Pharmacy anti-wrinkle creams rating of the best

Hi girls! This post will be very personal, as I will tell you a lot about myself and my health.

Like everyone else, I cherish the hope that somewhere a rejuvenating apple is waiting for me. Therefore, I constantly try the most non-trivial means. In my arsenal there are both expensive by my standards (from 3000 rubles per jar) and very cheap fixed-price products (and here they are here and here). The thing is that I am a terrible allergy sufferer, so in order to find a treatment for myself, I need to try, try, try. And even if something fits, it’s not a fact that I will be able to use it for a long time.

Now I’ll tell you about 4 pharmaceutical products that are constantly in my refrigerator. Attaching photo. The photos may not be very presentable, but they are real - taken by me. To be clear, I actually use this. And at the very end of the article I’ll tell you about the fifth awesome remedy. It’s not exactly cheap, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything! )

Do not forget that all of these are medications, so be sure to consult your doctor before use. These products cannot be used constantly (as primary care). Go?

1. Methyluracil ointment

“Tissue repair stimulator” - from this it is clear that it has a healing effect. If you apply it to your face, it begins to heal even healthy ones. But seriously, I apply it at night, and the next morning my face has an even tone, wrinkles are smoothed out. I do not recommend it under the eyes, as it has a heavy and oily texture. It especially helps if your face is chapped in winter! And, of course, for its intended purpose - it heals wounds and pimples, if any.

Be sure to moisturize your skin well on the day of use, as methyluracil, despite all its advantages, dries it out.

2. Solcoseryl ointment

There are two forms in the pharmacy - ointment and gel. For the face you need ointment. This is simply a super remedy not only for wrinkles. It also perfectly evens out the skin texture, removes redness, and (most importantly!) brightens the blood vessels. If there is rosacea on the face, the ointment makes it less noticeable. I also don’t recommend it under the eyes - it’s too heavy and greasy.

After application, the face turns a little red, but this is normal. The next morning there will be no redness - only an even tone and a facelift

There is also solcoseryl eye gel. Once I was prescribed it for an injury. So, I noticed that when it was dripped, the red blood vessels in the eyes disappeared, and the whites of the eyes became white. Another proof that the drug works. You can’t use it too often or too much. Although they write that there are no hormones in the composition, there was one precedent. (maybe I'll tell you later).

3. Proctonis

Hemorrhoid cream Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. It has a very good nutritional and decongestant composition: cocoa butter, shark liver oil (squalene), and other healthy ingredients. I apply it when I'm about to swell in the morning. Well, if I ate something salty in the evening, or suddenly cried over a heartbreaking film. And sometimes I just apply it, because it really softens, moisturizes and really removes wrinkles under the eyes. It can be applied to the entire face.

4. Cream "Zorka"

He is also a pharmacy. The truth is sold at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. It sounds creepy, I know. But 3 dermatologists recommended it to me. The fact is that, in addition to allergies, I also have atopic dermatitis - the skin on my hands is so dry that it simply tears to shreds in the cold.

As with most dermatological diseases, there is no cure, only care. So, this is a super-duper softening, healing and simply magical cream for my hands. Heals all wounds in one night. And where there are no wounds, it smoothes out wrinkles and hands become like a baby’s bottom in the morning. You can smear not only your hands, but also your legs, elbows and in general everything that has become rough. I read in reviews that it even helps with psoriasis.

When the doctors prescribed this cream to me, I naturally went to read the ingredients. I couldn't find the detailed composition. I only found that it contains “floralizin, a product developed by Russian scientists.” It contains enzymes, biotin, antioxidants, saturated fatty acids and polysaccharides. In general, nothing harmful. I can’t say for sure, but the doctors said that the ointment is not hormonal. There is only fatty cream and Floralizin. Zorka is really very oily, so I only use it at night.

