Pharmacy preparations for facial care

High-quality beauty care is not only about branded cosmetic products, for which you need to pay half your salary. Check out your nearest pharmacy. There you will find equally effective beauty products and solutions to various appearance problems - for mere pennies!

Let's look at which pharmaceutical drugs can be used for cosmetic purposes, according to information from the Internet, and how to use them.

But remember that independent experiments in their use, as well as self-treatment of diseases, can lead to extremely disastrous consequences, since these products were released for other purposes.

Beauty products for face and body

1. Peeling with 5% calcium chloride

Often recommended by leading cosmetologists for cleansing the face and body. And at home it replaces expensive salon procedures.

  1. A solution of 5% calcium chloride is applied to cleansed skin with cotton wool.
  2. Next, the baby soap foams.
  3. Then, using patting movements rather than spreading, soap foam is applied over the calcium.
  4. Leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. Rolls of peeling old skin appear on the skin, which must be washed off with water.

The course consists of 4-5 procedures, once a week.

2. Zinc ointment 10%

The active substance is zinc oxide, the auxiliary substance is petroleum jelly.

  1. heals and restores the skin;
  2. protects skin from ultraviolet radiation and sunburn;
  3. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. softens (due to Vaseline).

Application in cosmetology:

  1. To combat rashes and acne, the ointment is applied pointwise to the inflamed areas of the face.
  2. To smooth out shallow wrinkles, apply the ointment (in the evening) in a thin layer over the entire face. However, it should be used in combination with moisturizing creams so as not to dry out the skin.

3. Cream Vitamin F 99

It can be called SOS help for chapped dry skin and sunburn. Dermatologists prescribe it to treat dermatitis, acne and dry skin prone to flaking. Polyunsaturated fatty acids with vitamin F provide a quick effect.

Directions for use: Apply the cream to your face twice a day.

4. Salicylic-zinc paste

The composition contains salicylic acid, zinc oxide, petrolatum and potato starch.

Properties: excellent antiseptic, dries out pimples well. The paste is indispensable for oily problem skin and teenage acne.

  1. The paste should be applied directly to pimples and inflamed areas on the face or body.
  2. To combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), apply the paste to your armpits in the evening, and remove it with a napkin in the morning, since it will not be washed off with water.

5. Arnica ointment

If you have bruises, get rid of them with the homeopathic remedy Arnica. But the ointment also improves microcirculation of blood and lymph and has a strong regenerating effect. Therefore, it is used instead of cream to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to your facial skin twice a day as an addition to your usual care routine.

6. Calendula tincture

Also an excellent pharmaceutical product for the face. It is used to combat inflammatory processes, pimples, and increased oiliness of the face and head.

Properties: anti-inflammatory, drying, cleansing.

  1. Mix a small amount of white clay with calendula tincture to form a paste. Apply directly to pimples, let dry and remove without rubbing using a damp cloth.
  2. Use a cotton swab to lubricate the inflammation, and after 5 minutes apply salicylic-zinc paste.
  3. You can get rid of dandruff with the help of tincture of calendula and castor (or burdock) oil, taken in a ratio of 1:3. Rub the composition into the scalp before washing, leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair.

Read also how to use dimexide to grow and strengthen hair.

7. Curiosin gel

Useful for rashes on the face for its freshness. The drug contains hyaluronic acid - a powerful moisturizer. Therefore, Kuriosin is used as anti-aging cosmetics. Its regular use will smooth out the texture and refresh the skin, removing fine wrinkles.

Apply the gel twice a day until you get the expected effect.

8. Aevit

A multivitamin preparation in capsules containing vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol).

Properties: antioxidant, eliminates regeneration, rejuvenates, eliminates dryness and flaking, softens and nourishes.

  1. To combat wrinkles, apply the contents of two capsules to a scrubbed face (pierce them with a needle) and gently massage in with your fingertips.
  2. For dry lips, to heal cracks in the corners of the mouth, apply the contents of two capsules to the skin of the lips and wounds at night.
  3. To nourish and strengthen nails, rub the contents of 3-4 capsules into the nail plate and the skin around it.
  4. Elimination of “crow’s feet”: using your fingertips, lightly tap the contents of one capsule of the drug into the skin around the eyes.
  5. Add the drug to caring creams and masks, a couple of drops per jar.

All of the above applies to vitamin E - it is also sold in pharmacies.

