Baneocin for burns with boiling water

Burns are a very common type of injury. Depending on the degree of damage, they pose a danger to human health and sometimes life. In addition, there is a possibility of various pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and viruses entering the damaged area. Therefore, burns must be properly treated and treated. There are many medications for this, including Baneocin powder.

Mechanism of action of the drug

This drug has an antimicrobial effect and is a complex of two antibiotics – neomycin and bacitracin. Local use of this product makes it possible to locally destroy many types of pathogenic bacteria, while the degree of tolerance by the body to the components included in the drug is minimal.

Baneocin performs several functions for burns. Firstly, it prevents the development of the inflammatory process, since it destroys its possible causative agents, and secondly, it helps to reduce the temperature in the area of ​​application. The latter effect of the drug is explained by the fact that Baneocin powder, when it gets on the skin, promotes active sweating, which, in turn, leads to cooling of the area. Both qualities are of great importance in the treatment of burns.

This drug does not have activity against fungi and viruses, but the list of bacteria on which it has a detrimental effect is quite wide. Baneocin is capable of destroying such types of microorganisms as:

  1. staphylococci;
  2. streptococci;
  3. clostridia;
  4. treponema pallidum;
  5. hemophilus influenzae, etc.

The principle of action of the drug is determined by its composition - the antibiotics it contains, when used together, significantly increase their effectiveness. Baneocin is available in the form of powder and ointment and is used externally only.

This drug is used to treat various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes.

Its antimicrobial effect allows you to cope with problems such as:

  1. purulent ulcers;
  2. boils;
  3. carbuncles;
  4. eczema;
  5. abscesses;
  6. secondary infections, etc.

In other words, this drug is not a medicine directly for burns, but its antibacterial effect helps prevent the development of infection in the resulting wound.

Sometimes this is of decisive importance, since 1st and 2nd degree burns go away on their own over time, and an infected 3rd-4th degree wound requires serious treatment and threatens various complications.

A positive prognosis for the treatment of burns of any degree largely depends on the inflammatory process being prevented in time.

Rules of use and contraindications

It must be borne in mind that Baneocin is an antibiotic and therefore requires some caution in use. The drug in powder form must be applied to the damaged area of ​​skin 2-4 times a day.

If the burn area is significant (more than 20%), a single application during the day is acceptable. It is necessary to correlate the number of applications based on the maximum daily dose equal to 1 gram of the drug. The general course of treatment is usually one week.

Advice: To enhance the therapeutic effect of this drug, it is recommended to apply a gauze bandage to the application site.

Despite the fact that this drug is for external use and is applied only to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, there are a number of contraindications to its use. During pregnancy it should be used with caution. At this time, it is generally advisable to refrain from taking medications, especially antibacterial ones, but pregnancy is not a direct contraindication.

Baneocin is not prescribed in the following cases:

  1. intolerance to the components of the drug;
  2. history of allergy to aminoglycosides;
  3. pathology of the cochlear and vestibular apparatus;
  4. kidney dysfunction;
  5. damage to the eardrum;
  6. eye pathology.

With restrictions, the drug is prescribed for:

  1. disorders of the nervous system;
  2. pathologies of the muscular system;
  3. myasthenia gravis;
  4. acidosis.

In these cases, treatment of burns with Baneocin is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. If signs of a negative reaction to the drug occur, its use should be stopped immediately.

It is not recommended to use this drug if the affected area is too large. In this case, the likelihood of excessive absorption of the active substance into the bloodstream increases significantly.

With prolonged use, the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood may increase so much that it can cause side effects. These include:

  1. allergic reactions (itching, rash, redness, etc.);
  2. manifestations of intoxication;
  3. disturbances in the activity of the National Assembly.

It is worth remembering that when treating burns, Baneocin powder is recommended to be used as first aid to reduce the temperature of the affected area and prevent the development of an infectious process of a bacterial nature. As the main treatment, it is advisable to use various healing agents, most of which also have antibacterial activity. If the burn is already infected, then the method of treatment is determined only by the attending physician.

