How to quickly hide acne

Acne is the most common skin disease. It not only causes discomfort, but also spoils the appearance. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to hide acne on the face and neutralize the redness of inflammation. This can be done using both cosmetics and folk methods.

Disguising acne with cosmetics

Many girls are faced with the question of how to cover up acne using decorative cosmetics. This method of hiding acne marks is considered the fastest and most effective. Today there is a large selection of camouflage products aimed at eliminating this problem.


Foundation is the most versatile and popular tool for combating external defects. In addition, it evens out the skin tone, making it matte. In modern cosmetology, many types of such creams are available, differing in color, texture, degree of hydration, and composition. That is why it is very difficult to choose the right one.

Rules for choosing a foundation for problem skin:

  1. Liquid creams are suitable for hiding rashes, but if the pimples are large, you cannot do without a thick texture;
  2. You should avoid pink shades, they will only emphasize the redness of the inflammation;
  3. the composition should not contain a large amount of fats and oils; the content of antimicrobial components is encouraged;
  4. It’s good if the foundation is intended for a specific skin type, in this case for oily and combination skin;
  5. when choosing a color scheme, preference should be given to light tones, as they visually reduce traces of inflammation;
  6. You should not buy cheap products, there is a risk of encountering low-quality products.

It happens that covered pimples still show themselves with a red tint. In this case, you should purchase a cream with a dense texture with a slight presence of greenish color.


It comes in different forms, each of which is designed to eliminate problems in certain areas. Therefore, to understand how to disguise acne with concealer, you need to choose a product of the right consistency.

  1. liquid - has a light texture, applied to sensitive areas, masks minor redness;
  2. pencil – intended for spot application. Allows you to hide even scars, has an antibacterial effect;
  3. cream – retouches small skin defects, there is a wide range of colors;
  4. stick – suitable for camouflaging acne, scars, pigments and large problem areas, hides enlarged pores;
  5. dry – comes in the form of powder, dries out rashes, mattifies the skin.


Working with a corrector is based on its ability, with the help of a certain color, to neutralize imperfections in the epidermis. It is applied pointwise, applied in a small layer. Main types of correctors:

  1. milky beige – hides enlarged pores;
  2. yellow – removes dark circles under the eyes;
  3. green – removes acne and red rashes;
  4. pink – makes the face look fresher; lilac – suppresses age spots.


Powder is a loose product and is applied with a brush or sponge. There are two types - tint and transporator. The first is needed to completely hide already disguised imperfections, even out the tone and get rid of oily sheen. Transporator is necessary for fixing makeup and prolonging its durability.

High-quality powder is based on talc; it applies well and does not clog pores. Antibacterial, mineral and sunscreen substances can also be found in the composition.

Correct application of cosmetics

In order to get the best possible result, you should use certain rules for applying concealers. This happens in several stages:

  1. Cleansing. Aimed at removing skin impurities, cleaning pores and degreasing.
  2. Hydration. Apply a thin layer of light moisturizer.
  3. Using the base. Using a sponge, cover the face and neck, slightly touching the décolleté area. This will ensure your makeup goes on smoother and lasts longer.
  4. Treatment of problem areas with a corrector. A precise and precise application of green is needed to hide the redness. It is important not to apply excessive force during the adjustment process, otherwise the swampy shade will show through.
  5. Cover with foundation or concealer. Apply to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks, blend well. If the color of the skin on the face differs from the shade of the neck, then it is also treated in order to avoid the effect of a mask. Since the concealer has a denser texture, it will better hide obvious and large rashes.
  6. Setting with powder. It not only fixes makeup, but also gives the face a matte texture. It is better to powder with a special large brush.

Subtleties of makeup for acne

Having figured out how to hide acne with makeup, it is worth understanding the features of its application. Let's present some useful tips and tricks on how to use cosmetics correctly:

  1. use high-quality cosmetics of natural origin;
  2. periodically clean makeup tools, especially brushes and sponges that come into direct contact with inflamed areas;
  3. the use of blush is quite provocative if there are acne on the skin, as the redness will become even more pronounced;
  4. all products should not contain fatty components, this threatens to clog the pores and aggravate the situation;
  5. rich lipstick will help distract from a pimple on the forehead, and a pronounced emphasis on the eyes on the chin;
  6. if a pimple has settled on the nose, then you should not apply bright makeup, it is better to use pastel colors;
  7. do not overuse foundation, a thin layer is enough; Apply all cosmetics with light movements without damaging the skin.

Medical cosmetics

Another way to disguise acne on the face is to use special pharmacy cosmetics. It has a greater advantage than the decorative one, since with its help you can not only hide imperfections, but also solve the very problem of acne formation.

If acne bothers you constantly, you need to completely switch to this type of cosmetics.

