Blepharogel 2 price in pharmacy reviews

The use of Blepharogel 2 sharply reduces the number of demodex populations, and with long-term use completely eliminates their presence on the eyelids.
As a result of the action of hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of Blepharogels, the excretory ducts of the sebaceous, meibomian, and sweat glands are slowly cleared of plugs and their secretion is normalized. Also, the hydrobalance of the eyelid skin is normalized, it is moisturized and its elasticity increases. Aloe extract, which is part of blepharogels, has antiseptic properties and improves metabolism in the skin of the eyelids. The combined effect of hyaluronic acid and aloe extract provides relief from symptoms of irritation (swelling, hyperemia, etc.) in the eyelid area caused by inflammation of the eyelids. By using Blefarogel with massage elements, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the eyelid area are improved, the outflow of meibomian gland secretions is normalized, thereby increasing the stability of the tear film, eliminating “dryness” of the eye and relieving the feeling of eye fatigue.
Blefarogel 2
The original gel contains hyaluronic acid, which cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also improves its elasticity. The composition of the drug provides relief from various symptoms of irritation in the eyelid area caused by inflammation of the eyelids - blepharitis.
The gel also contains Aloe Vera juice, which penetrates well into tissues, has antiseptic properties, in addition, moisturizes and steadily normalizes metabolism in the skin of the eyelids. The healing properties of Aloe Vera are due to its rich biochemical composition, the presence of various inorganic and organic substances, trace elements, amino acids, proteins and vitamins.
In addition, Blepharogel 2 contains a product containing sulfur. Sulfur has a regulating effect on the sebaceous glands, helps normalize skin function, and has an antimicrobial effect (suppresses pathogenic microorganisms).
— Quickly relieves redness, itching, and heaviness of the eyelids.
— Effectively cleanses the surface of the eyelids from scales and crusts.
— Moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, increasing its turgor.
— Relieves the feeling of eye fatigue.
- Serves as a means of preventing barley.
— Effective for preventing the occurrence of blepharitis of various etiologies, including demodex.

Indications for use:
Blefarogel used for the prevention and relief of inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis of various etiologies, including demodex); prevention and treatment of dry eye; prevention of barley; impaired tear production caused by wearing contact lenses; relieving the feeling of eye fatigue; Recommended for daily care of eyelids when working on a computer or in an office environment.

Mode of application:
Before use Blepharogel Be sure to wash your hands and remove eye makeup.
Apply the gel to your fingertips and massage your eyelids along the lash line with gentle circular movements for 1-2 minutes.
If you wear contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them before using the gel and not reinsert them earlier than 15 minutes after the procedure.
For chronic blepharitis, it is recommended to use the gel 2 times a day - morning and evening after washing until the signs of blepharitis disappear. To prevent blepharitis and styes, use the gel daily 1 time a day before bed.

Contraindicated for use Blefarogel in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Storage conditions:
Store at temperatures from +5 to +30°C.

Release form:
Blepharogel is a gel for external use.
The bottle contains 15 ml of gel. The package contains 1 bottle.

Blepharogel-1: Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methylparaben, deionized water.
Blepharogel-2: Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera juice, sulfur preparations, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, methylparaben, deionized water.

Before use Blepharogel You should remove contact lenses and do not insert them earlier than after 15 minutes.

Work related to computers and other external factors contribute to the development of blepharitis, demodicosis and other ophthalmological problems.

To eliminate pathological processes, agents are used that can relieve inflammation from the focal area and adjust the balance of intraocular fluid.

The article discusses the features of using one of the effective drugs - Blepharogel .


The pharmacological product is available in two versions:

  1. Blefarogel-1;
  2. Blepharogel-2.

Composition basis first the funds represent the components:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. Aloe Vera (juice).

For better absorption of the drug, the following is also used in production:

  1. propylene glycol;
  2. glycerol;
  3. methylparaben;
  4. carbomer;
  5. hemodesis;
  6. deionized water.

Blefarogel-2 It is made from the same components, but to enhance the effect, the composition is enriched with sulfur preparations.

Blefarogel 1 and 2: what is the difference?

If we analyze the compositions of both options, differences are found in just one component, which is the drug sulfur.

The pharmacological properties of the second type of drug provide extended action due to the characteristics of the additional substance.

Sulfur has an anti-demodex and antiseptic effect, therefore Blefarogel-2 is more often used in therapy against demodexes.


The gel used in ophthalmology provides a high therapeutic effect due to the unique properties of the components contained in the composition:

  1. Hyaluronic acid regulates the level of moisture in the skin, increases turgor, gives elasticity, smooths out wrinkles.
  2. Aloe medicinal plant extract relieves inflammation in the focal area, eliminates swelling. Penetrating into the tissues and cells of the organ of vision, the juice has a tonic effect. Efficiency is also noted in the fight against harmful microorganisms.
  3. Propylene glycol stimulates regenerative function. This component is included in cosmetics that provide a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Sulfur is a natural antiseptic. The substance reduces the number and eliminates parasites that are actively developing on the eyelids in the area of ​​eyelash growth.
  5. Methylparaben – antimicrobial component of natural origin.
  6. Glycerol is one of the frequently used substances in pharmacology and cosmetology. It perfectly softens the skin and helps regulate the water balance in it.
  7. Carbomer – the substance does not have medicinal properties, but due to its physical properties it helps the active compounds to be absorbed. Used as a thickener.

