Botox cream active expert reviews

The aging process cannot be avoided. Fading skin, facial wrinkles, dull color and a blurred oval face - all these age-related symptoms depress more than one woman. An innovative drug in the field of beauty “Botox Active Expert” (reviews from most ladies note that the cream mask noticeably reduces the number of wrinkles after the first use) is designed to remove and prevent such changes in the skin. After its use, the dermis is transformed, smoothed out and becomes more elastic and smooth.

Composition of the rejuvenating mask

The effectiveness of Botox Active Expert (reviews note that the cosmetic product makes the dermis more toned and elastic, improves complexion) is largely due to its natural composition, which has the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. So, the cream mask contains:

  1. Squalane. It is an organic component obtained from shark liver. Human skin contains elements similar to squalane, which improves its absorption. This substance protects against the negative effects of the external environment. Helps remove toxins from the layers of the epidermis. Reduces the number of facial wrinkles, improves skin tone.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. It is the best moisturizer. Protects skin from premature loss of moisture. Makes the dermis more elastic and firm. Helps smooth out age wrinkles. Levels the terrain. Stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin, which slows down with age.
  3. Shea Butter. Has valuable properties. Contains many useful substances necessary for the skin to function normally. Activates tissue regeneration processes. Makes the epidermis soft. Soothes irritation, refreshes and evens out facial tone.
  4. Peanut butter. It has the most positive effect on the texture of the skin, transforming it. Saturates with nutritional components. Reduces the number of facial wrinkles and restores skin structure. Tones and enhances its protective functions.
  5. A peptide extracted from the placenta of the Kalimantan killer whale. This is a special element in the cream mask. It straightens and fills in facial wrinkles. Smoothes skin texture. Inhibits the sensitivity of nerve endings. Improves the condition of the skin at any age. Helps to form a clear oval face. The effect of this substance is compared to Botox injections.
  6. Japanese honey This most valuable product is obtained from sakura flowers. Lightens pigmentation. Evens out facial tone.
  7. Reductin. Reconstructs damaged cell structure. Makes the dermis silky and elastic. Tightens the oval of the face. Stimulates skin renewal processes. Nourishes her. Vitamin conglomerate. Saturates epidermal cells with all necessary beneficial elements. Improves skin structure and accelerates cell metabolism. Stimulates the production of natural collagen.

The Botox Active Expert cream mask (real reviews from some people note the high cost of this product, which fully justifies the effect it gives) has a unique and “smart” composition, which is aimed at obtaining maximum effect. The anti-aging product is convenient to use and can be used at home. Helps maintain beauty and youth.

All components of the mask are universal and complement each other’s positive effects. Contain a large number of useful substances.

Effectiveness of the mask


It begins to act immediately after applying Botox Active Expert to the skin of the face. Reviews note that the mask can eliminate skin problems such as peeling. After the third application, fine wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles become less noticeable. In the fourth week of using the cosmetic, a complete transformation occurs. The skin is completely renewed and looks much younger.

The mask is designed to care for any type of skin. Due to the content of herbal components, it practically does not cause negative reactions and has a minimal list of contraindications. It can be used even by those with very sensitive skin.

The cream mask stimulates the natural production of collagen. As a result of this process, old wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones do not appear.

This product works similar to Botox injections. The aging process slows down, but unlike injections, applying a mask to the face is not accompanied by pain and discomfort.

The Botox Active Expert cream mask can easily replace all expensive procedures in the salon. There are simply no negative reviews about it due to its natural composition and effective effect on the skin.

As mentioned above, the real results from use begin to appear in the fourth week of use. In this case, the skin goes through the following stages of positive changes:

  1. First week. Irritation, pigmentation and swelling go away. The complexion is noticeably improved.
  2. Second week. Externally, the skin looks more well-groomed. Small facial wrinkles are smoothed out. A healthy shine appears.
  3. Third week. The oval of the face becomes clearer. The skin is tightened. Flabbiness goes away. The structure of the dermis and its tone are restored.
  4. Fourth week. Deep age wrinkles are smoothed out. The surface of the skin is smoothed. She simply glows with health.

