Why is warty nevus dangerous?

The diagnosis of “verrucous nevus” often causes panic. However, this formation can be diagnosed in any person; females are more often affected. Is it dangerous, how to get rid of it?

Concept and types

Every person has moles. They occur as a result of excessive growth of pigmented cells. Warty moles look similar to a wart. This pathology in most cases occurs in newborns, but can appear in childhood. In adults, warty skin lesions do not occur.

This disease is included in the international classification of diseases and has a special ICD 10 code - I78.1 - non-tumor nevus. The ICD describes the signs and methods of treating the pathology.

Warty birthmarks are often diagnosed in the fairer sex.

In appearance, this type of nevus resembles an accumulation of many warts in one place. It is not difficult to distinguish it from other types of moles. The surface is not smooth, often covered with cracks, and there are no hairs. It can gradually increase in size, but not in breadth, but in height. The top layer becomes rougher, rougher, and the color intensifies.

Warty nevi are quite often damaged, which can provoke various negative consequences. There are two types of pathology, differing in the degree of prevalence.

  1. Localized. It is a warty formation in a limited area. Quite often diagnosed on the head in the hair. The size of this type of nevus does not exceed one centimeter. The affected area may have one mole or several, but located very close. It has a color close to the shade of the skin, sometimes darker. In appearance it resembles cauliflower.
  2. Systemic. In this case, the wart-like formation is located throughout the body, often looking like a ribbon. Most often found near large vessels, it has a brownish tint. It is not soft to the touch, the surface is not smooth. Can occur in any area of ​​the body.

Both types of nevus rise above the skin, which is why they are often injured. Why is this nevus dangerous? Warty formation is considered one of the safest; it degenerates quite rarely and under certain factors. You should carefully monitor the condition of the mole and note suspicious symptoms.

An additional danger is the possibility of infection in the wound, which will provoke an inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of warty nevus

How is a warty nevus diagnosed? Only an experienced specialist can make a correct and accurate diagnosis.

First of all, a visual inspection of the nevus is carried out. The shape of the warty birthmark, its size, color, location, and structure are examined.

To obtain more accurate information, instrumental studies are carried out.


  1. Smears from the surface of the nevus. They are taken if discharge from the formation is noted. The technique is also used in cases of past trauma. This method will help to determine most accurately the composition of the nevus and the cells that form it.
  2. Fluorescent microscopy. A special substance is applied to the warty mole and examined using a microscope.
  3. Examination using computed tomography is performed quite rarely.
  4. If there is suspicion, a blood test for tumor markers is prescribed.

The exact result of the study can be obtained only after a histological examination. After removal, the formation is sent to the laboratory for testing. This method helps to accurately establish the nature of the warty nevus and its origin.

During diagnosis, diseases such as papillomatosis, acne-like birthmark, and lichen planus are excluded.

Therapeutic principles for warty nevus

Removal of a warty nevus is carried out in several cases.

When deleted:

  1. Uncomfortable position, frequent injuries,
  2. A cosmetic defect causes moral inconvenience to a person,
  3. Suspicion of cancer.

There are various methods of treating this pathology. In some cases, external agents can be used.

However, they will only help remove the top layer of the nevus; it will not be possible to completely get rid of the mole in this way.

It is allowed to use drugs containing corticosteroids, roaccutane, calcipotriol (cream). To get rid of hanging nevus, various removal methods are used.


  1. Surgical excision. The most famous and oldest method. The warty skin is cut out with a scalpel, the wound is disinfected, and a bandage is applied. The negative side of this technique is the risk of wound infection and possible scar formation after recovery.
  2. Radio wave removal. The process takes place using the heat of radio waves. Using this method allows removal without bleeding, tissue necrosis around the nevus, or additional damage. Radio waves can be used on any area of ​​the body, the procedure is not painful, and lasts approximately twenty minutes. There are practically no complications.
  3. Using a laser. The most popular and widespread technique. Can be used to remove warts on the face. With this treatment, the possibility of infection is excluded. The wound is cauterized immediately after removal, leaving a crust at the operation site. Scars and scars do not appear after recovery.
  4. Cryodestruction. Warty condyloma is removed using low temperature nitrogen. There is no pain during the operation, but the result is not always obtained the first time. Used to get rid of small growths.
  5. Electrocoagulation. This therapy uses high-frequency current. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. A crust forms on the wound, which prevents bacteria from getting inside.

