Large pimple on a child's cheek

In most cases, acne on the cheeks in children is only a symptom of a specific disease. Acne in newborns is characterized by rapid resolution and moderate severity. Acne that occurs in children over one year of age occurs due to hormonal imbalance and hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. In order to quickly and effectively get rid of acne, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.

Types of acne on the cheeks

There are many classifications of acne. Acne in children is completely different from acne in adults. Next, we’ll tell you about the types of acne on the cheeks in childhood:

Acne of newborns.

Estrogenic acne occurs as a result of the influence of maternal hormones on the child's body. An excess of female sex hormones disrupts the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Neonatal acne occurs in a quarter of children in the first days of life. At the site of blockage of the sebaceous glands, whitish papules with a pearlescent tint are formed. The rash is localized on the cheeks, nose and genitals. In boys, estrogenic acne is more severe than in girls. A distinctive feature of newborn acne is the tendency to group the formed elements of acne. They are represented by closed comedones, papules, pustules and, in rare cases, nodules. This condition does not require special drug treatment. Acne acne goes away in the first three months of life, but sometimes this process can drag on for up to a year.

Baby acne

Unlike newborn acne, this type of rash occurs much later, at about 3-6 months of life. Their appearance is associated with an increase in the level of testosterone (male sex hormone) in the blood plasma. Hormonal disruption occurs due to temporary gonadotropic activation. Baby acne can last up to 4 years. If acne occurs in newborns, it is necessary to seek help from a pediatric dermatologist in order to exclude serious congenital diseases. Hyperplasia and tumor-like formations of the adrenal glands can masquerade as infant acne, so the occurrence of acne requires a thorough examination of the child. Infant acne often develops severe acne. Purulent cysts may appear, followed by scarring. Acne is represented by open and closed pustules. Baby acne usually goes away by age two, but there are cases where acne can last up to 5 years. Acne can be complicated by spherical or conglobate acne. This form of the disease can lead to the development of severe acne during puberty.

Acne in early childhood

In very rare cases, acne occurs over the age of one year and up to seven years; they are also called preschool acne. When acne appears in early childhood, you should pay attention to the level of neurophysical development. In some cases, preschool acne may only be a symptom of androgen-producing tumors or adrenal neoplasms.

Prepubertal acne

Occurs in the age range from 7 to 12 years. Prepubertal acne is characterized by the appearance of open and closed comedomas on the face. In very rare cases, papules and pustules may occur. The appearance of these rash elements may indicate the presence of an endocrine disease. For example, polycystic ovary syndrome. If a girl develops acne before her first period appears, then she should seek help from an endocrinologist.

Juvenile acne

Occurs in boys and girls aged 12 to 16 years. Acne on the skin of the face appears in the form of typical acne lesions. However, juvenile acne is significantly different from adult acne, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance. During puberty, acne usually consists of papules and pustules, and to a lesser extent comedones.

Reasons for appearance

Rashes in the cheek area in children can occur for a variety of reasons. It is necessary to differentiate the pathological process from other dermatoses that can occur due to viral, fungal and bacterial diseases.

Acne of newborns occurs against the background of a sexual crisis, when a huge amount of maternal hormones enters the child’s body. Infant acne can occur due to poor diet by the mother. An allergic reaction to hygiene products (shampoo, soap, powder), indoor plants and animals is possible. All young children have not fully developed sebaceous and sweat glands. In addition, the newborn’s body has an immature thermoregulatory system. A sharp change in air temperature can trigger acne. Do not forget about infectious diseases, which manifest themselves in multiple rashes not only on the cheeks and throughout the body. You can suspect something wrong by an increase in body temperature and the presence of signs of a cold (runny nose, cough).

In adolescence, acne occurs due to a hormonal surge and poor personal hygiene. In order to avoid problems in the future, you need to visit a cosmetologist with your child, who will help you choose facial skin care products and teach them how to use them.


If a child begins to develop acne between the ages of 1 and 12, you should consult a dermatologist. In order to assess the general condition of the body, the doctor prescribes routine tests, such as a clinical blood test and urine test. Metabolic processes can be assessed using a biochemical blood test. The occurrence of acne in this age range may indicate the development of a serious disease, where acne is only a symptom. The real reason may be inside the body. An imbalance of hormones leads to acne, so you need to seek help from an endocrinologist.

