Day and night fever from mucous membranes

Daytime fever is one in which attacks occur during the day and weakening occurs at night, and nighttime fever is the opposite. Both are malignant, and the daytime one is longer and more harmful; Being long-lasting and occurring during the heat of the day, it often plunges into dryness. If daytime were not malignant, it would not occur during the opening of the pores and the dispersion of vapors; it arises only as a result of the abundance and strength of matter. In this case, the patient must be fed at night, not allowed to sleep with a full stomach and forced to stay awake, and all this causes a loss of strength; suffering from fever during the heat of the day and staying awake during the cool of the night most likely leads to tabes. But in general, day fever is one of the severe fevers.

Treatment of mucous fever. The treatment of this disease varies depending on the period, that is, the beginning, limit or decline, on the obvious or latent state of maturity of the matter, and also in relation to the matter of the fever, that is, sour mucous, glassy mucous, salty or sweet mucous. Three things are common to all varieties in the initial period. The first is the need to moderately soften the nature and induce vomiting, the second is the need to use thinning, tearing and diuretics every time three days of fever have passed and the matter from the fever becomes liquid; Before this, they only move it and cause harm, without doing anything useful, and the third thing is to protect the patient by facilitating the diet in order to balance the composition of matter.

Sometimes in the first three days they even confine themselves to barley water, hoping that the period of the limit will come closer because of this, either due to the liquid of matter or because of its scarcity. If it is known for sure that the limit period is delayed, then the regime is not eased, although fasting, as well as sleep or physical work on an empty stomach, if it does not weaken, are extremely useful for this disease. On the contrary, at the beginning and until the seventh day the regime is changed towards the use of roughage, and then gradually eased, but the protection of the patient requires that the regime be eased first. If it is clear that the limit period is far away, then this can be helped by prescribing a rougher regimen, and then gradually easing it, up to the limit period, because time allows this for a given disease and does not allow it for acute fever. When the illness passes the seventh day, then you should not continue to ease the regime, because this weakens the patient and increases the weakness of the mouth of the stomach. Every time you feel that the onset of the limit is being delayed more and more, ease the regime less and less, although it is more necessary to ease it with mucous fever than with four-day fever. You should also not rush to give the patient something to drink, for example, chicken juice or even bread with sweet and sour seasonings, unless you are afraid that he will weaken or the disease will not show signs of decline.

Further, with regard to treatment, a distinction is made between fevers caused by salty or sweet mucus and those caused by glassy or sour mucus; from the latter comes the frost fever kurumudius, in which the body does not warm up. With the first two fevers, it is necessary to soften the nature with a mild medicine and some cooling, and with the last two - with a sharper medicine. The first two require breaking up the juices with the help of thinning and tearing drugs, the warming effect of which is insignificant, although the drying is strong, and with both of the second, something thinning with warming and sharp tearing is needed, especially if the mucus is mixed with black bile. In such a case, it is inevitable to consume, for example, kammuni, sulfur medicinal porridge and salty foods.

The most suitable of the medicines used at the beginning, until the seventh day, is julanjubin. It is good, if necessary, to also give fennel juice, chicory juice or celery juice with julanjubin. Sikanjubin also helps a lot, as does water sweetened with honey and hyssop - sometimes with its help you can achieve the desired softening of the nature - but a laxative made from sugar and red roses, called Persian, is especially useful: it laxes and softens. And when it is necessary to enhance its emollient effect, the medicine is ground with bindweed juice; if you like, it can be mixed with the laxative cassia and fanise. Julanjubin, prepared with taranjubin honey dissolved in bindweed juice, is also good.

However, do not persist in using laxatives in the initial period and after it, especially if there is yellow bile in the mucous matter; this leads to damage to nature. Many people give initially every evening, for example, a medicine with turbit or, twice a week, mastic pills, or, for example, diuretic seed pills.

Prescription of medication with turbit. They take ginger and mastic - ten parts each, turbit - the same amount as both of them, sugar candy - as much as everything else, and give them a miskal to drink every evening, this is done when the nature is not soft, and if it responds daily twice, then this medicine is not required. As for me, I prefer to wait for ripening and soften the nature in the ways mentioned above; It’s even better to remove a little of the matter, and wait with the rest until it ripens, and empty it carefully, little by little, without causing harm, and then turn to diuretics; I also don’t like medicines like plum juice, tamarind or the like, which weaken the stomach and remove liquid matter from below. If the matter is somewhat too cold, then safflower cores are mixed with the laxative, and if the matter is rather yellow-billed, add violet wine or violet jam, or manna, or grated dry violets.

