Armeria anti-wrinkle complex

The Armeria anti-wrinkle complex has no analogues in the world. Consists only of plant components. Tightens the epidermis and refreshes it. Makes it more elastic and toned. Provides salon care at home. Does not harm the skin and has virtually no contraindications. Consists of three complementary products. Provides complete care for the entire face, not excluding the eye area and décolleté area. The effect is visible after two weeks of regular use. Suitable for all ladies over the age of 30, regardless of the type of dermis.

About the rejuvenating complex

"Armeria" is a new Russian brand of cosmetics. Designed for the care of mature, aging skin. The products are recommended for use by women at the first signs of aging, aged 30-35 years.

Armeria anti-wrinkle products have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Smoothes up to 70% of both age-related and expression wrinkles. Easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Does not form a film on the skin. Armeria anti-aging cream effectively fights age spots and removes acne, if present, in a short time. The manufacturer claims that the cosmetic product can act as an alternative to Botox. All components of the cream work at the cellular level. They stimulate tissue regeneration processes and restore tightness. Removes waste and toxins from the skin.

Enrich the dermis with beneficial vitamins and microelements. Evens out complexion and refreshes skin. Makes it smooth and shiny. Tone. Preserve and prolong skin youth for an indefinite period. The skin after such care looks more elastic and healthy. Its appearance is significantly improved.

All preparations of the Armeria complex are completely natural. They contain a large amount of nutrients that the epidermis simply needs. The products are suitable for any skin type. Do not cause side effects. In just a few applications, the face cream changes the dermis beyond recognition and effectively rejuvenates it.

All the ingredients in the complex not only combine perfectly with each other, but also complement each other’s actions. A whole team of professionals worked on the composition of cosmetics. All products, including face cream, have undergone numerous studies. They were tested on 40 women aged 40 to 65 years. And the research results showed 100% effectiveness of these funds. The products of this brand have all the necessary quality certificates and are safe for the skin.

What is included in the complex?

The rejuvenating complex for the face “Armenia” includes the following products:

  1. Mousse for washing. The product has a soft washing consistency. Thoroughly cleanses pores of dirt. Prepares the skin for further care procedures. Avocado extract contained in the product moisturizes the dermis. Prevents premature loss of moisture. It does not have a tightening effect, so it can be used by those with sensitive and dry skin. A special extract of medicinal herbs has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Increases the immunity of the skin. Protects from negative environmental influences. This is the first stage of facial care.
  2. Cream filler for the area around the eyes. Stimulates metabolic processes occurring in the deep layers of the epidermis. Moisturizes the skin. Nourishes the skin with all essential nutrients. Eliminates wrinkles in the eye area, both facial and age-related. Armeria cream removes bags under the eyes and puffiness. The oils contained in the cosmetic product soften the skin and protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Aloe juice prevents aging and cell destruction. Relieves the inflammatory process. This is the second stage of care.
  3. Face cream. The product contains natural wheat collagen, thanks to which the skin tightens and becomes more elastic. It is quickly absorbed and in a matter of moments penetrates deep into the skin, where it tightens the skin framework and tones. The natural components of the product improve blood circulation in the vessels. As a result, the dermis becomes smooth and silky. Shining with health. Armeria anti-wrinkle cream smooths out not only fine wrinkles, but also deep ones. Removes pigmentation and does not clog pores. The product is used before bed, after preliminary cleansing of the skin. Face cream is applied last, after the two previous products.

All the products taken together act harmoniously and give an amazing effect in caring for the dermis. The Armeria face cream stands out especially. The manufacturer of this product is located in Russia and registered in Moscow, this is the company Lebenton LLC.

