Botox forehead and eyebrows price

The upper third of the face, which includes the forehead, bridge of the nose, the area between the eyebrows and around the eyes, is an ideal area for correction using drugs based on botulinum toxin.

They perfectly remove facial “crow’s feet” and reduce the depth of eyebrow wrinkles. They also help smooth out the surface of the forehead skin, making it ideally smooth.

Thanks to modern methods of administering the drug, an experienced cosmetologist will be able to avoid the effect of a frozen mask and maintain the mobility of the patient’s face.

Professional point of view

Experts advise an integrated approach to botulinum toxin injections. It is not advisable to do mono correction. Injections into the area between the eyebrows can increase the space between the eyebrows, making the face look overly surprised.

Qualified specialists who know the anatomy and biomechanical work of the facial muscles will definitely advise making injections into the antagonist muscles, which are localized in the forehead, to correct facial expressions and ensure its maximum naturalness.

To avoid the effect of drooping and asymmetrical eyebrows, injections are given:

  1. at a distance of no less than 2-2.5 cm from their growth line;
  2. with the same dosage, unless there are other indications;
  3. symmetrically at a distance of two centimeters from each other.

Schemes for administering botulinum-containing drugs to the forehead and between the eyebrows have been used for more than twenty years and are well mastered by doctors. But depending on the nuances of facial expressions, the number of injections for each patient is selected individually.

Average number of units and cost

How many units of Botox are needed on the forehead and between the eyebrows? And what is the cost of Botox injections in the forehead and between the eyebrows? Let's look at these questions.

Forehead injections

The use of drugs with neurotoxin helps to quickly get rid of horizontal wrinkles that appear due to contraction of the occipitofrontal muscle.

For forehead correction you need 15-30 units of Botox. Approximate price: 5,000 rubles.

Injections in the area between the eyebrows

By injecting a diluted toxin into the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows, vertical expression lines can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated.

Often, due to the active reduction of the eyebrows, the wrinkles in this area are very deep. With age they develop into creases. They require a high concentration of the drug.

This small area requires 10-20 units of Botox. The total price of the procedure is about 4,000-4,500 rubles.

The gold standard for using Botox is a one-time correction of the forehead, between the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose and the area around the eyes. Thanks to this, overall facial rejuvenation is ensured: the skin is smoothed, facial wrinkles disappear, and an open look returns, since the patient’s eyebrows are slightly raised after the injections. The approximate price of such rejuvenation is 15,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, botulinum toxic drugs cannot effectively eliminate deep age wrinkles. The elasticity of the dermis at the site of formation of these creases is significantly reduced.

Therefore, by relaxing the corresponding muscles, the skin can be smoothed out, but deep wrinkles cannot be completely eliminated.

About the procedure

Before injections, you should definitely consult your doctor. During the consultation, the patient tells the doctor about the medications he is taking, intolerance to injections and the characteristics of his skin (propensity to form scars, hyperpigmentation).

The doctor conducts a general diagnosis of the state of health, he also analyzes skin turgor, wrinkles and anatomical features of the structure of the upper part of the face: overhanging eyebrows, forehead height.

So that the doctor can assess facial activity, the patient raises and moves his eyebrows, frowns, wrinkles his forehead, and the bridge of his nose.

To compare the results before and after the procedure, photographs are taken of the forehead area, between the eyebrows, when the person frowns and is in a state of relaxation. At this stage, you need to express your wishes about what, in your opinion, an ideal face should be like: should the forehead be completely smooth, what height should the eyebrows be relative to the eyes, should some wrinkles be left.

The doctor takes all of the above into account when drawing up an injection schedule and choosing the appropriate dosage. The procedure is carried out in a special chair in which the patient sits in a relaxed state. The back of the head area is gently fixed.

The use of disposable syringes with a short thin needle almost eliminates pain. The skin can be treated with an anesthetic cream; after twenty minutes it will temporarily lose sensitivity, and the patient will not feel the injections.

After the procedure, hematomas may form in the puncture area. To eliminate them as quickly as possible, a special ointment is used.

List of contraindications

Like any other medications, the use of botulinum-containing products has limitations:

  1. the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes;
  2. injections are prohibited if there are dermatological diseases;
  3. pregnancy and lactation are also prohibited;
  4. the presence of individual intolerance to botulinum toxin;
  5. age less than eighteen years;
  6. severe myopia;
  7. if a person is taking antibiotics.

What result should you expect?

Positive results of administration of muscle relaxants include:

  1. reduction in the number of wrinkles or their complete elimination;
  2. the quality of the skin improves: the water-salt balance is normalized, collagen and elastin are produced;
  3. there is no long rehabilitation period due to the low invasiveness of the procedure;
  4. injections have an increasing effect.

