Hunger leading to fainting

There is a type of hunger called “fainting hunger.” A person who experiences such hunger, when he gets hungry, does not control himself, and if he is late to feed him, he loses consciousness and his strength falls. The reason for this is the great heat and severe weakness of the mouth of the stomach.

Treatment. The treatment of this disease is close to the treatment of bulimus and the basic rules for its use are mentioned above, in the paragraph on stomach pain and bulimus. In general, its treatment is divided into treating the patient when he faints, which has already been discussed in the paragraph on fainting, and treating him when he wakes up. The latter consists of feeding bread soaked in cold fruit wine, and other cooling methods mentioned in the paragraph on bulimus. This also includes treatment preceding fainting, which consists of not allowing the patient to sleep much, not delaying feeding him, and feeding him cold water. actually substances, and also do everything that is mentioned in the paragraph on hot stomach pains.