Wart between a child's toes

Wart between the toes of a child

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Symptoms of warts between the toes of a child
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removing growths
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention

A wart between a child's toes is an internal growth that causes discomfort to the child. And while most manifestations of the human papillomavirus at a young age can be left under passive supervision, warts between the toes of a child will require active treatment. Every parent should know about the possible causes of the disease, the first signs and methods of treatment, because the human papillomavirus is very common.

Causes of neoplasms

HPV 3d model

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. Depending on the strain, the formations are localized in different parts of the body or mucous membrane, have different symptoms and external manifestations, as well as the risk of degeneration. Warts between the toes of a child appear under the influence of genotypes 1-4 of the virus.

The main route of infection is through household contact. Children move actively and often injure the skin of their feet. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate even the slightest injuries, scratches and abrasions. The virus from an infected person can enter the external environment and remain viable for up to 3 hours.

An important condition for its transmission is a warm, humid environment, for example, gyms, water parks and swimming pools, locker rooms. Warts are more likely in children who neglect personal hygiene and household products (who do not use personal rubber slippers) than in those who do not put their bare feet on the floor in public spaces.

The virus can also enter a child's body by using someone else's shoes. Neglecting the rules of personal hygiene is unacceptable. Children should be taught these rules from early childhood.

The causes of warts between the toes in children also lie in weak immunity. A healthy body suppresses the reproduction of the pathogen, but as soon as malfunctions occur, the child’s warts begin to grow.

A decrease in protective functions can be caused by:

  1. acute infectious diseases;
  2. hormonal changes in adolescence;
  3. local decrease in immunity due to frequent injuries to the foot and toes, which is often caused by improperly selected shoes;
  4. vitamin deficiency, unbalanced diet, overwork.
Note! The virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body; if infected in childhood, the patient will have to systematically take care of his health, preventing further development of tumors. And if the first symptoms are detected, take measures to eliminate them.
  1. See also the reasons for the appearance of warts on the toes in children

Symptoms of warts between the toes of a child

What do warts between a child's toes look like?

Photo of warts between toes in children

Types 1-4 of the virus provoke the development of common warts. These same strains, located in the epithelial cells of the foot and toes, cause plantar warts, which are a type of common wart. The growth is covered with a keratinized layer, characteristic of the surface of the feet.

Due to the specific location of the formation, in the early stages such growths can be confused with calluses. The first symptom of the appearance of warts between the toes of a child is a small skin lump. In this case, it is recommended to take a closer look at the skin pattern. The fact is that the callus retains such a pattern, despite the keratinized cells. But in warts the compaction is uniform.

The color of the growth changes over time from flesh-colored, corresponding to the color of the skin, to pinkish, and if measures are not taken to treat the wart, the growth turns black. A black wart in a child indicates the development of complications and requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

Note! A wart between the toes can be hidden under the keratinized layer of skin even in young patients.

As the formation grows, painful sensations arise associated with pressure on the toes, and later simply when putting on shoes. Upon closer examination, as a rule, black dots are found inside the structure. These harbingers of complications should not be ignored by parents.

The growth on the leg should be shown to a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will determine the causes of warts in children and prescribe the correct treatment. Using any means without consulting a doctor can lead to complications of symptoms, and in rare cases, even degeneration.

  1. Read also what papilloma on the toe looks like in children

Methods for treating warts in children

While the doctor will recommend not removing ordinary warts on a child, but leaving them under close observation, growths between the toes will have to be removed. Due to their specific location, as they develop, they can cause pain to the young patient. To prevent serious pain symptoms, as well as injury to the formation while walking, active fight against it will be recommended. If a wart between a child’s toes is detected in the early stages, then the use of medications or folk remedies is acceptable; in later stages, hardware destruction will have to be used, followed by a rehabilitation period and drug therapy. Treatment of warts in children should be carried out under the systematic supervision of a doctor and can be adjusted depending on the results of therapy.