Composition of the complex

Armeria cream, intended for the care of the skin of the face and décolleté, consists only of natural ingredients. The product is easily absorbed by the skin and in rare cases causes an allergic reaction. The main ingredients of the cosmetic product are:

  1. Biologically active substances. They stimulate natural collagen production. Prevent skin aging. Activate metabolic processes. Rejuvenate.
  2. Olive leaf extract. Moisturizes. Retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin. Eliminates dermal irritation. Has antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.
  3. Royal jelly of bees. Softens and tones the dermis. Evens out the surface of the skin, while eliminating wrinkles. It is a strong biostimulant. Contains protein components, amino acids, lipids and organic compounds. Contains deoxyribonucleic acid. Restores the skin at the cellular level.
  4. Extract from sea mollusks and algae. Stimulates blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis. Tightens the dermis, strengthens its walls. Tones.

No less useful substances are contained in the other two products of the anti-aging complex. Thus, the mousse contains extracts of medicinal field herbs, which are an excellent antiseptic and help remove the inflammatory process. The second component of the cleanser is an extract from the antlers of the Altai deer. It gives the skin strength and radiance. Has a healing effect. Restores the damaged structure of the epidermis. The micellar water contained in the product helps remove impurities. Promotes more thorough cleansing of the skin. Normalizes lipid metabolism. Replenishes lack of moisture. Brown seaweed is a valuable component for the skin. They contain many nutrients, including iodine, magnesium and calcium. They are rich in vitamins E, C, A and B9. This substance activates blood circulation in the tissues of the dermis.

Cream filler is designed to care for the skin around the eyes. The product is quickly absorbed. It has a delicate consistency and natural composition, which includes components such as:

  1. Aloe juice. This substance protects cell membranes from damage. Smoothes out wrinkles. Prevents skin aging. Contains beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is a natural biostimulator. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Successfully heals wounds and removes irritation.
  2. Wheat germ oil. The component helps eliminate waste and toxins. Stimulates cell regeneration. Tones the skin. Nourishes it with useful substances. Softens. Contains vitamins A and E.
  3. Milk thistle oil. It contains a whole range of valuable nutrients. Acts as a tissue regenerator. It is characterized by antiseptic, bactericidal, wound healing, immunomodulatory properties. Prevents premature cell aging.
  4. Amaranth oil. Acts as a good moisturizer. Prevents premature loss of moisture. Slows down skin aging. Contains vitamin E, as well as squalene and a number of essential amino acids. Nourishes the dermis.

All components of the products have a unique 100% herbal composition. They work in the deep layers of the skin. They have the most positive effect on the condition of the dermis. They give stable and long-lasting results. The effect is noticeable after 14 days of regular use of the Armeria complex.

Indications and contraindications

Armeria cosmetics are suitable for all women over 30 years of age. It is at this age that the first wrinkles appear and more careful and intensive skin care is required.

Facial lifting cream is recommended for use if:

  1. The skin has lost its elasticity and tone.
  2. Swelling and wrinkles appeared.
  3. There is age-related pigmentation on the skin.
  4. The skin color is dull and has a gray tint.
  5. The product is recommended for the first and deep wrinkles and if the oval of the face begins to “float”.

Armeria face cream can act as an independent product and be used without the use of other anti-aging complex products. In this case, it will not be possible to guarantee a 100% result. After all, only by acting together, the products can give maximum effect and provide complete facial care.

Lifting cream has practically no contraindications, but it should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to the components included in the product. Before using a cosmetic product, in order to avoid negative reactions, it is recommended to conduct a dermal sensitivity test. Especially if a person is predisposed to allergies.

The product should be used with caution by people suffering from skin diseases. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult their physician before using an anti-aging product. The cream should not be used by ladies under 30 years of age, as this cosmetics is intended for the care of mature skin. It makes no sense to use it at a younger age.

Application of face cream

Armeria facial product is applied to the face two hours before bedtime. To do this, squeeze a small amount of the product into the palm of your hand and distribute it over the entire surface of the skin. The cream should be applied along massage lines, from the center to the periphery. When applying cosmetics, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area. Lifting cream should be applied to cleansed and prepared skin. To cleanse the dermis, it is recommended to use a mousse that comes in combination with the specified product. The product works for 24 hours, so there is no need to apply day cream when using it.