From the point of view of professional cosmetology, the disadvantages of using these drugs are minimal. But patients should be aware that negative consequences are possible.

  1. The following complications are temporary: hematomas at injection sites, headache, weakness, nausea, swelling. They usually go away after a couple of days.
  2. Asymmetry may be a consequence of uneven distribution of the toxin in the muscles. It lasts from three to six months (until the substance is completely removed from the body).
  3. The upper eyelid or eyebrows droop due to incorrect administration or incorrect dosage. The negative effect lasts for at least two months.
  4. Allergy. Eliminated by conducting a preliminary test.
  5. Dry eyes, drooping lower eyelid due to poor technique and injection of a large dose of a substance too close to the eyeball.
  6. The muscles are temporarily paralyzed. This disrupts normal facial expressions. The cause is an overdose of the drug.

Although the duration of the above effects is limited by the duration of the drug’s action, it is obvious that botulinum toxin injections should be given by a competent and experienced doctor, whose qualifications are confirmed by the relevant document.

It happens that the reason for an unsatisfactory result may be the patient’s incorrect behavior after the procedure. What should not be done after Botox injection on the forehead and in the area between the eyebrows?

To avoid side effects, you must:

  1. do not tilt your head down for four hours;
  2. do not go to the solarium or sauna for a week;
  3. on the first day you should not rub your face or apply cream;
  4. Do not take aminoglycoside antibiotics or B vitamins;
  5. do not drink alcohol;
  6. for the period of action of the drug, refuse myostimulating procedures and massage;
  7. Tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking.

It should be noted that the period of use of muscle relaxants is not yet long enough to determine all the long-term consequences of their use. Nowadays, scientists pay close attention to studying this issue. Botox is used to lift eyebrows, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, and improve the overall condition of the skin. But sign up for this procedure if you really need such injections.

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Skin care treatments from Hyalogy (FORLLE/D, Japan) from RUB 1,400.
Skin care treatments from Anna Lotan (Israel) from RUB 950.
Alginate masks (Germany) from 460 rub.


Classic facial and décolleté massage - from 700 rubles.
Therapeutic facial massage - 320 rub.
Darsonval (face) - 150 rubles.
Darsonval (scalp) - 150 rubles.
Mechanical removal of comedones – 350 rubles.
Eyebrow shaping – 150 rub.
Eyebrow tinting – 150 rub.
Conditioner for eyelash growth MD Lash Factor 4800 rub.
Makeup remover – from 65 rub.



  1. Ultrasonic peeling (without care) 700 rub.
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning (60-90 min.) from 1365 rub.
    The procedure includes ultrasonic peeling of varying levels of complexity, which results in the removal of the stratum corneum and deep hydration. The skin takes on a fresh look. The procedure consists of makeup remover, ultrasonic peeling, moisturizing, massage, applying a mask and protective agent.
  3. Lifting-regeneration (ultrasonic phonophoresis + micromassage) (15 min.) from 700 rub.
    An effective procedure for restoring local metabolism, promotes cell renewal and nutrition through the bloodstream. Helps shape the oval of the face and strengthen muscle tone. The procedure can be independent or in addition to ultrasonic cleaning.
  4. Ultrasonic phonophoresis (10 min.) from 350 rub.
    The procedure is very effective in restoring the balance of local metabolism for aging skin. The procedure is in addition to facial care, ultrasonic cleaning and lifting regeneration.
  5. Ultrasonic micromassage (10 min.) 250 rub.
    The procedure is very effective in restoring the balance of local metabolism for aging skin.


  1. Administration of concentrates, serums, ampoule preparations RUB 230.
  2. Microcurrent normalization and lifting from 1090 rub.
    The procedure consists of makeup remover, microcurrent exposure using special. drug, applying cream according to skin type.
  3. Microcurrent drainage from 1320 rub.
    The procedure consists of makeup remover, microcurrent exposure using special. drug, applying cream according to skin type.
  4. Express - lifting (“Quick rejuvenation”) from 1240 rub.
    The procedure consists of makeup remover, microcurrent exposure using special. drug, applying cream according to skin type.
  5. Microcurrent BIOMASK from 1440 rub.
    The procedure consists of makeup remover, microcurrent treatment using a BIOMASK based on the problem (acne, atonic skin, lifting, moisturizing), applying cream according to skin type.
  6. Microcurrent treatment for ACNE from 1440 rub.
    The procedure consists of makeup remover, microcurrent exposure using special. drug, applying cream according to skin type.


Test flash for free
The cost of one flash is 70 rubles.
On average, correcting the following areas will contribute to your beauty:

  1. Face 4200 rub.
  2. Neckline 4200 rub.
  3. Brushes 1400-2000 rub.
  4. Neck 2100 rub.
  5. Pigmentation (spot up to 2 cm in diameter) RUB 280.