Also resort to mild enemas prepared with honey, salt, beet juice or sesame oil, and induce vomiting with radish juice or radish soaked in sikanjubin with seeds and similar medicines. If you need to induce more severe vomiting due to frequent nausea or a change in taste in the mouth, then take radish pills and drink them before drinking with cold water. Vomiting, although it weakens the stomach, is very beneficial and eradicates this disease.

Vomiting should be waited until the seventh day so that it does not have a sharp effect at the beginning of the disease, causing swelling of the stomach, and if vomiting is difficult for the patient, then do not force him to do it. And if he is attacked by vomiting, especially at the beginning of the attack, then it is not delayed when it does not cause harm and does not weaken; otherwise, it is delayed with the help of, for example, maybih, mint drink and medications, which we will talk about later.

If a headache begins, then use chamomile watering with immersing four limbs in hot water and strongly pulling the legs, and if you need barley water, use it boiled with roots in moderate quantities or add honey sikanjubin there if it does not turn sour in the stomach , and if it turns sour, then use water sweetened with honey. The best time to give this to the patient is when coloration first appears in the patient’s urine; here you should first of all give julanjubin to drink, and two hours after that give you barley water to drink.

When the disease is in the initial stage and there is wandering juice in the body, then one should not use dissolving rubs and water with thinning waterings - they relax the insides with their moist warmth; Avoid cold water too. Whenever you see that the urine has become thick and red, it is not harmful to open the blood; then it is necessary to resort to various shikanjubin. Know also that rubbing is one of the useful ways to treat such patients; The thicker the mucus and the more viscous it is, the more useful rubbing is. They say that it is very useful to rub spider web patients with olive oil.

When the disease begins to intensify, as well as subsequently, take most care of the mouth of the stomach and the means of strengthening it. Prescribe chewable medicines made from mint, mastic and anise, induce vomiting of radish in the patient, as we have already said, and reduce the diet. Julanjubin, which you give to drink at this time and generally after the seventh day, should be mixed with substances that strengthen the mouth of the stomach and have a strong diuretic effect, for example, with anise and mastic, and let it be drunk with hot water, especially at the beginning of an attack, for hot water resists chills and cold and at the same time quenches thirst if thirst occurs. Often at such a time they are allowed to empty the mucus and raw juice, but it is better to wait until they are fully ripe.

If the disease begins with a fever and persists, then these Flatbreads help: take Yellow myrobalans, sabur, squeezed sapling juice and squeezed bitter wormwood juice - each for five dirhams, saffron and mastic - each for six dirhams and turn into flatbreads. They are given a dirham to drink every morning and half a dirham every evening.

When you see that ripening is obvious, promote it, for example, with celery and fennel leaves, aromatic rush roots and adiantum. If it is known that the matter is very cold, then it is not harmful to use a little pepper and give liquid wine, but not a lot, but a little. Sometimes dissolving rubbing greatly promotes the ripening and dissolution of juices; for this disease they are more suitable than for other fevers. It is, however, necessary to take into account the patient's state of strength and the severity of fever and chills; if the strength is significant and the fever is not very severe, then the composition of the rub is made stronger, otherwise use diluted oils that are closer to balance. When the illness has passed the fourteenth day, it is impossible to avoid more diluting medicines, such as fennel and celery; Often you may need the seeds of both of these plants, as well as anise or, for example, sikanjubin with seeds, which includes hyssop and thyme. They also use cakes made from roses, to which it is often necessary to add incense, mastic, syt, bitter wormwood and similar medicines because of the stomach, depending on what the circumstances require. Liquid wine helps such patients at such times - it thins matter, enhances natural warmth, drives urine and causes perspiration. When you see that the matter is ripening and the strength is sufficient, give the patient pills from bitter wormwood, and then, if at the beginning of the attacks you observe an irritating cold, although the disease is no longer in the initial stage, then give him hot water in which, for example, seeds were boiled celery, anise or basil, or use any of these medicines and even stronger ones in the form of pouring, fumigating and the like. Sometimes, with severe chills, they give medicine according to the following recipe: take ginger, satar, azhgon - three dirhams each, four coriander dirhams, roses, pulegian mint - three each, raisins - seven dirhams, all this is boiled according to the rule and three uqiyas are given for the reception .

