Pale rash on a child's stomach

In children, a rash on the stomach is an indicator that some changes are occurring in the body. The rash itself can have a different appearance, it all depends on what caused it. It can occur at absolutely any age.

Types of rashes

Let's look at the main types of rashes that can appear on the surface of the skin of a baby's tummy:

  1. Large spots may appear that are connected to form a single formation.
  2. Small spots that are scattered randomly on the surface of the skin and differ from healthy skin only in color.
  3. A small rash that appears can cause an increase in the temperature of the skin tissue.
  4. The formation can take the form of bubbles, inside of which there is a whitish or grayish liquid, while the skin nearby is keratinized.
  5. In children, the rash on the stomach may vary in color, such as red, white or pinkish.
  6. The skin itself in the place where the rash is located may change shade, become colorless or, conversely, acquire a pronounced color.

Factors that cause stomach rash in children

Almost every such manifestation is accompanied by itching, which may vary in intensity, depending on the factor of occurrence. If the rash is caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the baby’s body, you should be concerned.

  1. Dermatitis is a simple skin disease that may not manifest itself in anything other than the formation of a rash.
  2. An allergic rash on the stomach of a child is the most common factor that causes spots to appear. It can be caused by poor ecology, the child’s interaction with a pet, improper diet, medications and even ordinary ornamental plants can affect the rash. Usually, with allergic reactions, there is also a desire to constantly sleep, watery eyes, and constant sneezing.
  3. Herpes - with this disease, papules appear on the surface of the abdomen in the form of a belt, which is located at the level of the child’s last rib. This rash on a child’s stomach itches.
  4. Eczema and psoriasis are diseases of the skin. However, with them, the rash is present not only on the stomach, but also on the baby’s arms.

What else can cause a rash?

The scabies mite is a small parasite that lives on the human body. It causes not only a rash, but also itching. And he only appears at night. The rash is also present on the skin of the back and between the fingers.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules is very common among children. Due to their age, they do not know how to properly care for their bodies. But the parent may not always immediately pay attention to this. For example, a child may be in water for a long time. Or he may wear the same dirty underwear. Then a rash appears on the child’s stomach without itching.

And, of course, the most common infectious diseases are accompanied by the appearance of various types of rashes. With rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever and measles, you cannot do without it; it can also be accompanied by itching, or maybe without it. Each disease has its own rash. So with scarlet fever, this manifestation occurs in the groin area in the lower abdomen, accompanied by severe itching. However, after a few days it subsides and turns into normal peeling.

When does the measles rash appear?

With measles in children, a rash on the stomach does not appear immediately, but only on the fourth day after the disease begins to develop in the body. It appears first on the head and then goes down to the stomach, while it itches constantly. The rash in this case looks like large pimples merging with each other. When the disease is over, no traces remain. In case of infections, the color scheme of the rash has a reddish tint and a clear structure, which does not allow it to be confused with other causes of skin rashes. In this case, the temperature necessarily rises, weakness appears throughout the body, the child develops apathy towards everything around him, and sometimes clouding of mind occurs. All this disappears as soon as the infectious disease passes.

Treatment options for a rash on the skin of the abdomen in a child

A minor rash is treated in conjunction with the disease that caused it. With any education, it is necessary to seek medical help from specialists. Of course, if you are sure that it is an allergy, then you can use tablets and special ointments, the action of which is aimed at relieving the allergic reaction. It is also necessary to eliminate the outbreak itself, which provokes these manifestations in the baby.

Skin diseases are also treated with special ointments. In addition, you need to take medications. The most difficult thing is getting rid of scabies; it is a very long process. You need to be very careful with the scabies mite, as it tends to be transmitted to other people. Before starting the course of treatment, the home must be disinfected. Here it is necessary to isolate the patient from absolutely healthy people. All the patient’s belongings are treated with chemicals that can prevent the reappearance of ticks. A rash that forms on the surface of the skin of the abdomen is treated with ointment.

How to treat a rash with fever?

Infectious diseases are always accompanied by an increase in temperature, so treatment is aimed not only at eliminating the cause of these manifestations, but also at lowering the patient’s temperature. Therefore, you need to take antibiotics and antipyretic drugs. These diseases have a negative impact on the immune system; you should also take medications that can increase it.