A monthly course of the mask allows you to achieve a reduction in facial wrinkles by 86 percent, and age wrinkles by 57 percent.

Indications for use


“Botox Active Expert” (reviews call this product a real salvation and say that it has a simply amazing effect) is recommended for use on facial and age-related wrinkles on the face. The cream mask will easily cope with tired and swollen skin, and will also remove dark circles under the eyes. This remedy will help if the dermis looks tired and peels. It will improve your complexion and get rid of existing age spots. Indications for use are unclear and sagging shapes, sagging and other age-related changes on the face, neck and décolleté.

Real reviews of “Botox Active Expert” refer to it as a very effective product. It is noted that it gives good results both at the first signs of aging, when wrinkles are barely noticeable on the face, and with age-related fading of the skin, when the folds are deeper, and the dermis itself has lost its tone and elasticity.

Contraindications for application

The Botox Active Expert mask (reviews claim that this product makes the skin smoother, more elastic and firm), like any other product, has not only indications, but also contraindications.

The product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, since the mask contains very strong active ingredients that can have a negative effect on the fetus or small child, penetrating through breast milk.

The cream mask should not be used by women who are prone to swelling. You should refrain from using cosmetics if you have severe chronic diseases. This could be oncology, various pathologies of the blood, blood vessels, heart, and so on. Do not apply the mask if you have hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to one or more ingredients in the product.

The Botox Active Expert cream mask (reviews talk about the quick effect that can be achieved after several uses of this product) should not be used for more than one month without a break. You should definitely take a time-out for two months and give your skin a break, and then, if necessary, you can repeat the course.

Rules for using the product


The Botox Active Expert mask (reviews note that the product is a worthy alternative to Botox injections and is in many ways superior to them) should be applied in a certain sequence, which is described in detail in the instructions:

  1. First of all, you should thoroughly cleanse your face, neck and décolleté from dirt. For this purpose, you need to use a cleanser, and after it, wipe the skin with lotion or tonic.
  2. You need to squeeze a little product into your palm and distribute it with light massage movements over the skin of your face, neck and décolleté.
  3. Leave the cream mask on the skin for twenty minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product with warm running water. Water can be replaced with herbal tea, milk or mineral water.
  5. Let your face dry on its own, do not dry it with a towel.

The mask should be used daily, two to three hours before going to bed. The skin after treatments with this product looks renewed, clean and filled with nutrients. Gains the ability to self-heal. After rinsing off the product, no additional care cosmetics are required.

The mask should be used constantly, not occasionally. The product, regardless of the condition of the skin, will be beneficial, since the nutrients contained in the Botox Active Expert cream mask have an active rejuvenating and caring effect. The product must be applied at least once a day throughout the course, which is four weeks.

The Botox Active Expert mask (negative reviews from some ladies note that if used frequently it can cause excessive oiliness of the skin) should be used in accordance with the instructions for use.

It is best to consult a dermatologist before using this product.

What results does the cream mask give?


They talk about the amazing results that Botox Active Expert (face mask) provides, reviews. It not only accelerates tissue regeneration, but also provides complete skin care, replacing all other products. Increases the immunity of the dermis and protects it from the traumatic effects of free radicals. Thanks to these properties, women who use Botox Active Expert cream in their caring arsenal (reviews about it claim that it can remove pigmentation on the face in a short time) noted the results that they were able to achieve when using this product:

  1. complete elimination of small, shallow wrinkles after several applications (3-5);
  2. reduction of deep age-related folds on the face;
  3. fight against aging not only on the skin of the face, but also on the décolleté and neck;
  4. stimulation of tissue regeneration processes;
  5. elimination of pigmentation;
  6. improvement of the skin;
  7. improvement of complexion;
  8. moisturizing the dermis for 24 hours;
  9. saturation of the epidermis with all necessary nutrients;
  10. facelift;
  11. eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  12. increasing elasticity and firmness;
  13. Elimination of flaking and excessive dryness.

Reviews call Botox Active Expert cream a real find. After all, he is able to cope with almost any age-related problem on the face.

