Hot, cold and hard spleen tumors

Know that hot tumors rarely occur in the spleen, but at the same time they are stable. On the contrary, when hot tumors form in the spleen, they quickly begin to harden, because the blood that enters the spleen to nourish it, and this blood is very thick, accumulates in the tumor and the tumor hardens. As for cold tumors, cold tumors in the spleen are often solid, and loose ones form only occasionally. Hot tumors arising in the spleen are most often blood tumors, and yellow gall tumors appear only occasionally; Of the cold tumors in the spleen, solid tumors are most often found. They are formed in the lower part of the spleen due to the gravity of the matter and come in four varieties in shape: round, wide, long and thick, long and thin, and mucous tumors are rare.

“Splenic” is a patient whose spleen is hardened either due to the density of its substance, which, however, does not reach the level of a tumor, or due to a hard tumor in the spleen; the first disease is easier. Hippocrates says: “If the spleen feels pain inside, it is safer, namely because sensitivity is still preserved in the spleen,” and he says: “And if such a patient is struck by bloody diarrhea, this is good”; that is, in this case one can hope that the matter in his spleen will resolve, but if the diarrhea becomes constant, then “slippery intestines” or dropsy will occur and the patient will die; the reason for this is that the cold takes over the patient’s nature. They say that a person who suffers from catarrh does not have spleen diseases. However, this is a controversial issue and it is possible that frequent catarrhs ​​indicate the dampness of the patient’s nature, but then this is an accompanying symptom, and not the cause. The book from the tomb of Hippocrates says: “Whoever feels pain in the spleen and who has red blood flowing from the bottom and white, painless ulcers appear on the body, will die the next day and first his appetite will decrease.”

Sometimes spleen tumors are resolved by crisis nosebleeds, especially on the left side, or by tumors near the ears, which are difficult to suppurate and open due to the thickness of the matter. The best urine for spleen sufferers is thick, bloody urine, and urine that has a sticky sediment in it sometimes indicates healing of the spleen and its recovery. They say: “If there is something like blood clots in the urine and a patient with fever suffers from the spleen, then his spleen is melting.” It happens that some people are born with a large spleen and live like that, and some people have an enlarged spleen and they live for a long time and remain prosperous in their external condition all their lives, although with an enlarged spleen, many diseases sometimes occur, depending on the affecting matter and the degree of force spleen. Know that the spleen swells after the liver due to the transition of the tumor, and this is better than if the spleen tumor spreads to the liver.

Signs. A common feature for all spleen tumors is severity. With a large tumor, the pain spreads from the left side to the thoraco-abdominal barrier, and sometimes rises to the collarbone, and the left shoulder also hurts in conjunction with the collarbone. Sometimes the tumor makes breathing “double”, similar to the crying of a child, since it prevents the obstruction from constantly making breathing movements, and it stops for a moment, experiencing suffering, and then moves again. As long as the tumor is not large, it does not confine the barrier, because the participation of the spleen with the barrier is much less than the participation with the liver barrier and less than the participation of the stomach with it. It should also be said that vision detects swelling of the spleen if the patient’s body is thin. It sometimes happens with tumors of the spleen, especially if it is located on the lower side, that the blood becomes liquid, because the spleen intensively draws in the thick part and sediment of the blood. It also happens that the patient’s feet, knees and palms become hot; this happens because the mouth of the stomach collaborates with the lower part of the spleen, for from it rises a vein that removes black bile juice, and when something puts to flight the innate warmth of the mouth of the stomach, it flies up to the strong limbs of the body.

It also happens that the patient’s tips of the nose and ears become cold, since the blood becomes liquid and quickly succumbs to the effects of cold and, moreover, there is little of it, and these organs are strongly susceptible to the influence of cooling causes. A tumor differs from a bloat in that with a bloat there is no heaviness. The tumor is painful to the touch, and the swelling sometimes goes away with pressure, which stops the pain, causing rumbling and belching. Hot tumors of the spleen have something in common with the phenomena mentioned in tumors of the liver regarding burning, fever and thirst, but in a bile yellow tumor of the liver the burning is greater and the thirst is stronger, and the heaviness is less. The pain resembles a burning sensation rather than a tension, and the patient's complexion is reddish.

As for solid tumors of the spleen, with such tumors breathing becomes poor and at times melancholy and anxiety attack. However, strong clouding of consciousness occurs only with an overwhelming abundance of matter, because the black gall matter does not move towards the head, although it sometimes arises for another reason, that is, due to the complicity of the spleen with the thoraco-abdominal obstruction and then the thoraco-abdominal obstruction with the brain. Often, as a result of hardening of the spleen, the tongue turns black and the complexion darkens, and when pressed, a thickening is felt, but without rumbling, unless, of course, swelling is associated with the hardening. With tumors of the spleen there is no persistent fever, but sometimes random febrile attacks occur. Often the tumors are accompanied by numerous ulcers on the legs and corroding of the teeth and gums due to the thickness of the blood that descends into the leg ulcers and the depravity of the vapors that rise to the teeth and gums. Sometimes leg ulcers mark a crisis in this disease; The fact is that for many people suffering from spleen, when they have to make sudden movements, the juices go down to the legs and the legs become covered with pimples, which are called butm.

The urine of a person suffering from spleen often appears to be healthy, but if he does any physical exertion, black bile seeps into the urine and gives it a blackness that was not there before; If the cause of this were the kidneys, the blackness would certainly be observed constantly, even during rest. Excessive bleeding causes even greater swelling of the spleen; autumn is her enemy. If hardening occurs after a hot tumor, then it is preceded by the symptoms of a hot tumor, and then they disappear, turning into symptoms of a solid tumor. Often the spleen immediately becomes strong - on its own or from strengthening drugs; then it turns against all the malignant matter that is in it, and brings it out from the bottom in the form of thick matter, similar to the sludge of olive oil. That this substance came from the spleen and not from the liver is indicated by the absence of disease in the liver and the opposition of the spleen to the liver, as well as the shrinkage of the spleen after this happens. As for cold mucous tumors, they show signs of a tumor with a soft spleen to the touch and a white complexion with a slight dark tint. A person suffering from spleen has a greater urge to eat than such patients, but it is very difficult to induce vomiting in them; Their nature is mostly locked up and they need very strong medications to vomit and relax.