Viral etiology

The following diseases of this group are typical for children:

  1. As said earlier, one of the most serious diseases is measles. A rash on the tummy appears on the second day of illness, and on the first day it appears on the face. Outwardly, it resembles blisters that are very itchy. As a rule, there is no special treatment, and the course of recovery is aimed at getting rid of intoxication.
  2. A disease that almost everyone encounters in childhood is rubella. Doctors believe that it is easiest to get over this disease at an early age. The red rash here starts from the head and goes down to the stomach. The lesions themselves can form into small spots. Note that this disease is accompanied by fever, but it is not so high, only about 37.5 degrees. The child's condition is not significantly affected. But for older children, it is very difficult to tolerate the disease, since they have a picture of general malaise, and their body temperature rises to 39 degrees. The most important thing during treatment is to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. After all, a rash on the stomach and a fever in a child are no joke.
  3. Hepatitis B virus - here a rash appears all over the child’s body, the stomach is no exception. It is very similar in appearance to hives, small red pimples, but they do not itch. Stays on the body for about three weeks. Treatment is aimed at combating hepatitis.
  4. Enterovirus infection is a unique disease. In the first days, the patient experiences disorders associated with digestion and a strong increase in temperature, and then on the fifth day a rash begins to appear on the abdomen. It is important that with its appearance the general condition of the little patient is normalized.

Herpes viruses

This virus has many varieties, let’s consider only those that have one of the symptoms - a red rash on the stomach:

  1. Chickenpox is an acute disease that is caused by the zoster virus. The rash spreads throughout the body and is very itchy. The general condition of the child is disturbed, there is weakness in the limbs, headaches, and the body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Small rashes merge with each other and form large blisters. For treatment, you can use potassium permanganate and ointment with acyclovir solution.
  2. One type of herpes is infectious mononucleosis. This disease is characterized by an increase in temperature and the formation of papules on the abdomen, face and chest of the child. It is considered the most dangerous, as it can be the beginning of the formation of Burkitt's lymphoma in the body. The treatment process occurs in a complex of therapeutic measures.
  3. Shingles - this disease can only occur after the patient has had chickenpox. Occurs against a background of decreased immunity. The rash is located on the body in places where nerve fibers pass. The papules themselves itch and burn very badly. Sometimes it is confused with kidney disease. It is necessary to consult a neurologist and immunologist.

What other causes of a rash on a child’s stomach?

Bacterial agents

Bacterial pathogens often cause neoplasms on the surface of the skin in the abdominal area:

  1. A disease that affects the skin with staphylococci is called pyoderma. In this case, the patient develops a rash that contains pus. Treatment is prescribed with ointments in combination with antibiotics.
  2. With scarlet fever, the tonsils become inflamed and a rash appears all over the baby's body, especially on the tummy. A distinctive feature of this disease is a crimson tongue. Your doctor will help you create a treatment plan for scarlet fever.
  3. Erysipelas is a skin change that can occur anywhere on the body. There is a 20% chance that the rash may be located on the abdomen. In this case, the formations have a rich reddish tint, and their edges may be uneven. There is often an increase in body temperature. Treatment occurs with the use of drugs and ointments.
  4. Typhoid or typhus are a threat to the life and health of the baby. The symptoms are very distinctive - bloating, constipation, body temperature rises and a rash appears on the stomach. Treatment occurs only in a hospital setting. Today the disease is completely curable.

In a child aged 1 year

A rash on the stomach of a one-year-old child is caused by heat rash or an allergic reaction to new foods introduced into the diet. To eliminate the problem, contact your pediatrician, who will accurately determine the cause of their occurrence.


There are many reasons why a rash may form on your stomach. Therefore, you should not self-medicate at home; you should immediately consult a doctor. Since only a medical professional can competently and correctly draw up a treatment plan for the disease.

If pimples appear on a child’s stomach or a large rash forms, parents worry about the development of dangerous diseases. In some cases, a rash is a sign of a disease, in other situations it is a common allergy and reaction to irritation. It is possible to distinguish a serious illness from pathologies that go away on their own by specific signs.

Causes and additional symptoms of a rash on the stomach of a child

The rash is often not accompanied by additional symptoms. Sometimes they occur even without itching and fever.

At allergies skin rashes take on a bright red tint and look like spots. They are located on different parts of the body and are very itchy. Adverse symptoms persist as long as allergens act on the body.