The choice of treatment method remains with the medical professional after conducting the necessary research. Is it generally possible to remove moles? The answer is here on our website.

What complications can there be?

Are complications possible with warty nevi? According to statistics, formations of this type are degenerated quite rarely. However, this is possible in the presence of provoking factors.


  1. The appearance of birthmarks in infancy or, conversely, in old age.
  2. The appearance of large-sized pezhins.
  3. Many growths on the skin.
  4. Frequent appearance of new birthmarks.
  5. Condylomas that are constantly exposed to injury.

The presence of these factors can provoke the degeneration of a nevus into a malignant form.

Signs of degeneration:

  1. A sharp change in the size of the nevus,
  2. Unpleasant sensations when pressing, touching the formation,
  3. Change color to darker
  4. The appearance of hairs
  5. Blurry boundaries
  6. The presence of discharge from a mole.

If at least one sign appears, you must contact a medical facility.

Warty nevus: prevention

If you have nevi of this type, you should adhere to certain rules in order to avoid the occurrence of oncology.


  1. You should not stay in the sun or in a solarium for a long time.
  2. You should avoid frequent visits to baths and saunas.
  3. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics and comfortable to avoid damage to nevi.
  4. If suspicious signs appear, you should not engage in self-therapy; it is better to consult a doctor.

A warty nevus is a formation that in most cases does not cause any trouble. Subject to removal in case of permanent injuries and possible degeneration into a malignant formation. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mole and go to the hospital in time.

Removing a nevus on the scalp - video

A nevus is a benign skin tumor formed by skin cells with excess melanin content, and simply a birthmark or mole. A warty nevus in this case simply means that the shape of the mole resembles a wart.

Why does a warty nevus appear?

Medicine has not yet established the cause of this phenomenon. The only thing we can say with certainty is that genetics plays an important role in the appearance of a warty (or verrucous) nevus. Women are more likely to experience this disease. Moles usually form during the prenatal stage of a child’s development and make themselves known at an early age (99.5% of cases); adults very rarely face the problem of the appearance of a new birthmark. And if a new mole appears on an adult, then this, scientists believe, is a very alarming sign - there is a high risk of the neoplasm degenerating into a form of melanoma skin cancer.

If you are over 18 years old and have a new mole, it is still worth taking the time to see a doctor.

What does the disease look like?

A wart nevus in appearance resembles an accumulation of small warts in one place. This type of birthmark is a dark bump on the skin. Its surface is often lumpy and characterized by a complete absence of hair. Over time, such moles may darken and increase, but only in height. After injury, the nevus may become covered with a characteristic dark crust.

Types of warty nevus

The phenomenon of warty nevus is divided into 2 types according to the degree of distribution of the mole:

  1. Localized nevus. One narrow area of ​​skin is affected. This type of disease is characterized by the presence of clear boundaries at the mole. Usually the diameter of the tumor does not exceed 1 centimeter, but there are exceptions.
  2. Systemic nevus. A fairly large area of ​​skin is affected; the birthmark is shaped like a garland. The tumor is located near nerve endings and large blood vessels.


A person without medical education cannot independently distinguish verrucous nevus from similar ailments. Only a doctor can identify such a disease. A preliminary diagnosis is made after an external examination and questioning of the patient, but an accurate diagnosis is made only after laboratory tests. When examining a mole, the doctor pays attention to the following factors:

  1. Color of the neoplasm;
  2. Its size;
  3. Area of ​​birthmark location;
  4. Its shape;
  5. The presence or absence of hair on it.