Therapeutic concealers have the following advantages:

  1. correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing excessive fat formation;
  2. lighten the area around acne so that a pigment spot does not form;
  3. mattify, removing oily shine;
  4. suppress inflammatory foci;
  5. promotes scar regeneration and prevents infection from getting to the squeezed pimple;
  6. Protect from direct sunlight and other irritants.

Concealing acne without makeup

There are other ways to cover up acne. Let's find out how to cover up acne on the face without using decorative products. In this case, the problem cannot be retouched, but there are methods that can quickly remove acne, relieve inflammation and redness.

Folk remedies

Many recipes have been developed to combat rashes at home. They will help you get rid of problems without makeup or disguise.

Aloe compress

The sudden appearance of an abscess can ruin any makeup, since masking with decorative cosmetics will not help in this case. How to hide purulent acne? An aloe compress is needed.

The crushed leaf of the plant is fixed on the treated area for a couple of hours. After the required time, the contents of the pimple will remain on the surface. Everything is carefully removed. If it is necessary to pull out hidden acne, apply a compress at night.


You can quickly get rid of a small pimple using toothpaste. It is important that it is without additives and dyes. The fluoride, zinc and soda it contains treat inflammation and reduce redness. Apply spotwise in a small amount and wash off after ten minutes.

Alcohol tincture of calendula

Small pimples can be cauterized with a cotton swab dipped in the tincture. It not only has a drying effect, but also eliminates inflammatory processes.

Despite the many ways to disguise acne, this pathology must be eliminated completely. It is worth contacting a dermatologist and undergoing a course of treatment in order to continue to enjoy clear and healthy skin.

A woman wants to be beautiful 7 days a week and 24 hours a day in any weather and under any circumstances. Unfortunately, we are not always subject to the processes occurring in the body, but they are sometimes fraught with an undesirable skin reaction. Poor nutrition, hormonal surge, stress and many other factors provoke inflammation, which significantly spoils the appearance. But in the morning you have to go to work, in the evening - to a banquet, on weekends - to visit... and everywhere you want to be at your best and look stunning.

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But it may take a week to get rid of this scourge, and time is sorely lacking. Therefore, today we will consider the question of how to save such a situation, namely, how to disguise acne on the face without the help of makeup artists, on your own.

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The first thought that immediately comes to mind is to disguise acne on the face with cosmetics, and this is a completely logical and correct solution to the problem. True, it is temporary, because after removing the makeup, the rashes will reveal themselves again. What means will help turn Cinderella into a beautiful princess?

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The best and easiest way to disguise acne on the face is with foundation, if it is correctly selected according to skin color. The product should be a tone lighter. Do not use a pinkish tint, as it will significantly worsen the situation.

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Below is a step-by-step masking instruction that will allow your skin to shine, at least outwardly with health and beauty:

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  1. Wash with an anti-inflammatory cleansing gel for problem skin. I can recommend Garnier Skin Naturals, Clean & Clea, Clearasil, Propeller.
  2. Degrease your skin with a toner from the same cosmetic series as the gel.
  3. Apply a small amount of foundation to the pimple (dotwise) and lightly blend with your fingertip.
  4. If there is only one pimple (or two), do not apply foundation all over your face.
  5. If there are a lot of pimples, you will have to mask them with foundation throughout the skin. The main rule is not to overdo it: the layer should be minimal.
  6. But you can use powder to hide uneven complexion, remove oily shine and mask the contrast between inflammation and a healthy area. It is better to use mineral powder (you can take Artdeco, Pupa, Max Factor, Tony Moly). Do not scatter the shimmering particles over your face, but rather drive them into the skin. This will ensure the makeup lasts.

Not everyone is able to disguise acne on their face with foundation. This happens for several reasons. Firstly, they may be too inflamed, large and purulent. In this case, treatment will generally be required, in which the use of decorative cosmetics is strictly prohibited. Secondly, the shade of foundation is chosen incorrectly, which will stand out as an unattractive stain. Thirdly, the camouflage technique itself is broken.

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The ideal cosmetic product with which you can disguise acne on your face is a concealer, otherwise known as a camouflage pencil.

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If the rash is bright burgundy and inflamed, you will need a green tint, which perfectly neutralizes the red. But on top you will need to apply foundation or powder that matches your skin tone or a little lighter. If the redness is minor and minor, you can use a beige concealer.

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High-quality cosmetics will do the job perfectly:

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  1. Artdeco;
  2. Maybelline New York;
  3. Max Factor;
  4. Stopproblem;
  5. Revlon;
  6. Holika Holika.

Creamy concealers in convenient packaging with a brush and dispenser allow you to very accurately retouch and disguise pimples of any type - be they juvenile or postpartum.

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Ultra-modern moisture-resistant formulas, rich in light-reflecting pigments, visually even out the skin and refresh it.