Preparations for warts between the toes of a child

In the photo there are preparations for warts between the toes of a child

Conservative treatment of warts in children between the toes is divided into two directions - the use of drugs internally for antiviral control and external use for drug destruction of the pathogenic growth. The young age of the patients imposes its limitations on both treatment options. Not all drugs can be used by children and adolescents. The start of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

For oral administration for warts between the toes in children, the following is prescribed:

  1. Imunorix - a drug that stimulates the immune system, is used for children from 3 years of age. The solution costs 835 hryvnia in Ukraine, and 890 rubles in Russia.
  2. Normomed - an antiviral drug that is approved for children from 1 year. The product can be purchased in pharmacies in Ukraine for 116 hryvnia, and in Russia - 590 rubles.
  3. Undevit, Kvadevit, Supradin, Vitrum Junior — vitamins are selected individually depending on the patient’s age, activity, and health status. Both budget drugs costing up to 100 hryvnia (rubles) and more expensive ones can be recommended.

For external use for warts between the toes of a child, it is prescribed:

  1. Salipod - a patch with a base impregnated with salicylic acid. The patch is attached to the wart between the child’s toes and remains there for a day. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated. A package of Salipod can be purchased for 21 hryvnia, 74 rubles.
  2. Viferon-ointment has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. A thin layer of the product can be used to treat warts in children aged 1 year and older. The drug costs 185 hryvnia in Ukraine, and 211 rubles in the manufacturing country of Russia.
  3. Balm “Mountain celandine” It contains extracts of various plants, but unlike natural celandine juice, it does not contain toxic elements, so the drug is approved for use by children over 5 years of age. The balm can be purchased in pharmacies for 10 hryvnia, 60 rubles.

It is quite difficult to find analogues of drugs for warts between the toes of a child due to age restrictions on the use of drugs. If the child is intolerant to certain components of the drug, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a doctor to select a new course of treatment.

Note! Internal therapy is also carried out in parallel with hardware removal of the growth. Taking medications recommended by your doctor speeds up the recovery period and minimizes the risk of relapse.

Removing skin growths

Cryodestruction of warts between the toes of a child

Destruction of growths for children is carried out quite rarely, but in the case of warts between the toes, such a procedure will become necessary. In this sensitive area, growths cause discomfort and can be easily injured, which in turn causes secondary inflammation and tissue malignancy.

Removing warts in children on the feet and between the toes has its own characteristics. The least painful methods are used - laser therapy and cryodestruction. The laser removes shallow growths, the site of destruction is immediately cauterized, which significantly speeds up the healing time of the wound. But after removing warts in children with liquid nitrogen, a long recovery period will be required, which is not always suitable for an active child. At the same time, laser removal is several times more expensive (the procedure will cost parents 1300 hryvnia, 2900 rubles) than liquid nitrogen (from 350 hryvnia, 900 rubles).

Surgical removal of warts between the toes in children is indicated only in cases of tissue malignancy. Cases of degeneration in young patients are recorded extremely rarely.

Folk remedies

Garlic for warts between toes in children

The use of any folk remedies in the treatment of warts between the toes of a child should be agreed with a doctor. Not all popular recipes are effective, and some are even dangerous. Improper treatment provokes a number of complications, including the spread of warts to other parts of the body, their damage and much more.

At the same time, doctors have nothing against the use of individual decoctions, infusions, and essential oils. In the fight against warts in a child, tea tree oil can be useful when applied to the wart. The product is recommended for children over 10 years of age; on the skin of younger patients, tea tree can cause irritation.

Garlic decoctions or garlic cloves are also considered effective - wipe the growth with the decoction, and leave a compress of garlic cloves overnight

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot use celandine to remove beards between a child’s toes. The juice of the plant is quite toxic and is used only for the treatment of adults.

Features of prevention

Washing baby's feet

The main measure to prevent warts between the toes in children is to maintain immunity, for which it is recommended:

  1. regular physical activity;
  2. protection from stressful situations;
  3. proper nutrition;
  4. timely treatment of inflammatory processes;
  5. thorough antiseptic treatment of abrasions and scratches, especially on the legs.

You also need to explain to your child the importance of personal hygiene and the use of your own shoes and clothing. Having discovered an unknown growth on their leg, children should immediately contact their parents.

A wart between a child's toes is a growth that will have to be removed at a young age. Such tumors cause pain while walking and wearing dress shoes. However, modern medicine has a solid arsenal to combat this disease even in children. But, despite the effectiveness and availability of therapy, all parents are recommended to pay attention to the prevention of pathology, from which no one is immune.

  1. Related article: Which doctor treats warts in children and adults