Acne in early childhood can cause hyperandrogenism. This disease manifests itself at early puberty. Boys develop body odor very early. Girls develop male pattern hair and develop a deep voice. To exclude the diagnosis of hyperandrogenemia, a study is prescribed to determine the levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone.

In addition to laboratory research methods, instrumental research methods are prescribed. Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, kidneys and adrenal glands is carried out. If a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is suspected, magnetic resonance imaging is recommended.

Drug therapy

The treatment of acne in childhood must be approached with the utmost seriousness. In addition to mental problems, acne can lead to serious pathological processes in the body. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. In a child’s body, all processes occur much faster than in an adult. Thus, small ulcers can quickly develop into a powerful inflammatory process. In addition, children's skin is significantly different from adult skin. Normally, a healthy child should not develop acne if the rules of personal hygiene are observed. When acne occurs, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease and eliminate the underlying disease. Next, we will discuss how acne is treated depending on age periods:

Treatment of acne in newborns.

Estrogenic acne is characterized by a sudden appearance and rapid disappearance. They usually do not require special treatment. If multiple foci of acne appear, topical application of ketoconazole-based ointment is prescribed. The use of this substance will significantly reduce the period of rashes. If inflammation appears around the acne elements, they can be treated with a solution of aniline dye, such as blue or brilliant green.

Treatment of acne in infants and young children

The treatment for these types of acne is no different. Treatment of the severity of acne is treated with topical preparations based on retinoids, benzyl peroxide and broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. In very rare cases, antibiotics are prescribed in tablet form. An indication for the prescription of antibiotics may be the appearance of deep nodes and papules that do not go away within 30 days. In this case, the drug of choice is erythromycin. If an allergic reaction occurs to the medicine, use sulfamethoxosil. For deep lesions of the skin of the cheeks, injections of triamcinolone acetonide or isotretinoin are indicated. The duration of treatment ranges from 6 to 12 months.

Treatment of juvenile acne.

Treatment of acne in adolescence is carried out taking into account the form, location and concomitant diseases, if any. Topical comedolytics are more effective in the treatment of acne. This group includes drugs based on salicylic acid, retinoids, benzyl peroxide and retinoids. It should be noted that the use of scrubs and rough cosmetic procedures is contraindicated.

In the acute inflammatory period, the use of local antibacterial cosmetic products that contain benzoyl peroxide is indicated. Systemic antibiotic therapy is indicated in severe cases when local treatment is not effective. Dermatologists prescribe erythromycin, ampicillin or sulfamethoxazole. If a child develops nodular cystic and conglobate elements of acne on the facial skin, it is better to use isotretinoin. Its use reduces the risk of scarring.

When treating juvenile acne, you should pay special attention to hormonal levels. Severe and resistant forms of acne are treated with hormonal drugs, such as glucocorticosteroids and antiandrogens.

Procedures and traditional methods of treatment

It is prohibited to carry out cosmetic procedures to eliminate acne before reaching adulthood. It is necessary to treat traditional medicine with great caution. Alternative methods of treating acne can lead to irreparable harm to the child's health. Children are more susceptible to developing an allergic reaction than adults. It is allowed to wipe the face with decoctions of herbs that have antiseptic properties (chamomile, chamomile, calendula).


When pimples appear, do not squeeze them. The child's face must be kept clean. Using all kinds of creams and oils can cause acne. Mothers of breastfed children must adhere to a special diet.


Acne is quite common in children. It is necessary to take very seriously the occurrence of acne at an atypical age (from 12 months to 8 years). If you experience prolonged or recurring acne, you should consult a dermatologist and related specialists. A quick diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent the formation of cosmetic defects and avoid psychological trauma to the child.

The occurrence of acne on any part of the child’s body should not be ignored. Their manifestation may be associated with the presence of an infectious disease, due to a general weakening of the immune system.

Moreover, there are many reasons why they form. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish acne into groups: infectious, non-infectious and symptomatic.

The most common acne on the face of children are:

  1. colds: their appearance is due to a general decrease in the body’s immune system due to a cold;
  2. teenage acne.

The effectiveness of acne treatment depends on the time of starting the course of treatment for a cold. As a rule, doctors prescribe complex treatment, using various ointments and brilliant green for acne.


