Self-tanning during pregnancy

Girls! Is it possible to apply self-tanner during pregnancy? Who used it? Summer is just around the corner))) I want to look beautiful. I do highlights, manicures and pedicures too!
You can just read so much nonsense on the Internet. Is it really chemical? Does the self-tanning composition get absorbed into the blood?! I do not believe!
I apply it myself very carefully and carefully, no stains, streaks, and it washes off gradually, like natural. Maybe I’ll do an instant tan 2-3 times too. It's just much more expensive! experts

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Highlighting is done on the hair, departing from the roots about a cm, so the composition does not affect the skin, etc., but if you dyed it with ammonia, the doctor would tell you to be wary of this, since the hormonal background during pregnancy is completely different than during normal pregnancy life and you can develop such an allergy, it doesn’t seem a little, the same applies to self-tanning. This is chemistry in its purest form! How can you know how it will subsequently affect the child? Yes, there are especially smart mothers who sunbathe with their bellies, and then a child is born with skin diseases and they start running around to doctors and surgeries. I understand you, pregnancy is not a disease, you want to be beautiful and well-groomed, but it is better to weigh the risks and be patient.

If I were you, I would be patient, you never know how it will affect the child. Do you really want to risk your baby's health?

I talked to my doctor, neither highlighting nor self-tanning should be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Buy bronzing powder for the body, and you can also tint your hair with something light, not overhydrol. Have pity on the little one, you can’t be so selfish.

don't listen to the gossip
all my friends wore makeup and sunbathed and (oh the horror!) fucked during pregnancy
otherwise they’re sitting here being clever
you can’t, you can’t, but you can eat mayanesic, kilogram cakes with margarine rosettes made from trans fats and chemical sausages washed down with liters of cola, that’s in the order of things.

don't listen to the gossip
all my friends wore makeup and sunbathed and (oh the horror!) fucked during pregnancy
otherwise they’re sitting here being clever
you can’t, you can’t, but you can eat mayanesic, kilogram cakes with margarine rosettes made from trans fats and chemical sausages washed down with liters of cola, that’s in the order of things.

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I also read on the bottles: approved for pregnant women. And I talked to the doctor about this topic - he allowed it.
And all those who wrote above confuse the old car bronzers of the 60s with modern ones. Today's products color the top layer of skin thanks to a substance made from palm oil.
You can also wear makeup, no one walks around with overgrown roots, choosing an ammonia-free dye, or dyeing your hair under a powerful hood is not so difficult. And they don’t dye their hair with ammonia for only one reason: the hormonal levels change, and the hair can give a different shade than before, the result is unpredictable.
By the way, during my first pregnancy I was seen by the same chief doctors in Moscow, where all the stars give birth, and I gave birth twice abroad, in London and Melbourne. I have never seen sickly pregnant women. In Melbourne, self-tanning is very common, due to the fact that no one tans under the sun there.

I talked to my doctor, neither highlighting nor self-tanning should be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Buy bronzing powder for the body, and you can also tint your hair with something light, not overhydrol. Have pity on the little one, you can’t be so selfish.

I used self-tanning during pregnancy, nothing bad happened.. The self-tanning products were light and like transparent gels, good, proven brands, definitely not self-tanners

not everyone paints with perihydrol (what is it??), and not everyone goes to such home-grown doctors as you.

Thank you very much for the advice! Who has used it? Please write which brands exactly did you use during pregnancy?

Thank you very much for the advice! Who has used it? Please write which brands exactly did you use during pregnancy?

Moreover, author, doctors allowed me to use self-tanning during lactation. It is safe.
I most often use Clarens for my face.

I think that first of all, it is the mother’s decision whether she is ready to heap all this warehouse of chemicals on her unborn baby or not. Neither doctors' advice nor their own brains help anyone. And my pregnancy is being managed by the best doctors in Moscow, don’t worry too much about me. It’s just that a healthy baby is more important to some, while to others it’s more important to twirl your bare “tanned” butt during pregnancy.

