-Mania (-Mania)

Mania (-Mania): Why do we use this suffix?

The suffix "-Mania" is often used to denote painful conditions associated with obsessive and compulsive behaviors. It may also indicate an exaggerated expression of a feeling or hobby that becomes inappropriate and obsessive.

Some well-known examples include pyromania, which is a morbid urge to start fires, and paranoia, which is characterized by obsessive and unfounded fears and suspicions.

Mania can also refer to hobbies that develop into compulsive activities, such as germaphobia, which involves excessive exposure to contamination and chronic hand washing.

The suffix "-Mania" is also used in some medical terms to refer to certain illnesses, such as mania or bipolar disorder, which are characterized by episodes of euphoria and depression.

Although mania can be a symptom of various mental disorders, understanding its nature and causes is complex and requires more research. Some scientists believe that mania may be associated with changes in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine.

In general, the use of the suffix "-Mania" helps us describe and classify various conditions associated with obsessive and compulsive behaviors and feelings. However, as with other medical terms, it is important to remember that diagnosis and treatment of these conditions should only be carried out by qualified professionals.

Mania is an English word-forming suffix denoting obsession, compulsive intention (excessive impulsive activity), and exaggerated or manic manifestation of an internal state (emotional arousal). Comes from the Latin mania - mood, euphoria, hyperactivity. Used in various sciences to refer to such phenomena as hypersensitivity, irritability, excitability. The most famous word formed using this suffix is ​​"pyromania" - a morbid obsession with burning and setting fires. One of the most famous people prone to mania, maniac William Starkey. For example, he damaged more than 20 houses in arson, lost his sight due to his delusions, and was executed for his actions. Another famous example is foreman Carby Fairchild-Des, who was sentenced to life in prison for arson in the United States. In our culture you can often find the term “pyromania”,

Mania (-mania): what is it?

**-Mania** is a suffix that is used to denote obsession, compulsiveness, or an exaggerated manifestation of any emotional state. An example of this is pyromania, that is, a morbid addiction to arson, as well as nymphomania, characterized by unbridled sexual behavior.

The concept of mania was introduced in Greek mythology, where it meant infatuation with mortal love. In medicine, this term is used to describe a psychotic state associated with disturbances of perception and thinking. In culture, mania is often associated with high energy and activity, but in a psychological context it is a severe mental disorder that can lead to danger to life and limb.

Psychologists say that mania is the result of a long-term and profound dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, which manifests itself in inappropriate behavior, excessive anxiety and paranoid thoughts. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the symptoms manifested in the disease and can only be confirmed by a mental health professional

Mania is a social phenomenon that occurs when people become obsessed with an idea or tradition. Perhaps the mania was formed as a result of the great demand for religion in past centuries or due to the difficult economic situation of the people. Today, mania still exists and influences the behavior of people around the world.

There are many types of manias that affect different aspects of life.