Foam mousse acts delicately and does not tighten the surface of the skin, so it can be used by those with dry and sensitive skin. Squeeze a little mousse into the palm of your hand and spread over your moisturized face. Lather with light movements, massaging the skin a little. Everything is washed away. Wait until the skin dries. And after that, a lifting cream is applied, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.

To care for the sensitive eye area, the company advises using a special cream that is included in the anti-aging complex. To use it, squeeze a small amount of the product onto your fingertips and tap into the skin with tapping movements. This technique of applying the composition allows the cream to penetrate deeply, which gives maximum results.

Armeria cosmetics should be used in combination. Only in this way will the active ingredients of the products harmoniously complement each other and give the best result.

Face cream "Armeria": reviews from cosmetologists from the official website

Reviews from cosmetologists from the company’s official website are only positive. They note the natural composition of the cream. They say that he is able to fully care not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté area. According to them, the product gives aging skin everything it so badly needs. It cleanses pores and tones the dermis. Saturates with vitamins, microelements and other valuable substances. Slows down the aging process. Activates tissue regeneration processes at the cellular level.
The composition of the face cream helps smooth out wrinkles, remove age-related pigmentation, strengthen the dermis framework, and restore the damaged structure of the epidermis. It refreshes and heals the skin, removes inflammation, redness, helps get rid of acne, makes the epidermis radiant, younger and smoother.

Experts from the site say that the cream can replace salon procedures and is inexpensive. It is recommended to use it in combination with foam mousse and eye filler cream. These reviews of Armeria face cream describe it as the best product and set it apart from other cosmetic products. They note that this is an affordable and convenient way to prolong youthful skin. According to these experts, the product tightens the skin so well that there is simply no need to use Botox injections and other salon procedures.

These dermatologists claim that cream-lifting brings aging skin into order in a short time. And all you need is five minutes of free time. They recommend using the product at the first signs of aging. According to them, it is easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to get rid of them later. These people note that the cosmetic product is completely safe and has all the necessary quality certificates. It is considered a godsend for every woman. It is strongly recommended to use it in combination with other products of the anti-aging complex.

Real reviews from experts

Despite the effect that Armeria cosmetics give, real reviews are not so common and make you doubt the quality of these products. Reviews from cosmetologists make it clear that they do not consider face cream a professional product. They note that it is not able to replace salon procedures, including Botox. In their opinion, the cream has too weak a composition. They don’t see in it those substances that really rejuvenate the dermis. These are hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin.

The product does not contain UV filters, so it is not able to protect the skin from sunlight. These experts do not believe that this cream can compete with such salon treatments as mesotherapy, microdermabrasion, Botox, and peeling.
They note that this product is nothing more than a completely mediocre night cream. It has not passed all the necessary tests and does not have the necessary certificates. Its quality is questionable, and the manufacturer is not known in cosmetology. Previously, I did not specialize in the production of skin care products.

It is advised not to place high hopes on real reviews of Armeria lifting cream. It is recommended to pay attention to the packaging, which does not contain all the necessary information about the composition and the manufacturing company. According to them, it is better to use cosmetics from well-known and trusted brands for skin care.

Positive customer reviews about the lifting cream

Armeria face cream has both positive and negative reviews. People belonging to the first category are completely satisfied with the result that the lifting product gave them. They note that you should not purchase just one cream.

They say that only an integrated approach allowed them to achieve the best effect.
Women claim that positive changes are noticeable after several uses. Small wrinkles begin to smooth out, and deep ones become less noticeable. The skin becomes more elastic and smooth. The oval of the face is noticeably tightened. The surface of the dermis is rejuvenated. The skin tone is brightened and the surface is evened out. The appearance of the dermis improves from application to application. Many ladies are delighted with the natural composition of the product. They note that it is effective for 24 hours and there is no need to use additional day cream.

