Cause of white pimples on nose


Whiteheads, or comedones, form when a mixture of dead skin cells, oil and bacteria clogs and clogs the pores of your skin. Unlike blackheads, whiteheads form under the surface of the skin, that is, in closed pores.

Whiteheads can appear at any age, but most often this problem appears during hormonal changes - puberty, menopause, pregnancy and menstruation.

The most common causes of whiteheads are:

Hormonal imbalance

The problem of whiteheads may be associated with hormonal changes during puberty, menopause, pregnancy and menstruation. Hormonal changes lead to increased sebum production in your pores, causing them to become clogged.

Some medications

Certain medications can also cause hormonal changes that lead to whiteheads. Birth control pills are one such drug.


Some people have a genetic predisposition to pimples and acne. So if someone in your family suffers from acne, don't be surprised if it affects you too.


The use of heavy cosmetic products, especially creams with petrolatum, can also cause whiteheads.

Small whiteheads during menstruation

In the vastness of women's forums, a question often arises regarding the appearance of a large number of small whiteheads during menstruation. How serious is this and is it worth worrying about?

During this phase of the cycle, a surge of hormones occurs, against which the production of sebum increases. It clogs the pores, causing whiteheads to appear.

This, as well as menopause, taking hormonal contraceptives and pregnancy, explain the fact that women suffer from the problem of whiteheads more often than men.

Whiteheads on the nose, shoulders and chest

Although whiteheads are most common on the nose, forehead and chin, areas with a large concentration of sebaceous glands, they can also appear on the chest, arms, shoulders and back.

Whiteheads on the nose

Anita writes: “I have developed whiteheads on my nose even though I am 30 years old. During puberty I did not encounter this problem. Should I worry about this?

There are many periods in a person’s life when hormonal levels can change. The reasons may be different, menopause, taking medications or using cosmetic products, pregnancy, etc.

This can affect everyone, regardless of gender. Start by analyzing your beauty products to rule out the harmful effects of heavy ingredients. Perhaps this will be enough to solve the problem of whiteheads.

Whiteheads inside the nose

What people often perceive as whiteheads on the nose are usually not blackheads, although they resemble them in appearance. This is a manifestation of a mucosal condition called folliculitis. As we can see from the name, folliculitis is an irritation or infection of the hair follicles. The reason for this may be improper removal of nasal hairs, bacterial imbalance due to antibiotic use, or a reaction to external irritants such as dust, pollen, and other impurities in the air.

The nasal mucosa is an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, so white pimples in the nose should not be ignored. Unfortunately, the natural shape of the nose makes it difficult to manage the situation and does not leave many options for control, compared to pimples that occur on the surface of the nose.

How to get rid of white pimples on the nose?

Below are some tips on how to get rid of whiteheads inside your nose:

  1. Don't squeeze them out. Even if you have a very strong desire to squeeze out such pimples, try to control yourself, as you can damage thin nerve endings or cause an infection.
  2. Apply warm compresses. To do this, wipe the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab dipped in warm water twice a day.
  3. If you are taking antibiotics, consult your doctor. But do not stop taking antibiotics unless directed by your doctor or until the course is completed.

Whiteheads on the nose in children

Children sometimes develop small whiteheads on the nose, forehead and chin, called milia. Such formations are called milia, are usually harmless and affect up to 50 percent of all newborns, often appearing from the first day after birth.

Milia can also appear on the cheeks, and the number varies for each child. There is no need to worry about this and look for methods of treatment, as they go away on their own in a couple of weeks.

How to get rid of whiteheads?

Just like blackheads and pimples, having whiteheads can negatively impact your appearance. Fortunately, there are many measures that can be useful in combating them.

Let's start with some home remedies and recommendations, then move on to traditional treatment options and finally look at the best natural remedies.

Pay attention to your cosmetics

Skin care products, as already mentioned, are a major factor in the development of acne on the face that is easily affected.