And when you see that the ripening has completed, then empty and drive urine with medicines with great force and drink, for example, the medicine of diakibris, and if the matter is made of the coldest mucus, then drink with teriyak; You should also give them large pink cakes with fennel juice and feel free to give every evening medicine from turbit and pills from sabur, prepared with sapwood or with spices. This also includes a decoction according to the following recipe: take iyaraja - seven parts, turbite - ten, black myrobalans - five, sapwood - five, Indian salt - three, milk thistle, tartar - four each, anise - three. All this is boiled with celery juice and given to drink in the right quantity. A stronger remedy: take both roots and licorice root - ten parts each, iyaraja - eight, squeezed sapling juice - five, celery and fennel seeds - four each, roses, sumbul, mint - seven each. Flatbreads are prepared from this and consumed.

A good decoction. Take both roots - ten parts each, peeled raisins - seven, anise, mastic - three each, tartar, milk thistle, saplings - four each. All this is boiled with three ritls of water until the water returns to the ritl, and given to drink for several days on an empty stomach.

Good flatbreads for prolonged illness and increased chills: take iyaraja, squeezed sapwood juice, bitter wormwood, tartar, milk thistle - five parts each, celery seeds, fennel and anise - three each, petroleum salt - four, dodder seeds, Kabul myrobalans - ten of each, fifteen of agaric, twenty parts of rose cakes, thirty parts of turbita. From all this they make cakes that relax.

One more copybook. Sabur, yellow myrobalans, rhubarb, mastic, squeezed sapling juice, one part each of bitter wormwood, half a part of saffron, pound and consume.

More. Iyaraja, Kabul myrobalans, salt - four dirhams each, celery seeds, fennel, anise - one and a half dirhams each, bitter wormwood - five, rose cakes - three, tartar, milk thistle - two dirhams each. All this is crushed and turned into pills.

A good decoction. Take sapwood - five parts, licorice root, iris root, azhgon - three of each, celery seeds, fennel - four of each, roses - five parts; All this is boiled and given to drink every day for three Ukiyas.

More. They take three roots - ten dirhams each, anise, celery seeds - two dirhams each, tartar, milk thistle, saplings, bitter wormwood - five each, centaury - three, boil and drink four ukiyyas.

More. They take the herbs of saplings, smoke grass, tartar, milk thistle, bitter wormwood - each for five dirhams, raisins - ten, yellow myrobalans - ten. This medicine is more suitable if the mucus is salty or if it is overcome by yellow bile. Agarik, if taken several days before a dirham or up to a dirham with a third in powder, prevents the prolongation of the disease; it is taken in powder form or mixed with honey and drunk. Nettle seeds, in powder or with honey, work wonderfully after the matter has matured.

As for the diversion of juice for the purpose of relief, then for this, for a weak liver, rhubarb and dodder seeds should be added to the medicine, for a weak stomach - mastic and anise, and for a disorder and thickening of the spleen - caper root and scolopendra. This disease is often accompanied by a disorder of the spleen, and because of this it is often necessary to add sati, bana seeds and fenugreek to the medicine; at the same time, the degree of strength of the fever must be taken into account so that excessive heat does not occur.

Regarding stronger bowel movements, which are needed for this disease, when the matter matures, I will say that sometimes the one-time intake of turbitol pills is increased or strong enemas are used. This also includes the following pills: they take mastic - danak, iyaraja fikra - half a dirham, squeezed wormwood juice - a quarter of a dirham, coloquint pulp - danak, agarik - half a dirham - all of this is turned into pills with honey sikanjubin and given to them. These same remedies include pills made from mastic and sabur. If the matter is somewhat hot, then take three laxative pills from bamboo nodules, turbita - one miscal, scammonium resin - half a miscal, squeezed sapling juice - two miscals and drink this composition in accordance with the strength of the patient.

More. Take equal amounts of saplings, bitter wormwood, adiantum, myrobalans, fumes, peeled raisins and feed them in the required quantity. And if the patient’s body does not tolerate relaxation, then they turn to thinning, diuretic and diaphoretic medications; Among the remedies needed in this case is an infusion of sabur with honey. When the illness subsides, there is no harm in visiting the bathhouse before meals.