To prevent colds, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. avoid drafts, prevent hypothermia and increased sweating;
  2. When performing physical activity accompanied by sweating, immediately after finishing it, take a warm shower. Sweat contributes to skin irritation, resulting in acne formation;
  3. using warm baths with sea salt;
  4. maintaining immunity with the help of various vitamin complexes;
  5. healthy eating;
  6. recreational physical education;
  7. maintaining facial skin hygiene;
  8. correct and quick treatment of a cold at the first sign.

Treatment of teenage acne includes a whole range of measures. In the case of an infectious disease that leads to acne, consultation with a specialist is required.

One of the main allies in the fight against teenage acne is proper skin care.

To do this, use various creams, ointments, lotions for washing, they help cleanse the skin of dirt that has accumulated throughout the day, as well as frequent and abundant washing of the face with clean water.

Red large pimples on the butt and body of the child

There are many different reasons for the formation of large red pimples on the bottom and body of a child.

Depending on age, the following reasons are distinguished:

  1. Hormonal changes in the child's body. As a rule, the resulting acne goes away over time without the use of medications.
  2. Allergic manifestations. Often found in children when the mother’s diet is violated. Rashes can also be caused by hygiene products or the quality of clothing, food, dust, or the presence of pets. Such pimples are accompanied by itching and are very dangerous in terms of their possible impact on the child’s health.
  3. Using low-quality diapers or using them for a long time.
  4. Hypothermia. Accompanied by abundant formation of red pimples on the child’s body, usually between the ages of two and seven years.
  5. Prickly heat. In children, very often, acne forms precisely for this reason.
  6. Infectious diseases. If there is a virus in the body (measles, chicken pox, herpes, rubella), painful, watery pimples may appear on the bottom and then spread throughout the child’s body. Large purulent pimples in a child also form under the influence of infection. Purulent formations (white or yellow) occur due to skin damage by staphylococcal bacteria. Pimples caused by infection should not be squeezed out, as this can lead to the formation of eczema. Most often, children become infected with these infections in kindergartens and schools.
  7. Nervous overstrain. In school-age children, stress conditions contribute to the formation of acne. They can be caused by adaptation to school, worries about the educational process and many other factors.
  8. Vaccination. Children's bodies can react specifically to vaccination, including the formation of pimples on the butt and body.
  9. Various insect bites. The appearance of acne for this reason poses a great threat to the body. Bites can lead to allergic processes or viral damage to the body.
  10. Diabetes. Due to the increased sugar content in the urine, red acne may form on the baby's bottom.

How to treat purulent acne in men? More details here.

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In appearance, acne can be as follows:

  1. red rash;
  2. large acne;
  3. white pimples;
  4. pimples are yellow or white with red inflammation around the circumference (purulent).

Regardless of the cause of acne on the butt or body of a child, it is necessary to take measures to treat it in order to avoid complications.

In most cases, acne on the butt and body is observed in children under the age of one year, but there are exceptions. To prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to clarify the cause of acne.


To treat most acne in children under one year of age, you should maintain proper hygiene, use baby powder, change diapers more often (reduce their use if possible), and take air baths.

In the presence of infectious diseases, a course of therapy is prescribed by a doctor. In case of observing an allergic reaction of the body, suprastin is most often used.

Very often, acne on the bottom and body of a child is treated with traditional methods. Such methods give effective results.

It can be:

  1. bathing the child with the addition of a decoction of herbs (chain, sage, birch buds, chamomile), you can also use decoctions to wipe acne;
  2. for acne caused by allergies, use a decoction of bay leaves: about ten leaves are placed in a pan, then a liter of water is added and put on low heat. Bring to a boil and cool, the resulting decoction is applied to the affected skin or added to bathing water;
  3. sea ​​salt: dissolve five tablespoons of sea salt in one liter of warm water. Use to moisten acne or add to bathing water. This method is not recommended for children under two years of age.

