Supercelandine - a drug for removing papillomas: price, composition, instructions

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Supercleaner
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of using Supercleaner
  6. Real reviews

Supercleaner is a potent chemical that consists of a mixture of alkalis. It is used to treat tumors caused by the human papillomavirus - simple warts, spines, keratomas, condylomas, papillomas.

Description and composition of Supercleaner

The photo shows a solution of Superclean for papillomas, 3 ml

The drug Supercelandine, used to remove benign tumors caused by HPV, has nothing in common with the medicinal plant celandine. This is an exclusively chemical preparation consisting of strong alkalis that literally corrode the skin, and thus kill the virus and neutralize benign growths.

The use of this remedy, like most others for papillomas, is preferable in medical institutions or beauty salons by qualified medical personnel - a surgeon, oncologist, dermatologist, cosmetologist, and junior medical personnel. However, subject to the instructions for use, Supercleaner can be used at home.

Used to remove the following tumors:

  1. papillomas;
  2. condylomas;
  3. simple warts;
  4. spines;
  5. keratomas.

It is worth noting that Supercelandine has a stronger effect on the epidermis than similar preparations containing acids rather than alkalis. As already noted, it is a mistake to believe that the solution contains celandine, a medicinal plant that is often used in the treatment of warts using folk methods. This is a purely chemical solution. However, unlike celandine extract, which destroys the skin pattern, the product, on the contrary, regenerates it, so that after correct use no traces remain. While after using the plant, a serious change in pigmentation is possible that cannot be treated.

Supercleaner contains:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate. This substance is known to everyone as ordinary baking soda. It is a white crystalline powder with a slight specific odor. It has low solubility in cold water, and dissolves well in hot water. The taste is salty, soapy. In industry, it is synthesized in the following way: a solution of sodium chloride concentrate is saturated with ammonia, after which carbon dioxide is passed through it under high pressure. This component makes the use of Supercleaner more comfortable.
  2. Sodium chloride. Known as common culinary table salt. In its pure form, these are colorless crystals with a salty taste. In nature it is represented by halite. It is also extracted in the form of rock salt, sea salt, and from natural deposits. Its most widespread use is in cooking, but it is also used in a huge number of other types of industry. In particular, in the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. Sodium hydroxide. The so-called caustic soda, which is the most famous alkali. Also called caustic lye, caustic soda, soda lye. It is a white solid, sometimes with a yellowish tint. Slightly slippery to the touch, like liquid soap. It is synthesized by electrolysis of sodium chloride. This alkali can destroy almost any organic compound, including human skin.
  4. Potassium hydroxide. Also called caustic potassium or potassium alkali. The substance is represented by white hygroscopic crystals. Produced by electrolysis of potassium chlorine solutions. This substance is especially important when using Supercleaner for spines.
  5. Distilled water. It is a connector of substances and balances their concentration in the drug.

This set of components is the maximum. Some manufacturers exclude certain substances from the composition, for example, soda, designed to reduce the chemical activity of the drug. This composition has an undeniable advantage: it has a gentler effect on the epidermis. But the downside is that treatment will take longer. Manufacturers do not disclose the concentration of substances in the drug.

Preparation Superclean in the form of a pencil (Lekker), price 100-120 rubles (5 ml)

Supercleaner is produced in transparent glass bottles, similar to test tubes with aromatic oils or perfume samples. Most often it is attached to a cardboard blister with transparent plastic. It has a special applicator located under the stopper of the bottle, which simplifies the application of the drug. The liquid is colorless, but with a pungent odor. Volume: 1 ml, 1.2 ml, 3 ml, 3.6 ml, 5 ml. Also available in the form of a felt-tip pen, 3 ml.

The price of Supercleaner is from 17 rubles in Russia (from 10.5 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Supercleaner - Verrukatsid, Kondilin, Duofilm, Collomak, Solkoderm, Lapis pencil. These drugs are not direct analogues of Superclean, but are similar in their effect on tumors.

Useful properties of Superclean for papillomas

The photo shows the composition and method of use of Super Celandine

Super celandine for warts is used exclusively externally. Designed to combat neoplasms that have excessive keratinization of the epidermis. Does not provoke the formation of new foci of infections.