How can self-tanning harm pregnancy?
We live in a city with a population of one million - there are so many (!) all sorts of negative factors that self-tanning is some kind of bullshit. It's a cream. Some people don’t even paint the roots, they think the paint will have an effect. And they don't cut their hair

In the summer I apply a flash tan once every two weeks. During my two pregnancies I used tanning without problems, the children were normal.
True, it was in America, but I think that in Russia the composition is not much different.

Why argue, you just need to know how long it takes for our body to remove chemicals. Creams, perfumes, cosmetics, desiccs, etc. And here it’s a personal matter, to say yes or no. Mothers, who did not adhere to the old canons, do you have children without amnesis? Please answer rather than ignore the question). I’ll say right away that not everything is rosy for my friends, but the factor of taking medications while taking them also has an effect. Personally, I only use antiperspirant, shampoo, and jojoba oil for my hair. But I understand those ladies to whom nature has not given a bright color.

Why argue, you just need to know how long it takes for our body to remove chemicals. Creams, perfumes, cosmetics, desiccs, etc. And here it’s a personal matter, to say yes or no. Mothers, who did not adhere to the old canons, do you have children without amnesis? Please answer rather than ignore the question). I’ll say right away that not everything is rosy for my friends, but the factor of taking medications while taking them also has an effect. Personally, I only use antiperspirant, shampoo, and jojoba oil for my hair. But I understand those ladies to whom nature has not given a bright color.

Why argue, you just need to know how long it takes for our body to remove chemicals. Creams, perfumes, cosmetics, desiccs, etc. And here it’s a personal matter, to say yes or no. Mothers, who did not adhere to the old canons, do you have children without amnesis? Please answer rather than ignore the question). I’ll say right away that not everything is rosy for my friends, but the factor of taking medications while taking them also has an effect. Personally, I only use antiperspirant, shampoo, and jojoba oil for my hair. But I understand those ladies to whom nature has not given a bright color.

Rina, we ask you to tell us about the “uncertainty of self-tanning” among the children of your friends. And I kindly ask you to provide evidence of this. And not just vague “I think this disease developed from self-tanning.” And also name the brand of self-tanning. I will personally call this company and tell your story.

It all depends on individual susceptibility, I think.. I also constantly use self-tanning (Clorance, by the way), but maybe I’m the only one who has such a reaction - a state similar to the state after a solarium - it makes me feel cold, my nose gets clogged.. Therefore, personally, I wouldn’t became :). Well, if there are no changes, then why not. )) The expectant mother should feel beautiful; dissatisfaction with herself, in my opinion, will have a much worse effect on the child..

I think if it’s just once, it’s okay, but it’s better not to do it all the time, and the point is not that it will penetrate to the child, but because many people’s skin becomes too sensitive and allergies would not develop.

Author, they recently advertised a wonderful tanning product from Clarins. Try it! An excellent alternative to regular self-tanning without harming the skin!)

You don’t have to listen to all your girlfriends who put on make-up and sunbathed and (oh the horror!) fucked during pregnancy, otherwise they’re sitting here being clever, you can’t, you can’t, but you can eat mayanesic, kilogram cakes with margarine rosettes made from trans fats and chemical sausages, washed down with liters of cola, okay of things.


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Doctors recommend that pregnant women refrain from sunbathing and especially solariums. But you can use self-tanning, following safety rules. Cosmetics for instantly obtaining dark skin color are not absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis, but only color the surface. Therefore, self-tanning is practically harmless, since its absorption into the blood is minimal.

The biggest danger is that the product can get into the respiratory tract.. This occurs when safety precautions are not followed when using the spray. By spraying it in the air, the expectant mother may accidentally inhale a substance that will penetrate into the lungs, and from there to the fetus. This can cause serious problems for the unborn child.

The second danger of self-tanning is the composition. Many cosmetics contain harmful chemical components that can be absorbed through the skin. The dermis of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable and susceptible to external factors. Therefore, it is important to choose only a proven brand of self-tanning with a large number of natural ingredients. It is better to refuse cheap and unknown companies.

Types of self-tanning for the body

It would also be a good idea to consult with your personal doctor. It will help determine whether it is worth risking the baby’s health.

Another problem is uneven coverage. Not everyone knows how to use instant tanning products correctly. For pregnant women, the task of even application becomes even more difficult: no one knows how the body will react to an external stimulus, and in general it is inconvenient to distribute the product yourself. Therefore, the expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that she is unlikely to be able to achieve a perfectly even skin tone.