Pimples on the nose, cheek and head of a child

Very often, large acne in a child appears on the face, including the nose, cheeks and head. In most cases, this is due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

The following reasons for the formation of acne on the nose, cheeks and head of children, depending on age, are also identified:

  1. Teething: During teething, profuse salivation occurs. This promotes the formation of pimples around the mouth. Acne goes away over time when the amount of saliva produced returns to normal;
  2. prickly heat: the appearance of acne on the face is preceded by prickly heat in the neck, which gradually spreads to the face and head;
  3. puberty: when hormonal levels change, large acne appears on the face of adolescents;
  4. improper or insufficient care of the skin of the face and head: this can lead to the formation of purulent pimples or wen caused by clogging of the sebaceous glands;
  5. gastrointestinal disorders: due to various digestive disorders, acne may form on the face and head;
  6. nervous overstrain;
  7. infectious diseases.

Acne very rarely occurs in children aged four to seven years. But if large purulent pimples form on the nose, cheeks or head, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests. This is due to the likelihood of various diseases in the child’s body.

The formation of acne in children from seven years of age to adolescence signals possible malfunctions in the functioning of various organs. In this case, it is necessary to study the child’s hormonal background.

Traditional therapy

Creams help slow down the functioning of the sebaceous glands. But many products contain antibiotics, so traditional methods of treatment are often used. Their main advantage is simplicity and accessibility, as well as efficiency.

Among them are:

  1. egg white mask: It is necessary to separate the yolks from the whites of a raw chicken egg. The whites are whipped until a thick consistency is obtained and applied to the skin of the face. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes. The remaining yolks are used to spread on the child’s acne before bedtime;
  2. baking soda solution: A handful of soda is moistened with water and applied to the face. After twenty minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water;
  3. boiled potato mask: Helps remove large white pimples. Crushed potatoes are mixed with a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of cream and a raw yolk from a chicken egg. Leave the mask on for fifteen minutes and rinse off;
  4. fruit masks: one of these contains orange and cherry pulp with the addition of flour. You will need two tablespoons of orange pulp and flour and four tablespoons of cherry pulp. Twenty minutes after application, you need to wash your face with warm water;
  5. tincture of calendula: pour calendula juice and flowers, in the amount of two tablespoons, with seventy milliliters of alcohol and fifty milliliters of water. Treat acne twice a day;
  6. yeast mask: Place ten grams of yeast in fifty grams of boiled water and add five drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for twenty minutes and then rinse off.

Baby acne or pimples in a child aged 4 to 6 years can really bother quite a few parents. Baby acne at this age is very common, but a short-term phenomenon. It will disappear without any medical help. In the end, the skin of a newborn should be smooth and clear But if you notice pimples on your baby's cheeks, forehead, chin or even back, don't worry.

Approximately 20 percent of all children have experienced neonatal acne at various short periods of time at the age of 4, 5 or 6. Experts do not know exactly what causes this type of acne, but there are suggestions that it was caused by stimulation of the baby's sebaceous glands.

Currently, experts and researchers in the field say that acne in a child of this age may occur due to an inflammatory response to yeast Malaysia on the skin.

The most common types of acne in children are papules and pustules. Papules are small, solid, round red bumps that rise from the skin and look like a red pimple. Pustules or whiteheads are small bumps of skin or a pimple in which pus has formed.

Most children develop pimples in and around the face, including the cheeks and sometimes the area on the scalp Most lesions that develop on a child's face will clear up spontaneously without treatment within a four-month period of time. In many cases, a child's acne will clear up within a few weeks. .

Pimples on the face, cheeks or butt in a 4, 5, 6 year old child: causes


Milia, or water pimples, are tiny white bumps that appear on the face, including the nose, cheeks, or chin, most commonly in children between the ages of 4 and 6. In some cases, milia may also appear on the upper body, as well as also on your baby's arms and legs.

The most distinct difference between baby acne and milia is the color of the bumps. Baby acne is characterized by small red bumps, milia is characterized by tiny white bumps.

Although this child's skin condition can develop at any age, it usually develops during the preschool years of 5 to 6 years. More than 50 percent of all children of different ages have experienced the development of milia in the short term.

Milia is also more common in children born and living in warm climates Milia and pimples on the face and butt are also associated with sweat caused by clothing or fever This skin condition develops in children because tiny pimples are formed as a result of the baby's skin's sebaceous glands not working properly .

Although you may be concerned about the sudden development of pimples or milia in your child, remember that such inflammations usually do not develop for long, being present on the skin for no more than a month and most often disappear within one week. In most cases, milia disappears within a few weeks without any - or treatment Sometimes milia infects a child during the first three months of life.