Argillerine for wrinkles injections reviews

Argireline is a safer and cheaper analogue of Botox. It has a similar principle of action, but, unlike botulinum toxin, it consists of safe synthesized polypeptides. It can be used both subcutaneously by injection and externally by application to the skin.

What does Argireline consist of and how is it used?

Argireline is a synthetic protein peptide consisting of 6 amino acids. It is produced from the protein of animal nervous tissue, undergoes purification and is quite safe from the point of view of possible rejection and allergies. The drug has a liquid, slightly oily structure, is odorless and colorless; if necessary, it can be dissolved in water.

Argireline is recommended for anti-aging therapy for patients over 30 years of age at the first signs of aging, the appearance of facial wrinkles and folds. In addition, it is also used for their prevention (only for external application).

The drug is injected or applied to the skin locally, at the site of the problem (on active facial muscles); it is not customary to use it to care for the entire facial skin. It should also be noted that they are suitable for working with rather delicate areas in the eye and mouth area.

Operating principle

Argireline, when used regularly, reduces the depth of wrinkles, but when you stop using the product, the effect quickly disappears. The drug gently relaxes the muscles, which leads to smoothing of the skin that they hold. At the same time, it does not paralyze facial expressions and does not create a mask effect, maintaining naturalness.

Argireline relaxes facial muscles, which reduces wrinkles

When applied superficially, Argireline has the ability to penetrate the basal layer of the epidermis and also act on nerve endings, relaxing but not completely blocking the muscles.

Methods of administration

One of the main advantages of the drug is the fact that Argireline can be used in several ways. The positive effect of the product on the skin is manifested when it:

  1. surface application;
  2. injection via ultrasound;
  3. administration by injection.

Each of the methods has certain features that need to be discussed in more detail.

Surface application

Argireline can be used externally, applied directly to the skin in its pure form or added to face creams; there are also ready-made creams. Use it twice a day as a final skin care product after cleansing. The drug is not used on an ongoing basis; after a month of applying it, you should take a break. The effect of one-time use lasts for 7–12 hours, changes are observed after the first use, tend to accumulate, but disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Introduction via ultrasound

In this case, after applying the drug to clean and dry facial skin, problem areas are additionally treated with a device for ultraphonophoresis (non-injection administration of the composition). Under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations, active particles penetrate deeper into the dermis and in large quantities, which means their positive effect is greatly enhanced. The effect of one procedure lasts no more than a day, usually about 10–12 hours; regular use allows you to consolidate and strengthen the results, however, after the cessation of exposure, the results do not persist and quickly lose their expression.

Administration by injection

Argireline injections are a rather controversial method of its use and often receive negative reviews from cosmetologists and patients themselves. It is administered in several ways: subcutaneously in its pure form, intramuscularly in its pure form, subcutaneously as part of a mesotherapy cocktail. The first two methods are practiced extremely rarely, the injection of the drug is accompanied by increased pain, from which even local anesthesia cannot help, and the effectiveness does not reach the level of the more popular analogue, Botox.

For mesotherapy, the composition is used quite often; it can be combined with hyaluronic acid, silicon, and other useful components. Designed for anti-aging therapy. The effect of the procedure is not easy to assess; several cocktails provide a rejuvenating and lifting effect for a period of 1 to 4 months, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the quality of subsequent skin care.

Side effects

Despite the fact that Argireline is a safe and non-toxic product, its use can cause a number of side effects and sometimes complications. A negative reaction to the drug when administered by injection is especially relevant. So, it manifests itself in:

  1. Swelling.
  2. Redness of the skin at the injection site.
  3. Pain and cutting sensations under the skin (“glass effect”).
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Formation of bruises.

Typically, these side effects do not require special treatment. In order not to aggravate the situation, you should not wash your face on the first day after injections, and then regularly treat the skin with antiseptic compounds. If the swelling does not go away, sterile cold compresses are allowed, and after healing, the use of ointments based on natural ingredients.


Of course, Argireline also has contraindications for use. The product should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Violation of skin integrity, inflammatory processes and dermatological diseases localized in the affected area.
  3. Increased body temperature, general malaise.
  4. Blood clotting disorder.
  5. Exacerbation of severe chronic pathologies.

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Comparison of Botox and Argireline

Most cosmetologists position Argireline as a safe alternative to Botox, however, such drugs have more differences than similarities.

Drug name Method of administration Side effects Safety Operating principle Price (rubles)
Botox Intramuscularly Swelling, redness, pain, tissue necrosis, toxin accumulation, arrhythmia, fever. It belongs to the group of poisons and accumulates in the body. Complete temporary blockade of muscle function. 150–250 per unit of product, from 5000 rubles per procedure.
Argireline Externally, subcutaneously, extremely rarely - intramuscularly Manifested during injections, swelling, redness. Safe, non-toxic. Muscle relaxation, has the ability to be absorbed when applied superficially. From 250 rubles per ampoule, from 1500 rubles for mesotherapy.

