Каталепсия (Catalepsy)

Catalepsy is a painful condition that occurs with catatonia. It is characterized by the fact that a person takes unnatural poses or performs unusual actions.

Such postures can occur spontaneously in the patient. Sometimes the doctor may encourage the patient to assume a certain position during the examination to diagnose catalepsy.

With catalepsy, the patient's limbs may freeze in an uncomfortable or even painful position for a long time. The patient can maintain the assigned position for minutes or hours. This occurs due to loss of muscle tone and dysregulation of movements.

Catalepsy is most often observed in schizophrenia as part of the catatonic syndrome. It can also occur with encephalitis, epilepsy, and hysteria. Antipsychotics and other psychotropic drugs are used for treatment. With timely treatment, the condition is usually reversible.

Catalepsy is a condition in which a person freezes in one specific position or movement when he tries to move. This may occur from fear, bewilderment or surprise. This topic is quite relevant in neurology, since it is associated with various mental disorders and can be caused by various

Catalepsy is a condition that occurs with catatonia, that is, the development of motor disorders in a person. One of the manifestations of catatonic syndrome can be a painful condition for the patient, which consists in taking extremely difficult poses or performing actions that a person would not normally

Introduction Catalepsy refers to a group of disorders caused by disturbances in the regulation of human posture and movements. At the moment, forms of catalepsy associated with impaired brain activity have been studied quite well. However, other disorders in this group (which also include cataplexy, coma, stupor, paralysis and muscle weakness) are still poorly understood.