With intense pressure, the spot turns pale and disappears - this is a way to distinguish allergies from other disorders. If close relatives have allergies to foods or other substances, the risk of a similar condition increases. To identify it, genetic analysis for various allergens is required.

Perinatal rash occurs only in newborns and goes away within a few weeks. Rarely persists for up to 7 months. The rash does not cause discomfort or pain and is not contagious.

Roseola - an infectious disease in the form of red spots. The temperature may appear several days before the onset of the disease, but when spots appear, it immediately subsides. The rash that appears goes away in 5-10 days and usually does not require treatment. Occurs in children aged 3 to 4 years.

Rash when blood diseases - These are small hemorrhages caused by burst vessels. Diagnosis requires tests and additional examination by doctors.

At prickly heat A rash appears in the form of red and white spots. The disease often develops in hot weather, when parents dress the baby too warmly. Overheating provokes sweating and leads to this disease.

Rubella and measles occur with small rashes all over the body. They can start from the stomach. The temperature may rise, but in some patients there is no fever. With rubella and measles, the small rash is very bright and red.

Chicken pox (chickenpox): Bright red spots form on the skin of the abdomen and can spread throughout the body. After some time, the spots turn into small blisters filled with serous secretions and ichor. When a breakthrough occurs, the liquid flows out and an abscess remains. Symptoms persist for 3-7 days.

A rash on the abdomen appears with frequent insect bites, especially household mites that live in natural blankets and pillows. The rash is most often located on the stomach and back. In severe form, an allergy develops after a bite if the child is prone to it.

Numerous skin rashes that can itch are a consequence of intoxication and infection of the body parasites. Toxic substances secreted by worms irritate various cells of the body. A helminth rash usually appears as a bright red area and the spots can be several centimeters in size.

Scabies provokes a special mite that lives on the body. You can become infected with it in different places. The disease begins with sensitive areas of the skin - fingers, area in the abdomen.

Scabies appears due to poor hygiene. The rash spreads slowly, with symptoms worsening at night.

Other causes of rash without fever

The following diseases, which may be accompanied by itching and rash, are less common:

  1. Toxic erythema. The pathology is accompanied by the appearance of papules, redness, and nodules, which disappear within a few days. The disease is associated with exposure to harmful substances on the body.
  2. Pemphigus. A disorder with a red rash that is very itchy. Inside the resulting bubbles there is a viscous, cloudy liquid. If the bubble bursts, a red base is revealed underneath.
  3. Ritter's disease. Red rashes appear without fever or itching, located in children on the stomach or in other places. The bubbles increase in size and gradually burst.
  4. Erysipelas. The disease is caused by an infectious agent. It starts from the navel area and spreads throughout the abdomen, often found in newborn babies with an unhealed umbilical cord.
  5. Lichen. Spots covered with scales are very itchy and increase in size.
  6. Psoriasis. An autoimmune disease that causes colorless pink spots, mild itching and flaking.

Any of the diseases and disorders requires diagnosis by a doctor, but there are pathologies for which you need to see a doctor urgently.

Warning signs of a rash

You can only cope with the rash that is associated with allergies or heat rash on your own. However, if alarming symptoms appear, you cannot do without medical help:

  1. temperature appears, fever develops;
  2. a young patient has a sore throat;
  3. the rash spreads very quickly;
  4. wounds and ulcers form;
  5. constant drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, while purple spots or black spots form;
  6. severe itching and burning that prevent the baby from sleeping;
  7. the appearance of a rash in other family members.

All these symptoms indicate the development of serious diseases and disorders.

Any severe symptoms that cause significant discomfort to the child require emergency assistance and immediate consultation with a doctor. This is necessary in order to quickly ease the baby’s well-being and prevent complications as soon as possible.

Which doctor should I contact?

To identify the cause of a small rash on your child's stomach that looks like goosebumps, pimples or large spots, you need to contact your pediatrician. In some cases, one visit is enough. If the doctor makes only a preliminary diagnosis, he refers the patient for examination to a pediatric dermatologist. Laboratory tests will also be required.

If the disease is acute, parents are not recommended to take their child to kindergarten or school - he should stay at home until a diagnosis is made and symptoms are alleviated. The dermatologist prescribes specific treatment. If it does not help, additional examination is required. Sometimes an allergen test is not performed during the initial diagnosis. It is done if there is no improvement during treatment.

