Boro plus for burns

When going on vacation, you must take a first aid kit with you. Among the painkillers and antihistamines, there must certainly be a remedy that helps in the treatment of sunburn, for example, Boro Plus cream.

Description of the drug

Boro Plus is available in two versions. On sale you can find tubes of green and purple colors. This does not affect the effectiveness of the drug at all.

However, the difference lies not only in the color scheme; each option includes additional plant components.

And the texture of the creams is different: the green tube contains more extracts of medicinal herbs and its consistency is lighter, more delicate, absorbs quickly and does not contain any fragrances. The cream from the purple tube is based on extracts of ginger and margosa flowers. Its consistency is fattier and thicker.

The spectrum of action of Boro Plus is very wide; it helps with sunburn and wounds. It is used both as a caring cream and as a medicine for certain skin disorders:

  1. Heals scratches and shallow wounds;
  2. Restores the epidermis after frostbite;
  3. Fights fungus;
  4. Eliminates inflammatory processes;
  5. Relieves irritation;
  6. Moisturizes and softens the skin;
  7. Has an antiseptic effect;
  8. Eliminates symptoms of sunburn;
  9. Used for furunculosis and chronic skin diseases;
  10. Used for processing postoperative sutures;
  11. Relieves itching after insect bites;
  12. Normalizes sebum production;
  13. Removes acne.

Since in case of burns, especially sunburns, the skin needs moisturizing, restoration, and antiseptic treatment, we can state the fact that Boro Plus copes well with these actions and is suitable for treating damaged skin.

Effect on burnt skin

The drug helps eliminate post-burn redness, actively relieves itching, burning, and creates a protective film on the surface of the skin.

To understand how Boro Plus acts on sunburn, it is enough to know the composition of the product and the effect produced by each of the components:

  1. Basil - provides an antibacterial effect;
  2. Aloe - moisturizes the epidermis;
  3. Sandalwood - relieves inflammation, fights irritation;
  4. Neem (margosa) - has an analgesic effect;
  5. Glabra - heals wounds, activates the regeneration of skin cells;
  6. Turmeric - acts as an antiseptic;
  7. Vetiver - eliminates burning and itching, cools the epidermis;
  8. Ginger - acts as an antibiotic;
  9. Kapur kachari - nourishes the skin, fights skin diseases.

From the list you can see how wide the range of actions of the cream is, and that all of them are aimed at combating the symptoms of sunburn.

Instructions for use

In principle, there are no special instructions regarding the use of Boro Plus in the treatment of sunburn. It is successfully used as a regular face cream and even as a means to relieve irritation after shaving.

However, it should be noted that the drug is applied only to pre-washed skin. You can remove dirt using a damp sterile wipe or by taking a cool shower.

As a remedy, it is enough to apply it twice a day.

  1. For minor damage, a small amount of the product is distributed in a thin layer over the problem area and lightly rubbed in. Despite the oily consistency, it is absorbed quite quickly and does not leave sticky residue.
  2. If extensive purulent burn wounds are treated, the cream is distributed with a cotton swab or disk.
  3. There should be no napkins or additional dressings on top.

The course of treatment is determined individually as the damage to the epidermis heals. On average, treatment lasts about 5-7 days.

Side effects, contraindications

Clinical trials of Boro Plus did not reveal any side effects. The product contains no chemical components; it is prescribed to children, pregnant women, and even to treat cracked nipples during breastfeeding.

No one can guarantee with certainty that a person will not develop an allergy to these unfamiliar herbs. If in doubt, a test should be performed before use. Apply a small amount of Boro Plus to the inside of the elbow and wait. The appearance of redness and itching warns that the cream should not be used.

And, of course, the medicine cannot be applied after its expiration date.

The popular saying is right: “God protects the careful.” Take care of your own health in general, and your skin in particular. It is easier to prevent sunburn than to treat it later. And “Boro Plus” should be used only as a care product for facial beauty.

Boro Plus for burns is one of the most effective remedies that can relieve pain and disinfect the wound and speed up the restoration of the skin. To reduce the consequences, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner and carry out subsequent treatment in a qualified manner.

Beneficial properties of Boro Plus cream

The drug is a medicine that has a disinfecting effect. Its main advantage is its wide scope of application. Thanks to Boroplus, you can solve a large number of skin problems, including preventing and stopping the development of inflammatory processes.