If you suddenly notice a sudden appearance of a large number of whiteheads on your nose, first of all, review your cosmetics for the content of oils and other fats. This applies to cosmetics, sunscreens and moisturizers.

It is especially important to check that the products you use do not contain petroleum jelly and mineral oils. It is also recommended to stop using cosmetics on your nose for several days to monitor the dynamics.

Steam your face

Exposure to hot steam helps dissolve plugs in the pores and thereby improve the condition of the skin.

  1. Soak a piece of cotton cloth in hot water.
  2. Squeeze out excess water and place the cloth on your face for a minute or so.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

As an alternative to the previous method, you can lean over a bowl of hot water, covering your head with a towel and remain in this position for 1-2 minutes.

Traditional remedies

Salicylic acid. Cleansing your face with products containing salicylic acid will help get rid of excess sebum. Salicylic acid creams are sold under different brand names. Just ask at any pharmacy.

Benzoyl peroxide. According to the Health Line website, benzoyl peroxide products also help reduce oil production in the pores.

The site states that it may take up to 8 weeks before you notice improvement. If there is no significant improvement after 8 weeks, you should seek further help from your doctor or dermatologist.

To avoid skin irritation, use salicylic acid cream no more than 1-2 times a day.


The first thing every person with whiteheads wants to do is squeeze them out. However, the Health Line website strongly recommends against doing this, as there is a possibility of infection and only aggravate the situation.

In particularly severe cases, scars and dark spots on the face may remain, which will only distance you from the aesthetic condition of your skin.

Traditional methods

For those who prefer traditional methods, here are several options for treating whiteheads at home:

Steaming the face

This is considered one of the most effective ways to fight acne. We have already described this method in more detail above.

Lemon juice

Rubbing lemon juice on your face also helps clear pores and get rid of acne.

It works even more effectively when combined with milk. Recipe:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of milk
  2. 1 teaspoon salt
  3. 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  1. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl until smooth
  2. Apply the mixture to your nose
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse with cool water.

This home remedy helps in exfoliating dead cells, thereby unclogging pores, leaving smooth, healthy skin.

Clay mask

Kaolin clay has fantastic properties that can help get rid of whiteheads. All you need to do is apply the clay mask to your nose, or, if desired, to your entire face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is also a fantastic natural remedy for whiteheads. To do this, mix oatmeal, rose water (if unavailable, regular water is acceptable) and microwave for 10 seconds. Stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.


In most cases, preventing the recurrence of whiteheads can be done by combining lifestyle changes and beauty treatments aimed at reducing the buildup of sebum and dead skin cells in the pores. Below are some tips on how to prevent whiteheads on your nose:

  1. Switch to oil-free skincare products. This applies to moisturizers, sunscreens and decorative cosmetics.
  2. Regularly cleanse your face of excess sebum, but do not overdo it, as this can make the situation worse by promoting even more oil production. Twice a day will be enough.
  3. Use a skin care product that contains salicylic acid.
  4. Choose products that are labeled “noncomedogenic.”
  5. Develop the habit of taking time every day to care for your facial skin, then the problem of acne will be a thing of the past for you.

If the tip of the nose turns red due to inflammation in the skin, then a folk sign associates this with the presence of a secret admirer or groupie. But seriously, then why do pimples appear on the nose, how to deal with them? Acne occurs for various reasons. Acne most often develops in the area of ​​the skin where there are more sebaceous hair follicles.

Causes of rashes on the nose: love or constipation?

How to get rid of pimples on the nose - these unnecessary “decorations”? This is far from an idle question, because skin problems plague a significant number of people. Among them are many teenagers and young people, who are especially sensitive to negative emotions about their appearance.

Some people believe that acne is a part of getting older. Youth - a wonderful time of life - should be free from skin imperfections. Unfortunately, numerous stress factors and poor environmental conditions worsen health, which immediately affects appearance.