9. Retinoic ointment

Retinol is the main ingredient in modern anti-aging cosmetics. If you need to renew your skin, smooth out wrinkles, lighten age spots, you cannot find a better assistant. Apply the ointment to your face once a day in weekly courses with monthly breaks.

Attention! Retinol-based products are used only in the cold season, as they increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

10. Thiogamma solution

The solution for droppers is used in hospitals to combat poisoning. Its main component, alpha-lipoic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that fights skin-damaging free radicals, the main culprits of aging.

The product resembles a serum and is applied to the face once a day - in the evening under the cream.

11. Aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid is successfully used in cosmetology.

  1. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. cleanses the skin;
  3. exfoliates dead epidermal cells;
  4. relieves acne;
  5. tightens pores.

Mask for oily skin (cleansing, anti-inflammatory). Crush 3-4 aspirin tablets, mix with water to form a paste and apply to the skin of the face. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Aspirin is not used for rosacea, open wounds, or cuts.

12. Tea tree oil

Used for teeth whitening - apply to teeth and gums at night. The whitening effect will be cumulative.

13. Solcoseryl

Traditionally, the ointment is used to heal minor injuries. But it gives excellent results in skin care. Solcoseryl improves collagen synthesis and accelerates regenerative processes in the skin. Acts as an antioxidant, improves oxygen supply to the skin. Accelerates the transport of glucose into cells that lack the strength to function properly. Used as anti-aging masks twice a week.

14. Drops Hilak forte

They contain 90% lactic acid, so they are used for superficial peeling and skin whitening. It is recommended even for people with sensitive skin who have an allergic reaction to other peels.

15. Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is available in tablets, powder, ampoules and dragees.

  1. active antioxidant;
  2. rejuvenates the skin;
  3. enhances collagen production;
  4. prevents the appearance of rosacea (spider veins) and rosacea (rosacea);
  5. lightens age spots;
  6. reduces the appearance of post-acne;
  7. improves skin color.
  1. Vitamin rejuvenating mask for all skin types. Dilute 1 teaspoon of vitamin C (powder) with mineral water to a paste. Use the mask as directed.
  2. Mask for narrowing and cleansing pores, eliminating oily shine, against inflammation. Crush 3-4 tablets of ascorbic acid (or use powder), mix with 1/3 teaspoon of liquid vitamin A or K, add a little mineral water. Apply to skin or spot on inflammation. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  3. To give hair shine and silkiness. Rinse your hair after washing with a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 sachet of ascorbic acid powder.

Attention! Metal utensils should not be used to prepare masks with ascorbic acid.

16. Seaweed

Suitable for wiping all skin types.

Fucus or kelp is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Then they are frozen in the form of ice cubes.

The cubes tone blood vessels and improve complexion. Fucus contains a full range of macro- and microelements with a wide range of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D3, E, K, F, H).

17. Badyaga

This freshwater sponge is great for exfoliation and is ideal for fighting wrinkles.

Application: The procedure is carried out in the evening.

Mask. Dilute the powder with 3% hydrogen peroxide, moisten your face with water and apply a thin mask. She will pinch. Therefore, leave it on for no longer than 5 minutes and rinse quickly.

After the mask, the skin will be red, so lubricate it with zinc ointment. And in the morning, admire the result - the freshness of your face.

18. Mumiyo

Mountain resin has been known as a healing agent for more than 4 thousand years.

  1. has powerful bactericidal properties;
  2. increases skin tone;
  3. stimulates skin restoration;
  4. rejuvenates;
  5. effective in eliminating acne and treating scars;
  6. copes with stretch marks and cellulite.

It can be added to care products, creams, shampoo, and all kinds of masks. The use is very simple: the mummy tablet is ground into powder, dissolved in a small amount of water and added to cosmetic preparations.

For stretch marks and cellulite. Mix 5 g of crushed mummy with a tablespoon of purified water and cream. Rub into problem areas.

For rejuvenation and firmness of the body:

  1. Shake 10 g of mumiyo with 500 ml of warm water.
  2. Pour half the solution into a bath of water (35-36 degrees).
  3. Immerse yourself in it for 20-25 minutes before going to bed.
  4. Do not throw away the water.
  5. In the morning, fill the bath with hot water, pour out the remaining solution and repeat the procedure.
  6. Course - 20 baths (10 in the morning and 10 in the evening).

Against hair loss. Mix 250 ml of water + 50 g of honey + 5 g of mumiyo. Rub the mixture into the scalp. cover with a cap (plastic film) and leave for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

19. Sea salt

Used as a scrub for oily skin in the form of a mixture of sea salt and shaving cream. Use no more than once a week.