Benefits of using Botox Active Expert (face mask)


Reviews note that the product completely eliminates black circles under the eyes in five to six procedures. It differs from other similar products in its unique and inimitable abilities, and its use has many positive aspects:

  1. quick and gentle elimination of age-related skin changes;
  2. accessibility, because anti-aging products and similar procedures in the salon are much more expensive;
  3. ease of use;
  4. launching natural processes of self-rejuvenation and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin;
  5. improvement of the skin;
  6. Possibility of use in persons with overly sensitive skin;
  7. minimum contraindications and no side effects.

“Botox Active Expert” (face mask) can do a miracle and restore even the most neglected skin.

Where can I buy a mask?


The Botox Active Expert rejuvenating cream mask (there are practically no negative reviews about this product) cannot be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. Its sale is carried out only via the Internet, on the official website of the manufacturer. To do this, you need to fill out an order form, where you enter your name and phone number, by which a company employee will contact you after a certain time and clarify all the delivery information. You can ask him all questions about the product. Delivery within the capital and the city of St. Petersburg can be carried out by courier.

Cost of cosmetic product

The full price of the Botox Active Expert cream mask (negative reviews on the Internet are rare, as a rule, they are replaced by many custom ones) is 1980 rubles. Currently, there is a promotion on the manufacturer’s website where they offer to buy this product with a 50% discount, for 990 rubles.

“Botox Active Expert” mask: reviews from cosmetologists and consumers

The anti-aging product appeared quite recently on the cosmetic market, but has already acquired a positive reputation.

Cosmetologists note that the cream mask is an excellent alternative to Botox injections and other anti-aging salon procedures. The only disadvantage is that the result does not appear immediately, but within 2-4 weeks. Experts consider the positive aspects to be a mild and gradual effect on the skin, the absence of redness, peeling and other negative phenomena after the procedures.


Cosmetologists do not recommend using this product for women under thirty years of age, since the composition of the mask is too active. The main thing in using this product is not to overdo it and not to continuously apply Botox Active Expert to the skin. It is imperative to take breaks between courses for at least two months. During this time, the effect will not disappear, and the skin will rest from the effects of too active, albeit natural, substances.

Consumer reviews indicate the simplicity and ease of use of the mask. They note that after the third procedure, fine wrinkles begin to smooth out, and deeper folds become almost invisible. The skin tightens, becomes more elastic, firm and moisturized. Glows from within. The relief of the dermis is smoothed. She takes on a more well-groomed appearance.

Some ladies use this remedy for peeling skin, as well as for excessive dryness. It is noted that in this case, this product quickly changed the condition of the epidermis for the better, making the facial skin whiter, moisturized and smooth.

Some ladies use the mask a couple of times a week. It is noted that it has an oily composition, as a result of which it is easy to apply and distribute. These women would use the product more often, but on oily skin, Botox Active Expert, with more frequent use, provokes excessive greasiness.

Many argue that after application the cosmetic product does not dry completely, but only thickens. The cream mask is easily washed off, and it is better to remove it with hot water, otherwise it may leave a greasy film on the face. The product is saturated with nutrients, and the skin after its application is especially soft, and therefore no additional care is necessary. The moisturizing effect lasts for 24 hours, so even in the morning you don’t need to use a moisturizer. Makeup on such a face is applied well and remains unchanged throughout the day.

Many people are not satisfied with the sour milk smell of the product and the sachet packaging, but they say that in this form it is more convenient to take the product on a trip. The product in the pack is enough for two uses. There are seven sachet bags in total. An opened pack should be stored in the refrigerator.

They say that after cosmetic procedures, women look several years younger. Other ladies of respectable age envy them, and men began to pay attention to them. These people note the high quality of the product, speed and ease of use. They claim that for the result that this product gives, the cost of 990 rubles seems like pennies. They believe that the only drawback is that you cannot buy it in a pharmacy, but you need to order the Botox Active Expert anti-aging mask through the manufacturer’s official website.