  1. Mesotherapy with drugs from FILORGA (France) from 1,680 rub.
  2. Express lifting procedure “Shine”
    with acorbic acid (2.0 ml) 2,000 rub.
  3. Procedure “Towards the sun’s rays”
    with acorbic acid (2.0 ml) RUB 1,800.
  4. Mesotherapy with drugs from MEZOTEC from 1,900 rub.
  5. Local anesthesia with EMLA cream 5% 420 rub.
    To relieve symptoms of skin irritation after procedures, an additional soothing mask may be offered in accordance with the current price list.


  1. Nasolabial folds
  2. Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose
  3. Horizontal forehead wrinkles
  4. Wrinkles in the eye area
  5. Vertical wrinkles around the lips
  6. Formation of lip volume and contour
  7. Correction of the corners of the mouth
  8. Zygomatic, naso-buccal areas
  9. Earlobes, temples
  10. Neck, hands

Correction of these zones is carried out with the drugs listed below, recommended by the doctor on an individual basis.

The price of the procedure is determined depending on the amount of the drug used in the standard packaging of the manufacturer for the correction of a particular area.

Sujiderm (18, 24ХР, 30ХР), Juvederm-ultra (2, 3, 4), Juvederm Smile, Voluma Volbella Volift, Regenial IDEA, Regenial LIPS, Bioexpander from 6,300 rub.

Local anesthesia with EMLA cream 5% 420 rub.


Thanks to this technique, regenerative processes in the skin are stimulated, deep hydration occurs, skin turgor and elasticity are restored, and microcirculation is activated. Skin tone increases and the depth of wrinkles decreases.

  1. Ial-System, Ial-System ACP, Juvederm Hydrate, MNA from RUB 1,680.
  2. Local anesthesia with EMLA cream 5% 420 rub.


The price of the procedure is determined depending on the amount of the drug used in active units of action.

"Botox" (1 unit) 380 rub.

On average, correcting the following areas will contribute to your beauty:

  1. Wrinkles between the eyebrows RUB 3,420.
  2. Forehead wrinkles 1900 rub.
  3. Crow's feet 2280 rub.

Duration of procedure: from 30 minutes

Recommended number of procedures: 1

Cost from 2,280 rub.

Botox injections into the forehead and between the eyebrows not only restore youth to the skin, but also change the very expression of the face. The look will no longer be frowning and gloomy. On the contrary, he will become open and cheerful. And it’s much more pleasant to communicate with a person who radiates positivity, so after the procedure you will notice that you are arousing increased interest among others!


It is recommended to start Botox injections into the forehead when the first wrinkles appear. This way the effect of the drug and the duration of its action will be maximum. By blocking the activity of subcutaneous muscles, botulinum therapy does not injure them and does not cause atrophy. Blood circulation remains unchanged. The effect of the procedure will be as if time had turned back. The forehead will be perfectly clean, as if expression lines have simply been erased from it.

Botox injections into the forehead are also recommended for the correction of deep, stubborn wrinkles. This modern alternative to a facelift requires no downtime and you can get back to your routine the same day. Traces of age-related changes, of course, will remain, but there will no longer be deep, unaesthetic furrows. Instead, only small fine wrinkles will remain on the forehead and/or between the eyebrows. But this is already a very good result!

Description of the procedure

To restore youth with the help of Botox injections to the forehead, you will only need half an hour of stay with a dermatocosmetologist at the Swiss cosmetology center Versua Clinic (the price of the injections will pleasantly surprise you). The procedure itself lasts even less and is absolutely painless. To make you feel as comfortable as possible, we use light local anesthesia.

Before visiting the clinic, keep in mind that our specialist, before carrying out manipulations, will carefully examine you and find out possible contraindications to this method of combating age-related changes.

What will be the effect?

You will see the final result of botulinum therapy the very next day, when the swelling finally subsides and the redness caused by microtrauma to the skin from the syringe needle disappears. However, you can evaluate the work of our specialists now. Just look at the photo of Versua Clinic employees. Delicate, smooth skin, free of wrinkles, and natural facial expressions - you will have exactly the same result. We can achieve it! And if you use a comprehensive rejuvenation program that combines several types of injection cosmetology, your appearance will become even more perfect!

How much does a Botox injection into the forehead cost?

The price list is shown on the screen. Comparing it with the offers of other medical centers in the capital region, you will not find significant differences. At the same time, we guarantee a European level of service, the use of original certified drugs and the provision of cosmetic services at a time convenient for you.

Advantages of visiting Versua Clinic

Our rejuvenation center uses advanced cosmetological developments. We get to know them during regular symposiums and master classes held in Switzerland, a country with highly developed medicine. Perhaps, in addition to botulinum therapy, we can offer you other methods of combating age-related skin changes. As a result, your transformation will be maximum and you will look even better than you did in your youth!