The pharmaceutical anabolic drug is Deca Durabolin.

Anabolic steroid. How many conversations have already been held on this topic! How many opponents are there to taking anabolic steroids? And how many allies they have! In fact, everything is much more complicated and serious than it seems at first glance. Even ordinary citramon, which, for example, personally helps me with headaches much more effectively than other drugs, if you take 10 tablets it will turn into poison. So here: you need to know why you want to take anabolic steroids? For what? Do you think about the possible consequences? If you go to the gym just to keep your figure from getting thinner, then you don’t need anabolic steroids. If your thoughts are about big-time sports and victories, then you can’t do without anabolic steroids...

One of the most popular and widespread anabolic steroids is Deca Durabolin. The company Organon created and produces such a drug. This anabolic is also simply called: deca; alternative synonymous names are also known: nandrolone, retabolil, and others. The basis of this popular drug is the substance nandrolone decanoate. And the wide distribution of the drug is very simple to explain. First of all, it would not be superfluous to say that it was invented quite a long time ago. In the sixties of the 20th century. More than one generation has grown up on this steroid.

The positive reviews and incredible popularity of Durabolin are also easy to explain. The anabolic effect of the drug is very powerful. And the androgenic effect, which bodybuilders around the world fear so much, is minimal. The chemical composition is as close as possible to testosterone, which the human body independently produces. But, which is very rare with artificial drugs, it works much more effectively than natural testosterone.

  1. The drug in figures and facts:
  2. What will an athlete get from taking this steroid?
  3. Side effects of the drug in question:
  4. Course of taking the drug and dosage features:

The drug in figures and facts:

As Messire Woland said, facts are the most stubborn thing in the world. So let's look at the statistics:

  1. the anabolic activity of durabolin is equal to 150% of the anabolic activity of natural testosterone;
  2. compared to testosterone, the androgenic effect of deca is 30% lower than that of testosterone;
  3. This anabolic steroid does not mutate into estrogen (the key female sex hormone), and therefore does not cause female sexual characteristics in a man. What is wrong with most drugs;
  4. The drug in question is very slightly toxic to the liver. That is, it cannot be called completely non-toxic. But if you take the medicine in the indicated doses and at the indicated frequency, it will not have any effect on the liver;
  5. take it in the form of injections. This means that it has no effect on the human gastrointestinal tract at all. True, the need to give injections, which, of course, is difficult to classify as a plus;
  6. after administration it has an effect for another 15 days! That is, injections can be done only once every 2 weeks.

What will an athlete get from taking this steroid?

As already stated above: Deca Durabolin has a large number of flattering reviews and positive qualities from the point of view of bodybuilding. Let's look at what these qualities are:

  1. muscle mass gain occurs very quickly and with maximum efficiency. In one course it is quite possible to gain 8 kilograms of lean muscle. And there will actually be no rebound after stopping taking this drug;
  2. It is very important for a bodybuilder that not only muscle tissue grows, but at the same time the skeletal bones are strengthened;
  3. When an athlete begins to take Durabolin, his body begins to produce natural joint lubrication in large quantities. And if earlier you were tormented by all kinds of joint pain, now you will safely forget about them thanks to the drug. At least for the moment you take it;
  4. A very large number of red blood cells begin to enter the athlete’s blood. That is, the bodybuilder’s muscles begin to be better supplied with oxygen. This means their endurance increases significantly. The bodybuilder feels that he is capable of lifting higher weights. Accordingly, the effectiveness of training and its frequency increases. By the way, according to reviews from athletes, recovery after hard training occurs much faster.

Side effects of the drug in question:

Having talked about the pros, it is impossible not to talk about the cons. The most interesting thing is that there is not much to talk about in this place. Because one of the leading reasons for the popularity of the deck is that it has almost no side effects. Of course they exist, but there are so few of them, and they are so insignificant...

Durabolin is transformed into female sex hormones five times less than natural testosterone. What does this mean? - that a bodybuilder taking the anabolic steroid in question in the recommended dose will not suffer from gynecomastia. If anyone is not yet aware, then I will say that with this disease, the male breast turns into a female breast. This is due to the fact that in the athlete’s body, most of the good old classic anabolic steroids are converted into the female hormone estrogen.

Sometimes, depending on the characteristics of the body, abdominal pain may occur after taking this steroid. Sometimes your blood pressure may rise and your head may hurt. Very rarely, but depression occurs. If you have not exceeded the dose of the drug, then it most likely is simply not suitable for you. For genetic reasons. Bad luck. You'll have to look for another drug for yourself.

Course of taking the drug and dosage features:

Before we begin to figure out how, in fact, this specific pharmaceutical drug should be taken, we need to say one more thing: Deca is a fairly powerful anabolic steroid. But you should not hope that from the first day of taking your muscles will double in size. Believe me, the effect will definitely be there. But it will begin to manifest itself only after 6 weeks of continuous use of the drug. It usually takes six to eight weeks. Patience and work. Instantly everything happens only in the movies.

So, an approximate course outline:

  1. Course duration is 40-55 days. Anything less makes no sense. More – the risk of side effects;
  2. The steroid injection is done strictly once a week. Injections should not be given more often. There will still be no positive effect. But side reactions are easy;
  3. a single dose is 200-400 mg. This is the optimal dose. More experienced athletes can increase the dose to 600 mg, but this is done very carefully and under the strict direct supervision of a physician;
  4. Since the effectiveness of Durabolin can be increased if it is used in conjunction with another drug, then from the second week of the course you can add Bromocriptine or Winstrol - in common parlance: “Vinny”. But, again, subject to dosage;
  5. Instead of the above drugs, you can include testosterone boosters in the course, but the effectiveness will be slightly lower. Nowadays, deca is practically not taken alone. Only in combination with other pharmacological drugs.

Building materials are necessary and important in any situation, and a steroid, like a “foreman at a construction site,” gives the opportunity through its actions to “build a house” faster... And in the absence of “building materials”, no “foreman” can do anything worthwhile - this is only in In a fairy tale, they cooked porridge from an ax, and something happened...

You should also be aware that Deca is not an optimal anabolic steroid. That is, there are drugs much more powerful than it. But powerful anabolic steroids are not suitable for all bodybuilders. And Durabolin helps almost every athlete. Of course, there are exceptions, but it is very rare to hear reviews that an athlete has completed a course of taking the drug in question, and at the same time he has not observed any obvious results. If this does happen, it is most likely due to the fact that the dosage regimen was grossly violated. You should always remember that bodybuilding is, whatever one may say, a slow sport. Moreover, even with the use of “innovative pharmacological special agents,” it still remains very slow. And the results here cannot be seen immediately, and not tomorrow, and not next week... If you want to achieve success in this difficult field, then be patient. Especially if you started taking anabolic drugs...

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