Stretch marks on the butt at 14 years old

The problem of one's own appearance comes first for teenagers. Pimples, enlarged pores, quickly greasy hair, and on top of that, stretch marks. Don't be surprised, they don't only happen to pregnant women. For most young men and women, the presence of white stripes on the skin can be a source of great distress. In this article we will look at why stretch marks appear on the butt in teenagers. The reasons may be different, but if you know about them, you can fight effectively.



The child develops unevenly. For several years he remains the same, and then there is a sharp leap, and he is already head and shoulders above his peers. During these periods, the child rapidly acquires adult forms, but the skin does not have time to cope with this. This is why small tears appear on it. Parents should be prepared to explain where they are coming from. In addition, defects can be eliminated quite easily. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

Hormonal activity

The causes of stretch marks on the butt in adolescents often lie precisely in the functioning of the endocrine system. Hormones are responsible for the fact that the body begins to grow taller and wider. This is a natural phenomenon, but the speed at which changes occur leads to the appearance of defects in the integument.

The skin is very elastic, so it adapts to changes in our body. There are only two periods in our life when she does not have time to do this. This is puberty and pregnancy. The causes of stretch marks on the butt in teenagers can be different, but changes in body size are at the forefront.


Lack of collagen and elastin

These indicators are different for everyone. Just like your skin type. With age, the indicators change, usually not in a big way. The reasons for stretch marks on the butt in teenagers are that it is difficult for the skin to stretch in those places where fat accumulates and muscle tissue grows. Most often this occurs on the chest and abdomen in girls, as well as on the lower back and buttocks.

The lack of collagen and elastin, whether due to the physiological characteristics of the body or poor nutrition of a teenager, affects the rate of formation of stretch marks. Of course, the external integrity of the skin is not compromised. Fractures occur in deep layers. And on the outside we see redness, which then becomes white scars.


We are looking for the culprit

Striae on the buttocks in adolescents can form due to hormonal imbalance. In particular, due to excess production of cortisone. Make an appointment with a doctor, get tested and undergo a consultation. But remember that at this age, hormonal fluctuations are the norm; most likely the doctor will not prescribe special therapy. The growth spurt will end, the storms in the body will subside.

Physical inactivity

This is the next reason. A teenager spends a lot of time at a school desk and doing lessons. Therefore, a lack of physical activity is typical for almost all modern children. If the body has an individual tendency, then at the same time there is a gain of excess weight. As a result, the load on the skin increases, which needs time to stretch while fat accumulates. Lack of sports activities impairs the blood supply to tissues. They do not receive nutrients and lose their elasticity.


Should I see a doctor?

What to do if stretch marks appear on the butt of teenagers? The reasons for their appearance have already been touched upon above, let’s briefly repeat:

  1. Sudden weight gain.
  2. Rapid growth spurt.
  3. The presence of endocrine diseases and hormonal imbalance.
  4. Long-term use of Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone.

It should be noted that this phenomenon is very physiological. Only in rare cases can stretch marks be the result of a genetic disease and malfunctions in the body. But if your growing child is very worried about this, then consult a doctor. A good specialist will tell you what to do, and not just identify the reasons.

Stretch marks on the butt in teenagers

How to remove and prevent the reappearance of scars? This is of interest to parents and their growing children now. But for now, let's say a few words about prevention. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. And since teenagers are not yet worried about their health, parents will have to do this. You don't have to do anything special. It is enough to follow a number of simple instructions:

  1. A healthy diet is the most important thing for a growing body. The body must receive all the nutrients and trace elements in order to function properly and be healthy. A proper diet helps maintain normal weight and not gain weight. Doctors also recommend drinking a lot of water and taking vitamins. This prevents stretch marks in most cases.
  2. Physical exercise. Moreover, they can also be the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents. And solutions also include a mandatory visit to the section. The difference is quite simple: if a teenager has never played sports, and then comes to the gym and from the first day begins to overload himself beyond measure, nothing good will come of it. You need to work with a qualified trainer so that he can select the optimal training program.