Traditional Chinese medicine explains the situation when there is a lot of pimples on the nose, due to errors in nutrition. The functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder is disrupted. Food is poorly digested, bloating and constipation occur, and harmful substances enter the bloodstream. Unlike medicine, Russian folklore explains the appearance of pimples on the nose with romantic feelings. Rumor ascribes many meanings to these small red bumps - sudden love, betrayal, new acquaintance.

What are the types of acne on the nose?

Modern dermatologists reason like this: rashes on the nose appear due to poor skin condition in this particular area of ​​the face. Moreover, in response to certain factors, various elements of the rash appear.

Common causes of blackheads and pimples on the nose:

stress and nervous fatigue;

Types of acne on the nose

Herpes. It differs from acne vulgaris by the appearance of severe itching and burning on the affected area of ​​the skin - the tip and/or wings of the nose. The characteristic type of rash is watery blisters. Occurs when the herpes virus is activated.

Milia or millet. White pimples in the form of small dense tubercles filled with sebum and keratin. They rarely become inflamed, but they spoil the appearance.

Whiteheads or closed comedones. These are pimples that occur when the sebaceous glands are blocked by keratin plugs.

Papules. Red subcutaneous pimples take a long time to mature and pose the risk of developing nodules and cysts.

Papules. Purulent pimples on the nose are long-lasting blisters with white or yellow liquid contents.

Red-pink rash. Infection of the facial skin by a mite of the genus Demodex - glandular acne - causes thickening of the epidermis and characteristic tuberculation. Pimples are numerous, merging into continuous spots.

Furuncle. When the hair fails to come out, it develops under the skin, which causes acute purulent inflammation. More often occurs with hair follicles in the nose.

Pimples on the nose - can it be avoided?

Numerous stress factors and hormonal changes affect appearance. The skin of teenagers suffers the most; pregnant women and people who often change their place of residence and diet are also at risk. A “conflict” of hormones causes the sebaceous glands to respond to instability by producing excessive sebum. Clogged skin pores are colonized by propionobacteria acne, which triggers the process of inflammation.

10 useful tips for those who have pimples on their nose:

Check the level of male hormones, they play a decisive role in the development of acne.

Treat endocrine and gynecological diseases if they are the cause of facial rashes.

Treat the pancreas; the appearance of acne is often associated with chronic inflammation of this important organ.

Reduce your consumption of meat products, increase the amount of fresh fruits and berries in your diet.

Carry out fasting days regularly to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Supply your body with enough vitamins A, C, E, group B.

Talk to your doctor about taking zinc gluconate, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Zinc, together with vitamin A, reduces sebum production.

Use scrubs to remove the layer of dead skin cells. Make nose masks, use special sticker patches for blackheads.

Use facial lotions and toners with antibacterial agents.

Breathe more fresh air, walk.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

The appearance of rashes on the face is a very unpleasant phenomenon. As the popular saying goes, “a pimple appears on the nose - a new admirer,” however, often an aesthetic defect morally oppresses its owner and interferes with this event.

For teenagers, the occurrence of acne is considered normal and is associated with puberty, but in adulthood they may indicate some kind of disorder in the body.

You should be concerned if the rash does not go away for a long time, is accompanied by pain, itching, and redness and swelling occurs at the site of the acne.

In this case, you need to contact a specialist who will identify the causes of their occurrence and select effective methods to eliminate the problem.

Types of acne on the nose

In order to get rid of acne on the nose, you need to identify what type they can be attributed to. Acne can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory.

  1. You will recognize a pimple on the nose of an inflammatory nature immediately. At the site of the rash, there will be a clearly noticeable redness of the inflamed area of ​​the skin; the color of the pimple can vary from white to bright red and is often filled with purulent contents.
  2. A non-inflammatory pimple that is white or pink in color, with a black dot at the tip and is small in size.

The following types can also be distinguished:

  1. White pimples are skin formations that look like small, dense nodules under the skin;
  2. Red pimples - inflammatory rashes characterized by pain and the presence of pus under the skin, and ichor may be released.