As for nutrition, light food for such patients is, for example, vinegar with olive oil, to which a little murri is sometimes added, especially at the end of the disease, and more substantial food - when the disease subsides - chickens, field and mountain partridges, and the like. Something should be added to the dishes, especially when the matter is ripe, to remove the juices, for example, vinegar, mustard or murree. When the mucus is sour, bad, viscous, then one of the best things for such patients is leek and chickpea decoction, if you add cumin, dill and olive oil to it, as well as cold dishes prepared from beets, murree, vinegar and washed olive oil, and sour gravies, for example, gravy with capers, gravy with dill, satar, azhgon, asparagus; Vegetables with cooling and moisturizing properties should be avoided. The best time to eat is after the attack has subsided or stopped and no less than four hours before the attack. As for the duration of sleep, it must be equal to wakefulness, so that maturation occurs during sleep, and dissolution occurs during wakefulness. The bath is very harmful for such patients and is allowed only after the illness has subsided.

Help with excessive vomiting in such patients. This should be helped, for example, with maybih and the famous pomegranate drink with mint. If you need something stronger, then take seeds of sweet and sour pomegranate - ten dirhams, white incense and mastic - five each, and mint - seven, and boil in two liters of water, in which they put bunches of mint, until the composition is reduced to half .

Help with excessive diarrhea in such patients. As for the retention of diarrhea, it is retained by the astringent substances known to you, food and medicinal, and the treatment of weakness from diarrhea consists in feeding the patient, after relaxation, fried and baked chickens, and also using invigorating fumigations and incense. If swelling of the face and limbs appears, then patients benefit from the following, for example, pills: take anise and washed lac - each for five dirhams, peeled almonds, saffron, marmachus - each for four dirhams, celery seeds, fennel seeds, aromatic rush inflorescences - three of each, squeezed sapwood juice - three and a half, sumbula - six, iyaraja fikra - seven, roses - ten; Flatbreads are made from this and consumed. Sometimes you may need, for example, amrusiya, lakka medicine and bitter almond medicine.

Flatbreads against prolonged fever with cold. They take ten parts of roses, mastic, sumbul, fennel seeds, celery seeds, chicory seeds, squeezed sapwood juice, bitter wormwood - four of each, bamboo nodules - five and turn them into cakes. At the reception, they give you to drink from a dirham to two dirhams with ten dirhams of julanjubin in two uqiyas of fennel seed decoction. Azhgon mixed with honey brings great benefits in this case.

Sometimes, due to prolonged cold, rubbing is necessary. The method of rubbing is as follows: start from the shoulder blades and groins until the warmth spreads through the arms and legs and they warm up. If the patient feels something like exhaustion, they move on to rubbing the spine. When the heat increases, it is not harmful to rub the patient with oil until that part of the body is warmed up to the required degree, and then leave it and move on to another part of the body. Good oils include unleavened olive oil, devoid of astringent properties, chamomile oil and dill oil, boiled in a double vessel. When you finish, wipe off the oil so that it does not cause nausea. It’s not a bad idea if after rubbing with oil you rub with a dry hand.

Among the ways to protect the stomach in such patients so that it does not weaken are rubbing, for example, rubbing chamomile oil, spikenard oil, dill oil; Lily oil has a stronger effect.

Here is one of the useful medicinal dressings: boil chamomile and a little mastic, boiled with wine and twice the amount of honey; if the patient’s appetite decreases, then it is better to drink not wine, but maybukhtaj, in which chamomile, dates, green or ripe, sweet clover, and bitter wormwood were boiled.

Treatment of persistent mucous fever, which is called wet. It is treated in the same way as a fever that returns every day is treated, with the difference that in case of wet fever, sharp diluting substances should be used carefully and limited to, for example, sikanjubin, julanjubin, honey julab, water sweetened with honey, fennel and celery juice; three roots also help quickly. Sometimes such patients benefit from sour dill gravy and sour caper gravy, especially when there are signs of ripening; with regard to taking into account the duration or brevity of the illness and the significance or weakness of strength, the nutritional regimen is identical to the regimen described above.