Recommendations to avoid uneven tanning in a pregnant woman:

  1. Adjust your diet first. A few days before applying self-tanning, you should start consuming vegetables containing carotene, especially carrots. This substance helps the body produce the coloring pigment melanin.
  2. It is better to use gloves or a sponge. You need to try to treat all parts of the body, even those that are difficult to reach. You can hire an assistant.
  3. The cosmetic product will be distributed more evenly if the skin is first cleaned and degreased. A homemade scrub made from ground coffee will help with this.

Ground coffee scrub

  1. You should not overuse self-tanning. It is recommended to apply it in a very thin layer. If the shade does not seem dark enough, it is better to go over the skin again.
  2. As a rule, self-tanning lasts for several days, then it begins to wash off. To maintain the required tone, you should periodically update the layer.
  3. Self-tanning can dry out your skin, so you should moisturize after finishing the procedure.

If you don’t have experience applying self-tanning yourself, you should go to a salon. In this case, the expectant mother should definitely ask for a mask that protects the respiratory tract.

Pigment spots are another problem that you can really face.. This is especially true for pregnant women who experience hormonal imbalance. Those who naturally have very fair skin are also more likely to develop dark spots. Women can not only become covered in spots, but also acquire an unnatural color of the dermis.

It is important to pay attention to the reviews of those who have tried self-tanning. Negative feedback will clearly indicate that it is better to refuse the purchase. If a woman has purchased a good product, but age spots still appear, self-tanning should be abandoned.

One of the frequent reactions of the expectant mother’s body to any cosmetics is the appearance of redness and rashes on the skin, that is, allergies.. During pregnancy, the body experiences hormonal changes, so any reaction is possible.

Therefore, experts advise caution and first carry out a simple allergy test.: Apply a couple of drops of product to your hand and wait a couple of hours. If no reactions occur, you can use self-tanner.

Regular creams, lotions, and bronzers are the safest for pregnant women.. They stain only the superficial layer of the dermis, without penetrating deeply. They also wash off easily. As for sprays, doctors recommend not purchasing them due to the risk of getting into the respiratory tract.

Watch the video about self-tanning for pregnant women:

Accelerators contain tyrosine, which is prohibited for use in many European countries. The tablets contain the coloring component canthaxanthin, the amount of which is exceeded several times. Therefore, tanning pills can harm mother and baby. As for melatonin injections, their effectiveness and safety have not been confirmed, even when used outside of pregnancy.

Read more in our article about self-tanning during pregnancy.

Read in this article

Is it possible to use self-tanning during pregnancy?

With the arrival of summer, everyone is eager to hit the beach for a touch of chocolate. Expectant mothers don't want to stay away either. But doctors recommend that pregnant women refrain from sunbathing and especially solariums. In pursuit of dark skin, expectant mothers tend to use self-tanning. It is worth finding out whether it is safe during pregnancy.

Experts do not impose strict prohibitions on the use of this product. During pregnancy, you can use self-tanning, but follow safety rules. Cosmetics for instantly obtaining dark skin color are not absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis, but only color the surface. Therefore, self-tanning is practically harmless, since its absorption into the blood is minimal.

The biggest danger of the product lies in the fact that it can get into the respiratory tract. This occurs when safety precautions for using self-tanning in the form of a spray are not followed. By spraying it in the air, the expectant mother may accidentally inhale a substance that will penetrate into the lungs, and from there to the fetus. This can cause serious problems for the unborn child.

Also, self-tanning may not have the most natural composition. Many cosmetics contain harmful chemical components that can be absorbed through the skin. The dermis of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable and susceptible to external factors. Therefore, it is important to choose only a proven brand of self-tanning with a large number of natural ingredients. It is better to refuse cheap and unknown companies.

If a pregnant woman really wants to tan, it would be a good idea to consult with a personal doctor. It will help determine whether it is worth risking the baby’s health.

And here is more information about solariums during pregnancy.

Problems that an expectant mother may face

Some pregnant women think that self-tanning will help them achieve the perfect chocolate or bronze shade without any problems. However, you should not count on a perfect result. An expectant mother may experience many side effects from using self-tanning.