Laboratory analysis methods for moles include:

  1. Taking a smear from the surface of the mole. The disadvantage of this method is trauma to the neoplasm, which can lead to the degeneration of the birthmark into melanoma. But this drawback is eliminated when taking a smear from that category of patients whose nevus was already damaged before the procedure was prescribed. It is to them that doctors most often prescribe this type of laboratory analysis.
  2. Luminescence microscopy. This procedure involves applying a special liquid to the surface of the nevus and further examining the birthmark under a microscope. This type of laboratory analysis of a mole is considered the safest, because during the procedure the surface of the neoplasm is not damaged or injured in any way.
  3. Computed tomography of the tumor. The insides of the nevus are examined using x-rays, and based on what is obtained, a diagnosis is made.
  4. Blood test for tumor markers. The blood is examined for the presence of cancer particles.
  5. Histological examination. The tumor is examined under a microscope for the presence of cancer cells. This method of laboratory analysis of a nevus is considered the most informative; it is what doctors usually prescribe if they suspect malignant degeneration of a mole.

Treatment of the disease

Doctors usually recommend removing tumors of this type. This is due to the fact that, by their nature, wart nevi are often subject to injury, and this is associated with the risk of malignant degeneration of the nevus into melanoma. Such a mole can only be removed in a hospital. There are different methods for removing a verrucous nevus, here are some of them:

  1. Laser method. It is usually used in cases where the patient removes a mole for aesthetic reasons. After the procedure, no traces remain on the skin. The doctor uses a special device that emits laser beams that heat the neoplasm to ultra-high temperatures, after which the mole literally begins to evaporate layer by layer.
  2. Surgical method. The surgical method is the traditional method for removing nevi, but has the disadvantage that scars subsequently remain on the skin. This method is not suitable for patients who wish to remove a mole for aesthetic reasons.
  3. Radio wave method. The most painless way to remove nevi. Radio waves cut nevus from the skin without leaving scars on it. In this, the radio wave method is similar to the laser method.
  4. Cryodestruction of moles. During this procedure, the birthmark is exposed to liquid nitrogen cooled to a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius. Under the influence of ultra-low temperatures, the internal tissues of the neoplasm are destroyed, as a result of which, some time after the operation, the mole falls off on its own. Unfortunately, this method leaves very unsightly scars on the surface of the skin, so it is not recommended for those wishing to remove a nevus for aesthetic purposes.
  5. Electrocoagulation. This is a method of removing nevi, warts and papillomas using high frequency current. The advantages of this method include the fact that it is very fast - several tumors can be removed at once during an electrocoagulation session. Scars are extremely rare after this procedure.

All of the above methods for removing warty nevi are absolutely safe and fully approved by the international medical community.

How dangerous is a warty nevus?

A warty nevus is dangerous primarily because, under certain circumstances, it can degenerate into a form of skin cancer, melanoma.

How to care for a wart nevus?

If the patient does not want to remove such a tumor from the surface of the skin, doctors advise him to follow certain rules in handling it. Here are the most important of them:

  1. Patients should avoid overheating the mole, visiting spas, baths and saunas.
  2. Patients should not sunbathe between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  3. Patients should avoid exposing the tumor to direct sunlight, as well as tanning in a solarium.
  4. Before starting any hormonal medications, the patient must consult a doctor.

Patients with verrucous nevus should regularly check the growths for signs of malignant transformation of the mole into melanoma. These include:

  1. Increase in the size of the nevus;
  2. Unpleasant sensation in the area of ​​the nevus (pain, burning, itching, etc.)
  3. Peeling of the mole;
  4. Change in color of the birthmark;
  5. Changes in the nature of the surface of the neoplasm, the appearance of cracks and hair on the mole.
  6. Blurring of the borders of the nevus;
  7. The appearance of discharge from a mole.

A verrucous nevus is a classic birthmark or mole. This is a kind of accumulation of cells with excessive pigment content. This mole visually resembles a wart. Such a neoplasm is considered congenital and often occurs in girls. It mainly forms at an early age and almost never occurs in an adult.

What is the disease

According to the ICD code, a warty nevus refers to non-tumor formations that resemble a wart in shape. Its main danger is that over time it can develop into a malignant form. That is why it is important to diagnose in a timely manner, as well as get rid of the disease in the initial stages of the disease.