Users indicate that the cream is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. It has a light airy consistency and a pleasant smell. Does not clog pores and does not create an impenetrable film on the surface of the dermis.

For these ladies, Armeria anti-wrinkle cream has become indispensable. Reviews from these individuals claim that they use it constantly and are completely satisfied with the result. The cosmetics did not cause addiction among the ladies and did not cause side effects. Women claim that using this cream, they were able to rejuvenate their skin by ten years. They advise you not to waste money and order this product for yourself.

Negative reviews about face cream

The product "Armeria" (face cream) also caused negative reviews. These people claim that all the manufacturer's claims are false. On the website they demand 990 rubles for the complex, and when women call, they are explained that for that amount they can only purchase one product. For the rest you have to pay extra separately.

These users were dissatisfied with these products, including the lifting cream. According to them, it has a specific smell and a sticky sticky consistency. Armeria cream clogs pores and provokes the formation of comedones. Reviews from these individuals note that the product is difficult to apply and distribute over the skin. It slides down in places. Forms an impenetrable film on the face. Can cause an allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching and irritation.

These people did not see any results even after a month of regular use of the cream. Moreover, they bought the entire complex not for 900, but for 5,500 rubles. They were disappointed with the effect, because for this money they could purchase professional cosmetics from well-known and trusted brands. These people do not recommend purchasing a facial product. It is believed that it can harm the skin and worsen its condition.

Where to buy face cream?

Armeria anti-wrinkle cream has a very affordable price on the Internet. No one can say for sure whether this product is a scam or not, since there are very different reviews about it. Lifting cream can only be purchased on the company’s official website. It is not sold separately, but only in combination with mousse and eye cream. The cost of anti-aging products on the website is 990 rubles.

In order to make a purchase on the official website, you need to leave a request, entering your phone number and name. After sending the order form, the company consultant calls back and clarifies all the necessary details. The website has a virtual online consultant available 24 hours a day, to whom you can ask all your questions at any time.

Is it worth buying Armeria cream? Real reviews say no, but there are a lot of comments on the Internet and people who are satisfied with the effect of this product use it constantly. These people note that it is important not to run into a fake and buy a real product, which, in their words, will give real results.

Contents of the review article:

  1. Where to buy and price
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Composition and components
  4. Instructions and results
  5. Real reviews

Armeria (Armeria) is professional skin care for its restoration, rejuvenation, nutrition and smoothing. The complex contains three forms of care: foam mousse for gentle washing, lifting cream to maintain turgor, cream filler for deep penetration of nutrients. All preparations contain natural ingredients. Manufacturers have proven maximum effectiveness through clinical testing on women. In a matter of days, changes were noticeable: the skin of the face and neck was noticeably smoother and became lighter. The method of using the complex is the same as with conventional care products. It is convenient to take it with you if you are away from home. The product has a quality certificate.

Where to buy and price of the Armeria complex

To rejuvenate the skin and restore it, it is enough to buy a professional Armeria complex, which consists of a foam in the form of a mousse intended for washing, a cream with a lifting effect that supports the turgor of the dermis, as well as a filler cream, which is responsible for deep nutrition of the skin and the supply of valuable components .

Armeria cosmetics are currently not sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Supplies are handled exclusively by the official manufacturer, without cooperating with resellers. It is thanks to this that you can be sure of the optimal cost and exceptional quality of the products.

The price of the Armeria rejuvenating complex in different countries is:

  1. in Russia - 990 rubles;
  2. in Ukraine - 359 hryvnia;
  3. in Kazakhstan - 6990 tenge;
  4. in Belarus - 32 Belarusian rubles.

Beneficial properties of Armeria for skin rejuvenation

Facial and body care is the basis for maintaining youth. But at the same time, it is important to follow certain rules that relate to age, health, skin condition, etc. Depending on the indicators, the intensity of cosmetic or therapeutic procedures is selected, the active formula of the components in the drug, and preference is given to devices or creams.