Uneven coverage

Not everyone knows how to use a product for instantly darkening the skin correctly. Women often apply self-tanner unevenly. For pregnant women, the task becomes even more difficult: no one knows how the body will react to an external stimulus. Therefore, the expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that she is unlikely to be able to achieve a perfectly even skin tone.

But if there are no contraindications, you can try using self-tanning. To help a pregnant woman avoid uneven coverage, the following tips should be taken into account:

  1. Adjust your diet first. To ensure that your self-tanning goes on evenly, you should start consuming vegetables containing carotene, especially carrots, a few days before applying it. This substance helps the body produce the coloring pigment melanin.
  1. To ensure that self-tanning is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the skin, it is better to use gloves or a sponge. You should try to treat all parts of the body, even despite some difficulties that may arise in the last months of pregnancy.
  2. The cosmetic product will be distributed more evenly if the skin is first cleaned and degreased. A homemade scrub made from ground coffee will do the job perfectly.
  3. You should not overuse self-tanning. It is recommended to apply it in a very thin layer. If the shade does not seem dark enough, it is better to go over the skin again than to immediately turn into an orange carrot.
  4. As a rule, self-tanning lasts for several days, then it begins to wash off. Therefore, to maintain the required tone, pregnant women should periodically renew the layer.
  5. Self-tanning can dry out your skin, so you should moisturize after applying the product.

Cosmetology expert

The appearance of age spots

With normal sunbathing, there is a high risk that some areas of the skin will turn darker. But even those who prefer self-tanning are not immune to the appearance of age spots. This is especially true for pregnant women who experience hormonal imbalance. Because of this, pigmentation may be a reaction to the use of self-tanning.

Those who naturally have very fair skin are more likely to develop dark spots. Such women can not only become covered with pigment spots, but also acquire an unnatural color of the dermis.

When choosing a product, expectant mothers should pay attention to the reviews of those who have already tried it. Numerous negative reviews should make you wonder whether this brand of self-tanner is worth buying.

Watch the video about self-tanning for pregnant women Bali Body Bronzing:

If a woman bought a good product and started using it during pregnancy, but age spots still appeared, self-tanning should be abandoned.


One of the frequent reactions of the expectant mother’s body to any cosmetics is the appearance of redness and rashes on the skin. Even women who are not prone to allergies can experience them during pregnancy. During this period, the body of the fair sex is undergoing hormonal changes, so any reaction is possible.

Therefore, experts advise to exercise caution and first conduct a simple test that will show whether the expectant mother is allergic to self-tanning or not. Just apply a couple of drops of the product to your hand and wait a couple of hours. If no reactions occur, you can use self-tanning.

Allergic reaction to self-tanning

What kind of self-tanner is there for pregnant women?

There are several types of products to give dark skin a dark tone. These include:

  1. self-tanning itself in creams, lotions and sprays;
  2. bronzers;
  3. accelerators;
  4. dark skin pills;
  5. melatonin injections.

Regular creams, lotions, and bronzers are the safest for pregnant women. They stain only the superficial layer of the dermis, without penetrating deeply. They also wash off easily.

In this form, self-tanning can be used during pregnancy. As for sprays, doctors recommend not purchasing them due to the risk of getting into the respiratory tract.

The remaining options are definitely not suitable for expectant mothers. Accelerators contain the substance tyrosine, which is prohibited for use in many European countries. The tablets contain the coloring component canthaxanthin, the amount of which is exceeded several times. Therefore, tanning pills can harm mother and baby. As for melatonin injections, their effectiveness and safety have not been confirmed, even when used outside of pregnancy.

And here is more information about solariums and self-tanning.

A woman always wants to be beautiful, including during the period of bearing a child. One of the criteria for attractiveness of the fair sex is dark, tanned skin. But it’s not so easy for expectant mothers to get it, because sunbathing and a solarium are often prohibited. But doctors allow the use of self-tanning. The main thing is to choose a quality product and apply it in accordance with the recommendations.

In general, tanning during pregnancy is quite beneficial. It promotes a positive attitude and affects the production of vitamin D. However, in the early stages, and in the second and third trimesters, you should carefully sunbathe and use tanning products.