Price in pharmacy

The cost of the two types of drugs does not differ significantly. The difference is from 4 to 6 rubles.

The product is available to buy in pharmacies and online stores.

The average cost of a gel is 180-240 rubles .

Indications for use

The medicinal gel is practiced in ophthalmology as an anti-inflammatory agent.

It is prescribed for hygienic procedures to care for the eyelids.

The pharmacological product is included in complex therapy for the following problems:

  1. demodicosis;
  2. disruption of the secretion of intraocular fluid due to regular use of contact lenses, long periods of time at the computer;
  3. blepharitis;
  4. dry eye syndrome;
  5. redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  6. peeling, formation of scales on the skin of the eyelids;
  7. eye fatigue, which occurs due to strong visual stress.

Blefarogel is also used to prevent barley and prevent relapses.

Instructions for use

The scheme for using the gel involves applying the composition with massaging movements to the skin of the eyelids along the eyelash growth line.

You need to rub the drug over the skin for a minute.

Before manipulations, you should thoroughly wash your hands in soapy water and wipe with a cotton pad soaked in an antiseptic.

If the prescription of Blefarogel is associated with diseases such as blepharitis or demodicosis, then the eyelids are treated twice a day.

For preventive purposes, one procedure per day with application of the composition at night is sufficient.

After using the drug, redness of the skin in the eyelid area or a slight burning sensation may be observed, which most often appears as a result of contact of the drug with the mucous membrane.

There is no need to worry about this; all symptoms disappear spontaneously within 10-30 minutes.

Restrictions on use

During testing of the drug, no side effects were identified.

Caution for the use of the gel applies only to people who are allergic to the components used in the production of the pharmacological product.

Blepharogel during pregnancy and lactation

The drug has not been tested on patients in delicate situations, therefore the data on the harm of the gel to the female body and child none.

Options for using the gel

The ophthalmic product contains substances with unique properties.

Therefore, the gel is not always used for its intended purpose.

For wrinkles around the eyes

There are no such indications in the annotation for the product, but the resourcefulness of some patients has proven the effectiveness of the gel against wrinkles.

The so-called crow's feet disappear after weeks of skin treatment with a healing composition.

Doctors explain this fact by the properties of aloe juice, glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which are often used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics.

For bags and swelling under the eyes

On women's resources, Blepharogel has long been recommended as an effective remedy for puffiness and bags that form in the eye area.

Active substances affect subcutaneous processes and regulate water balance. In this case, removing excess fluid helps eliminate cosmetic problems.

For eyelids

Befarogel exhibits a high therapeutic effect in the treatment of blepharitis and demodicosis.

When the composition acts on the skin of the eyelids, there is a stimulation of metabolism and a tonic effect.

Deep penetration of the active components is facilitated by massage movements that are performed when applying the gel.

This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the eyelids and improves the outflow of meimobian gland secretions.

For cosmetic procedures, the first type of gel, which does not contain sulfur, is more suitable.

For face

Some enterprising women, in pursuit of recipes for youth, use the gel as an anti-aging product.

Even if we take into account the valuable properties of the active components, the purpose of these experiments remains unclear, because the cosmetics market is saturated with various creams and lotions intended for anti-aging procedures.

In addition, the use of Blefarogel-2 does not solve the problems, since the sulfur contained in the composition neutralizes the effects of hyaluronic acid and aloe extract.

Precautionary measures

Before you start applying the gel to your eyelids, you should remove makeup and cleanse your skin with special products.

Regular washing is not enough; water cannot remove decorative cosmetics.

The material from which the lenses are made may react with the components of the Blefarogel composition. Therefore, the optics must be removed before the procedure.

Further use is possible after 20 minutes.

If by chance a little gel gets on the mucous membrane, you should not wash off the product with water. A slight burning sensation and discomfort are felt for only a few minutes, after which the condition stabilizes.

The components of the drug do not pose any threat to the retina and other areas of the eye.

Patient reviews

Gennady, 33 years old:

At the beginning, I was confused by this fact; I thought that a cheap drug could not be effective. But my beliefs changed dramatically after I tried the gel myself.

The doctor recommended it to me when I asked for help due to severe fatigue in my eyes. After 3-4 days of using the product, the problem disappeared forever.

Vera Nikolaevna, 47 years old:

I was very glad that the first drug recommended by the doctor helped eliminate the obsessive discomfort. Blefarogel-1 turned out to be a miracle remedy.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Manilovskaya A.D., cosmetologist with medical education:

Another question is why do this if there are many special creams and techniques that eliminate cosmetic problems?

Valedova E.N., cosmetologist, work experience 27 years:

When used on the eyelids and under the eyes, good results are achieved. But if there are deep wrinkles and folds, this method does not work.


Blepharogel has analogues that have identical pharmacological properties.

Among the most well-known substitutes:

  1. Dexodem phyto ;
  2. Stop Demodex ;
  3. Demazol ;
  4. Demalan .

In any treatment, the main goal is to do no harm, that is, not to worsen the condition.

Therefore, if for some reason it is not possible to use Blefarogel, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will select the medicine that is most suitable for solving a particular problem.
