Bioptron anti-wrinkle reviews

Those who have used it are particularly interested in reviews on use for facial skin (enlarged pores, dull complexion, wrinkles, etc.). Well, in general they write that it is a miraculous remedy. Write who used it, what were the results? experts

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Pukemova Olga

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

In our family, the whole family has been using this lamp for about 6 years. The thing is very useful. Colds and herpes can be cured immediately in the initial stages. Wounds, pimples, some kind of inflammation on the face, body, everything heals and goes away much faster. I can’t say anything about wrinkles, I’m only 20 myself, and my mother has almost no wrinkles anyway. I can’t say if it’s because of the lamp or if it’s just so beautiful to me.
In general, the thing is worthwhile, universal, and very necessary.

I took the MCH from my mother to use. I have a rather problematic chin area, so let me try it. The instructions show how a girl with a terrible face turned into a beauty in a week. Honestly, it doesn't help me. Although, probably, the healing goes a little faster, but for me it is very insignificant, then the face becomes inflamed again. I wouldn't buy it for 250 euros. But this is my personal experience.

We bought it, I have very problematic skin, it didn’t help me, so I advise you better not to waste money. to spend it usefully

It's a pity for the money spent. A runny nose can only be treated well. And that's nonsense.

You shouldn't say that! Bioptron also helps to treat - read the instructions and follow them. No one promises miracles in a week, but with CORRECT and REGULAR use the result will be excellent!

I once took it from a friend, treated a rash, everything healed much faster than without her

Buy bioptron only from medical program managers in Russia.

Svetlana, with “correct and regular use”, chamomile decoction will help)
it's not worth the money.

I got a mole from it

worth the money and even very much, the whole family uses it and cures almost everything, runny nose, throat, acne, etc.

It perfectly treats not only the runny nose, acne and warts, but also all joint diseases, the skin of the face and hands smooths out and even becomes much smoother to the touch, reduces attacks of bronchial asthma, relieves pain, in particular after fractures, swelling quickly resolves after rhinoplasty , there is practically no swelling after dental implantation and implant rejection, by the way.

I remember when I was a child, my mother warmed my nose with a blue lamp when I had a runny nose - I remember it helped.
But I found an interesting article on Bioproton:

To date, more than a million BIOPTRON devices have been sold worldwide. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is approved for use in medical practice. The main element of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is an optical tube with a halogen lamp as a light source, whose spectral characteristics are close to that of the sun, but without the ultraviolet component.
More about lamps:

People, maybe you can rent it for 2-3 weeks? We can’t cure a child’s runny nose, otherwise we can’t cure it for 3 months. And in the clinic only 4 times for 4 minutes, and the next course is only in 2 weeks. It doesn’t help in fits and starts, and it’s expensive to buy(

I will sell the bioptron for 30, I took it for 128
All documents

Selling zepter bioptron pro, after maintenance, very good condition. Stand included
Bought before the crisis for 130,000, will sell for 39,000
For any questions, please contact 8 92 five 73 four thirteen zero one

We have this device at home (as many as 3). I am skeptical about such things. I know that I need to use it consistently and according to the instructions, but I don’t have enough patience for this and I give up. However, I remember that I had a wart on my finger for several years. She didn’t bother me and I didn’t even fight with her. But then I started to get a lot of complexes because of her. I warmed it with bioptoron 2 or 3 times for 2 minutes and stopped. Then, after a few days, I noticed that the wart had disappeared. I still didn’t understand where she went. It either resolved or fell off. This is my only experience with bioptron. Now I want to try to treat the boil. If it helps again, I'll write a comment =)

I used Bioptron to boost my immunity. In general, the treatment is good, but I was confused by the price. Then I found an equally effective device (even better), which has a much lower price. The device is a Rikta brand, if anyone is interested. It heals very well and is easy to use.

I used the “miracle lamp” several times in 2003. My parents bought it for 16,000 rubles, with an average monthly salary of about 3,000. They didn’t really notice the effect. As a result, the lamp stopped shining. In order not to upset my parents, I decided to fix it. I took it apart, and inside there was a small circuit board and a light bulb. I took this light bulb in the hope of finding something similar. And lo and behold! I found the same one in an electrical store for 30 rubles! I checked all the inscriptions on the light bulbs: everything is identical. I installed it, and the mega-miracle lamp worked as before. Nobody else used it. Tip: turn on the chandelier at home and stand under it for a few minutes, the effect is the same, but cheaper!