Reviews from real customers help you get an idea of ​​the product in question and make a final purchasing decision. We wish you beauty and health!




In my opinion, Botox Active Expert cream is simply indicated for all women over 25 years of age. It will help you not to think about wrinkles and age spots. A very effective drug at a low price.


A high-quality Botox Active Expert mask improves facial skin, makes the face look younger, and is very refreshing.


A friend recommended the Botox Active Expert mask to me. I'm happy with the mask. It improves complexion, tightens the skin, smoothes wrinkles, whitens age spots and helps get rid of bags under the eyes. A comprehensive product for regular care.


Cool mask “Botox Active Expert”. It really works. The main thing is to use it according to the instructions. It removes sagging problem areas, tightens pores, whitens age spots and smoothes wrinkles. The tightening effect is noticeable. It seems to me that for women over 40 years old this is the best facial skin care product.


I am satisfied with the Botox Active Expert cream mask. Very fragrant and effective product. Great composition. A cosmetologist told me about this new product. Super product!


Every woman wants to remain young and beautiful. To do this, we visit beauty salons and risk Botox injections. But there are simpler ways to take care of yourself - the Botox Active Expert cream mask. Within a couple of days after starting use, I began to look much more well-groomed and younger.


I used to have another cream with hyaluronic acid. I decided to change it and chose the Botox Active Expert cream mask. I’m no longer looking for new drugs, because this mask really works wonders and rejuvenates.


My mother has been using the Botox Active Expert cream mask for a long time. Both I and those around me noticed how fresh she looked. Her facial contour became tightened. The mask has a very pleasant consistency and an unobtrusive aroma. I plan to order this product for myself.


Amazing cream “Botox Active Expert”. After a week I noticed the first results. The skin became healthy. Fine wrinkles have become significantly less noticeable. I recommend it to everyone.


Already at the age of 27, the first wrinkles began to appear near the eyes. I came across an advertisement for the “Botox Active Expert” mask and purchased it for myself. I am very pleased with this drug. Really gets rid of the signs of aging. The best cream I've ever tried.


I have a rather problematic forehead. It has ugly folds. And the Botox Active Expert product helped me significantly smooth them out and make my skin smooth in two weeks. The cream is easy to apply, quickly absorbed and not sticky at all.


I recommend the Botox Active Expert mask to everyone. After turning 30, my facial skin has become much rougher and drier. On the advice of a friend, I bought this mask and within two weeks of starting use, my skin became significantly younger. I did the mask an hour before bed every day. I'm very pleased with the result.


I am categorically against Botox injections, but I always want to stay young. I praised the Botox Active Expert mask to my friends. I ordered it too. I liked the result. The skin became tightened and elastic. I look like I came out of a salon.


After 30 years, the skin needs constant support. And I found the ideal product for myself - this is the Botox Active Expert rejuvenating mask. Just a month after the start of use, a simply amazing effect appeared. Not only my girlfriends, but also my work colleagues started complimenting me.

Within a month of regularly applying the Botox Active Expert mask, I achieved impressive results. The contour of my face has tightened, wrinkles have smoothed out, I feel young and beautiful.


The Botox Active Expert mask is the most effective drug for rejuvenation. It helps you look much younger, has an excellent composition and smoothes out wrinkles.


Against expression lines, the Botox Active Expert cream mask works just fine. It has an excellent, good composition, is easily washed off, and does not dry out the skin. The effect was noticeable after the first procedure. The face became soft and wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. The cost of the mask is much cheaper than Botox injections. The effect, it seems to me, is no worse than after salon procedures.


The Botox Active Expert mask is an excellent and safe alternative to Botox. It helps aging skin maintain health and elasticity. Really rejuvenates.


The Botox Active Expert mask has become my favorite cosmetic product. It smooths out wrinkles, perfectly moisturizes and is inexpensive. I've been using the mask for over a month now and I want to say that I feel noticeably younger. I feel that my skin has become soft and elastic. Cosmetics fits perfectly on her. The procedure of applying the mask itself is very pleasant. I'm happy with the result.


