Baby Massage

Baby massage: importance and technique

Massage is not just a pleasant procedure for the baby, it is also a way to strengthen the bond between mom (or dad) and the child, and a useful therapy for the baby’s health. Massage can help soothe a child, relieve his illnesses and improve his health. In this article we will look at the basic massage techniques for a baby and recommendations for its implementation.

Before you begin the massage, there are several important points to consider. Firstly, the proposed massage technique is intended for babies from 3 months to a year. Time is limited to 30 minutes so as not to tire the child. Secondly, for massage it is recommended to use especially soft baby oil or natural almond oil. This softens and soothes the skin, and also maintains its natural moisture and elasticity. Aromatic oils are contraindicated for baby massage.

The best time for a massage is when the baby is calm and full (but not immediately after eating). The ideal time is after swimming, before bed. Then baby oil will have the most beneficial effect. If your baby is naughty, postpone the massage until another time. Make sure that the room is heated to 22-24 degrees, then the naked child will be comfortable.

Choose a comfortable position for yourself and your little one. Try massaging your baby on a changing table, on a bed, or on the floor with a soft, thick blanket. Don't forget to place a soft towel or diaper under your baby to make him feel comfortable.

Not all children like massage the first time. Be persistent, but don't do anything against the child's wishes. Turn the massage into a game, smile, hum a song, radiate calm and confidence. Start with the simplest and most enjoyable techniques for your baby, then master more complex ones.

Before the massage, lay the child on his back, lubricate his body with baby oil. To make the oil warm and pleasant to the touch, pour it onto your palms and rub them lightly.

  1. Tummy

A light massage in the abdominal area eases the baby's bowel movements. As a result, gases are released, constipation is less annoying, and the child behaves more calmly. Very gently and gently massage your baby's belly, moving your palms clockwise. Your hand should cover the entire abdominal area, from the ribs to the pubic bone. Tummy massage is best done before feeding or 20-30 minutes after feeding