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Light therapy plays an important role in medicine, especially in the last few years. Hippocrates also described that a lot of diseases can be cured by using only sunlight. Now everyone knows that the human body converts all received light into electrochemical energy. And this leads to the activation of a biochemical process that allows you to cover the entire body, and not just the skin.

History of origin

Many centuries ago, man began to study light and its beneficial properties. And although they could not fully recognize its nature, similar therapy was already actively used in ancient Greece. At the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to Dr. Finsen, originally from Denmark, some forms of tuberculosis could be treated with light rays. However, at that time, doctors began to give preference to medications. In 1938, phototherapy sharply lost its popularity as it was replaced by penicillin.

Now, thanks to modern physicists and their developments, various devices are being created that are capable of influencing the human body, based on a biological system.

It is precisely such developments that include the Bioptron (Zepter) device, which is manufactured by a Swiss company.

Device structure

The Bioptron lamp consists of:

  1. plastic table stand;
  2. support pad;
  3. handle stands;
  4. oval lid with ventilation holes;
  5. power supply and fuse;
  6. halogen lamp regulator;
  7. grounds;
  8. fan;
  9. control and display panels.

On top of the control panel is the head of the device, which consists of:

  1. light source;
  2. Brewster mirrors;
  3. protective glass filter and dust protector;
  4. UV protection;
  5. medical filter.

The device can be installed in three positions: horizontally, vertically and at an angle. The housing is designed to provide sufficient system cooling in any position. The main thing is that before you start working with the Bioptron lamp, make sure that the ventilation hole and the fan located in the oval cover are not blocked by anything.

Basic parameters of the device

The weight of the device is no more than 0.5 kilograms. Main parameters:

  1. power supply rated at 230 V;
  2. current frequency is 50 Hz;
  3. color temperature allows about 2600 K;
  4. the rated power of the lamp is 20 W;
  5. wavelength - from 480 to 3400 nm;
  6. specific power - 40 mW/cm2.

The service life of the device is unlimited if used correctly.

Color filters

Since the light of the device excites active zones and points on the skin, especially in a narrow light range, the wavelengths are different and characteristic of a specific color.

In addition to the device itself, the system includes seven Bioptron color filters and three homeopathic remedies, which contain essential oils and plant extracts that promote the transfer of information.

All light therapy programs, as the basis of a person’s psychophysiological state, are aimed at restoring and maintaining information and energy balance.

Light, passing through filters, acquires additional properties, for example: drainage of the lymphatic and venous systems, reduction of slagging in the body, and so on.

Each color of the filter has its own healing effect:

  1. red - relieves pain, restores blood flow, stimulates blood circulation, nervous and immune systems, and also helps with sadness;
  2. orange - restores the functions of the intestines and genitourinary system, eliminating inflammation, is an antidepressant, and during menopause can reduce discomfort;
  3. yellow - relieves constipation, reduces acidity, helps the spleen work and the body absorbs food, improves the lymphatic system;
  4. green - tones, cleanses the lungs and bronchi, fights heart disease, helps eliminate headaches and restore the nervous system;
  5. blue - fights any ENT diseases, helps heal burn wounds, relieves hyperactivity;
  6. blue - relieves insomnia, depression, sinusitis, epithelizes wounds and eliminates pain syndromes in the back and joints;
  7. purple - a tranquilizer for the nervous system, an antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, and can cause active growth of leukocytes in the spleen.

To achieve the best results, you can combine colors taking into account the exposure time.

Operating principle

Treatment with Bioptron is very effective and safe, since the principle is based on the interaction of a light beam on the skin.

When exposed to light, cellular energy is accelerated several times, which allows you to launch, in addition, the process of microcirculation, which affects the biostimulation of the body's cells. Protein metabolism increases, and this in turn allows the production of collagen and elastin.

The use of "Bioptron" is possible either by acting directly on the problem area or on biological points.

User manual

Despite the fact that the Bioptron Zepter system is very lightweight and can be used at home, it is still worth consulting with a doctor. The specialist will tell you how to achieve the best results of therapy.