5. My favorite is Imoferase

Ointment for scars and post-acne. Usually my skin is completely clear. But sometimes I eat the wrong thing, inhale the wrong thing, or put on the wrong thing, and an allergy appears in the form of a small rash. After a rash, so that there are no bumps left, I use this drug. He is amazing! Evens out the skin like no other peeling and smoothes out wrinkles!

The secret is that it improves tissue trophism, which means it copes with scars and stagnant spots. It really works on scars (especially fresh ones). You can’t use it often or for a long time on your face: as I understand it, it contains hyaluronidase, a drug that destroys hyaluronic acid. And I don't want it to collapse

Therefore, I use it either spot-on or all over the face, but not for long. The last time I bought it for 700 rubles. But it’s worth it - if you consider that a regular almond peeling from a cosmetologist will cost 2000 rubles, and the leveling effect is the same. then it will pay for itself from the first use. And for those who have post-acne, this drug will be a lifesaver! That's all I wanted to say.

Anti-wrinkle cream helps slow down the aging process, restore lost freshness to the skin and hide the signs of age. Anti-aging products are present in the product line of almost all cosmetic companies. Among luxury cosmetics, the brands Clarins and Christian Dior are especially popular. Some women prefer professional cosmetics - SesDerma, Christina, Skin Doctors. Pharmacy brands such as Vichy, Avene, Kora are less advertised, but produce no less effective anti-aging products. How to choose a truly effective remedy among such a variety? We analyzed reviews from women and cosmetologists and compiled a rating of the best anti-wrinkle creams for the face and skin around the eyes.

We recommend

Rating #1 #2 #3
Name Goji cream “GOJI CREAM” BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect Botox Active Expert Cream Mask
Unobtrusive aroma
Pleasant consistency Effectively eliminate irritation

Goji cream “GOJI CREAM”

Clinically proven: Goji Cream stops the aging process of cells and normalizes its functioning. A wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as BETAINE in the cream form a heavy molecule that allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin to make the effects of Goji Cream as effective as possible.

  1. In 97 out of 100 subjects, the result was noticeable after the first use. In 93%, fine and shallow wrinkles disappeared after 10 days of using the mask Continues to work actively for 24 hours from the moment of application
  1. Mail delivery

Botox Active Expert Cream Mask

The active component of the BOTOX mask allows you to restore the connective tissue of the epidermis and improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Unfortunately, with age, the body’s recovery processes slow down, so the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask is the most effective means for maintaining the tone of the skin of the face and neck, it helps fight expression lines and age-related changes; when used over a course, the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and restores collagen reserves, smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles.

  1. Result after 1 application 100% natural ingredients Replaces salon procedures
  1. Not found

BOTO MAX cream spray with Botox effect

BotoMax cream spray is a new generation rejuvenating spray, the secret of which lies in the healing effect of a special composition “like Botox” on the skin of the face. Using BotoMax twice a day neutralizes the aggressive effects of harmful factors that cause premature aging and smoothes out wrinkles like Botox. Due to the active supply of oxygen and under the influence of substances analogous to Botox, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is completely restored.

  1. restores skin firmness and elasticity only natural ingredients deep wrinkles are reduced by 27% per month
  1. Mail delivery

The best anti-wrinkle creams for the face

A good anti-wrinkle cream must contain active ingredients that intensively moisturize and nourish, increase turgor, firmness and elasticity, smooth the skin, and tighten facial contours.

  1. Moisturizing components and antioxidants (vitamins C and E, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, natural oils). These substances will not reduce the number of wrinkles, but will slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and relieve dry skin.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A) and retinoids (retinaldehyde, tretinol, adapalene, tretinoin and other vitamin A derivatives). Stimulate the processes of cellular regeneration and collagen production, thereby maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  3. ANA and BHA acids – exfoliate the upper keratinized cells of the epidermis, activate renewal processes, the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. The most potent are salicylic and glycolic acids. However, before using them, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.
  4. Peptides. They nourish cells in the deep layers of the skin and help reduce the number of wrinkles, which has already been confirmed by various studies. Blocking peptides relax facial muscles, while stimulating peptides activate collagen synthesis. Both have a powerful anti-aging effect and are recommended for mature skin with pronounced signs of aging.
  5. Hydrolyzed collagen. It is the liquid form of collagen that is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, increasing its elasticity. Moisturizes well and fills wrinkles.
  6. Muscle relaxants (NP ceramides, argireline, boswellia and Asian centella plant extracts). Relaxes facial muscles, thereby helping to smooth out wrinkles.

