Kuznetsov blue applicator reviews

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Probably, many have heard and seen how a person with neck or lower back pain lies down on a needle mat, Kuznetsov’s applicator. Reviews, price, benefits and harms, instructions for use will help you figure out what diseases the applicator helps treat, what are the impressions of doctors and patients about Kuznetsov’s invention, and how to properly use the mat at home.



Kuznetsov’s rug is an alternative medicine product created at the intersection of reflexology and acupuncture. It is a fabric mat, belt or roller with sewn plastic needle elements. The first applicators were equipped with metal needles and their impact was stronger and more painful. Today, a number of modifications of the massager are produced. Choose the most suitable option:

The devices also vary in size and color.

Dimensions: 5x18, 6x18, 10.5x23 and 12x47. The last size is considered the most convenient; use it as a massager for various areas of the body.

Colors rug will help determine the level of sharpness of the model’s spikes:

  1. green with mild thorns - intended for those who are just starting exercises and people with a low pain threshold;
  2. blue with pointed spikes, advanced level, needles have a strong effect on the skin, but the effect is higher;
  3. yellow with magnetic inserts that enhance the massage effect;
  4. orange, or yoga mat.

The use of a massager with metal or plastic needle modules, with or without magnets, is designed to help:

  1. improve blood circulation;
  2. restore joint mobility;
  3. eliminate headaches;
  4. reduce fat deposits by increasing blood microcirculation;
  5. increase skin elasticity;
  6. increase sexual activity.

Benefits and harms, myths and reality

Despite the fact that the massager was invented back in the 1980s and the peak of its popularity has already passed, experts still do not agree on the benefits and harms of Kuznetsov’s applicator. Reviews from doctors about the use of the applicator are varied.

Reviews from doctors

Experts note: Kuznetsov’s invention gives a certain effect in complex therapy as one of the means of stimulating reflexes. Improvements are especially noticeable after a course of use of the applicator in patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

An excellent and highly effective way to treat a host of diseases and ailments and improve vitality. But, to be honest, I don’t quite agree that the needles must be metal. Irritation from plastic needles is no worse..

An ambiguous device, not suitable for all patients, the degree of impact depends on the degree of suggestibility of the patient..

It has the right to be used as one of the auxiliary methods of restorative and relaxation therapy..

Real user reviews

The device is very popular and there are many reviews about its use. In general, they are positive, although most patients report pain after the first massage sessions.

I sometimes lie on the iplicator during an exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, when I don’t want to take pills and rub in ointments. Of course, the applicator does not heal, but it “distracts” for a while, improving blood circulation..

Inexpensive, helps with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and excess weight. It takes some getting used to, the first uses may seem very painful. Convenient to lay on the mat and secure anywhere..

I've been using the applicator for a long time. I don’t know how effective it is, but it really helps me relax. I even fall asleep on it! I used the regular plastic one, but recently I used the magnetic one and began to notice unpleasant consequences, I think it caused dizziness. Benefit and harm at once..

5 facts you should know

Kuznetsov's rug is a product that has a significant impact on your body and well-being. When making decisions about purchasing and using an applicator, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The Kuznetsov applicator and the Kuznetsov applicator are one and the same. Under the second name, the author of the invention patented his development. The first name is more common and understandable today.
  2. There are several massagers on the market made according to I. Kuznetsov’s method, but their prices vary. Their effect on the body will be almost the same, the price depends on the promotion of the brand, the base material and similar factors.
  3. When using a rug (or other model) with the whole family, wash it thoroughly and treat the spikes with hydrogen peroxide. During sessions, wounds and microcracks in the skin may form, so it is better to protect yourself.
  4. There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of using the applicator. Although today it is widespread in Russia and abroad, and has a number of analogues and improved options, experts do not agree on the effectiveness of the massager.
  5. The mat has side effects and contraindications for use, so listen carefully to your doctor’s advice and read the instructions.


In the video below you will see how to use various models of Kuznetsov’s rug

Which pharmacies are best to buy from + price

Almost every pharmacy today sells the Kuznetsov applicator. Prices in Russian pharmacies vary depending on the type of applicator and the specific supplier. The smallest massager without magnetic inserts is quite cheap - 80 rubles, price in a pharmacy of a needle mat 50x70cm with 384 modules – 600 rubles. The best option is to compare prices for the selected model in online pharmacies.

Indications and contraindications

The Kuznetsov rug has a number of indications for use, named by its inventor:

  1. pain in muscles, joints and spine;
  2. disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  3. respiratory system disorders;
  4. nervous system dysfunction;
  5. disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. physical and intellectual fatigue;
  7. sleep disorders;
  8. headaches of various etiologies;
  9. skin hypotonicity.

The greatest effect and the maximum number of positive reviews are associated with the use of a massager in patients with problems in the musculoskeletal system, headaches, insomnia, and fatigue.

Contraindications for using the mat:

  1. any skin disorders, rashes, inflammations;
  2. recent operations;
  3. varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. oncological diseases and any tumors;
  6. diseases in the acute phase;
  7. epilepsy;
  8. the presence of moles and warts at the site of application;
  9. pregnancy.

