Plantain chastukha and intoxicating chaff

Hot, dry, probably at the beginning of the second degree.

Actions and properties.
They say that it resolves swelling.

Eruption organs.
Galen established experimentally that its decoction crushes kidney stones. Some doctors say that it helps against ulcers and pain in the intestines and pain in the uterus. It drives urine and menstruation and helps against various types of hernia.

Taking one or two misqals of it helps against poisoning by sea hare, opium and other poisons.

I say: Zuvan is the name that people give to two things. One of them is a grain similar to wheat. People make bread from it and say that zuvan is kanit. Others call by this name something intoxicating and nasty that comes across among the grains. This has nothing to do with what we are doing.

The best zuvan has light leaves, not full of holes or crumbling, but on the contrary, sticky when chewed, reddish and slightly tart.