In the struggle for beauty, women purchase expensive creams, emulsions, and anti-wrinkle masks. But, unfortunately, not all of them are effective, and the cost is often unreasonably high. Did you know that pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products have proven effectiveness? At the same time, the cost of some drugs is literally pennies.

General recommendations for choosing anti-wrinkle products at the pharmacy

Anti-wrinkle medications should be used with caution. First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition. Since each component of the drug acts on the skin in its own way.

Before use, you should consult a dermatologist to determine your skin type. After all, different ingredients are suitable for dry and oily skin. A mistake can lead to increased dryness or oiliness of the skin.

Individual intolerance to certain substances is also taken into account.

Each pharmaceutical drug is aimed at solving a specific problem or group of problems. That’s why consultation with a dermatologist is so important—a specialist will help you determine your priority tasks. Fine or deep wrinkles, acne or uneven complexion, swelling or irritation. The correct selection of cream, emulsion, and lotion components will help correct the most important deficiencies and significantly improve the condition of the face. At the same time, pharmaceutical preparations, unlike cosmetics, actually treat, and do not mask deficiencies.

Review of pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products

On pharmacy shelves you can find many medications for various pathologies. In addition to their main purpose, they are used against wrinkles. Next, let's look at the most famous drugs.

Inexpensive and effective anti-wrinkle remedies

Balm “Star”

Vietnamese star helps to tighten the skin of the face and neck. Its actions include getting rid of puffiness under the eyes and rejuvenating the face. The balm consists of camphor oil, cinnamon, rosehip extract, formic acid, petroleum jelly and other substances.


Licorice relieves a woman of pigmentation that occurs with age. Due to the melanin included in the product, dark spots are eliminated. The substance, in turn, is made from licorice root extract.

This plant or its extract tightens the face and normalizes skin color. Pigment spots lighten and become less noticeable after applying licorice infusion. To prepare the product, brew licorice root, infuse it, and then soak a cotton pad in the infusion and wipe your face.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment can replace Botox to help eliminate crow's feet in the corners of the eyes. The effect of reducing wrinkles is ensured due to the ability of the ointment to retain moisture in the skin.

Before use, perform an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to your arm in the elbow area. If no irritation is detected, then you can use ointment to combat wrinkles.

Creams for expression wrinkles

Fluoroxygen + C EytC Eye Cream by Christina

The cream has proven its effectiveness in caring for the area around the eyes. The cosmetic product eliminates circles under the eyes, puffiness, and wrinkles. The cream protects the upper layer of the epidermis from external negative influences.

The composition of this drug is enriched with the following components:

  1. protein,
  2. bearberry extract,
  3. almond oil,
  4. rapeseed oil.

Its price is about 2400 rubles.


Made with natural ingredients, suitable for use with any skin type. The composition is enriched:

  1. aloe vera,
  2. apple oligoside,
  3. coffee extract,
  4. sesame oil,
  5. cornflower juice,
  6. Indian chestnut.

Among the properties declared by the manufacturer is the elimination of wrinkles, swelling, and bruises under the eyes. The drug is not recommended for use by women under 35 years of age. The price of the cream is about 1000 rubles in branded stores.

Wrinkle correcting product Myokine from Vichy

A cosmetic product from France, designed to get rid of the first expression lines. It is recommended to use it no earlier than 25 years. Components that provide a rejuvenating effect are:

Expression wrinkles are eliminated after just a week of using the cream. In pharmacies, specialized stores, and beauty salons, the drug costs from 1,300 rubles.

