How to look good at 30

At any stage of your life every girl and woman should be proud of what nature has given her and take maximum care of herself. If you follow these simple rules, you can look great into old age. But, unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex thinks about what she will look like in a few years.

What do you need? do so that one day, when you look in the mirror, you don’t get upset. 30 years is the age when the first signs of aging appear on the skin, hormonal levels change and it is no longer so easy to wake up in the morning cheerful and fresh. Many will perceive this stage of life with disappointment, but you should not give up on your youth and beauty prematurely. At this age, everything still depends on you, so pull yourself together and start living again.

Advice for 30-year-old womenwho want to look great.
1. After 30 years, stop using excessive cosmetics. If bright, extraordinary images in makeup looked stylish and interesting at 20 years old, then at 30 years old it already looks vulgar and can significantly add age. If you love decorative cosmetics, then give preference to natural shades to look natural and fresh. Additionally, use a highlighter, which will not only highlight the cheekbone, but also give your face freshness and youth. It is better to avoid black, blue and purple shadows, but you should not forget about blush. If you have a busy work schedule and don't sleep enough, your skin will take on a gray tint, which will also visually add several years to your age. Blush perfectly emphasizes your natural beauty and helps to create the impression to others that you have healthy blood circulation and are full of energy.

2. After 30 years, do exercises for your facial muscles. At the age of 30, the skin begins to be subject to the force of gravity, which is why a sagging chin and droopy eyelids appear. If you start taking care of your facial skin on time, you will look great until you get old. Just like our body, facial skin needs toning and regular exercise. Before doing exercises, be sure to remove makeup and apply your facial cream or natural vegetable oil.

3. After 30 years, you always use sunscreen cosmetic products in the warm season. This means that the bottle of your skin care cosmetics should indicate an SPF level of at least 20, regardless of whether you go to the beach or not. It is also worth paying additional attention to decorative cosmetics, which will protect you from the aggressive effects of sunlight and, as a result, premature aging. If you go outside, apply cream to your entire face, lubricate your lips with a sunscreen balm based on natural oils, and wear glasses that will protect your eyes and thin skin in this area.

4. After 30 years, eat foods rich in folic acid. Nutritionists have proven that it is at the age of 30 that a woman needs to pay attention to foods that contain folic acid. This substance promotes rapid cell regeneration, so your nails and hair will grow better, and your skin will become soft, smooth and elastic. Include greens, citrus fruits, all types of nuts, etc. in your diet. Be sure to purchase foods that contain this vitamin and keep them in your refrigerator to develop a healthy eating habit. At the age of 30, it is better to exclude fatty, sweet and starchy foods, which can cause excess weight, acne and various diseases.

5. After 30 years, sleep at least 8 hours a day. If at 20 you could afford to be active at night, then at 30 you will no longer look so fresh after another disco or get-together with friends. At this age, it will be necessary to make a choice, either in favor of night festivities, or in favor of beauty and health. Of course, once a month you can allow yourself to stay with a group of friends in your favorite cafe, but this should not become a systematic occurrence. Healthy sleep is great for your skin, helps restore your body and recharge your energy for the next day. If you neglect this rule, you will sooner face the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles.

6. After 30 years, do not forget about daily care. At 30, you can no longer afford to go to bed with makeup on or skip a skin care day. Your care should be systematic and competent. Select creams according to your skin type and do not forget to visit a cosmetologist occasionally to monitor the process of changes. You should have two daily creams: one light for daytime use and the second oily to nourish the skin at night. Place the cream in a visible place and do not forget to apply daily. Additionally, choose a quality makeup remover. At the age of 30, it is better to give preference to gentle makeup removal with cosmetic milk. Don’t skimp on cosmetics, because this is your skin, which should serve you for many more years, and what it will be like years later depends only on you at 30 years old. Today, stores offer a wide selection of professional cosmetic products for skin care in your 30s.

