Vibrissa (Vibrissa, Pl. Vibrissae)

Vibrissae are coarse hairs that grow along the edges of the nose. They perform an important function in the life of mammals, as they help them navigate in space and find food.

The vibrissae are about 2-3 cm long and are arranged in two rows - one row above the other. Each hair has its own unique pattern, which allows the animal to recognize objects in the dark.

In addition, vibrissae play an important role in communication between animals. For example, dogs and cats use them to express their emotions and mood.

However, in humans the vibrissae do not play such an important role as in other animals. Unlike other mammals, in humans they are located not only on the nose, but also on other parts of the body - for example, on the ears or on the eyebrows.

Despite the fact that vibrissae in humans do not have such an important function as in animals, they can still be useful. For example, they can help people navigate in the dark or find food.

In general, vibrissae are an important element in the life of mammals and can have different functions depending on the species of animal.

Vibrissae are stiff hairs that grow along the edges of the nostrils in some animals and humans. They play an important role in the perception of the surrounding world, as they help animals smell and navigate in space.

Vibrissae have several functions. Firstly, they help animals navigate space and find food. When an animal smells food, it can use whiskers to determine the direction of the wind and the distance to the source of the smell. Secondly, vibrissae can be used for protection against predators. For example, in cats, whiskers help them determine the shape and size of objects and avoid collisions.

In humans, vibrissae also play an important role. They help us navigate in the dark and identify objects by touch. In addition, vibrissae are involved in the formation of our emotional state. For example, if we sense danger, our whiskers begin to vibrate, which can lead to the release of stress hormones.

However, it is worth noting that vibrissae are not the only way to perceive the surrounding world. Humans have many more sense organs, such as eyes, ears and skin, which also play an important role in our perception of the world.

In conclusion, we can say that vibrissae are an important sensory organ in animals and humans, which helps us navigate the world around us and protect ourselves from danger. However, it is worth remembering that our body has many senses and each of them plays its role in perceiving the world around us.

Vibrissae are special hairs that are located on the animal’s muzzle along the nostril. These are important sense organs that help detect odors. They serve to capture and analyze odors in the environment. In zoology, vibrissae are also known as vibrissons.

Unlike other types of hair, vibrissae do not have a blood supply. Nutrition occurs due to capillaries located next to them under the skin, through which nutrients enter the vibrissae and metabolic products are removed. Thus, they provide incomparable tactile sensitivity. Loss of whiskers can be a symptom of cancer, so veterinarians often evaluate them in animals for the presence of neoplasms.

Usually the vibrissae are located on the border between the nose and the upper lip of the animal, sometimes on the upper lip. In some dogs, the vibrissa is located at the level of the inner corner of the eye. However, in some cases it is concentrated near the dog's nostril. It may vary in thickness and length.