Anti-wrinkle cream Revitalift from L’Oreal

Anti-aging remedy for facial wrinkles. Its action is aimed at tightening and smoothing the skin of the neck and face. The cream makes the skin elastic. The main component is the antioxidant proritinol A. In Russia, the cream can be bought for 600 rubles.

Preparations for smoothing fine age wrinkles

Nivea Q10 plus

It works thanks to the main component called Q10. The element is an antioxidant and prevents cell aging. The cream cleanses, tones, and enriches the upper layer of the epidermis with energy. The product also stimulates collagen synthesis, which prevents the risk of expression lines.

The cosmetic product moisturizes and tightens the skin in the neck and face. Its average price is 650 rubles. Apply to cleansed skin with massage movements.

Vichy Liftactiv

The effectiveness of the product can be noticed 4 days after use. The active component of the cream is L-rhamnose. The substance helps to heal damaged cells. The element is obtained from rare tropical plants. It also has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect.

The cream is suitable for any type of face. Apply it to cleansed skin in the usual way. The product can also be used as a base for makeup. The price of the drug is about 2000 rubles.

Garnier Ultra lifting

The cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face. The effect is due to the properties of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the cosmetic product. The active component gives the product a regenerating, antibacterial, protective effect. The cream also prevents cell aging.

The product is used every day. This company is a guarantee of a combination of decent quality and low price. So Garnier Ultra lifting cream can be purchased for no more than 300 rubles.


This cream is produced by a Thai company based on snail mucus. The effectiveness is due to the natural composition. Snail mucus enriches the skin with natural collagen, glycolic acid, and elastin.

If you are not afraid of the exotic component, the cosmetic product smoothes out wrinkles on the face, has a peeling effect, and prevents skin aging. Thanks to additional components: vitamin E, collagen and moisturizing extracts, the cream is able to cleanse pores and eliminate age spots. . Its price is 400-450 rubles.

Cellular Performance Hydraulic

The rich texture of the lifting cream helps fight skin aging. The active ingredients are Shilan and silk extract. The skin becomes better thanks to peptides obtained by grinding silk fibers.

Peptides help activate protein synthesis in tissues, including facial skin. The cream moisturizes the skin, improves its structure and has a regenerating effect. Apply in the usual way. It is recommended to use the entire line of products for facial skin care for the best effect. The price of the cream is relatively expensive and amounts to about 7,000 rubles.

Anti-wrinkle gels from the pharmacy

Lyoton, Blefarogel and Curiosin are products intended for the treatment of various pathologies. But few people know that some of them cope with wrinkles no worse than Botox and at the same time are much cheaper.

Gel Curiosin

Cosmetology has recognized Curiosin gel due to its composition, which contains hyaluronic acid. And it, in turn, perfectly eliminates wrinkles, restores the skin and nourishes.

When using the product, the skin is noticeably rejuvenated and moisturized. The top layer of the epidermis becomes silky and smooth. But, despite its excellent properties, the gel has contraindications:

  1. wounds on the face,
  2. presence of implants,
  3. postoperative period associated with surgical intervention in the epidermis of the face,
  4. acute pathologies of the skin.

Also, you cannot use the product before 25 years of age, since there is no need for use.


The drug is intended for the treatment of eye pathologies and cosmetic purposes. It is important to know that Blefarogel is available in two types “1” and “2”. The differences between one remedy and another are significant.

Blefarogel 1 is intended for cosmetic purposes. The drug is applied around the eyes and it eliminates discomfort. It is often used by women whose work involves spending a long time in front of a laptop. The first gel eliminates inflammation from tired eyelids and discomfort after wearing lenses.

