Balm Karavaeva Vitaon for face

Hello, users of the Obzorka site!

I believe that there is no need to write reviews about medications, and sometimes it is extremely unsafe, since readers of reviews can harm themselves without knowing it, so I think that it is the doctor who should treat and he should also prescribe medications. But as you know, there are exceptions to every rule, and my review is also an exception, since I believe that the object of this review simply cannot harm, since it consists only of herbs.

So, I present to your attention Karavaev’s Balm “Vitaon”.

I came across this balm quite recently. Already at the beginning of the year, when it was cold, my lips became chapped and began to become covered with a small film, which if you touched a little, began to bleed, which means small wounds appeared. At first I struggled with this “scourge” with hydrogen peroxide; if before it helped, in this case it only dried out my lips and nothing more. I even tried folk remedies - I applied an aloe leaf, but that didn’t help either. Then, two days after the start of this “misfortune,” the pharmacy brought me Karavaev’s “Vitaon” balm, which I began to use. I’ll tell you about my impressions below, but now let’s figure out what kind of balm this is.

Balsam Karavaev "Vitaon" is an extract from medicinal plants.

There is a composition on one of the sides of the package.

And here we see that the composition is truly “herbal”. There are only a few herbs in the composition: mint, wormwood, and chamomile. And all herbs are very useful in their own way.

Judging by such a good composition, it means that the spectrum of action should also be large. We also learn about this from the information on the packaging. According to the manufacturer, the herbs and essential oils that are included in this balm have long been used in various fields of both medicine and cosmetology.

Herbs have wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties.

This balm is produced in Moscow by Litomed LLC.

Here we see that the volume of the balm bottle is 25 ml. And this balm costs 132 rubles.

At the bottom of the package there is information about where you can find the expiration date. And on the top of the package there is an emblem and an inscription stating that this is a natural remedy.

Now we look at the bottle itself, the composition is once again stated there, and there we find that the shelf life of the balm is until October 2017. The balm is used quite sparingly, the shelf life is very good, you can use it for more than a year.

The bottle is made of tinted glass and has a simple screw cap. It is also additionally closed with a special little thing that prevents leakage in an inclined position. Many medications that have a fatty structure are equipped with such things.

Personally, I applied this balm using cotton swabs, I must say it was quite convenient. I tried applying it with a cotton pad, but in this case the balm quickly became saturated and my fingers became greasy.

The balm itself has a greasy texture, similar to oil, and the color is slightly lighter than regular sunflower oil.

It applies very easily to the skin and lips. The lips feel oily, but after a while it goes away and you feel moisturized and the dryness disappears. It gives the impression of a slight chill; I think this effect is created due to the fact that it contains mint. At first it was not entirely pleasant, but then I even liked the “chill” effect. In general, it is recommended to apply the balm in a thin layer two to three times a day. But I wanted to see the effect much faster, so I used the balm every 1.5-2 hours. I did not notice any allergies or other side effects. But the “misfortune” in the form of chapping began to disappear, the wounds began to heal, and everything finally healed three or four days after the start of use.

I am sure that in other areas the balm also shows brilliant results in the fight against skin problems.

The balm can also be used as a preventive measure to maintain youthful and smooth skin. In this case, the balm perfectly moisturizes the skin and makes it softer. This is an excellent replacement for non-natural creams, but the fat content of the balm can be considered a disadvantage.

More detailed information about the spectrum of action of Karavaev's balm "Vitaon" is written on the insert.

Generally a balm "Vitaon" is available in two types.

Vitaon based on soybean oil (blue label, in this case I have the same one),

Vitaon based on olive oil and with a higher concentration of plant extracts (red label).

The insert also contains folk recipes against colds from Karavaev. Simply put, advertising of other medications.

To sum up my review, I can say that this balm turned out to be very effective and efficient, which cannot be said about all modern drugs.

I was pleased that the written properties of the drug turned out to be real, and not just promises, and I was also pleased with the natural composition. Not all medications can boast of this.

In general, I’m glad that I learned about such an effective drug, in case of problems with the skin or mucous membranes, I know what to use, and I think the result will not be long in coming.

Vitaon (Karavaev's balm) is a drug that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Active ingredient: Herbal oil extract.

Anti-inflammatory agent for topical use - has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Stimulates regeneration, has anti-exudative activity, helps maintain electrolyte concentrations and restore CBS in case of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

The balm, containing essential oils of pine, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow, mint, chamomile, rose hips, celandine and thyme, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Vitaon has a regenerating property, which is due to the content of chamomile, celandine, pine, rose hips, wormwood, calendula, yarrow, thyme and St. John's wort in the preparation.

The balm stimulates rapid healing of wounds from burns, ulcers and cracks. Thanks to components such as fennel, cumin, calendula, essential oils and rose hips, the drug has an antimicrobial effect, and due to the presence of mint, chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow in its composition, it can have an antipruritic, softening and soothing effect. Vitaon restores water-fat metabolism in the skin - this is due to the action of components such as mint, fennel and essential oils.

Balm Vitaon-Lux created on the basis of olive oil. A distinctive feature of this type of drug is the increased concentration of plant extracts in its composition.

Balm Vitaon for the oral cavity used for regular daily oral care. The product helps prevent inflammation and bleeding of the oral mucosa and gums, prevents the development of periodontal disease, and accelerates the healing of microdamages in the oral cavity and stomatitis.

The drug is used as a prophylactic for increased sensitivity of the gums, and also facilitates the process of teething.

Balm Vitaon for face is produced in the form of a regenerating nourishing cream and is intended for daily facial skin care. This type of balm is used to care for combination and normal skin.

The drug stimulates the rapid healing of microcracks, restores skin elasticity, and also prevents premature aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Balm Vitaon Baby Designed for daily care of baby's skin.