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And other cosmetics

With the help of other decorative cosmetics, you can carry out a distracting maneuver, which almost always works 100%. If the pimple is on the forehead, focus attention on the lips by applying bright lipstick.

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You can lower your bangs onto the same forehead, camouflage your temples (if acne is localized there) by lowering strands of hair on the sides. If the rash covers your chin, turn your attention to your eyes, creating bright makeup for them.

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So, using ordinary decorative cosmetics, you can easily and quickly disguise acne on your face at home without the services of stylists and makeup artists. All you need is 10 minutes of free time, a mirror and the appropriate product.

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Well, if you have 3-4 hours left before an important event where you should look amazing, you can try folk remedies whose effectiveness will be more lasting and lasting.

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Folk remedies

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You can cover up acne on your face without makeup if you have a little more free time and if you prefer natural skin care products.

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Their advantage is that they help improve the condition of the inflamed epidermis. This is the so-called Ambulance. Of course, it will not be possible to completely remove the tumor in a few hours, but it is quite possible to make it less noticeable.

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  1. Ice

A pimple is an inflamed area of ​​skin, the redness of which is caused by vasodilation. If you remove this unhealthy hyperemia, the rash will no longer be so noticeable. This means you need to narrow the blood vessels using cold.

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If you already have ready-made ice in the freezer, great, apply it to the pimple for 3-4 minutes. If not, soak a cotton pad in water and place it in the freezer until it hardens. If you're not at home at all, anything that smells cold will do.

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  1. Pharmacy drugs

But now a real surprise awaits you. After all, everyone probably has vasoconstrictors in their medicine cabinet, which is exactly what we need to mask a pimple.

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The best in this matter are the usual drops for the common cold: Naphthyzin, Xylen, Nazivin and others. After them in terms of effectiveness come eye drops, which have the same effect on blood vessels. These can be Stillavit, Octilia, Vizin. Soak a cotton pad in these medicinal solutions and apply a compress to the inflamed area on the face for 15 minutes. The redness will disappear!

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  1. Tea tree essential oil

If you look at the ingredients in anti-inflammatory cosmetics, you will see tea tree essential oil in most of them. This is a unique product that you should always have on hand if you have problem skin.

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Want to cover up a pimple? Every half hour until the final makeup is applied, cauterize the inflammation with ether diluted with water in equal proportions. After 4-5 hours (if you have them), the redness will disappear, and the tumor itself will become significantly smaller.

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  1. Streptocide

Another not quite folk remedy, but rather a home-pharmacy one. Antibacterial and disinfectant powder Streptocide is diluted in warm water and applied to the pimple for half an hour. Then remove the remaining dried preparation with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Inflammation will decrease significantly and redness will disappear.

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  1. Coffee

This is the only situation when not only natural, but also instant coffee can be used as a cosmetic product. You don't even need to dilute it with water. Just sprinkle the powder on the pimple for 5 minutes and remove the grains with an anti-inflammatory toner. The skin will acquire a beautiful bronze tint, against which the redness will not be noticeable at all.

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In this way, you can very well disguise acne spots, which also look very ugly on healthy skin.

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  1. Aspirin

Make a spot application from an aspirin mask. Dilute a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (this is an excellent peeling agent) with a few drops of warm water to form a thick paste. Whisk it and apply it to the inflamed area of ​​skin for 5 minutes. This will calm her down in a few moments.

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  1. Calendula

Calendula is good because its tincture quickly relieves redness and temporarily eliminates inflammation. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it and apply it to the pimple for 10 minutes.

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  1. Toothpaste

You can disguise pimples by applying toothpaste to them for 15 minutes. However, there are several requirements for this tool. Firstly, it must be white, without dyes. Secondly, it must contain components such as fluorine, triclosan, soda or zinc.

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For folk remedies to work, you still need to have a few hours left. If you urgently and quickly need to disguise acne on your face, it is better to use decorative cosmetics.

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And in order not to be disappointed with the result, take into account a few useful tips from a dermatologist - and then nothing can overshadow your beauty at any event.

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Useful tips

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You can put on a ton of makeup, and before that sit for a whole hour with an aspirin mask all over your face, but by the time you leave the house you won’t achieve anything. To ensure that the operation to disguise acne is successful, take note of a few useful recommendations from cosmetologists - and then the result will definitely not disappoint.