20. Malavit

The drug contains 26 Altai herbs, mumiyo, silver, copper, gum. Used instead of lotion, as it does not dry out or damage the skin. Used to treat acne 2-5 times a day. Relieves irritation and allergies.

Has a deodorizing effect on sweating palms, feet, and armpits. The product reduces the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, eliminates odor. Wipe the armpits with an undiluted solution.

For feet and palms, baths with sea salt are used at the rate of: 40 g per 5 liters of water + 10 ml Malavita. Problem areas are immersed in the solution for 15 minutes.

21. Iodine tincture

Relieves brittle nails. It is necessary to lubricate the nail plates at night. This way they will stop exfoliating and become smooth and shiny.

22. Activated carbon

Pimples, enlarged pores, greasy shine - sheer disappointment! However, these problems can be solved with constant quality care. And it is not at all necessary to use expensive beauty products for this. Regular activated carbon will be a real salvation for those with oily skin. It's completely inexpensive.

Charcoal masks are used for oily skin types: they reduce the production of subcutaneous sebum and eliminate oily shine. The likelihood of inflammatory processes, pimples, and acne (including teenage acne) is reduced. Already existing problems disappear. Charcoal eliminates blackheads and prevents their formation.

23. Clay

An excellent product for skin and hair. It comes in various types - see description.

Dilute the powder with water (or full-fat milk) until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. For dry skin, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of essential oils: almond, avocado, cedar - read the article.

24. Gelatin mask for blackheads

  1. 2 tablets of coal;
  2. 5 g gelatin;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. cold milk.

Mix all ingredients and heat in microwave for 15 seconds. After applying to the face, keep the mask on for 10 minutes. After drying, it can be removed like film.

25. Licorice root syrup

Used in cosmetology to get rid of age spots. The plant has a strong skin whitening effect.

Soak a piece of cotton wool with the product and wipe your face in the evening shortly before going to bed.

Attention! In the daytime, after using the product, be sure to use a cream with UV protection, as licorice increases the photo sensitivity of the skin.

Video tips

From the video you will know how to use for cosmetic purposes:

  1. retinol
  2. Levomikol ointment,
  3. tar soap,
  4. apricot oil,
  5. grape seeds,
  6. peach,
  7. learn about using Clearvin cream,
  8. boroactive,
  9. solkosyerila.

These are not all pharmaceutical beauty products that can take pride of place on your cosmetics shelf. Also widely used:

  1. tar soap (against acne and oily seborrhea);
  2. Klirvin cream, which eliminates skin stretch marks on the abdomen, chest, legs, especially after pregnancy;
  3. burdock oil (prevents and stops hair loss, eliminates itching and flaking of the scalp).

These and many other helpers cost a penny, but will bring benefits worth a million!

Read: about healing with amber stone, a Tibetan pharmacy herb, a remedy for bags under the eyes.

To maintain youthful skin, freshness and beauty of the face, it is not necessary to spend a fortune on expensive creams. You can use pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation. They are guaranteed to be certified, stored in accordance with all rules and recommendations and are in no way inferior in effectiveness to creams from well-known manufacturers.

Rules of application

It is necessary to use pharmaceutical products for cosmetic medical procedures wisely, strictly following the basic rules:

  1. Before you start using a pharmaceutical drug for the purpose of rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles, carefully study its composition: some substances and vitamins help moisturize the epidermis, others, on the contrary, dry it out. A wrong choice can lead to an increase in the problem, which is extremely undesirable.
  2. If necessary, consult a specialist (cosmetologist, doctor) about the possible effect or combination of certain components.
  3. When purchasing a medicine, be sure to check the expiration date, integrity of the packaging and dosage. It is PROHIBITED to use low-quality, questionably manufactured or expired drugs! This threatens with serious consequences, even death.
  4. Before using the drug, you need to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  5. Preparations and masks based on them can only be applied to cleansed skin; this will speed up the expected result.
  6. Store medicines strictly in accordance with its instructions, in pharmaceutical packaging.