Blepharogel 2 is used to eliminate subcutaneous mites. Demodex (mite) settles in the sebaceous glands, at the base of the hair on the eyebrows and head. The gel can not only eliminate the parasite, but also cure blepharitis. This pathology is fraught with irritation of the eyelid, itching, pain and discharge from the eyes.

Gel Lyoton

To be effective, the gel must be used correctly. First you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face of dirt and makeup residues. Lyoton will penetrate deeper, and its effect will be more effective if you steam your face before applying.

Then the medicine is applied to the face and neck area and wait 10 minutes. At the appointed time, wash off the composition with warm water and wipe your face. Improvements will be noticeable after the first use. If a woman does not have pathologies that are a contraindication to the use of the drug, you can not wash off the product and use it as a base for makeup.

Ointments and creams

Ointments and creams have also proven effective in combating wrinkles and pigmentation on the facial skin. Let's look at the most famous drugs.

Ointment Relief

Relief ointment can get rid of wrinkles in just seven days after the first use. The ointment has two active ingredients that have a striking effect.

  1. Shark liver oil. Has a regenerating and analgesic effect. The substance nourishes the skin and maintains fluid balance in the epidermis. The result of application is a velvety and smooth face.
  2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride. Thanks to its vasoconstrictive effect, it effectively eliminates swelling and edema.

Relief ointment has mostly positive reviews. Analogues can be considered “Relief Ultra” and “Relief Advance”.

Retinoic ointment

By using retinoic ointment as a cosmetic product, you can achieve good results. The product prevents excessive sebum secretion, brightens and evens out the skin texture. The ointment promotes the production of collagen, which in turn makes the epidermis elastic and elastic.

The drug cleanses the skin and saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen. Retinoic ointment can also eliminate inflammation on the skin.

Zinc ointment

The drug prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and reduces old ones. The list of properties of the ointment includes:

  1. healing,
  2. antiseptic,
  3. adsorbent,
  4. anti-inflammatory.

The pharmaceutical product stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is important to be careful when applying the product around the eyes.

Heparin ointment

Thanks to the main components, the ointment has won the trust of women. Includes:

  1. heparin,
  2. benzyl nicotinate,
  3. benzocaine,
  4. glycerol,
  5. Vaseline and others.

The active components of the ointment help restore the elasticity of the skin and moisturize well. Heparin ointment nourishes the epidermis, while simultaneously activating metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, therefore helping to maintain skin health.


The drug is a natural activator. It has a beneficial effect on skin cell renewal and ensures facial beauty. A powerful regenerating effect allows you to heal your facial skin. Solcoseryl prevents skin aging and fading.

Anti-wrinkle oils

Oils from various plants also help in the fight for beauty. One of the most beneficial for facial skin is macadamia oil. It contains palmitoleic acid in large quantities. The substance is part of the sebaceous glands. Its absence threatens the skin with dryness. The oil helps replenish essential acid reserves.

The second most important is grape or grape seed oil. Oil Protects the skin, moisturizes and rejuvenates it. The product contains vitamins A and E, chlorophyll, procyanide and linoleic acid.

Vitamin complexes for wrinkles

A lack of vitamins can lead to early wrinkles and worsen skin condition. Vitamin complexes promote the production of collagen, which is responsible for protecting the skin. Strength and elasticity are ensured by the use of vitamin B5. The substances are taken both in capsule form and through food. Vitamins are the best helpers in the fight for beauty at home.


Any medications, and especially pharmaceuticals, should be used with caution for cosmetic procedures. They may have contraindications and side effects. Ignorance and inept application can lead to a deterioration in the condition of not only the face, but also general health.

To prevent an allergic reaction, you should carefully read the composition. You may find out the name of the substance to which you are allergic. It would also be a good idea to do an allergy test. It is carried out before applying each new drug or cosmetic product. You just need to apply a small amount of the substance to the crook of your elbow, leaving it for at least 10 minutes. If the reaction does not occur within several hours, you can safely use the contents of the tube or jar for their intended purpose.