Benefits of the medicine

Considering the small number of contraindications, as well as the ease of use of Baneocin powder, the drug can be recommended for most burns. Among other means of this kind, it has many advantages. First of all, this is its effectiveness.

As noted above, the antibiotics included in its composition are characterized by an increase in their effect when used together. However, these are not all the advantages of Baneocin; in addition, they include the fact that the drug:

  1. does not form resistance in microorganisms;
  2. does not lose effectiveness when exposed to biological fluids;
  3. promotes skin cell regeneration;
  4. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. safe for children;
  6. does not sting or irritate the skin when applied;
  7. comfortable to use;
  8. effective for any injuries (bites, scratches, burns, abrasions, etc.).

Unlike most antibacterial drugs, Baneocin can even be used to treat wounds in newborns. With its help, it is often possible to prevent the umbilical wound from becoming suppurated.

The regenerating effect of the drug promotes its rapid healing without causing harm to the baby’s health. In addition, this remedy is used in gynecology, for example, to treat perineal tears.

In terms of its combination of effectiveness, painlessness and convenience, Baneocin powder is far superior to many products of similar action.

This medicine is significantly more effective than iodine; in addition, unlike it, Baneocin does not sting the wound and cannot cause a burn. Thanks to this, its use becomes more comfortable, especially when it comes to treating wounds in children. It is advisable to have Baneocin powder with you when traveling, on vacation, or in your home medicine cabinet.

It is very convenient to take it with you and apply it to the affected area - just sprinkle a little on the wound. It will be an excellent first aid remedy not only for burns, but also for any other damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Baneocin is a combined broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug based on aminoglycoside and polypeptide antibiotic. The drug is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococci and staphylococci. The antibiotic is well tolerated and does not cause bacterial and microbial resistance even with long-term systematic use.


Baneocin contains two bactericidal components:

  1. aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin;
  2. polypeptide antibiotic bacitracin.

Bacitracin has an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. Neomycin inhibits the synthesis of protein structures of microorganisms, suppressing their reproduction.

Release forms

The drug is available in two forms - ointment, and powder for breeding.

The solution is used to wash injuries and compresses, and the ointment is applied after treatment with the solution.

Indications for use

Baneocin is used for various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes to prevent infection. The drug is considered an effective antibacterial agent for the following conditions:

  1. wounds, cuts, scratches, cracks in the skin;
  2. trophic ulcers;
  3. eczema;
  4. boils;
  5. diaper dermatitis;
  6. thermal and chemical burns.

The antibiotic is widely used in surgical practice for the care of postoperative sutures, for the treatment of ruptures and incisions perineum in obstetric practice, as well as to prevent infection for cosmetic and dermatological procedures (earlobe piercing, trimmed manicure, etc.).

Note! The product can be used not only as a prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of primary and secondary infections in wounds, abrasions and burns. The drug helps suppress purulent infection by inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria, including such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Effect of Baneocin on burns

Baneocin can be used for burns as a bactericidal agent to prevent infectionif there is a violation of the integrity of the skin.

The use of solutions and ointments for 2nd degree burns with the formation of blisters with liquid is indicated.

It is important! For ruptured or punctured blisters, a topical antiseptic should be applied throughout the healing period.

Rules for use for burns

Baneocin applied to the damaged area of ​​skin after treatment first aid. When in contact with boiling water, hot steam, a hot metal object, or boiling oil, it is necessary to cool the skin under running cold water at 15-18C to prevent deeper thermal damage to tissues.

Photo 1. Before applying medications, the burn site must be cooled under water. Source: Flickr (Jacob Johan).

After primary processing skin can be used Baneocin in the form of powder or ointment. The product is applied to the burn site, and if necessary, a sterile bandage is applied. The powder or ointment must be applied 2 to 4 times a day.