Age-related changes

Everyone remembers how the condition of the skin changed during puberty. She became too oily, became covered in acne, and began to peel off. Don't think that this only applies to facial skin. Problem areas, that is, thighs, buttocks and abdomen, should be regularly lubricated with special creams. This will help keep your body in good condition. There are special products that are designed to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Then you won't have to think about how to get rid of them.

Temporary phenomenon

So, we found out the reasons for stretch marks on the butt in teenagers. Treatment is usually conservative. This is not a reason for panic or bad mood, since the phenomenon is temporary. The process of new scars will stop as soon as body growth slows down. And a young girl or young man needs to be explained that stretch marks can be treated. Soon they will turn pale and become almost invisible to others.


How to remove stretch marks on the buttocks

If they have already appeared, then the sooner you start correction, the better. While the stripes are fresh and red, they can be smoothed out to a certain extent using creams. The more time passes from the moment they appear, the less chance there is. The easiest way is to rub the skin with olive oil. But you can also purchase a specialized cream or gel.

To improve the result, application of the product is combined with massage of problem areas. You can do it yourself. It is enough to study a special manual or watch a video course. But for these procedures to be truly effective, it is recommended to apply a good cosmetic cream upon completion. Typically, the ingredients of such products are collagen and silicone. Their task is to saturate the skin so that it recovers faster.

Professional treatment

The reasons for stretch marks on the legs of teenagers are mostly due to the fact that the skin does not have time to stretch as fast growth requires. Therefore, you need to give it the maximum amount of nutrients to increase elasticity. This is achieved through mesotherapy. Using an injection, a special nutritional cocktail is introduced under the skin, which helps restore stretched areas. Moreover, the course can last up to a year.

There is no need to rush here, the recovery processes are taking their course. Today there are so many cocktails for mesotherapy that it is not recommended to make a choice on your own. A professional cosmetologist can assess the problem and select the best and most effective composition. Moreover, this does not mean that only expensive drugs can give good results. The price range of cocktails for mesotherapy is very wide.


Laser resurfacing

This method of hardware therapy effectively removes defects in both adolescents and adults. Stretch marks are reduced after the first session. You can combine different techniques. For example, conduct several polishing sessions, followed by a long course of massages with essential oils and professional creams. But it is worth remembering that such a procedure is quite expensive.

If stretch marks are just starting to appear, then you should try more affordable products, creams and scrubs, lotions and home peels. If none of this helped, and the scars simply turned white, but did not go away, then there is only one way left. Go to a good salon, to a professional cosmetologist. Do not forget about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.

Teenagers also have their problems, because growing up is not as easy as some adults think. They have long forgotten how annoying acne or stretch marks on the skin, for example, on the butt, can be. Yes, yes, according to statistics, every tenth growing organism encounters this during puberty. There may be several reasons, as well as ways to resolve the issue.

Hormonal explosion

The main reason why stretch marks appear in teenagers is hormones. They are “to blame” for the fact that the body begins to grow rapidly – ​​both upward and in breadth. This is an absolute natural phenomenon that every person encounters at the appropriate period of life. However, this can lead to the appearance of striae on the popes. And also in other places of the body.

The fact is that sometimes the skin simply does not keep up with the shape. It is difficult for her to stretch as quickly as muscle and fat tissue accumulates. Most often this occurs on the stomach and chest in girls. Stretch marks appear less frequently on the buttocks, but they can be no less disturbing.

With a lack of collagen and elastin, which give it elasticity, the skin tears in areas of particular tension - stretch marks appear. Of course, there are no breaks in the literal sense of the word. The integrity of the skin is not compromised. The fibers are torn in the deep layers. On the outside, redness is first noticeable - in the form of scars. These “stripes” can also be purple. Then these places become whitish-pinkish in color.

Stretch marks on the butt can form due to excessive production of the hormone cortisone in the teenage body. This is a reason to see if everything is ok with your hormonal levels - get tested and consult a doctor.