If all precautions are taken, skin growths disappear without leaving a trace, usually without causing changes in pigmentation or scarring of the tissue. However, this effect can be achieved if you very strictly follow the instructions for the Super Cleaner. The healing liquid is applied exclusively to the area where the papillomas are located. The solution is applied only pointwise.

With its help you can achieve the following effects on the epidermis:

  1. Cauterizing. The substances that make up Supercleaner create a chemical burn on the skin. Soda and salt concentrated in the preparation act as a neutralizer for the alkalis used, due to which the cells of benign formations are destroyed.
  2. Antiviral. The components of the product kill viruses, which is why neoplasms do not spread to healthy skin.
  3. Exfoliating. After a chemical burn, tissue necrosis occurs. Gradually, these cells mummify and exfoliate.
  4. Regenerating. Instead of deformed epidermal cells, new, healthy ones grow. And the ability of the product to restore the skin pattern helps not leave marks on the treated area.

Instructions for use of Superclean for papillomas

The photo shows the process of applying Supercleaner to papilloma

When starting to remove papillomas and warts with Superclean, you need to make sure that the neoplasm is not malignant. A surgeon, oncologist, dermatologist or gynecologist will help you do this. In addition, even if it turns out that it is benign, but has a high or moderate degree of oncogenicity, it is better to entrust the treatment to doctors. In the same case, if the growth is not capable of degenerating into cancer, you can try to cope with it yourself in the following way.

Method of using Superclean for papillomas and warts:

  1. If the spine is to be removed, before using this product it is necessary to thoroughly steam the area being treated and cut off as much dead skin as possible using nail scissors.
  2. If you are treating papillomas, warts, condylomas, keratomas, this neoplasm should be washed with warm water and soap and dried with a terry towel.
  3. Healthy skin around the growth must be treated with zinc ointment, Vaseline, baby cream or any greasy product that can be used to protect the epidermis from contact with chemical components of the substance.
  4. Open the bottle of Super Clean. Use the special applicator located under the tube stopper.
  5. Apply 1 drop of the drug to the neoplasm.
  6. Do not rub or spread the product beyond the tumor. Also, do not blow on the treated area; it should dry on its own.

The duration of treatment with Super Clean depends on what type of tumor you are removing. If a common vulgar wart, filamentous papilloma, keratoma or genital wart is to be eliminated, the product should be applied 1 drop per day for 3 days. If the spine is removed, 1 drop per day must be applied for 5 days.

Note! When treated with Supercleaner, a burning sensation may occur, as well as the appearance of black dots at the site of application. This is evidence of the beginning of the process of tissue death.

A total of up to 3 courses of treatment with this drug are allowed. The interval between treatments must be at least 6 days. If you do not see any changes after the third course of treatment, consult your doctor about the further course of treatment.

Algorithm for using the Supercleaner pencil for papillomas:

  1. The preparatory process when processing with a pencil should be the same as when processing with a solution. For old warts on the feet - steaming with maximum removal of dead skin. For warts, papillomas, condylomas, keratomas - wash with soap and dry with a terry towel. Regardless of the type of tumor being removed, the skin around it must be treated with a rich cream.
  2. Take the pencil with the cap down and shake it several times.
  3. Remove the cap and apply the liquid-treated wand to the clean skin of the growth, avoiding applying the product to healthy skin around the treated area.
  4. Close the felt-tip pen when you hear a characteristic click sound. This will prevent it from drying out.

The course of treatment with this remedy ranges from 1 to 5 days, depending on the area being treated. The fact of the drug’s effect on a benign neoplasm is its darkening and gradual exfoliation. If one course of treatment does not have an effect, wait 5 days and take another course. Up to 3 courses in total. In the same case as with the solution, if after three courses there is no effect, consult a doctor.

  1. Read also the instructions for using Feresol to remove papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Supercleaner

When using Superclean, as when using any potent drug, there are contraindications.

