balanced composition.

It consists of 90% water, and the rest is nutrients: vitamins C and B, lactose, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and probiotics. Together, they improve the functioning of the body, cleanse toxins and waste, eliminate inflammation and rejuvenate the skin. And the protein contained in whey is easily digestible and relieves hunger for a long time.

The real elixir of youth and strength can be bought ready-made. But it’s more interesting to make a miracle remedy with your own hands.

How to make whey from kefir at home

Why complicate things, you ask? The answer is simple: a homemade product is much cheaper than a store-bought one and is healthier. It can be drunk, added to dough and used for cosmetic purposes.

In addition, you will get fresh low-fat cottage cheese. Two in one, and you only need 1 liter of kefir.

1. Pour the fermented milk product into a saucepan and place on low heat. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.

2. As the mixture heats up, it will begin to separate into grainy milk flakes and liquid. It is at the moment of formation of clots that we turn off the stove and wait for it to cool.

3. Take a clean container, place a colander lined with gauze and strain the mixture into it.

4. Cover the curd substance with gauze and leave for an hour so that all the liquid drains away.

The serum is “mined.” It can be eaten immediately. And cheese curd is great not only for adults, but also for children.

Video about the benefits of serum

Anyone who decides to regularly use it in their diet should study the effect of whey on the body. It may happen that you do not like the smell or unusual taste of the drink. But before you stop using it, remember its benefits again.

I suggest you watch a short video on this topic from the “Renovaciomed” channel, in which experts talk about its properties. And as a bonus, the video describes a recipe for making summer soup with milk squeeze.

Each dish prepared with the addition of whey will give you a lot of necessary substances and a huge boost of energy. The only reason to refuse the product would be an allergy. If there are no contraindications, try it!

Include a nutritious drink in your daily diet! If you can’t use it in its pure form, make cocktails based on it. You will be surprised and delighted by the magical effect!


Recently, you can often find whey-based drinks in stores. They are considered healthy and refreshing, but are unreasonably expensive. Whey is a by-product of the production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese, and it is easy to obtain at home. A homemade product will not only cost less than a store-bought one, but will also be healthier. In addition, it can not only be drunk, but also used for making dough, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Having learned how to prepare whey, you will at the same time learn how to make homemade cottage cheese, which will also turn out to be more tasty and healthy compared to store-bought ones, and will cost much less.

Cooking features

Over time, under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, the milk sours, gradually turning into yogurt. If you heat sour milk, it will curdle. In both cases, a transparent, slightly yellowish liquid is formed, which is whey. In industrial production, it is produced during the production of cheeses, cottage cheese or casein. Accordingly, it is called cheese, curd or casein. Cheese has the mildest taste, curd has the most sour. Their composition also differs, but not significantly; all of the listed products are equally useful.

At home, whey can be prepared from sour milk, curdled milk, kefir and other fermented milk products. There may be slight differences in the technology of its preparation from different products, but the general principles for obtaining whey will be identical. The milk must be fermented and curdled, then the whey must be separated. To obtain the expected result, you need to know and take into account several points.

  1. On sale you can find milk reconstituted from milk powder and subjected to ultra-pasteurization. This milk can be stored for months without turning sour for a long time even after opening the package. An attempt to make whey from such milk is doomed to failure. To prepare whey, you must use whole milk, which has a short shelf life. Ideally, it should be farm milk.
  2. Hand-purchased milk may come from a sick cow. It needs boiling. Only after this can you drink it without fear of harming your health, or use it to prepare whey, especially if you do this in a way that does not involve heat treatment.
  3. To speed up the process of souring and curdling milk, you can use a special starter purchased in a store, but it will be much easier and cheaper to ferment milk using sour cream or another fermented milk product.
  4. To make the milk curdle faster, it is heated. This should be done over low heat. It is important not to heat the product for too long, otherwise the curd will become hard like rubber, although this will not affect the quality of the whey.
  5. After the curd has formed, the product is thrown into a colander lined with a thin cloth or gauze layered in several layers, then hung over the pan and waited for the whey to drain completely.

Whey should only be stored in the refrigerator. If you pour it into a sterilized jar and close it tightly, it will not spoil within a month. Otherwise, its shelf life will be only 4 days.

An easy way to make whey

  1. Remove the milk that has begun to sour from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for a day. During this time, it will separate, turning into yogurt and whey. The curdled milk will be piled on top, the whey will be at the bottom. If the milk was fresh, the process of turning it into curdled milk and whey will take longer.
  2. Place a colander or sieve over the pan. Place gauze or thin cloth folded in several layers into it.
  3. Pour the curdled milk into a sieve and let the whey drain out.
  4. Place the curdled milk in a cup. Pour the whey into a glass or clean jar, close tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

If you heat the yogurt while stirring, it will curdle. After this, you need to throw it onto the same sieve, receiving a second portion of whey and homemade cottage cheese.

How to Make Whey by Freezing

  1. Take two tight bags and place them one inside the other so that they are guaranteed not to leak.
  2. Pour the sour milk into a double bag.
  3. Tie the edges of the bag tightly and put it in the freezer.
  4. Place a sieve over the pan, placing gauze or thin cloth folded several times into it.
  5. Remove the milk from the freezer, cut the bag, and place the ice in a sieve.
  6. Leave at room temperature until the milk is completely thawed. As a result, there will be whey in the pan, and cottage cheese in the sieve.

The ability to obtain cottage cheese and whey without heating milk will appeal to those who are worried that the product may lose some of its beneficial properties during heat treatment. Using this recipe, you can make whey not only from sour milk, but also from kefir and other fermented milk products.

Classic way to prepare whey

  1. milk – 1 l;
  2. kefir or other fermented milk product – 60 ml.
  1. Heat the milk to 30-35 degrees.
  2. Add kefir, matsoni, sour cream or other fermented milk product to the milk. Mix well.
  3. Cover the pan with milk and wrap it in a woolen blanket. Leave for 8-12 hours in a warm place. During this time, try not to move the pan.
  4. Place a sieve lined with a cloth over a clean pan and pour the curdled milk onto it. Tie the edges of the fabric into a knot, tying it to the handle of a wooden spoon or spatula.
  5. Remove the sieve. Place the spoon on the edges of the pan so that the bundle of curdled milk is inside the pan, but does not touch its bottom. Place in the refrigerator. In about a day or even earlier you will receive curds and whey.

The fattier the milk, the more curd and less whey you will get. If you want to speed up the process of whey separation, you just need to heat the yogurt.

A quick way to prepare whey

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and strain it.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it up.
  3. Pour lemon juice into hot milk.
  4. Cook it, stirring until it curdles.
  5. Drain in a colander, having previously placed several layers of gauze in it.

Whey and cottage cheese according to this recipe are prepared quickly, but turn out to be sour. The main beneficial properties of the product are not lost from heat treatment.

Whey contains a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is useful when consumed internally and when used externally. Beauties rinse their hair with it, make tonics and face masks based on it. Housewives knead dough with it and make delicious refreshing drinks from it. For all these purposes, a homemade product is best suited. You can prepare whey in different ways. All of them allow you to simultaneously obtain cottage cheese, which is also a tasty and healthy product.