7. Charge yourself with optimism every day after 30. For some reason, it is generally accepted that as people get older, they begin to burden themselves with thoughts of bad things and forget about those little things that should make them happy every day. Scientists have proven that our mood greatly affects our appearance. If you do something every day that makes you happy, you will always not only feel young, but also look the part. Try to give preference to comedy films, positive music, and communication with funny little children. At 30 years old, you can fully enjoy the beauty and charm of the world around you, without a pessimistic mood. Try to help your family and friends around you and please yourself with some pleasant little things. A good mood will give you a charge of vivacity, inspiration and response from employees in the office and family members.

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Age characteristics of a person

If we talk about external signs, the easiest way to determine a woman’s age is by her neck and décolleté. Since the skin in these areas is delicate and thin, it is highly sensitive to negative external influences, and age leaves quite noticeable marks on it.

Wrinkles on the face are the result of the actions of facial muscles, while the neck muscle weakens from the lack of any movement. This is why the skin on the neck fades relatively early. So if you see imperfect, slightly sagging skin on the neck, this may indicate that its owner has celebrated her thirtieth birthday or is close to it.

The eyes also make it possible to roughly determine a woman's age. There are no important sebaceous glands in the eye area, which makes the skin in this area vulnerable to negative environmental influences. Wrinkles, swelling, circles under the eyes - all this indicates that this is no longer a twenty-year-old girl.

Of course, it is always possible to find out a woman’s age through social networks, but usually only very young girls honestly indicate their age.

How else can you find out a girl's age?

If we talk about other features of appearance, it is necessary to mention the differences in the use of cosmetics. So girls seventeen to twenty years old usually prefer bright, elaborate makeup. After twenty years, girls try to emphasize the features of their face with makeup, and not hide it behind decorative cosmetics. By the age of thirty, women sometimes return to brighter makeup, which allows them to hide the appearance of wrinkles and attract the necessary attention of men.

You can also guess a woman's age based on her clothes. Young girls try to express themselves through bright clothes with complex or strange cuts, and they often choose complex, unusual hairstyles. Girls of twenty try to look mature and respectable, so their wardrobe and hairstyles become classic and natural. Women of thirty, as a rule, perfectly shape their image and look more sophisticated. In addition, in the appearance of a thirty-year-old woman you can often see something unique, inherent only to her.

The list of interests on social networks also allows you to make a fairly accurate guess about the girl’s age. The older she is, the more logical and orderly such lists are.

Of course, you can and should meet women of different ages in different places. For example, very young girls prefer loud discos where they can dance to their heart's content. Twenty-year-old girls choose interesting and prestigious clubs where they can make useful contacts. And thirty-year-olds prefer cozy, unusual establishments.

Few women would not like to look young and beautiful. After the first age-related changes appear, many people have to seriously think about how to look younger at 35 years old. It is generally accepted that maintaining beauty is an expensive pleasure and not everyone can afford it. Actually this is not true. Anyone can maintain their attractiveness with minimal time and financial costs.

General recommendations

In order to have a youthful appearance and look fresh, you should follow a number of rules:

Emotional condition

Frequent smiling leads to the formation of nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the eyes, which are called “crow’s feet.” However, this is not a reason to stop smiling. During a sincere smile or laugh, almost all the muscles of the face work, which allows you to keep them in good shape. A cheerful, cheerful person ages much more slowly than a gloomy and gloomy person.

Care products

It is necessary to take care of your face and body at any age. After 30, you should choose your products more carefully. Experts recommend choosing products that are designed for older people. Optimal option + 5 years. Particular attention is paid to the skin around the eyes. It becomes thinner over the years, and the first expression wrinkles appear. To prevent the situation from getting worse, creams, serums and other products based on hyaluronic acid, snail extract, collagen and elastin are used. A number of ingredients moisturize well and retain moisture in the cells, which leads to the preservation of elasticity and firmness, helps to visually rejuvenate and look 2-3 years less.

Cosmetics with SPF filter

To prevent dryness and hyperpigmentation, it is necessary to use cosmetics with sunscreen filters at any time of the year. This does not mean that in winter you need to apply cream that is usually used for the beach; it is enough to use traditional decorative and skincare cosmetics containing SPF.