Causes of acne on the nose and what they mean

There are many possible causes of acne on the nose, let’s consider the main ones:

  1. Predisposition to the appearance of skin rashes in this particular place. In this case, the genes responsible for the occurrence of rashes are to blame and can be inherited.

The cause may also be a disruption in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can serve as a factor provoking the appearance of rashes on the nose. This is due to the fact that when the processes of digestion and absorption of certain compounds responsible for the removal of sebum are disrupted, the ducts become clogged and blackheads appear.
  2. The influence of ultraviolet rays provokes excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat and, as a result, the appearance of new rashes on the nose.
  3. Poor quality or incorrectly selected cosmetic facial care products can cause allergic reactions or rashes.
  4. Failure to maintain facial hygiene. There are a lot of sebaceous glands on the nose, so this is the place that is most susceptible to clogging of pores with dust and sweat.
  5. Hormonal changes are the most common cause of acne on the face, including the nose. Most often, the problem occurs due to hormonal imbalance in adolescents during puberty.

This video will tell you why pimples appear on the nose:

To eliminate the problem, you need to identify the cause of the rash. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist, take the necessary tests and get specialist recommendations.


Treatment of skin rashes using clinical methods and medications can only be prescribed by a dermatologist, taking into account the nature of the rash, the cause of its occurrence and accompanying symptoms.

Most often, acne on the nose is treated with the following medications:

  1. ointments containing antibiotics and homeopathic medicines;
  2. Lassara pastes;
  3. hormonal agents;
  4. to block the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to take vitamin A;

If these measures are not effective, your doctor will probably advise you to turn to hardware methods to eliminate the problem:

  1. Cauterization of rashes with liquid nitrogen;
  2. Treatment of pimple with ozone water;
  3. Injection under the skin of medications selected personally for each individual case;
  4. Deep peeling, which allows you to even out the top layer of skin and eliminate subcutaneous nodes;
  5. Hardware facial cleansing.

How to get rid of a pimple overnight, watch this video:

In addition, folk remedies are highly effective:

  1. If acne occurs on the nose and other parts of the face, drink at least a glass of carrot-beetroot juice a day.
  2. When drinking tea, add crushed mint to the drink.
  3. Apply a compress of beaten egg whites to the affected area until it dries completely. Then rinse your face with warm water.
  4. Use herbal mixture: sage, chamomile and calendula for a compress.

Herbs have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Wipe the inflamed skin with aloe juice.

Proper facial skin care is of great importance: frequent washing, at least three times a day, wiping the skin with lotion to tighten the pores; if the skin is oily in texture, you can use drying pastes and creams.

Preventive actions to avoid nasal rashes

To avoid acne on the nose, you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. Follow the rules of hygiene: wash your face more often, do not touch your nose and the skin around it with dirty hands;
  2. Before going to bed, wash off your makeup, wash your face not with soap, but with special cosmetics;
  3. Use your own towel, not a shared one;
  4. Do not squeeze pimples, as this may spread the infection and cause new breakouts;
  5. Watch your diet, because insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body can cause skin problems. Eliminate from your diet: smoked, spicy, fatty foods;
  6. Wipe your face with herbal decoctions;
  7. Take time for walks in the fresh air; air baths have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Folk signs associated with the occurrence of acne on the nose

You can talk about folk beliefs only if rashes are a rare phenomenon. The ancestors believed that everything should have its own explanation, nothing happens for nothing, so the sudden appearance of a pimple on the face was also given its own interpretation.

The sign generally has a good meaning and prophesies the appearance of an admirer or admirer.

The more pimples, the more admirers will pursue you. The stronger the inflammatory process and the brighter the redness, the deeper and brighter his feelings for you will be, and if the pimples are quite large, the suitor is probably a wealthy and generous person.

Treatment of acne should be carried out comprehensively: first of all, you need to change your lifestyle, carefully monitor personal hygiene, do not develop diseases of the internal organs, and do not neglect traditional medicine.