Doctors insist that it is still not recommended for pregnant women to go to the solarium. The fact is that the rays can even provoke a miscarriage. Why is it still forbidden to visit and sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?

You can choose a self-tanner for your legs taking into account certain rules - the desired tone, the characteristics of the product. It is important to figure out in advance how to apply it correctly and how to quickly wipe it off or wash it off if something goes wrong. Which is the best self-tanner for your legs?

Striving for a beautiful tan, you have to study what is better - a solarium or self-tanning. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the most important thing is to know which is more harmful to the skin.

There are no strict prohibitions on a young mother visiting a solarium after a caesarean section. But only a doctor can say for sure when it is allowed to walk, as well as the condition of the suture. For example, if the stitch after a caesarean section is oozing, or the mother feels unwell, it is better to postpone tanning.

Pregnancy is a responsible and exciting period. That is why many expectant mothers, being in an “interesting situation,” try to protect themselves and their future baby as much as possible from the harmful effects of certain cosmetics. Until recently, many women, while pregnant, refused to cut, curl and color their hair, and also did not use cosmetics. However, fortunately, these times have passed and now, pregnant women are actively pursuing careers, attending fashion shows and even becoming fashion models. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, but a happy period in the life of each of us. And looking well-groomed and confident in an “interesting position” is doubly pleasant.

If more than one material has been written about cutting and coloring hair during pregnancy, not so much has been said about such a topic as self-tanning during pregnancy. But many women, who have been using this cosmetic product for a golden tan for many years, while pregnant, are simply afraid to use it so as not to harm the baby. Is self-tanning really that dangerous for pregnant women, and whether it can be used during this interesting period, we’ll tell you in today’s publication.

How does self-tanning work?

This cosmetic product gives the skin a tan tone due to the interaction of skin keratin with dihydroxyacetone. At the same time, the absorption of these compounds into the blood is insignificant, and the effect is short-lived. Therefore, most cosmetologists believe that self-tanning during pregnancy is an absolutely safe procedure. The only thing to consider is that due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, many women may experience hormonal spots on their skin. As a result, the self-tanner may not lie smoothly.

Well, since prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, self-tanning will help you achieve a beautiful golden hue.

Features of using self-tanning at home

You probably know that self-tanning includes creams, lotions, and sprays that can be purchased at any cosmetic department or pharmacy. Self-tanning active ingredients color the top layer of skin without penetrating deep into the skin and provide a beautiful golden hue literally a few hours after application. However, some self-tanning ingredients can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to do an allergy test before using the product. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow, and after 3-4 hours, look for any suspicious spots on the body or unpleasant sensations, such as itching and irritation.

If you want to use self-tanning at home, then before the procedure, be sure to do hair removal and take a shower using a body scrub. Next, apply the product to the body, starting from the shins and ending with the face and neck, trying to distribute the product as evenly as possible. For these purposes, by the way, you can purchase a special tanning mitten, which helps to apply the product in an even layer and avoid unpleasant stains. To treat your back, you will need the help of a friend or husband, so tell them the principle of applying self-tanning and entrust this part of the body to your loved ones. After applying the product, it is not recommended to wear clothes for some time, so as not to “smudge” the even layer of tan. Be prepared for the fact that you may not get a perfectly even tan the first time, so all uneven spots and spots can be erased with a slice of lemon. And lastly, when choosing self-tanning products, give preference to trusted manufacturers and do not skimp on your health.

Self-tanning in a beauty salon

If you don’t want to take risks with self-tanning, and want to appear in front of your friends and loved ones as a chocolate mulatto the first time, then we recommend that you visit a beauty salon to apply self-tanning. Moreover, in some beauty salons you are given the opportunity to carry out the self-tanning procedure yourself by visiting a booth in which the product is sprayed, as if from a shower. However, you should ensure that you are provided with a mask that will protect you from inhaling dihydroxyacetone and devices that protect your eyes, nose, ears and mouth. If you are denied these devices, then it is better to visit another salon.

And finally, to eliminate all possible risks, before resorting to such a method of obtaining a tan as coloring your skin with self-tanning, wait until your pregnancy has crossed the threshold of the first trimester.