No one will argue that age destroys tissue cells, so wrinkles appear, the face begins to “float”, extra chins form, etc., which moves us away from a beautiful image. But cosmetologists, who constantly offer something new, recommend using care from one series. For example, removing impurities from the skin (1st stage of care), moisturizing and nutrition (both night and day) are selected from one company: be it expensive French cosmetics for older buyers or budget ones for buyers with young skin.

The native Armeria complex supports all the recommendations of cosmetologists and is intended for skin rejuvenation. All its components perfectly complement and enhance each other’s effects. Natural components - herbal extracts, juice, oils and vitamins - are divided into areas of action: regeneration, nutrition, hydration, tightening/lifting. These are the components that keep your skin healthy and your appearance young and beautiful.

Each Armeria treatment has its own active native formula:

  1. 1st stage. Cleansing is a foam mousse containing micellar water and extracts of plants and maral antlers.

2nd stage of care of the Armeria complex. This strengthens the skin and improves its elasticity in the form of a lifting cream. Suitable for daytime use.

3rd stage. Nourishing the skin during the night's rest consists of Armeria filler cream, which contains the maximum amount of plant oils.

In addition to the fact that Armeria is a native and harmless complex, it is suitable for use at any age and with any skin condition (dry, oily, normal).

Professional cosmetologists consider the Armeria complex product not only effective, but also bringing rapid positive changes in the structure of the skin. This opinion is not accidental; the action of Armeria at any stage of care extends to the deepest layers of the skin. If ordinary caring creams and mousses work on the upper layer of the dermis, then the Armeria complex for rejuvenating and maintaining skin health works at the cellular level.

The creams, delicate in texture, and the airy, light mousse-foam are securely placed in an airtight dispenser, so they can be stored for quite a long time. And using Armeria series products is no more difficult than using various creams and foams from other manufacturers. The complex is convenient to take with you, the volume of packaging is quite traditional, but at the same time, any care is always with you.

Composition and components of the Armeria complex product

Armeria series preparations do not contain perfumed fragrances or chemical compounds harmful to health. But still, people with individual intolerance to ingredients should carefully read the composition before deciding to use cosmetics. Armeria Skin Rejuvenation Complex contains the following components that make up the active formula.

Mousse foam for washing:

  1. Micellar water;
  2. Extraction of Altai deer antlers;
  3. Brown seaweed (extract);
  4. Extract of field herbs;
  5. Avocado (extract).

The natural ingredients of Armeria skin cleansing and makeup removing foam have gentle and effective cleansing properties. When applied to damp skin, clogged pores open and not only deep cleansing occurs, but also hydration. Field herbs collected in Armeria foam act as an antiseptic, micelles eliminate impurities, avocado moisturizes dry skin.

  1. Royal jelly of bees;
  2. Extraction of seaweed and shellfish;
  3. Olive leaf extract;
  4. Complex of vitamins and minerals.

The components collected in Armeria lifting care, especially natural collagen, provide the skin with elasticity, cope even with deep wrinkles and make the oval of the face clearer. Herbal extracts and vitamins make the face radiant and the skin velvety.

  1. Aloe juice;
  2. Wheat germ extract and oil;
  3. Milk thistle oil;
  4. Amaranth oil.

Armeria components provide long-lasting hydration and smoothing of the skin, oils soften the dermis and protect cell membranes from damaging ultraviolet radiation and oxidation. Wheat germ accelerates recovery processes and speeds up cell renewal.

Instructions for use of Armeria cosmetics and results

Armeria is a comprehensive skin care, so you need to start all procedures as recommended by the manufacturer of the product in the instructions for use.

