Aloe for stretch marks recipe

We all dream of perfect skin. However, the years go by and leave their mark on it. The process of age-related skin deformation is inevitable, as is the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite during pregnancy or sudden weight changes.

However, to maintain the beauty and smoothness of the skin, there is an excellent and completely natural remedy - coconut oil, which is excellent for stretch marks, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, erasing those hated “traces of time” from it.

How stretch marks appear

These are scars that form on the skin as a result of stretching. In fact, they look like small tears in the dermis. Among the most common causes of their occurrence is an increase or sudden loss of weight in any part of the body, which leads to microcracks in the deep layers of the skin.

Although they may cause aesthetic discomfort, stretch marks do not pose a health risk.

Why does coconut oil help with stretch marks?

Coconut oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. This ingredient is present in many beauty products. Since this product is 100% natural and harmless, it can be used even by pregnant women.

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids. Therefore, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, significantly increases its elasticity, and reduces the visibility of stretch marks. With regular use of coconut oil, stretch marks disappear completely after a while.

How to use coconut oil for stretch marks

Coconut oil massage

What you will need:

2 tbsp. coconut oil (30 ml)

What to do?

After showering, while the skin is still damp, apply coconut oil to the areas affected by stretch marks - it will melt into the skin.

Rub the oil into the problem area in a circular motion, and do not forget to massage those areas of the skin. where stretch marks may appear - after all, prevention is always better than combating the problem.

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

Aloe Vera is a plant known for its many beneficial properties. Aloe juice contains vitamins and nutrients that moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation and promote regeneration. By combining it with coconut oil, you get an effective remedy against stretch marks that can be used without restrictions even during pregnancy.


  1. A glass of natural aloe vera gel (125 ml)
  2. cup coconut oil (125 ml)
  3. 5 drops rosehip oil
  4. 5 drops olive oil (optional)

How to use

  1. In a deep bowl, mix coconut oil and aloe vera gel until you get a thick, smooth cream.
  2. Add a few drops of olive oil and rosehip oil and stir again.
  3. Apply this product to damp skin after shower, using circular massage movements.
  4. Leave to act for 15 minutes, then remove excess cream with a dry cloth.

Coconut oil and coffee for stretch marks and cellulite

The moisturizing, healing properties of coconut oil and the tonic, activating fluid removal and metabolism properties of coffee combine perfectly, creating an excellent and effective tool for combating not only stretch marks, but also orange peel.

As a result of regular use of coconut-coffee scrub, the number of stretch marks and scars on the skin is significantly reduced, and signs of cellulite are smoothed out.


  1. cup of ground coffee (100 g)
  2. 3 tablespoons coconut oil (45 ml)
  3. a cup of aloe vera gel (50 ml - but you can do without it)
  4. 3 tablespoons water (45 ml)

What to do?

Mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon until you get a smooth, thick mixture.

This amount will be enough for you several times. Store it in a closed glass jar in a dark place.

After a shower, apply coffee-coconut peeling to damp skin, thoroughly massage the body in circular movements, paying special attention to the hips, buttocks, abdomen and chest - where stretch marks most often appear or have already appeared. Leave the product on the skin for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Carry out this procedure for a month at least once every three days.

Coconut oil and vitamin E

Vitamin E is known for its moisturizing properties and the anti-aging effect it has on the skin in general.

Remember to use this product every day, and you will soon see how the hated stretch marks and scars disappear.


  1. 2 tablespoons coconut oil (30 ml)
  2. 5 vitamin E capsules

What to do?

Heat the coconut oil in a double boiler until it becomes liquid. Let the oil cool slightly and open five vitamin E capsules and pour the contents into the coconut oil.

Apply the mixture to the skin and massage in a circular motion.

Leave on for 10 minutes and then remove excess with a dry cloth or rinse with warm water.

Repeat the procedure two or three times a week for at least a month.

Women have been using aloe for stretch marks for quite a long time, because there are many recipes that we inherited from our great-grandmothers. And if more than one generation has used its healing properties, therefore, the effectiveness of these methods speaks for itself.

Aloe pulp and juice contain a large amount of useful substances that are simply necessary for the human body, not only inside, but also outside. Aloe leaves have a rich composition of healing substances that help women take care of their skin, and have especially proven themselves in the fight against stretch marks.

Unique properties of aloe

Aloe vera is a unique gift from nature to humanity. Even if you have never believed in the healing power of herbs, you will never regret checking out this product and testing its beneficial properties for yourself. The pulp of the plant consists mostly of water, which contains a large number of essential microelements for the human body. It contains minerals, amino acids and vitamins, even those that the human body ceases to produce with age.

The healing properties of this truly healing plant help maintain physical health and also help care for hair and the upper layer of the epidermis.

If you apply the medicinal extract as early as possible, when the initial signs of stretch marks appear, this will significantly speed up the healing processes of the skin, and recovery will occur as soon as possible.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the body with aloe

Cosmetics manufacturers often use an extract from the leaves of this unique plant in their skin care products, which is added to creams, shower gels, face masks, and anti-stretch mark products. Pharmacies also offer dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, which also contain substances extracted from aloe juice. They activate the body's recovery processes and replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

There is also a universal remedy in the form of a gel that can be taken internally and also used externally. Moreover, this product is completely natural. However, if financial resources do not allow or you, for some reason, do not want to purchase this product in stores, you can make an effective mixture at home yourself, using the suggested recipes. Its big advantage is that it does not require any special expenses; you can use your own indoor plant to create a cosmetic product.