It should also be noted that the effect of Botox is usually more pronounced and occurs much faster than when using Argireline. In addition, botulinum toxin provides longer lasting results.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive reviews about the drug are due to the large number of its advantages. Among them are such characteristics as:

  1. Safety.
  2. Possibility of using several methods, including without damaging the skin.
  3. Minimal risks of allergic reactions.
  4. Easy to store (until expiration date in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container).

It is necessary to note the disadvantages of the drug. So, the effect of its use does not last very long. In addition, it only helps to visually eliminate defects without positively affecting the internal condition of the skin. It does not moisturize or stimulate collagen synthesis; it only provides temporary straightening of the skin.

Video review of creams with peptides

Argireline is a synthetic peptide used for superficial application and subcutaneous injection to reduce the depth of wrinkles. Provides gentle blocking of muscle contraction without creating a mask effect. It is considered one of the modern alternatives to Botox, but is inferior to it in terms of effectiveness and long-lasting results, while being safe and affordable from a financial point of view.

We can feel young for a very long time, maintaining good spirits and having good health. But no one is immune from such an external manifestation of aging as wrinkles. We owe their appearance to the natural processes that occur in the body as we age. Sometimes, due to external factors, these changes can occur faster and signs of aging appear earlier. Cosmetology salons and plastic surgery clinics offer a huge selection of procedures aimed at combating age-related changes. One of them is non-injection plastic surgery using Argireline.

What is Arguilerine for wrinkles?

The drug is a peptide complex that fights the formation of wrinkles similar to a Botox injection. It is applied externally and thus has a huge advantage over all rejuvenation methods that damage the skin.

According to the mechanism of action, the drug belongs to the group of local muscle relaxants. Penetrating into muscle tissue, it affects nerve endings and causes relaxation of the fibers. This removes the main cause of wrinkles. As a result, deep wrinkles in the forehead, “crow’s feet” and in the corners of the mouth disappear. This not only eliminates existing wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

The drug is well tolerated and very rarely causes side effects or allergic reactions. Also attractive is the ease of use of the drug. You can use it at home without resorting to the services of a cosmetologist.

Argillerine or Botox?

As mentioned above, the action of Argillerin is equivalent to botulinum toxin. But unlike the latter, there is no negative effect on facial expressions. The fact is that Botox completely blocks muscle contractility and the face turns into a kind of mask. The hexapeptide included in argillerin simply slows down the process of nerve impulse transmission, and the muscle simply gently relaxes. According to statistics, thanks to the drug, the reduction of existing wrinkles is reduced by 28% within a month.

The drug is produced in the form of a concentrate, which is used to enrich creams and serums. In addition to eliminating wrinkles, with the help of argillerine you can fight excessive dryness of the skin, making it firmer and more elastic. This product can be used by people under thirty years of age. The fact is that it is still too early for them to use anti-aging cosmetics, but wrinkle prevention needs to be carried out.

Before using argireline, you need to consult with a cosmetologist to choose exactly the drug that is suitable in your case.

Anti-wrinkle cream with Argillerine

One of the brightest representatives of argillerine-based products is creotoxin liquid. This is an anti-aging cream, the action of which is aimed at caring for the skin around the eyes (eliminating and preventing crow's feet and bags under the eyes), smoothing nasolabial folds.

According to the instructions, apply the product to clean skin in a thin layer once a day. Can be combined with other facial skin care products. This combination will enhance the rejuvenation effect. The cream is suitable for all skin types. It can also be used to tighten the skin in the décolleté and neck area.

Since argillerine is a topical remedy, there is no need to place high hopes on it. It will have an effect only as long as you use it. This significantly distinguishes this remedy from injection methods, the effect of which lasts for a year or more.

But if you have the opportunity to use argireline for a long time, then this will be a good alternative to injections. And if you also use proper nutrition and vitamin therapy in combination with the drug, you can achieve good results. Of course, it will not be possible to completely remove already formed wrinkles, but they will become less noticeable, and new ones will appear much later.

The big advantage of argireline is that it is completely non-toxic and is highly effective in muscle relaxation. Since this is an external drug, its use does not damage the skin. This is another advantage of the product over injection methods.

Reviews from a cosmetologist about the drug

Here's what a cosmetologist from Moscow says about Arguilerine:

Personally, I always emphasize the importance of preventing aging, which needs to start as early as possible. And in this case, Arguilerine is suitable. I encourage our younger clients to use this product as part of their skin care routine. Its preventive effect is very well expressed, and we can say with confidence that such girls will not come to the salon to remove wrinkles for a long time."

Video on the topic of the article

The range of anti-aging cosmetics is very large. And if many drugs are intended exclusively for professional use, then Argireline can be used independently, without contacting a cosmetologist.

A synthetic low-molecular peptide called Argireline is an analogue of Botox and is designed to eliminate the first signs of skin aging. The composition of the anti-aging product allows us to talk about its safety from the point of view of allergic reactions and rejection.