Balm Karavaeva Vitaon successfully used to relieve inflammation and swelling of the skin, reduce pain associated with burns and cuts. Oil extracts of medicinal herbs prevent excessive dryness of the skin, eliminate flaking and itching.

When the balm is applied to the skin, its active ingredients irritate the receptors, resulting in increased blood flow to the treated area. These properties of the drug allow it to be widely used in dermatology for the complex treatment of many skin lesions.

Indications for use

What does Vitaon Balm Karavaev help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. otolaryngology: sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, laryngitis;
  2. dermatology: neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
  3. dentistry: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, prevention of the inflammatory process during the period of prosthetics;
  4. surgery: ulcers, cracks, wounds, burns;
  5. mammology: mastitis, cracked nipples, lactostasis;
  6. gynecology: colpitis (vaginitis), cervical erosion, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, bartholinitis; prevention of inflammation after gynecological manipulations (hysteroscopy, removal/installation of the intrauterine device, uterine intubation);
  7. proctology: prevention/healing of anal fissures, hemorrhoids, proctitis;
  8. cosmetology: stimulation of healing processes during plastic surgery, skin rejuvenation, prevention of age-related changes;
  9. pediatrics: diaper rash, treatment/prevention of prickly heat.

Additionally used when performing massage on infants.

Instructions for use of Vitaon balm Karavaev, dosage

It is used both in pure form (as an external remedy, nasal drops) and in diluted form (half a teaspoon per 0.25 tbsp of boiled water) for rinsing the mouth.

To treat wounds and skin diseases, Vitaon balm is first applied to a gauze bandage, which is applied to the affected area. The instructions recommend changing the dressing once every 1-2 days, depending on the degree of its saturation with exudate. If necessary, the balm is applied directly to the pathological lesion, lightly massaging until absorbed.

In otolaryngology, Vitaon balm can be used in its pure form for rinsing or instilling the nose, or pre-diluted in a small amount of boiled water to rinse the throat or mouth.

According to the instructions, Vitaon baby balm is applied to the baby’s dry, clean skin and lightly massaged until completely absorbed. After applying the drug, the baby should be left undressed to take air baths. In order to prevent diaper dermatitis, Vitaon Baby balm is used to treat the baby's folds every time the diaper is changed and after bathing.

To treat cracked nipples and lactostasis in lactating women, the instructions for use recommend applying Vitaon Karavaev balm to the skin of the breasts/nipples, previously washed with soap, and leave until completely absorbed. It is advisable to do this after feeding the baby, since due to the smell of the oils included in the drug, the baby may refuse to breastfeed.

To treat dental problems and prevent inflammatory processes after tooth extraction, Vitaon Karavaeva is applied in its pure form to the gums and upper palate before brushing the teeth - morning and evening.

Recommended dosage regimen for the balm depending on the indication:

  1. wounds, ulcers, burns, cracks: the affected area is lubricated with the product, if necessary, a swab soaked in balm is applied; the procedure can be repeated after 1–2 hours;
  2. dermatitis (including itching), eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis: apply the drug to the affected area 2-3 times a day;
  3. rhinitis: instillation of balm into the nasal passages 3–4 times a day; in order to prevent rhinitis, acute respiratory diseases (ARI) and influenza during the epidemic period, the product is administered into the nasal passages once a day, and the nasal cavity is also lubricated with it before each exit to the street or upon contact with a patient;
  4. sinusitis, sinusitis: instill 2-3 drops of balm 2-3 times a day, course 30-35 days;
  5. pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis: 2-3 times a day, apply ½ teaspoon of the drug to the tongue and distribute throughout the mucous membrane of the oropharynx; if there is a tendency to inflammation of the oropharynx and tonsils, rinse the throat and oral cavity 1–2 times a day with a solution obtained by diluting 10–15 drops of balm in ⅓ glass of warm water;
  6. otitis: 2-3 drops are instilled into the ear 2-3 times a day.

Accidental oral administration of Balsam Karavaev Vitaon does not cause poisoning or intoxication, however, persons with individual intolerance to its components in this case urgently need to consult a specialist.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Vitaon:

  1. Allergic reactions are possible.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Vitaon Karavaev balm in the following cases:

  1. intolerance to one or more herbal components included in the drug.


No data provided.

Analogues of Vitaon Karavaeva, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Vitaon with an analogue for therapeutic effects - these are the following drugs:

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Vitaon Balsam Karavaev, price and reviews do not apply to drugs with similar effects. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Vitaon luxury balm Karavaev 15 ml - from 140 to 200 rubles, the price of Vitaon extract 15 ml - from 139 rubles, according to 398 pharmacies.

Store the drug in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 40⁰C. Shelf life – 2 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

4 reviews for “Vitaon (Karavaev balm)”

One of my indispensable aids in the first aid kit. And from bites, and from burns, and just to moisturize the skin!

I put this product in my nose and on my little child. Saves.

Oh, how the ENT doctor scolded me for my independence in putting this balm into my nose. The doctor's verdict was this: do not drip oily liquids into the nose, since the oil causes the cilia on the nose to stick together and they cannot secrete mucus normally and function normally in principle. I'm not against Vitaon, just food for thought

Three years ago the doctor advised and since then we have practically never gotten sick with our children, we use Aqua Maris after rinsing the nose twice a day

Just don’t expect a quick therapeutic effect from Vitaon, since its effect is mild and gradual. In case of severe lesions of the skin or mucous membranes, the balm is used as an addition to the main, potent drugs.

No side effects of Vitaon were detected. There is only one contraindication: hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the balm.

Vitaon has a pleasant, rich smell, although some people think it is too concentrated.

Since the balm is made on the basis of olive oil, it is absorbed quite slowly and leaves stains on clothes.