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  1. In some sources you can find information about the use of badyagi as a concealer for acne. However, this pharmaceutical product contains irritating substances, after which the skin can simply burn with fire. With such a flame on your face, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do festive makeup. So don't take any chances.
  2. It is much easier to disguise acne marks than the inflammation itself. And the same methods will help you do this: foundation (if you don’t have time) or folk remedies (if you have a few hours free).
  3. When using essential oils for masking, do not apply them to the skin in concentrated form. Yes, this way they will burn out the pimple, but! Firstly, it will cause severe redness. Secondly, a burn may occur.
  4. To disguise a pimple, sometimes you have to use quite aggressive means. Remember that coffee, aspirin and even toothpaste, which at first glance seems so harmless, can trigger allergies and cause severe irritation. So it’s better to find out in advance how your skin will react to a particular composition. The litmus test here can be the wrist.
  5. And, of course, the main advice is - don’t even try to squeeze out pimples with your hands at home. After this, you definitely won’t be able to disguise it. You will have to postpone the appointment and engage in full and long-term treatment of the inflamed skin.

Now you can quickly disguise acne on your face at home and save the situation - look amazing at any event, despite these hated rashes. Still, it is worth remembering that this is just a temporary measure, and after washing your face before bed, the beautiful princess will again turn into Cinderella. To make such moments rare in your life, try not to hide the problem, but to eliminate it by any available means.

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And remember: clean, well-groomed skin will never upset you with this kind of misfortune.

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Even if you do face masks and scrubs every day, no one is immune from the unexpected appearance of pimples and red spots. The good thing is that there are many ways to cover up acne quickly and effectively. We suggest considering several methods.

How to disguise acne on your face

Of course, the easiest way to hide acne is with cosmetics, for example, use foundation. You may not know this, but most pop and movie stars have rather problematic skin, and makeup artists share their secretsHow to create the effect of a flawlessly clean face in a matter of minutes:

  1. you need to use creams of different shades, initially the pimple is covered with the darkest one, on which a light base is then applied;
  2. use mineral cosmetics that diffuse light with shiny particles;
  3. the same technique can be used if you need to cover up scars;
  4. It is very important to use high-quality cosmetics that practically do not clog pores.

How to disguise acne

If for some reason you do not use a cosmetic foundation, then there are options without foundation. For example, a correction pencil. This is a pretty good technique for quickly covering up red pimples. The action of the pencil is based on the fact that the green color of the base covers the red inflamed pimple. This not only somewhat disguises the stain, but also treats it.

It happens that you need to cover up a pimple right before a date or already on it. What to do and how if acne occurs at the most inopportune moment? Always carry a concealer with you, this is a beige camouflage pencil. Using a pencil, we work the area around and directly on it. It’s even better if there are two concealers - darker and lighter. Then we treat the area near the wound with a dark one, and the bulging pimple itself with a light one. Shade and powder your face if possible.

Our mothers very often used powder to properly disguise acne at home. You need to apply a drop of face cream to the problem area, then barely noticeably sprinkle with powder. You will get a small slide, shade it slightly. Advice from myself: it’s better to apply foundation first.

A common occurrence among workers or students is under-eyes; these imperfections can be easily eliminated with the help of foundation mousse. What is needed is a light structure, otherwise the cream particles will gather in folds. If a method without the use of decorative products is needed, then we can only advise healthy sleep - at least 9 hours, and frequent long walks in the fresh air.

Video: a way to disguise a pimple

If you need to disguise pimples without makeup

Many people don’t like wearing makeup, and it will be useful to know how to disguise pimples and blackheads without makeup. If spots appear or a pimple pops up a few hours before the holiday, use toothpaste. There is no guarantee that all imperfections will go away completely, but inflammation will decrease significantly.

It becomes especially offensive if it’s close to the New Year, and an unpleasant pimple has popped up on your forehead, how can you help? Find Visin or any topical antibiotic, it will help relieve redness immediately:

  1. streptocide;
  2. naphthyzine;
  3. citramon and even paracetamol.

Photo - Disguising acne with foundation

If these are tablets, crush them into powder and apply the mixture to the wound, rinse off after 10 minutes, if you are using drops, then drop onto the affected area and leave until dry, do not rinse. By the way, this is an excellent option for soothing a bleeding pimple or eliminating redness on the skin after a squeezed out abscess on the back.

As an option, we recommend trying instant coffee; this remedy is used to eliminate toothache, but you can also soothe a pimple with coffee powder. Apply the powder to the wound, gently rub it into the skin for 2 minutes, rinse after 10 minutes.

How can you disguise acne if you have the whole night to spare? Apply several layers of aloe and lemon juice (alternately) to your face. This simple method will soothe and lighten your skin a little, which will help make redness almost invisible in the morning.

The easiest way to get rid of unexpected insect bites. Most blisters can be easily eliminated with a simple onion: peel the vegetable, cut it in half, and spread the juice on the problem area. In the summer, outdoors, you can use celandine juice for the same purposes: break off a leaf of the plant, an orange liquid appears, use it on the skin, applying it only to the affected area.

Simple rock salt will help mask a bee sting. You need to thoroughly anoint the affected area with the mineral and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then do not rinse it off, but remove it with a paper napkin or cotton cloth.