After 35 years, a lot of wrinkles began to appear on my face. I even thought about Botox injections. One day I found an advertisement for the “Botox Active Expert” mask on the Internet and decided to try it. I liked the reviews and the composition of the drug, and the price is normal. Within a week I noticed significant changes. The wrinkles became less deep, the skin brightened and became elastic, the puffiness under the eyes disappeared. For me this is a great result.


When there is no time or money to go to a cosmetologist, the Botox Active Expert cream mask is a real salvation. It really removes all skin imperfections, smooths out wrinkles, revitalizes the face and relieves puffiness.


I recommend Botox Active Expert to everyone. It directly removes years from the face, smoothes out wrinkles and whitens the skin. My favorite cream. Ideal for my super sensitive skin.

The description is valid on 20.02.2017

  1. Latin name: Botox Active Expert


According to information available on the Internet, the composition of the Botox Active Expert cream-mask includes: squalane, reductin, hyaluronic acid, Japanese honey, peanut oil And Shi (Shea), placental peptides Kalimantan dolphin and vitamin complex.

Release form

Botox Active Expert is produced in the form of a face mask in a plastic jar or disposable bags.

pharmachologic effect

Lifting, moisturizing, nourishinge (in relation to the skin).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The cosmetic product Botox Active Expert is positioned as a unique drug for external use with the effect Botox, specially adapted for application at home on the skin of the face and neck. Advertising for this product claims that after 2-3 applications there is an improvement skin color, reducing it lethargy and disappearance of pronounced age spots. After a week of systematic use of the mask, the facial expression completely changes, its oval becomes clearer, and gradual smoothing is noted. facial wrinkles, disappearance of sagging cheeks and double chin. After 14 days of regular application of the drug, positive changes in the face will become noticeable, facial expressions will become stronger, the facial muscles will become less mobile, due to which the result of rejuvenation will last a very long time.

All these positive effects of the Botox Active Expert cosmetic product are attributed to the active ingredients included in the mask, which were specially selected so that external use of the drug was comparable to injections botox.

Peptides, extracted from the placenta of the Kalimantan dolphin (in some sources killer whale) in the composition of this mask, due to its ability to block the skin's susceptibility to nerve impulses, thereby reducing muscle activity, have a profound effect on existing facial wrinkles and prevent the formation of new skin folds.

Squalane of natural origin, due to its high compatibility with the skin, which allows it to penetrate its layers quickly and deeply, has protective properties that ensure the formation of a barrier on the skin, which increases their resistance to the negative effects of various toxic substances from the environment.

Cosmetic Shea Butter (Shea), being one of the most valuable natural products, due to the content of a large amount of beneficial substances for the skin, provides a softening, moisturizing, protective and restorative effect of the drug. The ability of this oil to influence the process of natural synthesis elastin And collagen has long been used in various cosmetics to rejuvenate the skin. Its external use leads to a significant improvement in skin tone, increased elasticity And elasticity skin. Shea Butter Quite effectively relieves the skin of even the most severe peeling and roughening.

Peanut oil, which is also valued for its skin-beneficial ingredients (saturated and fatty acids, vitamins, betaine, protein compounds, choline, etc.) in this mask plays the role of a health component, which helps accelerate the processes of skin restoration. When exposed to it, there is a smoothing of problem areas of the skin and a reduction in the number of shallow wrinkles. The effect of peanut oil is indicated as beneficial for skin prone to flaking, dehydration and fading with age.

Reductin is positioned as a substance that has recently been included in many anti-aging cosmetics, helping to maintain normal physiological levels of moisture in the skin and saturating them with nutrients, resulting in unhindered regeneration body of skin cells.

Natural Japanese honey, collected during cherry blossoms, serves in this mask as an indispensable source of most vitamins and almost everything necessary for the body microelements. The beneficial effects of this component, universal for any skin type, penetrating deep into its tissues, are manifested due to its ability to retain moisture, nourish, tighten, cleanse and tone the skin, as well as resist negative inflammatory processes.