The impact of reflexology on the human body is individual, so when using a massager, carefully listen to your feelings and body reactions.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using the Kuznetsov applicator are the first thing you should read before purchasing the mat.

The applicator is applied to the selected areas and pressed firmly against the skin until painful sensations, then the procedure suspend. Felt it warmth and burning in the field of application? This means that the applicator provides impact. Attach the massager to problem area (lower back, arms, legs, stomach) for a long time, if you don’t feel discomfort.

At different diseases of the spine, for the back (with a lumbar hernia, with a hernia of the spine, with a pinched nerve), for the neck (with cervical osteochondrosis), a massage mat is applied to the selected area and pressed until painful sensations during 1 minute. This sequence of actions is repeated until disappearance of pain. During the massage, perform movements that cause muscle contraction and relaxation impact zones are will enhance the effect. The applicator is worn on the belt for a long time.

In order to work improvements heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous system and digestive organs, it is recommended to massage the corresponding areas.
To increase the overall tone of the body and relieve stress in the period after long-term illnesses, during times of increased mental and physical stress, emotional exhaustion and insomnia, it is recommended massage of individual areas.

The applicator on the backing will help alleviate pain.

Use during pregnancy

One of the contraindications to using the Kuznetsov applicator is pregnancy, as stated in the instructions for use. During this delicate period, a woman is especially attentive to her health, and reflexology treatment without urgent need and medical supervision is undesirable.

Some sources and patient reviews indicate the harmlessness of using the mat while expecting a child. Pain in the lumbar region is a common problem in pregnant women, especially in the later stages. It is not always possible to remove them using the usual methods (ointment, tablets). A gynecologist recommends a massage mat as one of the means. Have you decided to use it? Choose a massager with a weak sharpening of the thorns, listen carefully to your sensations, observe the frequency of sessions and do not overdo it.

Can it be used for weight loss?

Does Kuznetsov's applicator help overweight people? The massager is used for weight loss and the fight against cellulite. According to the inventor himself, its effect on tissue increased blood circulation and reduced the layer of subcutaneous fat. Under the influence of needles, a constant slight contraction of the muscles occurs, which gives the desired effect.

Ways to use a massager for weight loss: lay out the mat and place problem areas on it (hips, buttocks). If you want to remove bulk from your arms or legs, secure the mat to them using straps or elastic bandages.

To lose weight on your belly, use the massager with great caution. There are a large number of active points concentrated on the abdomen; influencing them can have an unexpected effect and contribute to a deterioration in well-being.

FAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions

What analogues of the applicator exist and what are their differences?

Today, there are variations on the theme of I. Kuznetsov’s invention. The most popular among them is the Lyapko applicator. The main difference between the Lyapko massager and the Kuznetsov rug is the manufacture of needles from various metals. According to the creators, metal needles create additional effects on the skin and muscles.

Is Kuznetsov’s massager used in treating children?

Children are given a massage using an applicator after 1 year and on the recommendation of a doctor. Use an applicator with blunt spikes and the smallest steps - the effect on the skin will be less painful. Read the instructions and contraindications carefully. Follow the session regimen recommended by the specialist, carefully monitor the child’s condition.

Are therapeutic body mats used when sleeping? Is it acceptable to lie on them for a long time?

It is better not to sleep on a rug with needle modules: unsuccessful or sudden movement leads to the appearance of wounds and scratches. Lie on the mat for quite a long time, if there are no contraindications and pain on the skin.

I suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, with stiffness, pain, periodic full-blown attacks (pressure surges, dizziness and endless horror). I decided to try the Kuznetsov applicator - a small rubber mat with many needles - you lay the problem area on it, wait the prescribed amount of time, and you are a happy person! You feel better, symptoms decrease, and healing occurs right before your eyes. at least that’s what the advertisements and reviews I found on the Internet say – a complete rainbow. In fact, for me it’s the other way around: after using the applicator, even for a short period of five to ten minutes, not only does it not get better, on the contrary, I feel worse, muscle stiffness, noise in the head, and my blood pressure begins to fluctuate. Does anyone have any reviews about this device? Real, not advertising? Who uses it and how? Maybe I'm using it wrong. Tell me who can!

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Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Such things can usually only be used on the advice of a doctor. The applicator causes blood flow and relaxes muscles. And with osteochondrosis it’s a little different. Usually these things relieve muscle pain and pinching. The doctor prescribed it for my husband, explained how to use it correctly, how long to lie down. If the condition worsens, stop using it and consult a neurologist, this is the doctor for depression.

I have a pinched nerve, I lie on these needles in the evenings, to no avail(

I’ve been using it for 10 years now, I even fall asleep on it. The doctor prescribed it for me. Then I got used to it and used it during pregnancy on the lumbosacral region. My husband sprained his back at the dacha - I immediately put him on pins and needles - everything is great, 4 days and everything went away. if your head hurts, also apply under the neck or the back of the head, but the back of the head hurts. In general, I take it with me everywhere, it’s a thing! and just for fun I lie on my back from neck to butt.

