I mixed the old with the new and the result was a masterpiece: Gorgonzola cheese!

As you know, Gorgonzola cheese (from the Latin Gorgonzola) is a classic representative of Italian cheese making. This product has been known since the Middle Ages. It is made from cow's milk with the addition of mold fungus. May be spicy or slightly sweet in taste. It was named after a small town on the way to Milan, where the famous “cheese” routes passed in those days.

There is a very interesting legend about the creation of this cheese. One ladies' cheese maker went on a date with his beloved woman and, due to love pleasures, did not return home in the evening. The work he had planned for the evening was not done. In the morning, the cheese maker decided to correct the mistake and mixed the accumulated cheese mass: morning and evening. As a result, a new masterpiece type of cheese with an extraordinary taste appeared. And they named it in honor of the area Gorgonzola.

There are two types of this product:
  1. The first is Gorgonzola Cremificato - unripe, but ready to eat and has a sweet aftertaste.
  2. The second one is Gorgonzola Piccante. Its difference is its pungent taste and green mold spots.

Another interesting fact is that the production of Gorgonzola is only allowed in Italy. It has the so-called Denominazione di Origine Controllata sign - a phrase translated from Italian: protected place of production.

But French Gorgonzola lovers prefer it with good wine. The excellent French sweet Muscat pairs wonderfully with the spicy, sophisticated delicacy of its neighbors. Bon appetit!

The recipe for this fermented milk Italian masterpiece:

As is already known, the recipe for making Gorgonzola cheese was discovered during the Middle Ages. Since then, it has undergone virtually no changes. Its production is carried out from pasteurized cow's milk, always whole. Which, in turn, is converted into cottage cheese with the help of enzymes. The readiness period for Gorgonzola is two to four months, depending on the type of final product. At the beginning of the curdling process, penicillin fungus is added to the composition, which subsequently manifests itself as green spots of noble mold.

Gorgonzola is produced only in Italy and all year round. Maturation occurs in special caves. It cannot be found on sale everywhere, but at all times of the year. The packaging is presented in the form of foil with a company logo printed on it; the shape is similar to a cylinder with a diameter of 25-30 cm.

It must be stored in a cool place. Before using, the “puck” must be kept for thirty minutes at room temperature, this will warm it up and allow it to renew its richness of taste and smell.

Gorgonzola cheese can be eaten either in combination with any dishes or on its own. In Italy, this product is widely used to prepare various sauces (such as the sauce of the same name), gravy, risotto and other culinary masterpieces. Most often this is done with leftovers that have been in the refrigerator for a long time. Since over time it acquires an even more pungent smell and pungent taste. It is then that it is ideally suited for preparing various sauces and gravies.

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