Treatment methods for red rashes

Doctors recommend starting treatment only after diagnosis. If you know you have an allergy, you need to avoid contact with the triggering factor. Additional measures:

  1. give the child hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  2. refuse synthetic clothing and bedding;
  3. nursing mothers need to exclude from the diet foods that may be potential allergens;
  4. for prickly heat, you need to use baby cream and reconsider the method of dressing your child - avoid wearing too warm clothes during hot periods (body oils should not be used);
  5. if the doctor has determined the bacterial, viral or infectious nature of the disease, he prescribes special creams and tablets of an antibacterial or antiviral nature;
  6. if the allergy is very severe, the doctor prescribes antihistamines;
  7. For scabies and other parasitic diseases, agents that suppress the activity of microbes and symptomatic substances are used.

It is important to convey to the child the need for careful personal hygiene if the rash is caused by poor hygiene. Sometimes it is necessary to consult parents on proper care of the baby (bathing, choosing appropriate products).

The appearance of rashes on the body is a very unfavorable symptom that occurs in a huge variety of diseases. This article will tell you what parents should do if their child has a rash on his stomach.


The appearance of rashes on the abdomen can occur under a variety of conditions. A rash manifests itself in a sick child in different ways. It's important to note that Rash elements can appear at any age.

The reasons that lead to the development of specific rashes in newborn babies and older children differ significantly from each other. Quite often, the rashes spread throughout the body.

One of the most common causes of body rash is allergy. Rashes are caused by exposure to a variety of allergens. In babies of the first year of life, a rash is often provoked by the introduction of the first complementary foods.

The use of incorrectly selected hygiene products used for daily procedures can also cause a severe allergic reaction on the skin. Manifestations of allergic reactions are quite often detected in one-year-old babies.

Wearing clothes made from synthetic materials contributes to the development contact dermatitis. In this case, rashes appear in those places where there was direct contact with clothing.

In this case, the skin elements look like a small red rash. These rashes tend to coalesce, forming rather large areas of irregularly shaped lesions.

A common cause of rashes on the stomach and chest in babies are various childhood infectious diseases. Measles, rubella, and chickenpox are quite severe in children and are accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Within a few days, skin rashes rapidly spread throughout the body of the sick child. Each of these pathologies has its own incubation period, the duration of which can be from several days to a couple of weeks.

One of the most interesting forms of the disease is the appearance of a rash on the torso after high temperature. After previous viral or bacterial infections, the child develops red rose-colored rashes on the skin. They are usually located on the stomach and back. The diameter of such skin rashes usually does not exceed 4-5 mm.

These skin elements usually go away on their own within a couple of days after the body temperature normalizes.

A fairly common pathology that leads to the appearance of rashes on the skin of the abdomen is scabies. This disease is caused by scabies mites. In this case, specific skin elements are formed at the entry and exit points of the parasites, which are manifested by the appearance of a rash.

Children attending educational institutions can become infected with scabies quite easily. The disease is spreading contact-household method.

The appearance of skin rashes on the abdomen may also be a manifestation severe diseases of internal organs. Systemic blood tumors often manifest as multiple rashes. Usually these symptoms are extremely unfavorable. Such skin rashes appear due to damage to capillaries - the smallest blood vessels.

Babies in the first year of life often develop skin rashes in the abdomen and neck. The development of these unfavorable symptoms is caused by violation of thermoregulation. This condition is called miliaria and develops quite often in children.

Excessive wrapping of a child in the first months of life provokes overheating of the skin and promotes increased sweating, which leads to the development of various rashes on the baby’s skin.

Various factors influence the development of the disease in the baby fungal diseases. One of these pathologies is lichen. This pathological condition is accompanied by the appearance of bright red elements that cause severe itching in the child. Quite often, such rashes appear in children in the groin area and on the stomach.

One of the most common childhood pathologies is lichen, which is caused by microsporum and trichophyton. These microorganisms provoke the appearance of rather unfavorable rashes on the skin of a sick child. This pathology is also called versicolor or tinea versicolor. Infection can occur from a sick baby to a healthy one.

After clearing the fungal rashes, numerous pale areas remain on the skin. They are usually covered with multiple skin scales, which are severely sloughed off.

The skin of the damaged areas tans quite poorly and is very itchy. Only after several months and after complete cleansing of fungi is the structure of the skin completely restored.