Such things can usually only be used on the advice of a doctor. The applicator causes blood flow and relaxes muscles. And with osteochondrosis it’s a little different. Usually these things relieve muscle pain and pinching. The doctor prescribed it for my husband, explained how to use it correctly, how long to lie down. If the condition worsens, stop using it and consult a neurologist, this is the doctor for depression.

Oh, but it shouldn't get any worse! When my husband was lying down, he got high after it.

Try lying down for 1 minute first. 5-10 is too much if the case is advanced. When using the applicator, the blood supply increases sharply, and all manifestations of the disease become aggravated. If there are no negative feelings, gradually increase the time.

Related topics

Can I use the applicator to treat osteochondrosis if I have mastopathy?

I have been using the applicator for a short time, about 1.5 months. Super! Really like. At first it was very painful to lie down, I couldn’t stand it even for a minute, but now I fall asleep on it, feeling the warmth spreading. I do the procedure at night and sleep great. But I can’t stand for a long time—it hurts.

I suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, with stiffness, pain, periodic full-blown attacks (pressure surges, dizziness and endless horror). I decided to try the Kuznetsov applicator - a small rubber mat with many needles - you lay the problem area on it, wait the prescribed amount of time, and you are a happy person! You feel better, symptoms decrease, and healing occurs right before your eyes. at least that’s what the advertisements and reviews I found on the Internet say – a complete rainbow. In fact, for me it’s the other way around: after using the applicator, even for a short period of five to ten minutes, not only does it not get better, on the contrary, I feel worse, muscle stiffness, noise in the head, and my blood pressure begins to fluctuate. Does anyone have any reviews about this device? Real, not advertising? Who uses it and how? Maybe I'm using it wrong. Tell me who can!

I have been using the applicator for more than 15 years, I had problems with my back, the first time my blood pressure rose, I took a break and started with short periods of time. It helps a lot, relieves fatigue from the muscles, and the legs obey better (stenosis, pinched nerves)

I also use the applicator, I like it, the feeling after it is cheerfulness, lightness, but after a while the condition is the same)) But no one said that in 1-2 times there will be a complete recovery)) Lightness sets in, but to remove the symptoms, especially chronic, I think you need to use it systematically.. I just started using it systematically by standing on it with both feet. It hurts, of course, but this is how I decided to treat my legs, which are swollen, numb, in a word, they hurt.. I don’t know, I still feel temporary improvement, then everything returns to its original position .. but I think that if you persistently use it like this for 10-15 days, then you can treat not only your legs, but also other organs, because it is known that in our stupid areas there are different points that are associated with each of our organs..)) But this is my personal experiment.. I don’t encourage anyone.)) Because I concluded that treatment with pills and injections is not a cure, but just temporary relief. I’m thinking of starting treatment with some more natural and folk remedies: influencing the points of the feet, contrast baths, herbs, etc.

Can I use the applicator to treat osteochondrosis if I have mastopathy?

I’ve been using it for 10 years now, I even fall asleep on it. The doctor prescribed it for me. Then I got used to it and used it during pregnancy on the lumbosacral region. My husband sprained his back at the dacha - I immediately put him on pins and needles - everything is great, 4 days and everything went away. if your head hurts, also apply under the neck or the back of the head, but the back of the head hurts. In general, I take it with me everywhere, it’s a thing! and just for fun I lie on my back from neck to butt.

Grandma, similarly, I sleep on it and have been using it for 15 years... I just opened my eyes and it was near my pillow and I immediately placed my palms on it. bliss. There was often a clamp in the spine between the paws for 2 nights as if I was removing it by hand. Believe it or not, I'm always with him.

read Wikipedia about the applicator

read Wikipedia about the applicator

read Wikipedia about the applicator

I watched a program where Kuznetsov himself told how to use the applicator. You need to press hard (to the point of patience) the problem area, but only for 30 seconds. And so there are several approaches. I tried it myself - there is an effect. You can, of course, just lie down or stand, but this is for general tone.

Can I use the applicator to treat osteochondrosis if I have mastopathy?

Can I use the applicator to treat osteochondrosis if I have mastopathy?

You've already screwed everyone with your mastopathy. Use the Applicator, but you shouldn’t use the Applicator, it doesn’t cure idiocy.

I have been using the applicator for a short time, about 1.5 months. Super! Really like. At first it was very painful to lie down, I couldn’t stand it even for a minute, but now I fall asleep on it, feeling the warmth spreading. I do the procedure at night and sleep great. But I can’t stand for a long time—it hurts.

I have medium-sized hernias in my spine and upon first use (prescribed morning and evening for 40 minutes), the pain went away for 5 minutes, but then it became impossible to lie down. The pain is unbearable. My legs started to go numb as I used it. I have never experienced such a rapid loss of sensitivity before. It only makes it worse. And afterwards my back hurts unbearably, my legs remain numb for a long time. So who cares

good stuff, but it seems to me that its needles are sharp. I fight my cellulite with Relaxmat, it doesn’t hurt the skin at all

Kuznetsov created an applicator, not an applicator. In our family, everyone has their own rug, we use it and love it very much! The back is purple, like after a quality massage! Super!


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