Pharmaceutical preparations to combat facial wrinkles

  1. Taufon is a drug known in ophthalmology, the active component of which is taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that has a positive effect on the normalization of metabolic and energy cellular processes, improves cell functioning, which is necessary for facial skin rejuvenation. The use of taufon consists of wiping the surface of the face 2 times a day (morning and evening). The course of treatment procedures is carried out for a week every 25 days.
  2. Vitamin A (Retinol acetate) - the drug is used to treat many diseases, including eye diseases (similar to taufon). Retinol actively affects the regenerative, protective and restorative functions of cells. The product smoothes the surface of the face, including wrinkles, refreshes and rejuvenates it. In cosmetic procedures, it is used in capsules with an oily liquid inside; similarly to taufon, it is rubbed into the epidermis in the morning and evening, 7 days every 25 days.
  3. Panthenol - available in the form of an ointment or spray. Any shape is suitable for cosmetic procedures. The action of the drug is aimed at the rapid restoration of damaged tissues, active production of collagen, and the fight against aging of epithelial cells. Therefore, the product is indispensable for the face after 50 years. Panthenol can be used several times a week instead of a night cream or as an anti-aging mask.
  4. Retinoic ointment is a popular anti-wrinkle ointment in cosmetology, due to not only the rapid smoothing of wrinkles, but also the prevention of the formation of new ones. The high content of vitamin A activates cell function, the skin becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy color. The ointment is applied 2 times a day to problem areas, excluding the area around the eyes, in a thin layer for 2-4 weeks. It is better to carry out a course of treatment with a retion drug in spring or autumn (cold and active sunlight negatively affect the effect of the drug).
  5. Capsicam is an ointment used to treat skin inflammatory processes. The product helps accelerate cell division (regeneration), therefore it is actively used against facial wrinkles after 50. Long-term use of the product is not recommended: it is better to take short courses every 2-3 weeks.

Don’t forget about the product that has been tested by generations of our grandmothers and mothers - fish oil is the number 1 product in cometology.

Products for the skin around the eyes, getting rid of inflammation and puffiness

  1. Liquorice (licorice root) – active substances glycyrrhizin and triterpenoids that simulate immunity. Liquorice root in combination with yarrow herb stimulates the formation of collagen, has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, and relieves puffiness in the area around the eyes. Licorice root is sold in the form of bags that need to be brewed (pour 2 bags of the product into 50 ml of boiling water, close tightly and leave for 10 minutes). Can be used as a lotion on the eyes (apply for 10-15 minutes), as a wash, or frozen (cosmetic ice).
  2. Curiosin gel - the use of the drug is similar to hyaluronic facial mesatherapy. The active substance is hyaluronic acid, which prevents aging, loss of cell moisture, and decreased tissue firmness and elasticity. The method of application consists of applying the gel twice a time (morning and evening) to the area around the eyes and mouth. The duration of the course of procedures is determined by the number of tubes of the product used (for women under 40 years old, one package is enough, for older people - 2).
  3. Heparin ointment is a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves puffiness and dark spots under the eyes, and prevents their formation. The drug must be applied 2-3 times a day until the problem disappears completely, but not more than 10 days in a row.
  4. Relief – the ointment contains shark oil, which stimulates cell regeneration and tissue hydration. Therefore, anti-wrinkle ointment is widely used to rejuvenate the skin. In addition, applying the product in the morning and evening will relieve puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Suppositories, hemorrhoid cream - no matter how strange their use in cosmetology may be, such preparations are based on shark liver oil. The action of the constituent components helps smooth out wrinkles, increase the tone and density of facial tissues. To use, you will need to melt the candles in a steam bath and rinse off after 15-20 minutes.

Comprehensive skin rejuvenation solutions

There is another group of pharmaceutical products, the use of which is recommended in combination with others. These are essential oils, cosmetic oils, for example, linseed oil, sea buckthorn oil, almond oil, Solcoseryl, Aevit, etc.

Solcoseryl - used in combination with Demixid. The main active substance of the drug is hemodialysate, which normalizes the pH balance of cells, promoting the accelerated formation of collagen fibers.
Application: facial skin is steamed and wiped with Dimexide diluted with water (in a ratio of 1:4), after 20 minutes Solcoseryl ointment is applied. After 30 minutes, the residue is washed off with water. It is better to perform the procedure 1 hour before bedtime, 1 time per week.

Aevit is a complex of vitamins A and E, essential in the fight against sagging skin and wrinkles, slowing down the aging process of the epidermis and nourishing them. They are used in combination with all kinds of oils and herbal extracts, depending on the problem and skin type.

Laminaria algae, when used externally, will have a rejuvenating effect, and when taken internally, it will also have a cleansing effect; it is also easy to buy in almost any pharmacy.



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