Physical inactivity

Another reason why stretch marks occur in teenagers is excess weight and lack of physical activity. The first provokes increased stress on the skin, which needs time to stretch while the body accumulates fat. The second one worsens blood circulation. And this is not beneficial for the entire body as a whole, including the skin. They do not receive enough nutrients from the bloodstream and therefore lose elasticity.

Calm, just calm...

Good news: stretch marks are not a reason for panic or bad mood. Parents should reassure the teenager - this is a temporary phenomenon. The process of the appearance of new “scars” will stop as soon as body growth slows down.

And it doesn’t hurt the youngest citizen to know that stretch marks can be treated, and soon they may practically disappear. More precisely, they will simply become invisible from the outside.

Correction methods

There are several options for getting rid of stretch marks on the butt and other parts of the body.

  1. Stretch marks can be removed using mesotherapy. The bottom line is that a special drug is injected under the skin, which helps it recover in stretched areas. In this case, very thin needles are used, and the stretch marks gradually decrease and disappear. It is important to remember that this procedure has contraindications. It cannot be done if the skin in the places where there are stretch marks is inflamed. And also when herpes rashes are present. Mesotherapy is not performed at elevated body temperatures. You shouldn’t do this in the summer either, otherwise you’ll have to give up tanning for the duration of the course. The course itself can take up to six months. There is no point in rushing here: skin restoration should proceed gradually.
  2. The second method, which can also be used for teenagers, is laser resurfacing. Stretch marks are noticeably reduced after the first session. It usually lasts about an hour. A burning sensation may be felt. But after two weeks, the effect, according to experts, will be impressive. It is worth considering that on the eve of such procedures it is important to see a dermatologist. And after completing the course, it is better to be in the sun less often.
  3. Another option for eliminating stretch marks in a teenager is to use good cosmetic product (cream). Such preparations contain several effective ingredients: collagen, silicone and others. Their task is to saturate the skin with nutrients so that it recovers faster. In this case, massage and exercise will be a good help.

One two three four…

Experts believe that it is impossible to eliminate stretch marks on a teenager’s butt without physical activity. Whatever the reason for their appearance. However, you shouldn’t be too zealous with this - the effect can be exactly the opposite.

Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to the loads. Too much tension on the skin during sports can lead to the development of stretch marks. This is a common occurrence among athletes when such “scars” form on their buttocks precisely as a result of high physical activity. Striae can also appear on the chest - where the pectoral muscles quickly develop.

A question of prevention

Is there anything that can be done to prevent stretch marks from appearing in teenagers?

One of the preventive measures is a reasonable approach to sports and fitness. Excessive exercise can lead to stretch marks forming where muscles are actively growing. Girls should pay special attention to this point: in their body, individual parts usually grow faster than in boys. Women's skin has a different structure - it is thinner than men's. And young ladies are at greater risk of getting stretch marks.

Let's do without diets

The second important point for preventing stretch marks is proper nutrition. No diets for weight loss! For teenagers, giving up any foods in order to lose weight is contraindicated. A growing body must receive all the substances it needs. Otherwise, stretch marks may appear with a higher degree of probability. After all, the skin simply does not have enough building material to keep up with the growth of the rest of the body.

The diet should contain enough foods that contain vitamins A, C and E. You also need fish, vegetable oil, vegetables - they contain unsaturated fatty acids that the skin needs for normal well-being and to prevent stretch marks from appearing. Protein is also required - plant and animal origin. If there is enough of all this in the food, and the metabolic processes in the body are not disturbed and the nutrients are absorbed well, stretch marks will not occur.

It is also important to drink enough water. Violation of the water-salt balance is another factor contributing to the formation of stretch marks.

Everything in moderation

Good massage. You can do it yourself, but it’s important not to overdo it: don’t knead or stretch the skin too much. You can use vegetable cosmetic oils for massage. Juniper, wheat germ and orange oils are suitable.

Swimming is also beneficial. It is wise to take a contrast shower from time to time - this stimulates metabolic processes.

Another recommendation from experts is to regularly visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormone levels. This will help you notice unwanted changes in time, which means stretch marks are unlikely to appear.