Beneficial properties of the cream:

  1. kills fungal infections;
  2. eliminates irritability with dry erythema;
  3. treats chronic skin diseases;
  4. restores and preserves youth;
  5. tones and increases elasticity;
  6. effective in the treatment of furunculosis;
  7. has antiseptic and antibacterial effects;
  8. helps eliminate herpes faster;
  9. softens and heals cracked nipples in women during breastfeeding;
  10. protects against the harmful effects of strong winds and low temperatures, relieves pain and itching resulting from frostbite;
  11. eliminates problems with mixed and oily skin types;
  12. reduces the appearance of stretch marks, scar marks and scar tissue;
  13. softens, nourishes, moisturizes;
  14. relieves redness, inflammation and irritation;
  15. fights dehydration and dryness of the epidermis;
  16. reduces pain and unpleasant symptoms from insect bites;
  17. promotes rapid healing of wounds, injuries and scratches.

Composition of the drug and active substance

Boro Plus cream is available for sale in two versions: in a purple and green tube. The color scheme does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. The difference lies in the presence of certain plant extracts. The green tube contains medicinal herbal extracts, ginger lily and margosa extract. The second option has a greasy texture; it covers the surface with a dense layer, unlike its delicate and easily absorbed counterpart.

The drug is produced in India. Boro Plus contains many useful plants and herbs:

  1. turmeric to eliminate the inflammatory process, acts as an antiseptic, kills bacteria and germs;
  2. basil (tulsi) relieves pain, moisturizes the epidermis, preventing its dryness, and disinfects;
  3. margosa reduces rash symptoms;
  4. vetiver relieves burning, itching, has a calming effect;
  5. sandalwood extract. This component is used to cool and relieve irritation, reduces inflammation;
  6. nim to reduce the inflammatory process, relieve pain, irritation. Used for various skin problems;
  7. kuchari eliminates signs of inflammation;
  8. ginger lily acts as a herbal antibacterial agent, which is highly effective in healing various injuries and eliminating the inflammatory process;
  9. aloe is a natural moisturizer, anesthetic and antiseptic.

As excipients, the composition is supplemented with lanolin, water, talc, and paraffin. They are necessary to give a creamy state and a pleasant smell.

Instructions for use

The drug has a wide range of uses, so you need to know the features of using the product:

  1. The fatty layer of the cream is quickly absorbed into the cover, leaving no traces.
  2. Boro Plus should only be applied to clean skin. To remove dirt, you can use a napkin, a cotton swab, or a disk. If a purulent wound is to be treated, then carefully distribute the cream with a cotton pad or swab.
  3. To enhance the effect, the frequency of use should be up to twice a day.

For sunburn

With the appearance of the first rays of the sun, people forget about the danger posed by ultraviolet radiation. Dangerous radiation affects the papillary layer of the dermis, which results in the development of inflammation and redness of the skin. Sunburn often affects exposed areas of the body: face, neck, back. Lesions can vary in severity. In severe cases, chills, ulcers, blisters, nausea are observed, the patient feels a headache and impaired consciousness. In this case, treating a burn with improvised means is prohibited! Urgently contact a medical facility, where the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment to prevent late skin atrophy.

If after prolonged sunbathing you feel pain, discomfort, weakness, a feeling of tightness, and your skin hurts and looks red, then pharmaceutical products will help you quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Instructions for use of Boro Plus for sunburn

  1. The victim should go into the shade or indoors so that the sun stops having a negative effect.
  2. Take a cold shower.
  3. Drink liquid.
  4. Take an Ibuprofen or Aspirin tablet.
  5. Apply a thick layer of cream to all affected areas.
  6. Wait until completely absorbed.

For burns with boiling water

Careless handling of hot liquids can result in severe burns. Children are most often exposed to this danger. The delicate skin of a child suffers much more, deeper layers are affected, which requires immediate treatment and elimination of the consequences. Boiling water can leave you disabled.

Application of Boro Plus for burns of adults and children with boiling water:

  1. Remove wet clothes.
  2. Cool the affected area with cold air, water, or other means. The coolant should not be icy to prevent shock.
  3. Apply a thick layer of cream to the wound. It will relieve inflammation and pain.
  4. Take a painkiller.

If a blister appears, the skin is swollen, very red and may peel off, then urgent medical attention is required. Do not pierce the bladder and do not use oil or alcohol-containing preparations to eliminate the consequences!


The use of Boro Plus cream is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. with the development of the inflammatory process;
  2. when side effects occur;
  3. in case of individual or allergic reactions to the components of the cream;
  4. after the expiration date of the medicinal product.

Every review about the cream is positive. This is a universal product that can be applied to the face to preserve youth and beauty, and to babies under the diaper to eliminate irritation. He is able to help in different situations and with any damage. But it is of particular value in cases where a person accidentally gets burned by hot liquid or solar radiation. The ointment will quickly eliminate pain and accelerate regenerative processes in tissues. Not a single dangerous chemical element was found in the composition. Any pharmacy will sell the drug without a doctor's prescription.