Full sleep

Lack of sleep negatively affects your appearance at any age. Normal sleep is 7-8 hours. You need to sleep on a pillow, in a supine position. You can't lie face down. Otherwise, creases, swelling, and bruises under the eyes will form on the skin. The same applies to sleeping on your side. In this option, there is a risk of swelling on only one side and the formation of significant asymmetry.

Eliminate bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of youth and beauty. Abuse leads to vasoconstriction, loss of moisture and poor circulation. As a result, the skin acquires an unhealthy grayish tint, wrinkles form, and the face looks wrinkled and tired. To avoid this, alcohol consumption must be reduced to a minimum, and smoking cigarettes must be completely abandoned. The maximum dosage is no more than 1 glass of wine every 2-3 days.

Healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition helps provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein and other essential substances. To improve your shape, you need to exercise regularly, use physical activity or take long walks. This will help get rid of excess weight, which few people find attractive, and saturate the blood with oxygen. As a result, a woman will look and feel good, her skin will become tightened, regardless of how many years are indicated in the passport.


After 31 years or more, you should not refuse to use cosmetic products. The face needs protection and camouflage of defects. To do this, you can use various modern devices and products. Particular attention is paid to clothing. You don't have to blindly follow fashion trends. It is important to have your own individual style, emphasizing the strengths of your figure and hiding flaws.

Perfume will help complement the look. When choosing, you should take into account your color type and taste preferences. It is better to avoid using overly sweet cloying aromas. They are more suitable for women over 60 years old. Excessive freshness will also not be age appropriate. The best option is to find the middle option.

Facial rejuvenation after thirty

After 25-30 years, the first age-related changes appear. Each passing year is involuntarily reflected on the face. You cannot close your eyes to this and let it take its course. When talking about how to look younger than your age at 30, you need to pay special attention to care and rejuvenation. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of plastic surgeons and use expensive manipulations.

For the skin at this age it is important:

  1. thorough cleansing 2 times a day;
  2. nutrition;
  3. hydration;
  4. protection from external factors.

A sufficient number of cosmetic products on the market makes it possible to take care of yourself. The substances provide nutrition, hydration and have a tightening effect. As a result of regular use, the skin looks fresh and well-groomed. Peeling, redness, enlarged pores, rashes are eliminated, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

You can ensure quality nutrition by using traditional refrigerator foods. For this you can use eggs, lemon, cucumbers, honey and other products. When using allergens, the composition is first applied to a small area of ​​skin. If there is no reaction, you can use it fully.

Professional cosmetologists recommend using ice cubes made from herbs, fruits, vegetables and other ingredients in the morning. The product quickly eliminates swelling, removes signs of fatigue, and restores skin tone.

You can prepare cubes using mint leaves, strawberry or lemon juice, green tea, etc. They can be kept in the freezer for many months, allowing them to remain fresh at any time of the year.

At this age, you can use products with an anti-aging effect. The products are widely represented on the shelves of specialized stores. It is recommended to purchase products that contain plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, snail mucin, etc.

The compositions are applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area.

When performing procedures, you should take the advice of cosmetologists:

  1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, you must use a day cream. For winter, products with high fat content are chosen to protect against low temperatures and wind.
  2. In such years, special attention is paid to foundation. It shouldn't be too dense. Otherwise, the product will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize skin imperfections, adding several years of age.
  3. For skin with vascular, clear and frequent redness, preference is given to products that contain a sufficient amount of yellow pigment. If your skin already has a yellowish tint, you should avoid using such cosmetics.
  4. To hide dark circles under the eyes and eliminate puffiness, you can use special patches, concealer and other products.
  5. Night cream should contain hyaluronate and retinol. Apply the product 30 minutes before bedtime.
  6. Lips should be moisturized at least once a day. For this purpose, hygienic lipstick, creams and other products are used. You should not lick your lips in the wind. In this case, they become weathered. Peeling occurs. Various products or regular Vaseline can fix the problem.

To maintain well-groomed skin, it is worth periodically exfoliating, cleaning, massage and other manipulations.

Hand rejuvenation

When discussing the topic of how to look young at 35, it is necessary to talk about your hands. They are more susceptible to the influence of chemicals, temperature fluctuations, etc. than other parts of the body. It is the hands that often give away a person’s true years. It is important to provide them with quality, timely care.