The Bioptron instructions are very simple:

  1. It is best to use the device in a relaxed state, preferably in the morning or before bed;
  2. before use, you need to clean the area of ​​skin from dirt and fat on which therapeutic manipulation will be performed;
  3. the device is installed at an angle of 90 degrees, but at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the treated area;
  4. 1 treatment zone should be given 5-10 minutes separately in the morning and evening;
  5. when using the device on the face, the eyes must be closed;
  6. Upon completion of the procedures, the device should be disconnected from the network.

During procedures with the device, unpleasant sensations may occur in the area of ​​application. But don't worry about this. There is no threat to the human body. You just need to relax as much as possible by closing your eyes. Depending on the frequency of use of the device, the discomfort will disappear each time.

When operating the device, you must be careful, since the elements consist of fragile glass and plastic.

You should always check that there is free air access to the ventilation openings of the device so that the maximum degree of cooling is achieved.

Only original components should be used. The manufacturer will not be responsible for the malfunction of the device if damage was caused during operation due to non-original stands, tripods, etc.

In case of replacement or repair of the device lamp, it is necessary to contact only specialized warranty service workshops. If the repair was carried out independently, the manufacturer is not responsible for the work performed.

You should monitor the humidity in the room in which you plan to turn on the device. Humid and hot rooms should be avoided. It is desirable that the temperature range from 10 to 40 degrees.

Do not allow dust or liquid to enter the device. Protect from vibrations and shocks.

Indications for use

Since light therapy has now become widely used in various fields of medicine. The Swiss device "Bioptron Zepter" is a clear certified example of the uniqueness of light flux as a biological therapy. He has permission to use medical technology, which was issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development (FS No. 2010/188 dated May 27, 2010).

The areas of application, as confirmed by Bioptron reviews, are different:

  1. dermatovenerology - acne, urticaria, dermatitis, herpes, eczema, mycosis, psoriasis, scars, etc.;
  2. dermatosurgery - preoperative preparation, various rehabilitation programs;
  3. aesthetic cosmetology - stretch marks, wrinkles, premature aging;
  4. otolaryngology - tonsillitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, papillomatosis, etc.;
  5. therapy - osteochondrosis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, hypotension, arthritis, peptic ulcer, etc.;
  6. urology - prostatitis, balanoposthitis, impotence;
  7. neurology - stroke, fainting, depression, migraine, etc.
  8. pediatrics - prevention of ARVI, tonsillitis, hormonal crisis, etc.;
  9. surgery - hemorrhoids, bruises, injuries, wounds, burns, hematoma, fistulas, bursitis, etc.;
  10. dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.;
  11. ophthalmology - stye, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, myopia;
  12. obstetrics and gynecology - colpitis, condylomas, cervical erosion, frigidity, etc.

Contraindications for Bioptron

Despite the wide range of successful applications, there are also limitations on the use of the device. There is a certain list of diseases that prohibit the use of the device:

  1. active tuberculosis;
  2. diseased heart and kidneys;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. blood vessel disease;
  5. cerebrovascular accident;
  6. transplanted organs.

Also, the device should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There are diseases for which the use of the device is permissible, but strictly adhering to the Bioptron instructions and under the careful supervision of a specialist:

  1. oncology, since the effect of light on mutated cells of the body has not been fully studied;
  2. thrombophlebitis (acute form), since a blood clot can come off under the influence of a light beam.

Where to buy the device

If you decide to purchase a Bioptron device, then, without hesitation, you should contact the official dealers of the Zepter company. The order should be made on the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of fakes! Nowadays, many people are trying to make money off of a big name. The device is manufactured only in Switzerland.


Reviews about "Bioptron" say one thing: that it is better to pay once for a high-quality and reliable device than to save money and buy a useless "dummy". Its cost depends only on the modification. If we are talking about the home version, the lamp will cost about 80,000 rubles. If we are talking about a more powerful lamp for medical institutions, then the price will rise to 300,000 rubles.

Reviews about "Bioptron"

Invest once in purchasing a miracle device, and it will help you out more than once. Its scope of application is so wide, and its safety and effectiveness are completely unconditional. In addition, the device can be used for both adults and children with the same effect.

Bioptron's indications are unique. Those who have been familiar with the device for several years now confidently confirm its effectiveness. It has already been proven from the personal experience of many people that thanks to the device, the growth and renewal of body cells increases. It helps to quickly relieve sharp pain, for example, with radiculitis. Improves blood pressure, skin condition, sleep and mood.