Among the excellent medicines for such patients are pills of ten substances, and another good, proven medicine is this: take roses - six dirhams, thickly brewed licorice juice, fume, sumbul - four dirhams each, mastic - three, amber - three, anise - two. The cakes from the saplings are also good in the following recipe: take saplings - four dirhams, roses - a dirham and a third, bamboo nodules - two dirhams and a half. Also: they take sapwood - three ukiyas, roses - half a ritla, sumbula - half a ritla, bamboo nodules - four ukiyas.

More cakes from bitter wormwood according to the following recipe: take bitter wormwood, hoofed grass; celery seeds, anise, bitter almonds, tartar, milk thistle, squeezed sapling juice, mastic, sumbul - two dirhams each.

Treatment of epialus and lipiriya. The treatment of these two fevers is close to the treatment of those that we talked about earlier, and both of them are also close to each other in their method of treatment. First of all, you should start with honey or sugar sikanjubin; Sometimes it is also prescribed to take thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes, boiled with honey or with a rose drink. Then, from taking the seeds and juices of plants, they gradually move on to sabur infusion, pink cakes with mastic, pills from sabur, iyaraju fikra, pills from the saplings. With both types of fever, you should take care of the stomach and vomit bean, radish or dill juice, as well as mint, and use diuretics. Useful laxatives in both cases include medicines prepared from black and yellow myrobalans and turbitum with sugar. One of the remedies that bring effective benefits for these fevers are enemas with some pungency, which include safflower core, centaury, dill, chamomile, tribulus, sweet clover, murree and honey. Treatment of lipiriya requires more caution than treatment of other fevers.

Treatment of fainting juice fever. This fever is difficult to treat, and the way to treat it is by evacuation, gradually changing from mild to strong medicines, especially if the nature itself does not respond. You cleanse the insides with enemas from excesses located in the intestines and vessels close to them, and against the rest you use vacuum by rubbing; Galen claims that he could not induce bowel movements in most patients with anything other than rubbing. The best way to rub such patients is to start from the thighs and legs, going down from top to bottom, and for this they use rough, skin-tearing handkerchiefs. Then they move to the arms, moving down from the shoulder blade and hand so that the skin warms up, then to the back and chest, and after that they return to the legs and repeat the rubbing in the original order; if possible, half the time is spent on rubbing and half on putting the patients to sleep. But in general, the rule of their treatment is not very warming rarefaction of the juices.

Among thinning substances, water sweetened with honey in the morning helps, by the way, especially if it contains a little hyssop, celery seeds and similar substances.

When there is excessive weakening, you boil water sweetened with honey longer, and it weakens only a little and moderately, which is beneficial. Sikanjubin with honey also helps. If you have a habit of drinking cold water, then in summer you should give sikanjubin diluted with cold water, but in winter you should not give sikanjubin at all and limit yourself to hot water. Taking hot drinks is generally more beneficial for such patients, unless the heat and oppressive heat force them to drink cold drinks. When thirsty, it is best to feed them honey shikanjubin. Dilute wine benefits them from the very beginning, especially if the fever is not severe, but this happens rarely and mainly in old people. After feeding, they need to be given wine.

You should constantly monitor the pulse of patients suffering from this disease. If you see that he suddenly begins to weaken and fall, then feed the patient bread soaked in diluted wine, if this is not prevented by swelling in the entrails; if a tumor is combined with this disease, then there is no method of treatment and there is no place for hope, I want to say - in the case when such a change in the pulse occurs. This feeding is one of the remedies needed in cases of severe fainting, but it should be followed by rubbing.

As for the food that patients receive at night, it is barley water; They add something to it only when they lose strength, and if they add it, then only bread soaked in julab or in water sweetened with honey. A bathhouse is one of the most harmful things for such patients, just like very hot or very cold air: with hot air there is a danger of juices pouring into the lungs, heart and brain, and cold air prevents the ripening of juices and enhances their clogging effect . When there is some yellow bile in the juice, then vomiting, if it occurs easily and freely, is very useful, and in general it should be very helpful in this disease.

Treatment of thin and thin fainting fever. You should apply medicinal bandages with sandalwood and rose water to the patient’s chest and little by little revive his strength with nutrition. Let his food be, for example, bread soaked in cooled pomegranate juice, if he wants it, as well as in the juice of other fruits, and if marinades made from chicken, with vinegar and the juice of unripe grapes, or cold vegetables are needed to strengthen his strength, especially coriander, it will be beneficial.

A method of treating night and day fever. Their treatment is identical to the treatment of mucous fevers, and there is no difference here.