First, you should definitely cleanse your face, neck, or take a shower. For the first procedure, use Armeria cleansing foam, which is applied to the palm of your hand using a dispenser (2-3 pressures) and then to damp skin. Lightly massage and wash off with water. The procedure can take place in the morning and/or evening.

Second phase. Towel-dried skin needs hydration. Therefore, we again use a lifting cream or filler dispenser and apply a small amount of Armeria to the face, neck, and décolleté area. Let it soak in and then do our usual things: if it’s morning, we apply makeup, if it’s evening, we go to bed.

According to tests of Armeria by manufacturers on several women of different ages, all of the subjects noted positive changes: smoothing of wrinkles, lightening of the skin, its velvety and elasticity to the touch, tightening of the oval of the face. They cleansed, nourished and moisturized the face with one Armeria series.

As for the timing, the conclusions of the subjects are not so uniform. Much depends on the age and condition of the skin: those who are accustomed to properly caring for their face and neck do not experience visible defects, and the comparison with what was and what has become was not too obvious. They only noted that the Armeria complex allows you to keep your face young and fresh.

In older women with many wrinkles, there was a clear improvement in the skin from the first use.

Real reviews about Armeria cosmetics

There were quite a few people willing to share their impressions of using Armeria comprehensive anti-aging care. Among them are both satisfied and dissatisfied, different women, of different age groups and with different skin. They were united by the desire to buy and use cosmetics containing natural ingredients. So…

My mom has these Armeria cosmetics, but I enjoy using them from time to time. The cleansing mousse is just weightlessness itself, but it cleanses like bleach (just kidding). After washing, no traces of makeup remain, but the skin is moisturized, and further care does not seem so necessary. Sometimes I take cream filler, which is also quickly absorbed due to its delicate texture, but at the same time the face looks fresher, by the way, the swelling under the eyes goes away.

Angelica, 33 years old

My skin shows some signs of fatigue: dull, dark circles under my eyes, and superficial wrinkles. To cope with this and prevent further deterioration, I purchased the Armeria rejuvenating complex. I can say that overall I am satisfied. The hydration is noticeable and there is some lifting too, especially in the eye area. There is also a drawback: the foam mousse ran out quickly.

Svetlana, 48 years old

I often travel on business, and I missed such a comprehensive express facial care product. At home I use my usual cosmetics (massages made from fruits and vegetables, tea for eyelids, oils for the skin, etc.), but when I travel, Armeria helps me out a lot. I look especially good in the morning: my face is fresh and toned, without swelling or sagging cheeks.

Armeria complex for skin cell regeneration after 35 years

Designed specifically for the care of aging skin after 30 years Armeria complex (Armeria), consisting of three cosmetic products (foam mousse for washing, cream filler for eyelids, night lifting cream for face).

In 4 weeks significantly improves the condition of the face: reduces the number and depth of wrinkles, tightens the contour, cleanses the epidermal cells of toxins. It will restore even ultra-dry skin types, forget about flaking and tightness!

What is special about the complex?

The Armeria set is designed taking into account the biological characteristics of the mature epidermis. It doesn’t matter whether your type is dry, oily or normal, Armeria will equally solve your main problem - withering, aging, and the rapid appearance of wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend using Armeria products regularly after the age of 35, but if you stop using them, the effect will remain for a long time in the form of tightened and healthy skin. During use you will achieve the following results!

  1. Reducing the number and depth of wrinkles.
  2. Activates collagen production.
  3. Improves cellular regeneration.
  4. Restores oxygen circulation.
  5. Tightens the contours of the face.
  6. Eliminates age spots.
  7. Leaves skin smooth and silky.
  8. Cleanses pores of impurities and toxins.

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The mechanism of action of the three-phase complex

Initially starts action foam for washing Armeria, which has a mousse consistency. It cleanses pores well of impurities and increases the absorption of nutrients by cells. Next you need to apply cream-lifting for the area around the eyes, which is absorbed within 10 seconds, leaving no residue. The medicinal composition penetrates deep into the dermis and eliminates facial wrinkles. The final stage of action - night cream filler, which has a smoothing and express restorative effect.