What does it look like?

Skin rashes can manifest in different ways. This largely depends on the cause that led to the development of these rashes.

For allergies

Allergic skin elements look like bright red individual spots. They can be located in various parts of the body. Typically, these elements are very itchy and bring severe discomfort to the sick baby.

The duration of allergic rashes remaining on the skin may vary. Adverse symptoms usually persist during the persistence of the allergen in the child’s body.

If a child receives specific treatment, but the substance that provokes the allergic reaction continues to enter, then a rash may remain on the skin for quite a long time. New bulk elements that have appeared recently will generally have a more intense color.

You can distinguish allergic rashes from other skin manifestations at home. In this case when you press on a separate element of the rash, it turns pale and usually disappears.

The presence of various types of allergies in close relatives also greatly facilitates differential diagnosis. In this case, the appearance of a rash on the baby's skin may be caused by genetic allergic sensitivity to a specific allergen.

Dermatitis, which is allergic in nature, usually appears in areas with thin areas of skin. The appearance of such rashes on the abdomen is a fairly common location. The spread of bright red elements over all skin also confirms that the child has a possible allergy.

To eliminate unfavorable symptoms in this case, doctors prescribe antihistamines that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antisensitizing effect.

For prickly heat

Miliaria on the skin of a child is manifested by the appearance of multiple red and white spots. In some cases, they can also be located on the stomach. This is especially common when using excessively warm clothes in the hot summer.

Wrapping a child in an insulated jacket in the summer leads to increased sweating, which contributes to the appearance of specific manifestations of prickly heat on the skin of the abdomen, back or neck.

For chicken pox

Chickenpox manifests itself as initially bright red spots on the skin, which quickly turn into blisters. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge mixed with ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid flows out, and an abscess remains in the place of the former skin element.

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Characteristic of chickenpox rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.

Chickenpox manifests itself as initially bright red spots on the skin, which quickly turn into blisters. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge mixed with ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid flows out, and an abscess remains in the place of the former skin element.

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Chickenpox is characterized by rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.

For rubella

Rubella is another childhood pathology that can cause various rashes to appear on the baby’s tummy. This disease is usually transmitted by airborne droplets.

Children attending kindergarten can become infected with rubella within a fairly short period of time. First, the sick child develops pronounced symptoms of intoxication, and only then specific changes appear on the skin.

For measles

Infection with measles also contributes to the appearance of various rashes on the child’s tummy. This childhood infection is most common in very young children.

This pathology manifests itself by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the child’s skin, which look like numerous bright red spots. In most cases their shape is irregular.

For insect bites

Various insect bites can also cause a rash on the stomach. Household mites that live in pillows and blankets can cause various skin rashes. Such rashes can appear on various parts of the body, but are quite often found on the stomach and back.

They look like a small rash. This pathology manifests itself most severely in children with an allergic predisposition.

For parasitic diseases

They are caused by various worms and quite often lead to the appearance of numerous skin rashes in children. During their life, helminths release a huge variety of toxic substances that have a damaging effect on the skin.

Such rashes usually look like bright red areas, reaching several centimeters in size. The appearance of a rash on the skin causes unbearable itching in the child and significantly affects his general well-being.

Who should I contact?

If your baby develops skin rashes, it is very important to show the child to your doctor. For an initial consultation, you can contact your pediatrician. The doctor will conduct an initial clinical examination and clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

For differential diagnosis a whole range of laboratory tests and studies will be required. Treatment is prescribed only after the correct diagnosis has been established. Pediatricians provide therapy for specific childhood pathologies.

During the acute period of illness, a sick child must stay at home. Compliance with forced quarantine helps prevent mass cases of infection. It usually takes a few days for the rash to clear up.

All skin pathologies are treated at a pediatric dermatologist. Specific treatment is prescribed taking into account the cause that provoked the appearance of rashes on the abdomen. As a rule, doctors limit the duration of water hygiene procedures. Prolonged hot rashes during the acute period are usually excluded.

To treat rashes at home, various medicinal herbs are often prescribed. They should be added during bathing or for local treatment of damaged skin. Ideal for home treatment chamomile, string, sage or calendula. To maintain the effect, you can use this method for preventive purposes.

Evgeny Komarovsky talks about a rash on a child’s stomach in the following video.