For this purpose, special creams, masks, and baths are used. Creams are used daily. For the cold season, fatty products with plant extracts in the formula are chosen. Paraffin masks have proven themselves well.

You should be careful with baths. If abused, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Experiment with hairstyles

When performing skincare procedures, you should not forget about your hair. Numerous dyeing, poor ecology, low-quality products lead to a deterioration in the condition of the curls. Excessive dryness or, conversely, oiliness occurs, hair loss increases, and the strands look thin and lifeless.

Recommendations from experts will help restore attractiveness to your hair:

  1. When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to take into account the shape of the face, the length of the neck, and the woman’s figure.
  2. Backcombed hairstyles should be reserved for older ladies; they visually add years to the look.
  3. At this age, you can wear curls of any length, including long ones, of course, if they are beautiful, thick and well-groomed.
  4. In case of active hair loss, dryness and lifelessness, it is better to cut the braid down to the waist. In this version, it is recommended to wear a hairstyle of medium or short length.
  5. When choosing a haircut, you can follow fashion trends. Slight dishevelment, asymmetry, angled bangs, etc. - all this can make a woman visually younger.
  6. Coloring and other modern techniques will help make your hair visually more voluminous.

At 30-35, you can and should experiment with your image. The main thing is that the hair allows you to do this and is well-groomed and healthy.

To maintain good condition, it is recommended to use masks after each wash. The ends must be treated with oil.

The use of styling devices that apply high temperatures should be kept to a minimum.

As the strands grow, the roots need to be tinted in a timely manner, and dry ends need to be cut off.

Hair color matters

To make your curls look attractive, you should use several shades when dyeing. The right hair color will make your hairstyle more vibrant and modern.

Nowadays various coloring techniques are in fashion. To look stylish, you can use ombre, balayage and others. Such techniques add attractiveness to the image. They are used by numerous show business stars. The choice of technique depends on individual preferences.

If you have experience and knowledge, you can carry out the manipulation yourself. However, in order not to harm your hair and do everything correctly, you should contact a specialized salon.

Be careful with makeup

To look attractive under any conditions, girls over 30 are recommended to use a minimum of decorative cosmetics. The exception is evening time, when makeup should be bright.

For lips, you can use lipstick of several tones or glosses. A light shade is applied to the central part. Thus, lips look fuller.

Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow. Thanks to this, the eyebrow looks raised and the face itself looks young.

The inner corner of the eye also needs highlighting.

To visually correct the shape of the face, blush of various shades and other products are used.

Eye makeup is done using pencil, eye shadow, and mascara. For daytime make-up, it is better to abandon the now popular “smoky eye” technique. Also, it should not be used by those who do not know how to do this.

Wardrobe after 30 and 35 years

The wardrobe is of no small importance. In order not to visually add extra years to yourself, you should take the advice of stylists:

  1. The length of the skirt can be any. From mini to maxi. In this case, it is necessary to avoid shapeless products. Preference is given to dresses that fit the figure.
  2. There are no restrictions on the colors of clothes. Years allow you to wear wardrobe items of any color, from bright to pastel or neutral.
  3. Those whose figure allows it can wear short shorts. The main thing is to put on clothes at the right time. In an office, such products will look ridiculous and inappropriate.
  4. For work, preference is given to a business suit, formal dress, skirt, trousers, blouses, etc.
  5. For an evening out, your wardrobe should have several elegant outfits.

In years like these, you can experiment with style - wear leather trousers with a biker jacket, a retro outfit, etc. By thirty-five, it is necessary to fully develop an individual style.

When creating an image, you should pay attention to detail. The right shoes and handbag help complete your outfit.

You can also use various decorations, from massive to elegant.

Years are not a reason to give up on yourself, wear shapeless clothes, walk around with an unwashed hair, overgrown roots and a complete lack of makeup. To look young and attractive, it is enough to devote 20-30 minutes a day to yourself. It is necessary to approach the issue holistically.

Video tips

You can learn more about how to look younger than 30 for a woman from the following video: