Bad symptoms in patients

When vomiting, pain and confusion of mind appear simultaneously, this is a deadly sign; if the state of the body to the touch and its color are changeable and inconsistent, as well as what comes out during vomiting and during bowel movements, then the nature is burdened with various juices and various diseases and must resist them all, and this necessarily weakens it.

If, with persistent fever, there is simultaneously cold outside and burning inside and thirst increases, then it is fatal; when gnashing of teeth also causes clouding of the mind, it means the patient will soon die.

If the patient immediately develops relief from black bile, accompanied by burning and tingling, as well as burning pain in the abdomen, interruptions and fainting, this is a sign of imminent death. If the forehead is covered with cold sweat and the nails turn yellow, blue and change, and the tongue swells and unusual pimples appear on the tongue and body, then death is near.

When there is beating and twitching in the area of ​​the hypochondrium in the presence of fever and the eyes dart around, moving in a bad way, then we should expect a deterioration in the patient’s condition, because such phenomena indicate swelling winds, and the beating occurs due to a large tumor and strong pulsation of a large vessel; a strong beating of the pulse, which is very frequent and large, accompanies insanity. In this case, you should be careful, because beating and twitching in the hypochondrium often does not go deep into the insides, but takes place on the surface of the soft walls of the abdomen, and then this is not harmful, even if there is a tumor there, if its size is not too excessive. If this condition continues

Twenty days and the swelling and fever do not go away, this indicates that the tumor has opened, often the patient gets rid of this due to excessive urination and the movement of matter to the extremities, especially to the legs. If patients, weakened by illnesses, experience rapid breathing and fainting, it means they are close to death and will live no more than four hours. If a person has a burning fever and he suddenly feels that he feels better and the fever has subsided, without an obvious crisis through defecation or movement and not due to the effectiveness of extinguishing the heat or moving and changing the air in one area or in different areas, and stop the acceleration of the pulse, and the patient as if he is experiencing peace, then consider that he will soon die.

If a person has a fever and his heart starts to stop working, and he gets hiccups, and his stomach closes up for no apparent reason, then he will die soon

If the urine of a person suffering from an acute illness is at first red, watery, but then it thickens, turns white, cloudiness rises in it, and it remains cloudy and similar to donkey urine, and the patient begins to urinate involuntarily, and insomnia and anxiety occur, this portends that tension will appear in the sides and then the patient will die. They say: When the urine is bilious, and before that it was white, and as if covered with foam, and then black blood flows from the nostrils, this is harmful and not good.

Among the bad signs that some doctors mention, although this can only be arrived at with difficulty through reasoning, are the following. It is said that if a person develops a pimple on a vessel located on the neck, similar to a pumpkin seed, with numerous white bubbles around, and he has a desire for hot things, he dies. They say: If a person develops a red and hard pimple on his left temple and his eyes begin to itch very much, he dies on the fourth day. They say: If someone develops pimples under the eyes that look like lentil grains, he dies on the tenth day, and the person suffering from such a disease craves sweets. They say: If any severe illness occurs suddenly and is followed by vomiting or diarrhea, this is a sign of death. They say: If a person suffering from fever or anything else develops tumors or soft ulcers and then leaves his mind, he dies. They say: If a person’s face and hands swell, and he does not feel pain anywhere, and at first he has itching in his nose, then he dies on the second or third day. They say: If a person has something like a grape popping up on his knee, and this pimple is black and red around it, then he will quickly die if he does not last fifty days. A sign of death is that he becomes covered in cold sweat.