According to experts, with the right approach, stretch marks in teenagers will not develop into a problem.

Striae in adolescents is a fairly common occurrence. According to statistics, every tenth teenager faces this problem. There are several reasons for this condition, and the most important of them are hormonal changes and rapid growth. By following the rules of prevention, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks or make them less noticeable.


Stretch marks on the butt in adolescents develop under the influence of a number of factors, the reasons for their appearance:

  1. fast growth;
  2. hormonal changes;
  3. overweight;
  4. sedentary lifestyle;
  5. genetic predisposition.

During puberty, rapid growth of the body occurs. The skin does not have time to stretch as quickly and does not keep pace with the increase in muscle mass and fatty tissue. The skin fibers are torn in some places. This leads to the formation of stretch marks.

In girls, stretch marks may appear on the chest. This is due to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics during this period. The joy of turning a girl into a girl is overshadowed by this cosmetic defect. Stretch marks on the buttocks are less noticeable. First, redness of the skin appears in the form of scars, then the stretch marks acquire a whitish tint. Stretch marks on the legs of teenagers are less common than on the stomach and buttocks.

Stretch marks in adolescence may appear due to excessive production of the hormone cortisone. This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body during puberty. Therefore, adolescents with striae need to determine the level of hormones in the blood and consult an endocrinologist.

Excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. With excess body weight, the skin does not have time to stretch following the increase in adipose tissue. With a decrease in physical activity, the skin loses its elasticity.

If parents had stretch marks at puberty, then their child is also likely to have them. This is due to hereditary predisposition. Stretch marks on the body of teenagers are not a reason to worry or be upset. This is a temporary phenomenon. They stop appearing when body growth slows down.


Stretch marks in adolescents respond well to treatment using various methods. But they can only be used after consultation with a pediatrician and pediatric dermatologist. Before using the following cosmetic methods, you must make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction:

During mesotherapy, a drug is injected under the skin to help restore skin fibers, stimulate tissue regeneration, and the production of elastic and collagen fibers. The procedure is contraindicated for inflammatory diseases of the skin, herpetic rashes, and increased body temperature.

When performing mesotherapy, you cannot sunbathe, so it is better not to carry out this procedure in the summer. Injections are given 2 times a month. The duration of treatment is 6 months.

When resurfacing with a laser, a decrease in the number of stretch marks is observed after the first procedure. The duration of one session is about 1 hour. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The method is expensive and effective. After this, you should limit your time in the sun. A slight burning sensation may be felt during the procedure.

Creams for stretch marks should contain collagen, silicone, nutrients, and vitamins. To achieve a noticeable effect, the use of cosmetics for stretch marks must be long-term and regular. The Bepantol emulsion has proven itself well.

Massage and physical activity help get rid of stretch marks. Massage helps improve blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. It is better to combine a massage with the application of special creams for stretch marks and cosmetic oils.

The massage should be gentle. Excessive stretching of the skin should be avoided.

Physical activity when treating stretch marks should not be excessive. Excessive tension, on the contrary, contributes to stretching of the skin, rupture of skin fibers and the development of stretch marks. This is especially noticeable in athletes when they develop stretch marks in areas where the muscle tissue is particularly well developed.

Normalizing body weight helps avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Moreover, weight loss should not be sudden. A rapid decrease in body weight, as well as a sharp increase, contributes to the formation of stretch marks. A teenager should not be subjected to a strict diet; nutrition and exercise must be balanced.


To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you need to approach the issue of playing sports wisely. Lack of physical activity, as well as its excess, contribute to the appearance of stretch marks.

Nutrition should be adjusted. Excess body weight causes the skin to stretch and tear its fibers. At the same time, sudden weight loss also contributes to the appearance of stretch marks. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are building materials for a growing organism, including skin.

It is necessary to have sufficient vitamins and minerals in food products. Fluid intake should be sufficient, since skin turgor and its elasticity depend on this. Swimming, contrast showers, and sea salt baths are helpful.