Those who have become acquainted with the device in the field of cosmetology are also very impressed. They note effectiveness in the treatment of seborrhea, eczema, acne, herpes and psoriasis. There are even cases after plastic surgery, where the device helped to quickly relieve swelling, eliminating inflammation, reducing scars and normalizing blood circulation.

And, of course, we should not forget that every medical institution actively uses light therapy in its therapeutic manipulations. At first, doctors were somewhat distrustful of this method represented by the device of the Zepter company. But over time and with the increase in positive reviews of Bioptron, it became clear that the device combines only a biological complex for the human body.

Developed by the Swiss company Bioptron, it is a device that works on the principle of biostimulation of active points of the body. Improves blood circulation, increases oxygen consumption by cells, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The difference from externally similar devices is Bioptron’s ability to act on the deep layers of the skin, without “stopping” exclusively on the superficial ones.

What is Bioptron

The device is a lamp that emits polarized light without ultraviolet radiation. It is UV radiation that is most harmful in the spectrum of sunlight. Polarized radiation causes a reflex reaction in organs and tissues, stimulating them to more intensively absorb oxygen, grow and heal.

Light exposure is actively used in various fields of medicine, especially in ophthalmology. Bioptron is based on a similar principle. The kit includes 3 main components: the device itself, oxy-spray for treating the treatment area and a stand. The effect of the device, indications and methods of use are described in detail in the attached instructions. The specific characteristics of Bioptron depend on the model purchased. There are 3 types of devices.

  1. Bioptron "Pro". Can be used everywhere, suitable for use at home. It is complemented by a convenient stand that allows you to install the Bioptron on a table, next to the bed at the time of use. The control panel is adjusted depending on the target, down to the second. It is not difficult to adjust the distance separating the working part of the device and the area of ​​the body: the problem is solved using the built-in lock. The assembled device weighs about 3.5 kg.
  2. Bioptron "Compact". Weighs 500 g, does not include stand or mountings. Can be used in the clinic, at home and anywhere else. The main advantage is that storing, transporting and using the device “in field conditions” is extremely simple. The list of indications is not as extensive as that of the previous device, but its popularity is still greater due to its ease of use and low cost.
  3. Bioptron 2. Mainly used in hospital settings, equipped with a floor stand, a wide light filter - diameter up to 17 cm. It has the most extensive list of indications. Fixed in any desired position. Weighs 4.5–5 kg.

Indications for use

  1. Allergic reactions. The device helps eliminate skin rashes, relieve itching and other allergy symptoms in children and adults.
  2. Joint diseases, pain symptoms due to arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Bone damage, bruises, fractures, cracks.
  3. Respiratory diseases, respiratory disorders, cough as a symptom of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  4. Skin diseases, mechanical damage, infectious lesions. Bioptron is indicated for: acne, boils, ulcers, herpetic eruptions, pustules of unknown nature, abscesses. Cosmetic smoothing of scars.
  5. Prostatitis, impotence in men, gynecological diseases in women in consultation with a doctor.
  6. Runny nose, sinusitis, otitis, other ENT diseases.
  7. Emotional stress, depression, sleep disorders, fatigue, weakness after long-term treatment, taking medications.
  8. Hair loss, thinning, brittle hair, loss of healthy shine.
  9. Cellulite – Bioptron provides a drainage effect, smoothes out the “orange peel”, increases skin elasticity.
  10. Wrinkles, premature aging, dull complexion.

Treatment with Bioptron

It is advisable to perform the first procedures under the supervision of a specialist. After 2-3 sessions you will be able to repeat the steps yourself. Treatment consists of the following stages.

  1. Provide a comfortable, relaxing environment and choose the right time. The optimal periods for carrying out procedures are the morning immediately after sleep and the evening immediately before going to bed.
  2. Prepare the area of ​​exposure: the skin at the site of exposure to light radiation is cleansed with water, soap, and tonic.
  3. Configure the correct location of the emitting device. The beam of the device is located at an angle of 90° to the working area. The distance between the light filter and the skin is from 10 cm. The device cannot be moved throughout the entire session. Large areas are treated in several sessions, one small area at a time.
  4. The procedures are performed daily, 2 times. The duration of the session is 5–10 minutes. contract. The duration of the course is selected individually - it depends on the indications and individual response to treatment.
  1. When placing the device near the eyes, they must be closed to avoid light radiation and burns;
  2. Remove contact lenses before the session and put them on after 10–15 minutes. upon completion;
  3. if it is not possible to act directly on the diseased area, you should select a suitable biologically important point (indicated in the instructions).