It is important! The area where the drug is applied should not exceed 1% of the total skin area (i.e., no more than 20 cm2), since Baneocin has toxic properties when it enters the bloodstream.

Contraindications for use

The use of the drug is contraindicated in:

  1. individual hypersensitivity to antibiotics in the composition of the product;
  2. skin lesions with an area of ​​more than 20 cm2;
  3. heart failure;
  4. kidney diseases;
  5. ear canal infections;
  6. damage to the eardrum.

Note! It is not recommended to use Baneocin simultaneously with aminoglycoside antibiotics for internal use, because this increases the risk of intoxication. The combination of two antibacterial agents in the composition of the drug, if the dose is exceeded, can cause ototoxic damage, fraught with decreased or complete loss of hearing.

During pregnancy the use of the drug is conditionally permitted, but only if if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the fetus.

It has been noted that substances in Baneocin are capable of penetrating the placental barrier, causing hearing impairment in a child if the recommended dosage is exceeded.

Analogues of Baneocin for burns

When selecting drugs to obtain the desired therapeutic effect, they look for analogs and synonyms of drugs. Synonyms are products that have a completely identical composition. Analogs are products that have a similar therapeutic effect, but they may have different active ingredients.

Photo 2. In pharmacies you can find many products for treating skin after burns. Source: Flickr (CAEM Shelving Engineering).

To prevent and treat burn infections, you can use other disinfectants and antiseptics in the form of ointments, creams, powders and solutions:

  1. Triosept
  2. Argosulfan
  3. Betadine
  4. Miramistin
  5. Streptocide white
  6. Gentaxan.

Dermatotropic drugs - reparants - are used as auxiliary drugs to accelerate the regeneration and epithelization of the skin after burns. These include Bepanten, Panthenol, Depantol and other products based on pantothenic acid.

Baneocin is an antibiotic used for external application. The drug demonstrates excellent results in the treatment of various types of skin diseases, and, at the same time, it is practically harmless. Thanks to this, it is prescribed to everyone, from young children to the elderly. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of burns.

One of the main functions of the epidermis is to protect the body from the penetration of negative agents from the environment. At the same time, every person periodically encounters various, even minor, damage to the skin. These could be scratches, small wounds, thermal burns, and the like. If they do not cause us any particular inconvenience, we often do not attach much importance to them.

However, when the integrity of the skin is compromised, the resulting wound can become a “gateway” for an infectious pathogen to enter the body. Therefore, you need to carefully treat these injuries until they are completely healed. Baneocin is well suited for these purposes due to its antibacterial properties. In this article we will consider all the significant aspects of the use of this medication.


The medicine is produced in Austria. It has two dosage forms:

  1. The ointment is a white substance of medium thickness.
  2. The powder is presented in small white granules, possibly with a yellowish tint. Both forms of the drug do not have a pronounced odor.

Baneocin powder is packaged in polyethylene containers weighing 10 g, ointment - in aluminum tubes weighing 20 g. medicines in each.

The medicine contains two active components:

  1. Neomycin is effective against a larger number of infectious pathogens (it prevents the cell from synthesizing protein molecules, resulting in the gradual destruction of its membrane);
  2. Bacitrocin - its action is reduced to the targeted destruction of the cell membrane and internal elements of microbes.

The combination of two antibiotics allows you to effectively combat a large number of conditionally dangerous and dangerous microorganisms.

In achieving the set objectives, the active elements are assisted by the additional components contained in the preparation. The powder contains starch, the ointment contains paraffin.

Mechanism of action

The medication is characterized by an antimicrobial effect. A complex of two complementary antibiotics allows you to effectively resist a wide range of pathogenic pathogens. Its components are easily tolerated by the body, causing virtually no negative consequences.