This product cannot be used:

  1. For allergy sufferers. People with hypersensitivity and skin prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to use this product. If you still decide to remove tumors with Superclean, conduct a test. Apply a minimal amount to the tumor, and if no allergic reaction occurs, continue treatment.
  2. Children under 5 years old. This limitation is due to the fact that children's skin has a very thin and delicate structure, which is subject to chemical burns much more severely than adults. In addition, the child may twitch during treatment, thereby provoking the application of the drug to a larger area than recommended by the treatment.
  3. Pregnant and lactating. It is better not to use this drug in pregnant women, since if the instructions are not followed, it can penetrate the bloodstream and cause harm to nerve endings, which can affect the condition of the fetus and breast milk.

When removing papillomas with Superclean, it is strictly forbidden to do this on areas with hair, mucous membranes, on the face, near the genitals. Nevi, warts and neoplasms that are red or have a red edge should not be treated with the product.

Results of using Superclean for papillomas

Result of papillomas removal with Supercleaner

Supercelandine is a fairly effective remedy against tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. More than 80% of Internet users who leave reviews on this drug note that with the help of this product they were able to remove warts.

The exception is cases when patients did not follow the instructions for Super Clean as stated by the manufacturers. This causes most of the side effects when using this product.

The time frame for getting rid of small benign tumors is 1-2 days; removal of larger growths takes up to 7 days. In the case of old spines, the duration of therapy can be significantly increased.

When using the Supercleaner pencil, the manufacturers claim the following effect. On the first and second days after application, the keratinized cells of the epidermis are exfoliated, and on the 3-5th day the treated area of ​​skin is completely cleansed. If the warts are old, repeated application may be necessary.

Real reviews about the use of Supercleaner

Supercleaner has collected quite a lot of reviews. Most of them are positive comments.

Vladimir, 24 years old

The spikes remained as a souvenir of my military service. Since I was working in another city, there was no time or opportunity to go to doctors and beauty salons. A friend advised me to buy Super Clean. In 2 weeks, a couple of medium-sized warts disappeared, and after another week I managed to get rid of an old thorn that was making it difficult to walk. There was a burning sensation and itching a little, but everything was tolerable, the main thing was the result.

Alena, 21 years old

When a wart appeared on my hand, I was very upset. But I tried not to notice it, hoping that it would suddenly go away on its own. I've had this happen before. When another one appeared nearby, I realized that there was no longer any hope for magical healing and that something needed to be done. There was neither time nor money to visit a doctor, so I decided to use traditional methods. I used onions, garlic, tar soap, bodyaga, excuse the intimate details - I urinated on the wart. No effect. Mom recommended using Super Clean. I opened the bottle and, without reading the instructions, poured the liquid liberally onto my warts. After 30 minutes I thought my finger would fall off. Everything was burning, itching, hurting, my hand was swollen, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I held my finger under the stream of open water for a very long time. And then I used anti-sunburn product. It became a little easier. I decided to wait until the finger was completely healed. A week later I began studying the instructions for the product and further treatment, since during the first treatment I saw some destructive changes on my warts. Now I have already treated the growths pointwise. And after the fourth treatment, which I did in the evening, they disappeared in the morning. My happiness knew no bounds. In their place were two small wounds, which healed within a week. At the same time, not a single trace or hint remained of my two “beauties”. Therefore, do not be afraid, use the product, but be sure to read the instructions for the Super Cleaner for Warts.

Ekaterina Petrovna, 65 years old

The daughter-in-law gave her grandson warts. We had to treat him during the summer holidays while he was staying at our dacha. We bought the product at the pharmacy, learned how to use Super Clean, and started smearing the growths every day. There were 3 of them on the toes. The grandson was embarrassed that they were turning black, so he wore closed sneakers for several days until the warts fell off. But after a week they fell off, leaving no wounds or scars. I’m very pleased with the result, I gave it to him to take home with me, in case they pop up somewhere again.

  1. Read reviews of trichloroacetic acid for warts

How to use Super Clean for warts - watch the video:

Supercleaner is a fairly popular remedy among those patients who are struggling with epidermal tumors caused by HPV. Among the advantages: ease of use, high efficiency and low price. Among the disadvantages is the rather strong aggressiveness of the product.