Hyaluronic acid, which is a fairly common component in anti-aging cosmetic products, is hypoallergenic a product that normalizes water balance and neutralizes free radicals. Its use is especially relevant after the age of 40, when the natural resources of the whole body and in particular the skin are significantly reduced.

Specially selected complex antioxidant vitamins in the mask is designed to replenish their deficiency, thereby increasing the body’s ability to resist the effects free radicals, the production process is activated collagen, mechanisms are accelerated that help prevent skin exfoliation and heal damage.

Indications for use

Botox Active Expert cream mask is indicated for use for girls and women facing educational problems facial wrinkles, loss elasticity And tone skin, as well as other age-related changes characteristic of the skin of the face and décolleté.


Some online sources indicate that the only contraindication to the use of Botox Active Expert is personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the mask, others add to the list of contraindications pregnancy/lactation, dermatological pathologies on the skin of the face and age up to 27 years.

Side effects

Information about the side effects of this cosmetic product, except possible allergic manifestations with personal hypersensitivity, does not exist.

Instructions for use

Botox Active Expert cosmetic product is recommended for regular daily use, regardless of the degree and type of age-related changes in the skin, no more than once every 24 hours.

Before using the mask, you must thoroughly clean the skin on which it is intended to be applied, using a cosmetic lotion, gel, or even regular soap.

Long hair should be pulled back into a ponytail or a special hair cap should be worn.

Making light massage movements with clean hands, which promote the rapid opening of pores and deeper penetration of the ingredients of the drug, distribute a thin layer of the cosmetic product over the skin of the face and, if necessary, over the skin of the décolleté area and leave on them for 20 minutes.

After this period of time has expired, it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the mask from the treated skin using warm running or mineral water (you can also use a herbal decoction or milk).

After the washing process, it is better to refrain from using a towel for drying and wait until the skin dries on its own, which will allow it to absorb remaining moisture, better recover and tune in to active collagen synthesis. Immediately after washing off the mask, there is no point in applying any additional moisturizers.

It is recommended to apply the mask 1-2 hours before bedtime, since it is at night that the skin of the face and décolleté can be maximally saturated with nutrients, cleansed, renewed and regenerated. You should not apply this mask shortly before bed, as its active ingredients require time to completely penetrate the structure of the skin.


There is no information on the effects of the mask when used excessively.


There is no information about the possible interaction of the mask ingredients with other cosmetics or medications.

Terms of sale

At this time, Botox Active Expert can be purchased exclusively online.

Storage conditions

The temperature and humidity conditions for storing the mask are not specified.

Best before date

No objective data on the shelf life of this cosmetic product has been provided.

For children

According to information gleaned from some Internet resources, Botox Active Expert is not used under the age of 27 years.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Selected internet sources include periods pregnancy And breastfeeding as contraindications to the use of a mask.

Reviews about Botox Active Expert

Today, on the Internet you can easily find reviews about the Botox Active Expert face mask, and negative reviews about this cosmetic product are lost against the background of its positive assessment. A huge number of positive advertising reviews that position this cream mask as “panacea» from skin aging persons, in the absence of real data about its manufacturer, composition, contraindications, expiration date and other important information, cannot but arouse suspicion.

The so-called “official websites” selling this cosmetic product emphasize that detailed instructions for the mask can only be obtained together with the product itself when it is delivered to the buyer. Also on the Internet you can find references to the customer receiving a product completely different from the photo provided on the website, packaged in various containers, a different color and with the smell of a cheap fragrance. Distributors of the Botox Active Expert mask classify such cases as fraud, after which they recommend purchasing this cosmetic product, again, through “official sites”, of which there are dozens.

In light of all of the above, it is not possible to make a reasonable conclusion about the authenticity of the Botox Active Expert mask, its effects and appropriateness of use. The only thing that can be advised to women who have decided to make such a purchase is to once again weigh the pros and cons of such an acquisition, still find an original product and not be led by dishonest businessmen.

Botox Active Expert cream mask, price and where to buy

Today, the price of a Botox Active Expert face mask (without indicating the volume of the cosmetic product on the website) is 990 rubles in Russia and 399 hryvnia in Ukraine.