The use of powder or ointment is aimed at achieving several goals at once:

  1. Removing the inflammatory process by eliminating the pathogen.
  2. A decrease in temperature in the affected area, which is achieved through increased sweating.

The latter property explains the frequent use of Baneocin for burns.

The medication does not have an antifungal or antiviral effect, but affects a significant number of other microorganisms. Here are some of them:

  1. microbes;
  2. staphylococcus;
  3. streptococcus;
  4. clostridia;
  5. listeria;
  6. salmonella and many others.

The antibacterial effect of the drug makes it possible to prevent the development of the inflammatory process at the site of damage. This is often a decisive factor in the successful treatment of thermal burns.

Indications for use

The use of the product is available to all age categories of patients. Therefore, it can often be found in home medicine cabinets. The medication is recommended as a prophylactic for:

  1. multiple purulent lesions of the sweat glands;
  2. carbuncle;
  3. folliculitis
  4. boils;
  5. skin damage with the formation of a purulent crust on the affected area;
  6. infections of the skin and mucous membranes transmitted through contact and household contact;
  7. secondary infections of domestic origin;
  8. chicken pox;
  9. thermal burn of the first - third degree;
  10. wounds, including bleeding ones.

In addition, the drug is indicated for:

  1. presence of opened abscesses;
  2. paronychia - an inflammatory process localized in the tissues surrounding the nail;
  3. the presence of ecthym - inflammation of the skin, characterized by deep purulent ulcers;
  4. mastitis;
  5. lesions of the mucous membranes of the sensory organs;
  6. pyoderma;
  7. for bacterial dermatitis;
  8. for umbilical infections.

Baneocin is often used as a prophylactic agent after cosmetic procedures, postpartum perineal dissection and surgical incision of the peritoneum.

Treatment of burns

Baneocin for burns shows good results in the treatment of patients of different ages. It is used not only as a means of first aid at home, but is also used in specialized burn centers. The drug meets all the basic requirements that are necessary in the treatment of thermal injuries:

  1. the presence of a quick and permanent therapeutic effect;
  2. does not cause pain or discomfort;
  3. effective against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

When treating first and second degree burns, skin regeneration occurs somewhere on the seventh to tenth day of treatment. The combination of two antibiotics in the medication helps prevent wound infection and the development of the inflammatory process. The powder is well suited as a first aid remedy at home for first or second degree thermal injuries.

For third degree burns, ointment is used. The main goal is to exfoliate and remove dead tissue to speed up wound healing. In the presence of particularly severe thermal injuries requiring donor tissue transplantation, the drug is used to prevent postoperative complications and secondary infections.

The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by ninety-four percent of patients.

Instructions for use

The drug must be applied to the area affected by the pathogenic irritant. The ointment is rubbed into the skin in a thin layer two or three times a day, and the powder can be sprinkled onto the affected area of ​​skin up to four times a day. After treatment, the damaged area should be covered with a gauze bandage.

For serious burns, when the affected area is large, it is better to use the drug no more than once a day. This is done to prevent its absorption into the blood. When applying the ointment, you need to be careful not to get it into your eyes.

Before applying the drug to open wounds, they are first cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and dried with a sterile swab.

The maximum daily dose of the drug is one gram.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the good tolerance of the components of the drug, it has a number of contraindications. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to refrain from using antibacterial drugs. But this is not a direct contraindication.

The medication is contraindicated for:

  1. individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition;
  2. allergic reaction to its components;
  3. renal dysfunction;
  4. damage to the eardrum;
  5. eye pathologies;
  6. with large-scale skin lesions.

The use of the drug should be monitored by the attending physician in case of problems with the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems.

In case of overdose or excessive use of the medication, it may be absorbed into the blood. This can lead to hearing loss and toxic kidney damage. There may be disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system. Rarely does an allergic reaction occur to any of the components of the drug.

As practice shows, Baneocin is an almost indispensable medication during the treatment of thermal injuries and other skin pathologies of varying severity.