Recipe: Take four tablespoons of olive oil and mix with the pulp of the plant. After the mixture has settled (10-15 minutes), add Aevit vitamins, which are sold in capsules. Mix the resulting mixture and can be applied to those areas of the skin that have been stretched. When applying, make light massaging movements with your fingers, then leave the mixture until completely absorbed. This homemade gel will not only deal with old stretch marks, but also prevent the formation of new ones, which is especially important for pregnant women. In addition, the product has no side effects and is made from natural ingredients.

When using the gel, it should be taken into account that the visual result will become noticeable after regular use, which will require at least 7-10 procedures. Do not forget that the sooner the fight against stretch marks begins, the sooner the problem skin will recover. Application of aloe twice a day, morning and evening, will help speed up recovery processes.

According to experts, stretch marks appear in those places where the skin is most vulnerable due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. To avoid the appearance of new skin defects, you should care for the entire surface every day.

We recommend watching a video about aloe for stretch marks:

Finding a woman who does not have stretch marks is almost impossible. These unsightly white or pinkish stripes appear on the skin after childbirth or after rapid weight changes. In an attempt to find the ideal remedy that will help get rid of stretch marks, women are ready to experiment with various creams, lotions and traditional medicine recipes. If you wish, you can get rid of this cosmetic defect at home. Aloe has proven itself to be excellent against stretch marks. Reviews confirm that with regular use, this product helps restore the skin and makes stretch marks less noticeable.

Useful properties of the plant

Aloe is a unique evergreen plant that has been actively used in medicine for a long time. This perennial contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and contribute to its restoration. Despite the fact that the plant was first used in Ancient Egypt, today it is also in demand in cosmetology. It is actively used for the preparation of various cosmetics and is used during various procedures.

Today aloe can be found in almost every apartment. Women continue to grow it because they know what properties it has. The most common type of this plant is aloe vera, since it is its extract that contains the maximum amount of beneficial components. The juice of the plant contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and many other trace elements necessary for the restoration and regeneration of the skin.

Various recipes for stretch marks with aloe vera are so popular because the plant affects tissues in the following way:

  1. normalize water balance. Impaired water balance not only leads to excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, but can also cause various dermatological pathologies. The epidermis will be healthy only if the cells contain a sufficient amount of moisture;
  2. fights premature aging and promotes rejuvenation. Aloe is one of the few plants that produces natural collagen and elastin. These fibers smooth the tissues and make them more elastic. As a result, the skin looks more toned and elastic;
  3. helps restore natural skin color;
  4. protects tissues from aggressive environmental influences and increases the protective properties of the skin;
  5. accelerates the healing process of wounds. When applied regularly, aloe vera juice not only helps get rid of scratches and abrasions, but even makes old scars less noticeable.

This effect on the skin is achieved not only by home-prepared products, but also by store-bought aloe products. But, according to most dermatologists and cosmetologists, formulations prepared independently are more preferable. This is due to the fact that they contain exclusively natural ingredients. In addition, the product prepared a few minutes ago is most active.

On a note! Aloe is one of the few plants that has no contraindications for use. You can use products based on it even while pregnant and if the integrity of the skin is damaged.

How to remove stretch marks with aloe

There are many different ways to get rid of stretch marks using aloe. To eliminate stretch marks, you can use the juice of this plant in its pure form, prepare masks and creams based on it. There is no need to doubt whether aloe helps with stretch marks. Long-term practice confirms that the plant truly has a unique effect on the skin and helps restore it, regardless of the degree of damage. The most effective recipes are:

  1. use the juice in its pure form. If stretch marks on the skin have appeared recently, it is recommended to use this particular recipe. You need to cut off the lower (fleshy) leaves from the plant, cut them in half and apply the juice to problem areas. Wait about 5 minutes for the juice to be completely absorbed. It is recommended to carry out this procedure every day until the desired effect is achieved;
  2. scrub with coffee To prepare it you will need aloe juice and coffee grounds. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. The prepared mass is rubbed into problem areas with massage movements for 3-5 minutes. Next, you need to leave the composition on the skin for another 15 minutes. Rinse off any remaining product with warm water;
  3. castor oil with aloe. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting mass is heated in a water bath. While the composition has not cooled down, it must be rubbed into problem areas and left to act for 15 minutes. Remains of the product are removed with a paper napkin. Similarly, you can use coconut oil and aloe for stretch marks;
  4. mask with cocoa and tocopherol. An ampoule of liquid vitamin E should be mixed with a tablespoon of aloe juice and cocoa butter should be added to the resulting mixture. After mixing, the mask should be applied to the stretch marks and left until completely dry. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every 2-3 days.

With regular use, the first positive changes will become noticeable within 2-3 weeks. And after a couple of months, the stretch marks will become almost invisible.


Women on specialized forums write in reviews that aloe juice for stretch marks is one of the best remedies. With regular use, scrubs and creams based on it help eliminate even old stretch marks. According to most women, the undoubted advantage of aloe is that it does not cause side effects.


Dermatologists warn that to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, you need to constantly take care of your skin and regularly use various creams and lotions. But if you couldn’t avoid the appearance of stretch marks, aloe juice will help eliminate them.