Each disease and pathology requires an individual approach to treatment. Bioptron is more often used for such problems.

  1. Acne, pimples. Act on the problem area for 10 minutes, bringing the emitter 5 cm closer to the surface of the skin. One session a day is enough.
  2. Warts. Clean the area surrounding the wart with the lotion included in the kit and place the emitter in the exact direction of the wart. Increase the number of sessions to three per day, keep for 8 minutes. Continue the procedures until the papilloma completely disappears.
  3. Herpes. Place the Bioptron emitter 3–4 cm from the affected area and hold for 2 minutes. Number of sessions 1–2 per day.
  4. Wrinkles. “Shine” on the place where wrinkles appear for 2 minutes. 3-4 times a day. The procedures are indicated primarily for prevention and to eliminate the first, small, barely noticeable wrinkles.
  5. Allergy. Gently clean the affected area of ​​skin with the product from the kit, hold the emitter over the area for 10 minutes, repeat up to three times a day.
  6. Back pain. Carry out the procedures standing or lying down, but be sure to sit up straight and relax. Place the lamp 10 cm from the skin surface and leave for 8 minutes. Repeat morning and evening.
  7. Haemorrhoids. Place the emitter exactly opposite the diseased area and maintain exposure for 8 minutes. twice a day.
  8. Toothache. The affected area is irradiated through the cheek. The emitter is placed so that the light is directed directly at the tooth and gum. The minimum duration of exposure is 5 minutes. Repeat at intervals of 4 hours.


  1. Increased body temperature – from 37 C°.
  2. Oncological diseases – benign and malignant.
  3. Photodermatosis: an allergic reaction to exposure to direct light.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases, kidney, liver, and nervous system diseases.
  5. Low tone, energy deficiency, developing muscle atrophy.
  6. Taking stimulant drugs, immunomodulators.
  7. Age up to 2 years. From 2 to 15 years - in agreement with the doctor.
  8. Pregnancy.

The reason to refuse to use Bioptron is the presence of general contraindications to physical therapy: bleeding, mental illness, atherosclerosis, fever, the presence of pacemakers and implants in the body, epilepsy, infectious diseases in the acute stage.

Reviews from doctors

  1. “My compatriots acquired the opportunity to purchase Bioptron 15 years ago. For a decade and a half, the device has proven effective in treating cuts, bruises, burns, allergic reactions, and bruises. Helps cure children from runny nose and prevent the development of sinusitis. The effectiveness of the device for joint pain, osteochondrosis, and hemorrhoids is questionable. I do not recommend it as the main and only means of treating dangerous pathologies.”
  2. “I advise parents whose children often get colds to buy Bioptron. The device speeds up recovery by approximately 2 times without causing side effects. In mild cases of ARVI, the device should replace the usual medications, or at least some of them.”
  3. “It is indicated to use the device in the treatment of dental diseases. Even short-term exposure leads to increased local immunity, relieves gum inflammation, and prevents bleeding. Use in courses of 30 days. After the first week, a noticeable positive effect appears, the rest of the time it is consolidated.”
  4. “The scope of Bioptron is wider than any other device for physiotherapeutic procedures. Successfully used in hospital settings. For home treatment, I advise you to purchase compact models, even if their capabilities are smaller. They are cheaper and more convenient to use.”
  5. “It shows itself well in the treatment of ENT diseases. Treats chronic runny nose, provides prevention of sinusitis. It is especially useful to conduct sessions for children when it is possible to do without surgery. In advanced stages it is ineffective, but in the early stages it helps a lot.”

Bioptron is a device for home treatment of colds and skin diseases, relieving inflammation and allergies. Available in three forms. The Bioptron “Compact” model is suitable for home use. Contraindications are standard for physiotherapy: pregnancy, childhood, oncology, exhaustion. Doctors in reviews recommend using the device in combination with the main therapeutic effects.