What it is

For those who are afraid to try radical rejuvenation methods on themselves, Argireline is quite suitable. A safe and inexpensive drug acts like Botox, but the results are not instantaneous. Argireline is a complex of six peptides that are of synthetic origin, but their properties and actions are similar to skin proteins produced by the human body.

The water-soluble preparation, ready for use, has an oily liquid structure, colorless and odorless. It can be used as an independent product, as well as in creams, masks, gels, and serums.

Argireline has an anti-aging effect when:

  1. direct application to the skin;
  2. when administered using ultrasound;
  3. when administered by injection.

The action of Argireline also extends to delicate areas in the mouth and eyes.

Properties and features of the action

The work of the facial muscles invariably leads to age-related aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. This problem can be solved with botulinum toxin injections. But aesthetic cosmetology today offers less radical ways to solve the problem. Peptide-based drugs, which include Argireline, partially or completely block impulses arriving at the nerve endings in facial muscles. It turns out that the peptides paralyze the work of these muscles. But, unlike Botox, they act more gently. The face does not look “stony”, and the drug itself does not cause discomfort.

It is worth noting that the effect of the peptide complex is temporary. To ensure a long-lasting effect after the first injection, repeated administration of the drug is required after some time. When applied externally, the effect stops if you stop using Argireline.

Release form and prices

Argireline is available in different forms: as a water-soluble powder, solution, as well as in cosmetic creams, masks, emulsions, serums, gels.

Prices for drugs intended for professional use are higher. For example, a 10 mg powder costs about 1,500 rubles. The cost of cosmetics for home use will please even the most demanding buyer.

In pharmacies, specialized retail outlets, and online stores you can find masks, creams, and facial serums at prices ranging from 100 to 700 rubles. When purchasing products with argireline, you should take into account customer reviews about the manufacturers of these products and specific cosmetics.

Comparison with other substances of this type

Argireline acts similar to botulinum toxin. And if Botox injections give an almost instant effect, then the desired result after using Argireline does not occur immediately. There are other distinctive features of these two anti-aging drugs:

Substance Safety Efficiency Availability
Botulinum toxin Botox is a toxin that completely blocks the work of facial muscles. Injections may cause side effects. The effect after injection appears quickly. The durability of the result is low. The procedure is repeated after about six months. Expensive procedures are not affordable for everyone.
Argireline The substance is non-toxic and absolutely safe. The effect appears after a few weeks of using cosmetics. Regular and long-term use slows down the aging process of the skin. Cosmetics with argireline are available to any buyer, as they have a low price.

How does Argireline work?

Use in cosmetology and plastic surgery

Argireline and cosmetics based on it are used to eliminate facial wrinkles. Creams, masks, serums and other products can be used effectively at home. Beauty salons and specialized clinics offer their own anti-aging procedures with Argireline preparations:

Rejuvenation method The essence of the procedure
Surface application The cosmetic product is applied to cleansed skin in areas of active facial activity. The skin begins to smooth out after 10 minutes. The effect lasts up to 10 hours. The procedures are recommended to be done for a month, after which a noticeable result occurs. After a short break, the procedures should be resumed. If this is not done, the results achieved will simply disappear.
Ultrasonic method Argireline is applied locally to cleansed, dry skin. The desired area is treated with an ultraphonophoresis device. The connective tissue of the skin loosened by ultrasound absorbs nutrients better. The rejuvenating effect is visible immediately and lasts up to 12 hours. After a ten-day course, you should take a break and repeat it again.
Injection method Argireline is administered under the skin by injection or mesotherapy. The injections are painful and their effect does not last long. The mesotherapy method has a more pronounced and lasting effect. Along with argireline, the meso cocktail may contain hyaluronic acid, silicon and other substances. The result can last up to 4 months after 3 - 5 procedures.


Argireline is not toxic, so harm from its use may occur in case of hypersensitivity to components that are included in a particular cosmetic product. Other contraindications:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. the presence of open wounds and other damage to the skin;
  3. infectious skin lesions - herpes, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, scabies, etc.

Features of using Argireline

Argireline, unlike Botox, has lower activity. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect when using it, you should follow some rules:

  1. Before applying preparations with argireline, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed;
  2. moisturizing helps to increase the permeability of the skin;
  3. care should be taken to protect the skin from moisture loss after each procedure;
  4. Topical application at regular intervals will allow you to maintain the required concentration of active substances in the skin throughout the entire rejuvenating course.

Argireline and the results of its use

Argireline - how to choose a product with peptides after studying the composition? About this in the video below:


All reviews about the use of Argireline are exclusively positive. Despite the short-term effect, many do not miss the opportunity to increase the time between Botox injections using peptide-based cosmetics. Among the positive aspects are the availability of drugs and the possibility of use at home.

There are so few cases of side effects that this substance is called universal in the field of aesthetic medicine. In the Russian Federation, Argireline is sold everywhere. And the affordable price gives everyone the opportunity to experience the rejuvenating effect.

Side effects

Adverse reactions after using cosmetics with argireline are very rare. Possible side effects include:

If such reactions occur, use of the drug should be discontinued.