Gecko and chameleon

Gecko meat kills. Sometimes it falls into the wine, dies in it and decomposes, the wine becomes like poison, and when taken, vomiting and severe pain in the cardia occur.

The chameleon also kills, almost in the same way as the gecko, and its eggs, as they say, are an instantly killing poison, and we will talk about this later, some say that if you boil this reptile and throw the broth into the bath water, then everyone who bathes will die. They will turn green for a while, and then, little by little, they will return to their normal state. But I don't take these words as truth.

The treatment is general and similar to the treatment for Spanish flies.

One of the species of stellion is the salamander; it is possible that there are only similarities between their properties. The salamander-like stellion kills, and whoever eats its meat experiences a swollen tongue, itching, headache, burning and blurred vision.

They take equal amounts of sesame seeds, Nabatean horns and sugar and give it to drink with melted cow butter. The patient should be given fresh milk, rubbed with oil and bathed in a bathhouse.