Franco Colombo

‘When I finally won (for the very first time after so many years and hard training), my soul was filled with delight and a feeling of happiness! I simply could not restrain my emotions, and was forced to disturb the decorous calm of the solemn moment - unexpectedly for all the awardees, I simply jumped high in place. Although I would like to jump and fly! Still would! After all, like a mountain eagle, I still climbed to the largest peak! I'm at the peak! That’s it!’.

The emotionality and youthful enthusiasm that is felt in this epigraph is very inherent in the character of our hero - two-time Mr. Olympia.

Trying to start a story about this record holder with the phrase "most" Of course, this will turn out to be slightly less successful than in the case of his Austrian friend Arnold. However, something will still work out:

  1. Franco Colombo biography
  2. Franco Colombo now photo
  3. Contents of the article:
Franco Colombo height:

So, the shortest Of all the Mr. Olympia Champions, only “baby” Chris Dickerson can try to challenge him for this not the most desirable and very dubious title.

The strongest athlete:

The second “most” sounds more impressive and impressive - strongest of top-class bodybuilders. Ten years ago this phrase was an axiom, and hardly anyone could try to challenge it; today, who knows. However, the strongest in relation to its own weight - that’s how I think it will be said most correctly...

Franco Colombo biography

Franco Colombo comes from an Italian family. He was born in 1941 on the island of Sardinia. From childhood, the boy became accustomed to restrictions and poverty, since his family was very poor. Even as a child, he was significantly shorter than his peers, however, he was very handsome, dark-haired, of normal proportions and of average build. It should be noted that it short stature remained into adulthood. This famous athlete is only 164 centimeters. Due to his miniature size, he always looked younger than his years. In principle, in his homeland, people did the same thing year after year: some were peasants and herded cattle, while others chose gangster ways and made money at the expense of others. Franco didn't have much choice, so he, like his father, began to herd sheep. It was this activity that indirectly affected his future fate, since thanks to it he acquired agility, strength and endurance. Along with this, young Franco was engaged in boxing. He decided to take part in a tournament held in a neighboring town. Surprisingly for his family and himself, this decision was correct - he became the winner, which subsequently opened the way for him to the professional section. Success was not long in coming - Colombo became the champion of Italy. However, this victory did not improve his financial situation. In this connection, he decides to move to West Germany, where he can earn good money through physical labor. However, even there he does not give up sports and takes part in local competitions. His instructor teaches him to train with a barbell to increase his punching power. It worked: during one of Columbo's fights almost kills his opponent in the ring. This was a turning point in his life, he decides to leave boxing, but does not want to part with the sport. Exercises with a barbell again do not pass without a trace - he decides to go into bodybuilding.

Franco Colombo's weight

Having a small one of your own weight 80 kilograms, he bench presses 205, squats 302.5, and deadlifts 315 kilograms. Thanks to his well-developed muscles, Columbo achieves attention on stage. In 1968, Franco participated and won the Italian Bodybuilding Championship, and after some time became the winner of the European Championship. Following his friend and colleague Arnold Schwazenegger, Colombo moved to America, where he received recognition and fame as one of the strongest bodybuilders in the world.

In the USA, Columbo ends up in a California gym owned by Gold Jim. It amazes him with the amount of quality training equipment he has, which adds even more strength and confidence. The training is easy and energetic, together with Arnold they develop complexes and programs, compete in the gym in the intensity and duration of the loads, tempering each other’s competitive spirit. Exercising together with a worthy partner can truly improve and create a more effective training program.

Bodybuilders who, like our hero, use strength training, are distinguished by a physique that is stunning in its athletic structure, power and completeness of forms and proportions. In most cases, this feeling is due to the excellent development of the muscles of the legs and back.

Franco Columbus photos (Franco Colombo photo)

However, the hard work and perseverance ingrained in Colombo since childhood do not allow you to relax. He works hard not only in the weightlifting gym, but also at the construction site. This is the only way to earn money and get the long-awaited and desired medical degree. Therefore, he could not follow his training colleagues and relax in his free time, lying on the beach. Over time, bodybuilding, a profitable business, sooner or later begins to bear real fruit. Franco becomes the winner 'Mr. Universe', and in 1975 took second place in the competition 'Mr. Olympia', second only to friend and partner Arnold Schwarzenegger. But after another victory, the legendary Austrian left the sport, and in 1976 the title of Mr. Olympia went to Franco. Here it is, a cherished achievement. A day later, Columbo participates in the 'Strongest Man' competition and receives a severe knee injury. This situation delays participation in competitions for several years.

It should be noted that he was not the only one who returned to sports. A year before, in 1980, he returned to Mr. Olympia and his friend Arnie won. But after the victory, Franco announces his final retirement from professional sports.

The strength gained by the athlete from training with weights does not become superfluous in life situations. One day, a bodybuilder, his wife and close friends of a fragile physique were attacked by hooligans. The threat was significant as the bandits attacked armed with chains. The short Colombo did not impress them at first, but the “kid” was able to stand up for his loved ones. With one blow to the jaw, he stopped the bully and frightened the others so much that the attack immediately stopped. Bottom of a bandit's jaw just crumbled in front of everyone.

Franco Colombo now photo

His fame is truly deserved: one can only marvel at his rare abilities. He was famous not only for his excellent physique, but also for his powerful lungs, which worked like a pump. For a long time, the athlete was famous for his ability to inflate rubber heating pads like balloons until they burst. The Italian Champion also sent me the author of several books on bodybuilding. For example, his book “Victory Bodybuilding” was republished several times. This wonderful athlete had and has the right to advise, because he slowly but surely created himself on his own. Little by little, from a small teenage boy constantly experiencing financial difficulties, he turned into a winner. He made himself a standard worthy of admiration and imitation.

Franco Columbu Performance history:






Mr. Olympia



Mr. Olympia



Mr. Olympia


in the category up to 90.7 kg


Mr. Olympia


in the category up to 90.7 kg


Mr. Olympia


in the category up to 90.7 kg


Mr. Olympia



Mr. Olympia



Mr. Olympia



Mister Universe



Mister Universe


in the short stature category


Mister Universe


in the short stature category

The Italian Champion never stopped in the face of difficulties and strived to overcome them. Now the main motto of the Champion is: “Strength is not the fruit of victory. Strength is the fruit of struggle. Only by overcoming serious obstacles and difficulties do you become stronger.” In ordinary life, Franco is known as a sociable person with a great sense of humor and optimism. His whole life is a continuous struggle, with constant overcoming of himself, the desire to step beyond the boundaries of the possible.

Contents of the article:

Champion Quote.

Franco Colombo height.

Franco Columbu biography.

Franco Colombo's weight.

Franco Colombo photo.

Franco Colombo now photo.

Franco Columbu performance history.

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