With regular facial skin care using the Armeria anti-aging complex, you will notice an improvement in the condition of the dermis within 3 weeks of use. The complex is able to remove wrinkles by 60% according to the results of studies.

Composition of foam-mousse for washing

Suitable for sensitive aging skin, breaks down deep impurities without causing harm to the dermis. Soothes the skin and eliminates signs of fatigue!

  1. Wildflower extracts. Penetrate deep into the dermis and saturate it with vitamins.
  2. Antlers marala. It contains about 50 substances necessary for proper metabolic processes of cells. Improves the movement of blood and oxygen.
  3. Micellar water. Necessary for cleansing the epithelium of impurities. Eliminates greasy shine and makes the skin matte. Has an antibacterial effect.
  4. Seaweed. Restores skin, eliminates traces of acne and age spots.

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Composition of a tightening filler cream for the eye area

Made specifically to restore the delicate skin of the eyelids, in 1.5 it can reduce the number and depth of wrinkles in this area.

  1. Vitamins and minerals. Restores the immunity of the dermis and protects against low temperatures and ultraviolet rays.
  2. Olive tree extract. Softens the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, controls water balance.
  3. Royal jelly. Restores the delicate skin of the eyelids, helps reduce the number of wrinkles.
  4. Extracts from seaweed.Increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

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Composition of restorative anti-wrinkle lifting night cream

It acts at night, saturating cells with collagen and stimulating intensive smoothing of the skin. Results are achieved after 1.5 months of regular use of the cream!

  1. Aloe vera juice. Eliminates pigmentation, tightens the skin, saturating it with enzymes and saponites. Restores water balance in the epidermis.
  2. Wheat germ extract. It has an antioxidant effect, removes waste and toxins.
  3. Milk thistle oil. Thanks to its intense healing effect, it tightens pores and smoothes out scars.
  4. Amaranth oil. Saturates the dermis with B vitamins and phospholipids. Stimulates metabolic processes in cells.

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Important benefits

  1. Highly effective organic composition.
  2. Express skin restoration by 60%.
  3. Prolonged action!
  4. Lifting effect in 30 days.
  5. Economical consumption.
  6. Budget price!

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How to apply it correctly?

  1. Remove makeup with a caring foam mousse, massage your face and rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure morning and evening.
  2. Wait for the skin to dry naturally! Apply cream filler 2 times a day to the area around the eyes.
  3. Apply night lifting cream 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Where to buy a rejuvenating complex?

The Armeria complex has just gone on sale, so it is sold only on the manufacturer’s official website!

Current prices

  1. Russia — 990 rub.
  2. Armenia — 14990 AMD
  3. Kazakhstan — 6990 tenge

* Order at a special price right now and receive a unique gift from the manufacturer!

Attention! The application does not oblige you to anything! You can get free expert advice or help in choosing a course.

Payment and delivery

After confirming the order, the purchase is sent by mail the next day to all cities in Russia and the CIS countries. On average, shipping takes up to 10 days. No prepayment required! Pay for your purchase after receiving it at your post office by cash on delivery!

The promotional price of the Armeria complex (3 facial care products) is 990 rubles each!

Reviews from experts

Cosmetologists call the Armeria complex a wonderful alternative to expensive branded products. Every woman can afford a rejuvenating complex, because for 3 products you will pay only 2970 rubles. This is a worthy offer, given that the effectiveness of creams is confirmed by research. Most likely, the price will increase in the future, but there will also be new products in the Armeria line.

Customer Reviews

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Eliminates wrinkles and pigmentation in 30 days

The "Armeria" complex is recommended by cosmetologists for skin care after 35 years! After just 1 application, the condition of the epidermis improves. The skin becomes hydrated, softened and velvety! The effectiveness is confirmed by thousands of women.