Life expectancy of bodybuilders

There is an opinion that nerve cells are not restored, but stress shorten life. Hence, some ordinary people have a stereotype that among athletes, and even more so among weightlifters and bodybuilders, there are no long-livers, since heavy training shortens the measured life span. In reality, everything turns out a little differently. Some people with excellent genetics, it’s just written in the family to live long, it’s, so to speak, built into heredity. But whether this order will be fulfilled or not depends directly on your attitude to your precious health.

If the thought is to do bodybuilding visited you only at the age of 35, and right now you decided to switch to healthy And proper nutrition (for example, reduce the amount of fat), then consider that everything is lost. You have already spent most of your life in an unhealthy frenzy, so the main damage to your health has already been done. As the famous proverb says: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Only in our case, sadly, we are talking about health.

But as for the question "life expectancy of bodybuilders", then in this regard exercises and permanent workout will not add or subtract anything from the total baggage accumulated over the past years. Bodybuilding classes can only satisfy visual needs. Barbells and weights will not shorten or shorten your life, but they, alas, are not able to lengthen it in some miraculous way.

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