Types of disease

According to the degree of its prevalence, wart nevus is divided into 2 types. In particular, localized and systemic disease are distinguished. The localized form affects only a certain area of ​​the skin. It is characterized by the presence of clearly defined boundaries. The neoplasm does not exceed 1 cm in diameter, but there may be larger moles.

Such a defect forms almost anywhere:

The mole develops quite slowly, mainly growing in height. This process occurs as a result of the growth of dark crusts on the surface. In addition, the growth of the tumor can also be provoked by external factors, as a result of injury to the spot. If the mole is located in the scalp, then growth occurs much faster.


Often, an epidermal warty nevus forms in a person in the womb, and the child is already born with this disease. Much less commonly, this disease can develop in early childhood or adolescence. The likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly if close relatives already have a similar disease. In some cases, this disease can occur in adults and older people.

  1. deviations in the structure of the skin;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. genetic predisposition.

According to statistics, this disease often occurs in women.

Symptoms of the disease

A warty nevus can appear on almost any part of the human body, with the exception of only the mucous membranes. Most often, neoplasms are found on the extremities and less often on the head. There are also cases where many moles covered part of the abdomen and back. The development of this disease is due to such stages of development as:

  1. the formation of a small pigment spot;
  2. keratinization of the affected area;
  3. increase in the size of the tumor.

If the disease does not develop in the prenatal period, then at the initial stage the patient may notice a small pigmented spot of dark brown or brown color.

Carrying out diagnostics

Only a qualified dermatologist or oncologist can determine the type of warty nevus. In addition to a visual inspection, instrumental tests may additionally be required. When conducting a visual inspection, the following indicators are assessed:

  1. form of neoplasm;
  2. size;
  3. location;
  4. presence of additional components.

In addition, instrumental techniques are used, which involve examining the smears taken. Testing is carried out if there is a violation of the integrity of the surface, and there are also discharges. Fluorescent microscopy is also performed, which is the safest research method, since it does not require the collection of biological materials. During testing, a special composition is applied to the mole, and then the new growth is examined through a microscope. In some cases, a computed tomography scan may be required, as well as a blood test for the presence of tumor markers.

Features of treatment

Treatment of a warty nevus is carried out by removing the tumor using techniques such as:

  1. cryodestruction;
  2. electrocoagulation;
  3. radio wave removal;
  4. removal using laser.

The choice of removal technique largely depends on the size, shape and location of the tumor. The final decision regarding the treatment method should be made only by the doctor.

When carrying out laser treatment, the tumor is removed layer by layer. This method allows you to remove tumors without scars or scars. The duration of the rehabilitation period is no more than 5 days.

The cryodestruction method involves treating the mole with liquid nitrogen. Exposure of the tumor to extremely low temperatures provokes the death of the nevus. This technique is often used to remove small warty nevi. The operation is completely painless, but it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

The electrocoagulation method implies that high-frequency electric current is used during the operation. The procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under anesthesia.

Treatment of warty nevus in Moscow is carried out in cosmetology centers and oncology clinics using modern techniques.

Therapy with folk remedies

Not every person can afford treatment in a specialized clinic, which is why many choose treatment with folk remedies. Celandine juice helps to cope well with the disease. It must be applied to the mole and secured with a band-aid. This procedure is carried out until the tumor completely disappears.

You can successively apply garlic and then lemon juice to the mole. The duration of the procedure is 7 days. A tincture of apple cider vinegar and garlic helps to cope with the disease. Before using traditional methods, you should definitely consult with your doctor regarding their safety.

Complications of the disease

Many people are interested in why a warty nevus is dangerous and what complications this disease can cause. If moles are located in an area of ​​increased trauma, then doctors recommend removing them when the child reaches 2 years of age. The greatest danger is the risk of a mole degenerating into a malignant tumor. This can happen due to frequent damage to integrity.

Prevention of complications

A nevus can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor. However, you can prevent the occurrence of this disease if you carry out proper prevention, which means:

  1. excluding visits to saunas and solariums;
  2. in hot weather you should not be outside for too long;
  3. If the shape and color of the nevus changes, immediately visit a doctor.

Patients diagnosed with this disease should definitely visit a dermatologist and oncologist regularly.