Almost every person has experienced skin damage during their lifetime. Injuries such as burns cause significant discomfort. To eliminate such defects, you can choose one of the available pharmaceutical products. Boro Plus is the most popular of this group of drugs.

Thanks to its multicomponent herbal composition, the ointment is used to heal various skin lesions.

Boro plus ointment: what is it used for?

Boro Plus cream is a universal remedy and is suitable for any person. Therefore, it should be in any family medicine cabinet.

This cream has the following effects:

  1. antiseptic and disinfectant;
  2. harmful effects on fungal diseases;
  3. helps protect the skin from the effects of frost and wind, as well as relieve symptoms of frostbite;
  4. accelerates tissue healing;
  5. neutralizes pain after insect bites;
  6. softens the epidermis;
  7. helps relieve inflammation and irritation;
  8. keeps the skin youthful, increasing the elasticity of the dermis.

Thanks to these properties, the cream can be used in a variety of cases. Indications for use:

  1. after receiving minor burns;
  2. after frostbite;
  3. with excessive sebum secretion of the skin;
  4. for the treatment of boils;
  5. used to relieve symptoms of herpes;
  6. to restore skin after shaving;
  7. as part of complex therapy for the healing of scars, scars and stretch marks;
  8. for injuries to the nipples during lactation.


The composition of the cream with medicinal properties was developed in India. It is rich in medicinal herbs:

  1. Basil has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect. It also helps relieve pain and moisturize the dermis. This component prevents moisture loss, which helps combat dry skin;
  2. Sandalwood extract neutralizes inflammatory processes in the dermis. This ingredient in the composition helps to cool and soothe the skin;
  3. Turmeric is a medicinal plant with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and disinfectant effect;
  4. Kuchari helps relieve inflammation in various lesions of the outer layers of the body;
  5. Aloe is a medicinal plant known to everyone. Preparations based on it have an antiseptic, moisturizing and analgesic effect. Thanks to this and other ingredients, Boro Plus can be used for burns;
  6. Vetiver is a plant from the grass family that grows in India. It has a cooling effect, thereby neutralizing the feeling of itching and burning;
  7. Neem extract analyzes and helps relieve the severity of itching. Effective for a variety of skin lesions;
  8. Ginger lily is a herbal remedy with antibacterial activity that prevents the development of inflammation and accelerates skin healing processes;
  9. The composition also contains talc, water, lanolin and paraffin compounds. They help give the product a creamy consistency.


This drug is easily tolerated and causes almost no side effects. It can be used even during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for newborn children. But there are a few exceptions to the application that need to be taken into account. These include:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components in the composition. This happens relatively often. Therefore, before using the product, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. If no adverse effects occur, the product can be used;
  2. expired product.

How to use for burns

Boro plus cream for burns helps to quickly restore the skin and prevent the occurrence of blemishes on the skin. Instructions for use at home:

  1. remove clothing from affected areas;
  2. to neutralize inflammation after a sunburn, apply a cold compress;
  3. the product is distributed generously over the affected area. This will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms - redness, pain and burning;
  4. The product is applied at least 3 times per day;
  5. If there is no positive dynamics or the condition worsens, you should stop using it and consult a specialist.


Boro and Boro Plus ointments are available in pharmacies and stores. Both products are available in the form of an ointment with a uniform consistency. The molecules of the drug penetrate well through the skin, are quickly absorbed and do not leave marks on the body and clothing. Boro Plus cream is sold in two forms, they can be distinguished by the color of the tube:

  1. Green Boro has a completely natural composition. The drug with this formula has an antiseptic effect. The cream has no restrictions for use. It can be used as a preventative to relieve skin irritation and eliminate dry skin. This product can be used by all age groups. The risk of developing an adverse reaction is minimal;
  2. The ointment in the purple tube contains an admixture of chemical elements. They enhance the effect of plant extracts. A cream with this composition is also absorbed quite quickly. This product can be used to treat the dermis, as a prophylaxis and as part of daily care.

Depending on the type of cream and the color of the cream, the appearance of the packaging differs. The color design of the tube will help distinguish the two products.


Patients who have used this cream to restore their skin note positive effects almost immediately after starting therapy. The high sensitivity of the dermis decreases, its tone is restored, inflammation, itching and peeling disappear.

Another advantage is the low cost of the gel and the minimal number of adverse effects. It is these properties that make the product so widespread.